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Everything posted by ljf

  1. Grote's book as well as a workbook are available for the 6th. I'm not sure if they are out yet for the 7th.
  2. To find worksheets for a specific grade click on "library" in the bar under the banner ad at the top of the page. On the next page click on "workbooks" on the right hand side. This will bring up a page with a list of grades. Click on he subject under the grade you want.
  3. Check the final version of the stimulus bill. As it stands now there is a provision where the government would pay 50% of the cost of COBRA. http://blog.travisoft.com/2009/2/13/american-recovery-and-reinvestment-conference-report-cobra-compromises
  4. I like www.magazinepricesearch.com What cool site. Also wanted to say that Magazines.com has always sent an email prior to automatically renewing my subscriptions with instructions on how to not have the subscription renew.
  5. I'm not sure where you were planning on ordering from. I've used Magazines.com because their prices are good, and they participate in rebate programs (like upromise or live search cashback). The only thing to watch for is automatic renewals. I think they default to this, but you can change it in your account settings at magazines.com. If you have never used Upromise or live search cashback you need to go to the site (you could only use one on any given purchase) and sign up. With upromise the money is deposited into an account for "educational" uses. It usually takes 90 days for the money to show up. And once the money is in your account you can request money from the account at any time. With live search cashback you go to the site and request a check or paypal 90 days after the purchase. I prefer the cashback site because they send an email telling you that you have qualified for a rebate, another when the rebate money is available for you to get, and you can request payment online. The waiting period is to make sure you don't get a rebate on a return. http://search.live.com/cashback/stores http://www.upromise.com/meet-our-partners.do?cx=l1&cm_re=gav1-_-L1VisitorNav-_-MeetOurPartners
  6. If you paid for the tickets with a credit card I would dispute the charge since they changed the terms of the tickets.
  7. I don't have a specific place to eat, but we usually walk from the mall to Union Station and pick a place to eat there. There are a lot of casual restaurants there, and the station is awesome! (and on the red line!). http://www.unionstationdc.com/dining.aspx http://www.unionstationdc.com/about.aspx?taxonomyid=580 Linda
  8. I think it is fun, but to him I'd argue that later, when more operations are going to be done, that reduced fraction are easier to deal with. For instance 1/2*1/2 is easier then 50/100*35/70.
  9. I get $84. (cost of pen) + (cost of book) = $112 (cost of pen) + 3*(cost of pen) = $112 4*(cost of pen) = $112 (cost of pen) = $28 (cost of book) = $112 - (cost of pen) (cost of book) = $84
  10. I just went with plus. With the free version you can only re-schedule forward. You need plus to re-schedule backward. Plus also allows you to import lesson plans, and there are a yahoo sites with many, many plans. If you are only working/imputing a week at a time then the free version is right for you. Linda
  11. They are FREE. Here is the blurb from their website: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Mind Over Matter - Complete Set [Grades 5–9] Contains eight magazines. This series encourages students to reject drug use by helping them understand the effects of drug use on the brain. In each magazine, Sara Bellum—a budding young science student—takes students on a scientific journey to learn about the brain’s complex responses to specific drugs including hallucinogens, inhalants, marijuana, methamphetamine, nicotine, opiates, steroids, and stimulants. ------------------------------------------------------------------ I haven't received them yet so I can't comment on the quality/usefulness. Order them here: https://backtoschool.iqsolutions.com/BacktoschoolOrder/orderform1.asp Linda
  12. Check the connection of the wire from the negative battery terminal to the car's frame. If the connection is loose or corroded you will have intermittent problems starting your car - it behaves just like having a dead battery... If your alternator is bad you will typically see it in your headlights when driving at night. A lower or erratic voltage from the alternator will cause your lights to be dimmer or vary in brightness. Good luck, Linda
  13. Call the companies that you owe money to, explain the situation, and ask them to work something out with you to re-pay. Ask them to wait a couple more months. Collections are expensive so they may be willing to work with you, but if they don't know what is going on they won't help.
  14. You can get a free trial to either by going to their website. However, I'm not certain that the content you see with the trial is the same as what you get as a subscriber. If you are interested in US it is available at a discount through Homeschool buyers Co-op. I've never used HSBC, but thought I'd pass the info along. https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/23627459/
  15. No it is not on the basic version. I just bought HST+ because I wanted to be able to adjust my schedule during the year, without having to re-do everything. In the past we would get off schedule, and the have no schedule. I'm hoping to avoid that this year. Linda
  16. I agree with talking to your mom, but she probably feels that she is not doing anything wrong by encouraging school. You can't control her, but you can control how you react to her. Best to create a happy spot. How about planning a fun and silly outing on the same day a Grannie's shopping day. That way when the other kids mention it yours can say "you got shoes? I had ice cream for lunch and then went to mini golf/water park/...." Ask them what the would like to do the more far out the better. How about having the kids wear mismatched shoes to grandma's house the next time you see her after the shopping trip? (My oldest did this for months without provocation. It did have its perks, how many times have you found only one shoe?) How about coming up with a top ten reasons the cousins need a backpack? 10. To schlep all those heavy books on that l o n g bus ride. 9. How about planning a back to school party for your kids, during school hours, on the first day of school for the cousins? In short give your kids something special to match Grandma's shopping trip. Linda
  17. I'd also like to know if it is secular, and if I want/need the teacher's manual.
  18. Missing Money only searches for unclaimed property in 40 states. If you have ever lived in a state that is grayed out in the pull down menu on missing money (New York & California are two big ones) you should check that state' unclaimed property registry separately. Links are available here: http://www.unclaimed.org/ Oh, and some states are pretty quick to grab your money - California is being sued over this. Apparently if you failed to have contact for more then 3 years your property went to the state. One woman in the lawsuit had safe deposit boxes at the same bank they had a checking account with, and because they did not access their safe deposit box for more then three years the contents were turned over to the state. Scary. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Story?id=4832471&page=1 http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20070602/news_1n2property.html
  19. I just ordered the Sunshine Kids Radian80 from Walmart. At $249 (+$2.97 shipping) it is not cheap, but is less then a "new" car. http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_constraint=0&search_query=radian80&ic=48_0
  20. Have you looked at getting a car seat with a higher weight rating? They are available up to 80 lbs, and might work with the old lap belt. Here is a listing of some models: http://www.car-safety.org/basics.html
  21. Dressing Frames? This site sells a set, but I've seen them sold individually too. http://www.appleseededucational.com/Products/Category.aspx?Category=Practical%20Life
  22. Do they also say "forever"? If so they are worth whatever first class postage is. If not they are worth whatever the postage was when issued. The post office issues stamps without denominations every time they increase postage because they are sure what increase will be approved. It is probably best to take them to the post office to find out their value. I like to play "use up the old stamps" when I have to send a package, they just deduct the value of your stamps from what they charge you.
  23. I use www.campusi.com - it is a book price comparison site. I check RR separately as campusi doesn't searh there.
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