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So, y'all seen the new Kia add?

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All they need to sell me a car is for someone to get in the muscle car and rev the engine. Ah, the sweet sound of horsepower. It is one of the few things I am looking forward to with regard to my kids growing up and moving out. Owning a real car again.


I can parallel park all day. I once parallel parked my Expedition in a spot that I watched a guy in a regular car give up on.


We have 1 car dealership in town. Right now they have a drop-dead gorgeous Camero parked in front. It is bright orange. I have named her Penny. I love her and want her desperately. One day she will come home to me. One day.

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We have 1 car dealership in town. Right now they have a drop-dead gorgeous Camero parked in front. It is bright orange. I have named her Penny. I love her and want her desperately. One day she will come home to me. One day.


Have you seen the new Camero commerial? Where the guy is driving in his sleep? That will be me. :D

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Am I the only one that has a problem with this sentence? How could you possibly guess that?


I think the advertisement is a little risque, but I don't see how it is disgusting or supposedly promotes pedophelia. It is in poor taste and ineffective as an ad, but I am not sure what the major complaint is...

One side is portrayed as young and innocent, the other is mature and sensual.



Why does this seem you just proved her point?

Edited by Geo
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All they need to sell me a car is for someone to get in the muscle car and rev the engine. Ah, the sweet sound of horsepower. It is one of the few things I am looking forward to with regard to my kids growing up and moving out. Owning a real car again.


Olds 442. That's my dream car. :) It was in sight too but now that I'm preggers again...*sigh*. Oh well, fair trade!

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Not only is it disgusting, it's also stupid. I don't even see how it gets their main point across.


You know what car ad I DID like years back (and can't even remember what kind of car it was)? One where a family is traveling in the car and a kid in the backseat asks why she was named whatever it was she was named. It was after a location and the mom said something like "you were named after the place where you were conceived."


Then the girl asked, "so how did _____ get her name?"


And you see the mom look at some emblem on the car that had the same name as the child in question...


...Something along those lines, anyway. I thought that was humorous!


But this? Yuck.

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Those ads won awards? Ugh! They are so wrong. We almost bought a used Sedona a few months ago, but ended up choosing a used Sienna. I'm glad now that we didn't get the Kia.


I actually like my van and am not ashamed to say it. However, if someone wanted to present me with a 1965 Mustang convertible, burgundy with white leather interior, I would not complain. :D It has to be a classic. The new ones don't impress me.

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I find this very disturbing. Even if you look at it as a teacher having fantasies about an older student (i.e. supposedly separate from the little girl images) it's still inappropriate and gross. But the fact that they tied it to the more innocent image... ugh ugh ugh.

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That's a stretch to be an ad about a car. :svengo:


I notice they were made by a Brazilian company, I think that was noted in the second ad. Does that make a difference? Are these type of ads acceptable or common in other countries? Were these ads shown in America?

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I did what the previous poster did- I passed it to my husband with no explanation and had him read it. His response was, "Makes me never want to buy a Kia."


I tried the dh test to, and just showed it to him without any comment. He read through it with an increasingly bewildered look on his face and said, "What IS this?"


"A Kia ad."


"You're (bleep)ing me!"


He then wondered how in the world they thought that offending their customers with a pedophilia cartoon was going to be good for business.


He also said he couldn't believe that this add ran here in the states. Does anyone know?


An hour later just as he was leaving for work he said "I cannot get over that Kia ad." He was pretty disgusted, and my dh doesn't offend easily!

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Well, I'm never buying a Kia.



Same here.


I haven't bought an EverReady battery for years. There was a commercial on years ago where a man is in a body cast sitting in his LazyBoy watching TV. His wife says good-bye as she goes out the door to do her errands. Immediately he switches to what is inferred to be a p*rn station. The wife comes back inside because she forgot something (never happens to me ;)) and the husband can't switch back to a decent channel because the batteries in his remote quit :glare:. He should have used EverReady, right?


I will not give my money knowingly to people who try to make a joke/sale about indecent behavior. I am so fed up with it. And it is just about everywhere.


I hope the response to the ad from Kia makes their sales go way down.

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I didn't watch the Super Bowl, but I did see some of the commercials the next day (TodaySow.com) The one for Skechers was disgusting. And I was thinking of buying a pair before I saw that. Guess I will have something else on my feet when I drive my non-Kia car.

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Hasn't Sleeping Beauty usually been portrayed as an adult? Just one more thing showing the left side is the fantasy...


:confused: I fail to see how the left side being the fantasy (which I do not believe is what's being portrayed) makes it any less revolting! So, are you saying, in the first one, that the adult teacher is fantasizing about the pre-pubescent child on the left side when he's actually with the young adult woman on the right side? :ack2: And the sleeping beauty fantasy is being played out by two adults who are pretending to be children? :001_huh:

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Hasn't Sleeping Beauty usually been portrayed as an adult? Just one more thing showing the left side is the fantasy...


Sleeping Beauty has always been intended as a fantasy. *Especially* the Disney-esque version depicted in the ad. I agree that the ad is nothing more than soft (and soft is pushing it) porn. Turning child's play into something titillating is extremely problematic for me.

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posted in the comment section of the first link......




Kia Motors America Statement Regarding Inappropri*ate Advertisin*g Material From Brazil


Kia Motors America (KMA) has become aware of an offensive piece of advertisin*g material that was created by an ad agency in Brazil that KMA has no business relationsh*ip with and has never worked with. This ad was not created in the U.S. by Kia Motors America or any of its marketing partners and does not reflect the opinions or values of KMA or Kia Motors Corporatio*n. The ad is undoubtedl*y inappropri*ate, and on behalf of Kia Motors we apologize to those who have been offended by it. We can guarantee this advertisem*ent has never and will never be used in any form in the United States, and our global headquarte*rs in Seoul, South Korea is addressing the issue with the independen*t Brazilian distributo*r.

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posted in the comment section of the first link......




Kia Motors America Statement Regarding Inappropri*ate Advertisin*g Material From Brazil


Kia Motors America (KMA) has become aware of an offensive piece of advertisin*g material that was created by an ad agency in Brazil that KMA has no business relationsh*ip with and has never worked with. This ad was not created in the U.S. by Kia Motors America or any of its marketing partners and does not reflect the opinions or values of KMA or Kia Motors Corporatio*n. The ad is undoubtedl*y inappropri*ate, and on behalf of Kia Motors we apologize to those who have been offended by it. We can guarantee this advertisem*ent has never and will never be used in any form in the United States, and our global headquarte*rs in Seoul, South Korea is addressing the issue with the independen*t Brazilian distributo*r.


Well, that's a beginning.

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First off, I loved justamouse's "reason for editing": Oh, da poor kitty.


Secondly, you are all crazy, and completely seeing this from one lopsided perspective. Let me tell you what I see when I look at this... In my experience back in high school, girls fantasized about their teachers all the time. I distinctly remember overhearing a girl once say, "I'd love to get an anatomy lesson from HIM" speaking about a male science teacher. Despite that girl having been 17 or 18 at the time, I'm positive that the male science teacher saw her as nothing more than a little girl he was teaching, because most teachers are not pedophiles.


When I was a boy, and fantasized about being a star football player, I didn't imagine myself being incredible in peewees and fantasize about all the hard-work and training I'd do along the way. No, I fantasized about being already grown up, and playing in the pros. If I had a crush on an older girl, in my head I didn't imagine them being younger to match my age, I imagined myself being older to match their age.


Taking all of this into account, I find it completely impossible to wrap my mind around the fact that all of your minds immediately jumped to pedophilia. The right side is obviously the girl's fantasy, and the left side is obviously how the teacher sees it. It takes a perverted mind to jump to the other conclusion.


And furthermore, Kirch said: "Also, I guess I got the feeling/impression that the right side was the teacher's fantasy of what was going on in the left side. Just totally ick all the way around." That's acting under the absurd assumption that the panel on the left is an accurate representation of reality... huh? Why would someone assume that?


And GretaLynne said: "So, are you saying, in the first one, that the adult teacher is fantasizing about the pre-pubescent child on the left side when he's actually with the young adult woman on the right side? And the sleeping beauty fantasy is being played out by two adults who are pretending to be children?" No, we are saying that when an adult male is looking at a 17 or 18 yr old STUDENT of theirs, they most definitely look at them as the innocent child eager to learn, instead of what they really are, which is teenagers who have hormones and romantic fantasies. As far as the sleeping beauty cartoon, to say that the left side is a fantasy is NOT saying two adults are pretending to be little kids (duh?), it is saying that the left side is a figment of your imagination, whereas the right side more closely resembles how the real world often works. I'm not saying I completely agree with that interpretation, my problem is that in both comic strips everyone is acting like one panel is the fantasy and the other panel is the reality, and that's not the point they were saying AT ALL. BOTH SIDES are *perspectives*. Fantastical perspectives, yes, but the first comic isn't about an eight year old with a teacher seeing them as a grown woman, nor is it about a grown woman being fantasized as a little girl. It's about a student (of indeterminate age) and a teacher, and how they both see the situation differently.


And again I'd like to urge you to remember that it is way, way, way more common for a girl to fantasize about her teacher than for teachers to be all creepy and fantasize about their students.


Okay; let the flaming responses begin.



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Eww. Who in the world would approve that ad to actually go through? And sadly, it was probably a panel of people and not just one. :confused:


That is JUST what I thought... So someone (or group) came up with it, pitched it to someone (or another group) at Kia and both sets of people thought, "Hey! Yeah! This is awesome! What a great way to sell cars!" :glare: Are you kidding?

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Do you work for the advertising firm in question or something? Pretty strange first place to post.


And again I'd like to urge you to remember that it is way, way, way more common for a girl to fantasize about her teacher than for teachers to be all creepy and fantasize about their students.


According to WHOM? Do you have some sort of statistics for that? This board is mostly made up of female posters. I never fantasized about any of my male teachers when I was in school. I would have been totally creeped out if anyone had suggested such a thing. Have you read Lolita? Are you familiar with the concept of the unreliable narrator?

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And again I'd like to urge you to remember that it is way, way, way more common for a girl to fantasize about her teacher than for teachers to be all creepy and fantasize about their students.




That too is an assumption. Poor repressed Catholic school girl fantasizing about her male teacher. Hello, THAT was hatched in the brains of some guy!


Whatever perspective you want to take on the ad, it is completely inappropriate.

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Well, that's a beginning.



First thing DH said was that it was probably an ad that wasn't meant to run in American markets. He said it reminded him of about a million manga he's seen though. He's gotten to the point where we have to preview most of our son's manga he gets from exchanges because there's so much borderline pedo stuff in some of them. (Lots of young little schoolgirls sitting on adult laps with creepy faces etc. - let's not even get into the tentacle stuff in books rated okay for teens.) I think unfortunately, some cultures would not see anything wrong with this ad because it's common in their pop culture.

Edited by prairiebird
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Alan, for your perspective on this to make sense, we'd have to assume that a *young child* (as depicted on the left) is having se$ual fantasies about her teacher. That is just as offensive -- perhaps moreso, actually -- than looking at it as a teacher having fantasies about a student.

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Alan, for your perspective on this to make sense, we'd have to assume that a *young child* (as depicted on the left) is having se$ual fantasies about her teacher. That is just as offensive -- perhaps moreso, actually -- than looking at it as a teacher having fantasies about a student.


No, he's saying that's how the teacher sees a high school student. Of course, judging from the other thread in which the 50+ year old teacher said there was nothing wrong with him having sex with an 18 year old student, I'm going to have to reject his claim.

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No, he's saying that's how the teacher sees a high school student. Of course, judging from the other thread in which the 50+ year old teacher said there was nothing wrong with him having sex with an 18 year old student, I'm going to have to reject his claim.


Yeah, because it's really a female fantasy to see their teachers drooling over apples like that. Blech. Really, only in a man's head would it even make sense that this is something a girl would be dreaming of... that whole 'the good/bad girl wants me' thing is just as nasty as the rest of it.

Edited by MelanieM
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Guest submarines

It does seem that Allan is right--it is the girl who is fantasizing, based on the sequence of the dialogue (at least in my interpretation). However, this doesn't make the add less offensive!


Yet another lesson--visual and powerful--we take women's rights and women's status for granted here in North America. If the ad was approved in Brazil, I wonder what is their other ads are, and what young children are exposed to. So sad.


Here is a selection of 25 vintage ads--not that vintage, actually. http://www.boredpanda.com/vintage-ads/

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