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How fashionable are you? Brand names?

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No, I prefer clearance racks. If I see a good quality item at the thrift store or a clearance rack, I will try it on. If it fits nicely, I will buy it. Overall, I don't care about name brands. My 9yo likes to match brands in an outfit, but I think that is morenof a quirk than caring about fashion.

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Does ThinkGeek qualify as a name brand? :tongue_smilie:


I truly don't give a rip. I prefer quality over fashion in SOME items and will buy brands that I know hold their quality well. I have a few places I buy new on clearance, but I shop used a lot.


I grew up in the 80s, I had fashion labeling in one decade to last a lifetime. We weren't poor, but broke enough so I couldn't afford a pony or an alligator on my shirt. I'm glad my son is growing up so his self-worth is not tied to what he wears.

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The only brand name thing I like for myself is Sketchers tennis shoes.

My 3 yr old has a lot of GAP clothes but 99% of everything she owns comes from Once Upon a Child (2nd hand store.) I usually don't pay more than $3 for any thing for her.

Now my 12 yr old is a mix. She has a lot of stuff from Wal-Mart but she also has a lot of American Eagle and Areopostal. But I only buy that stuff when it is on sale like $8 for a shirt or $12 for a hoodie. I don't buy her jeans until the are BOGO free or I wait for Old Navy to have jeans for $7 then we stock up.

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My Mom is disappointed. I don't even know what brand names are. :( She buys most of the kids clothes. She loves thrift stores, and bargin shopping. But she will happily say, "Look at this it's a whateveryname. Just look at the quality." or "Look I bought your ds a XYZ, I'm sure the other people would remark on it".


Meanwhile I'm thinking :confused::confused: and everyone I know is just as :confused::confused: about brand names.

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Both my kids (teens) love resale because then they can afford to be creative. I have noticed that resale is full of brand names still in good shape. I don't know if that is because the brand names hold up well or if because people donate items they've hardly worn.


Jeans for ds are hard to find at resale. He buys levis for the fit and they seem to hold up well. The levis are lasting longer that the cheap jeans we bought when he was growing a foot a day!

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I don't care about brands for myself. I just want something to fit and be flattering. I tend to be brand loyal if I find jeans that fit, though, because I am 5'10" so it is hard to find them long enough. (Levi's come in long, as do Old Navy, so this is what I tend to stick with. Fortunately, they are not pricy.)


My only brand weakness is Gymboree for littlest dd. I buy on clearance with coupons and then resell her clothing. My oldest dd (almost 16) is like me, happy with anything that fits and is flattering. My boys just want to wear shorts or track pants and sports-themed shirts. Brands are irrelevant.

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I buy based on quality and value, the brand name is not a priority.


This how how I buy for myself. There are some brands that I know are good quality and like to keep an eye out for them when I'm browsing the thrift store and yard sales but if I like something and it seems to be well made then I buy it.


My 3 yr old has a lot of GAP clothes but 99% of everything she owns comes from Once Upon a Child (2nd hand store.) I usually don't pay more than $3 for any thing for her.



I shop at Once Upon a Child too for Little Librarian and then try to sell stuff that still looks really nice on eBay when we're done with it. To look at her closet full of Gymboree and Gap you'd think we must spend a small fortune on clothing for her but we don't spend hardly anything. We also buy a ton of stuff for her at yard sales and if we see something that's cute and well made then we buy it knowing that eventually she'll grow into it.


Today I was looking in Little's closet and noticed that all she had are very casual sandals and tennis shoes. I put her in a dress and was kind of sad that she didn't have a pair of shoes that looked dressier. Later in the morning DH and I were out running errands and ran into a church sale and sitting there in the shoe section was a brand new looking pair of ballet flats in Little's size. The brand was a cheap one but the shoes were only a $1. They were so inexpensive that I had no problem buying a low quality pair shoes. I figure if she has something to wear with her nice summer dresses and then they fall apart at the end of the summer then I won't care.

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Important-because I shop the consignments stores. :D I know that a Gymboree outfit is going to outlast the washes it may receive. So yes, very label conscious. For myself, I normally don't care for everyday clothes, and for good clothes stick to a few brands that happen to fit me well.

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I could care less about a name for a name's sake. That being said, I've found that some expensive brands tend to fit better, be more comfortable, and last longer. Being petite and short-waisted, I have a hard time finding clothes that flatter, so I will stick with brands that do, but I shop sales. Better brands seem to never wear out, so they're often the better buy in the long run. Many cheaper brands start pilling after just a few washes.


I buy a lot of Aeropostale for my older kids because they are tall and thin, and Aeropostale is one of the few places I can find clothes that fit them properly. But again, we only shop sales. My 9 yo is also tall and thin, and I've had good luck at Kohl's for her. She has to have pants that are slim and have elastic in the waist - it can't be just one or the other. I ordered a dance costume for her a few weeks ago, and I had to order size 5 in the waist and size 10 for length!

Edited by LizzyBee
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Does ThinkGeek qualify as a name brand? :tongue_smilie:





When we get hand-me-downs I do pay attention to what has held up through multiple kids -- some brands do seem sturdier. But I still only buy that sort of thing on sale or at a thrift or consignment store.

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I will stick with brands that I know are well-made, that my kids like wearing over and over, that fit us well... I do try to shop sales/clearance/get bargains, but I'll stay pay a little more for items from companies that I trust rather than save a little for something that may fall apart or pill-up or fade...


I find good quality items can still look nice after many washings, but clothes that start out cheaply made are just going to pull and roll and look bad much more quickly.


I also find that I can count on clothing from certain brands fitting a certain way. I'll pay more to buy the same style of jeans from the same maker rather than try on all the cheaper options in hopes that I'll find something that fits. If I know a children's clothing maker cuts their clothes slimmer, I'll be more likely to go back to them, knowing they won't make my skinny boy look like a scare crow. ;)

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Does ThinkGeek qualify as a name brand? :tongue_smilie:


I truly don't give a rip. I prefer quality over fashion in SOME items and will buy brands that I know hold their quality well. I have a few places I buy new on clearance, but I shop used a lot.


I grew up in the 80s, I had fashion labeling in one decade to last a lifetime. We weren't poor, but broke enough so I couldn't afford a pony or an alligator on my shirt. I'm glad my son is growing up so his self-worth is not tied to what he wears.



I graduated from high school in the 80's, and there was a guy in my class who was mercilessly teased b/c he wore "dragon" shirts which were made by Sears. Dreadful behavior. No, I didn't personally tease him, but I didn't stand up for him either. :sad:

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I don't care. I know what I like to wear. I don't care enough about fashion trends to even notice.

Having had cheap clothes last ten years, I really don't need a high end T-shirt that lasts any longer- I figure, after ten years I will be sick and tired of it.


The only brand name clothes we buy are for outdoor attire for the backcountry where it matters.

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Me-don't care.

Ds-does not care.

Dd-for the most part does not care but she does get sucked into the Justice/Aeropostle drama every once in awhile. I will buy her the occasional shirt when it is on clearance. The reality is those clothes do not fit her well. They are not designed for someone with her body type. It is frustrating. I have also completed the transformation into my parents by constantly saying "When Mr. Abercrombie pays me $50 to have my name plastered across his chest I will return the favor."

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There is one brand that looks better on me than any other clothing line I've tried. I look for it on sale or in thrift shops. I'm not a fan because of the name, but as long as they continue to make items that flatter my less than perfect figure, I'll be loyal for that reason alone.


Dh - target stuff looks good on him, so that's what he buys


Dd - brand isn't important but softness, seams, fabric, etc matter quite a lot

Edited by kimmie38017
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I'm not into brand names, but I do prefer quality. I tend to buy nice stuff on the clearance racks or on clearance sites (like Sierratradingpost.com). I have never been into fashion. Recently I decided that I have to try and keep my clothes up to date (meaning not ragged looking), so I've been trying to buy 1 new outfit per season, one for spring/summer, one for fall/winter. I get one casual and maybe one dressy. This year I found a nice dress that I really liked for $12 on clearance, so I bought 2. I'm also trying to be better about replacing shoes. I used to wear them until they fell apart, but as I've gotten older :blush:, I've noticed that I need good support, so I've been buying one new pair a season of those as well (not counting my running sneakers, which I replace at 400 miles :001_smile:)

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It matters insofar that I look for certain brands because I know they fit us well and I buy much of our clothing used so I know what to look for in terms of sizing.


For example, I know that Gymboree leggings fit my dd extremely well, but to pass on any Circo ones because they're always way too big in the waist. I know that when I find a good deal on Merona jeans from Target that the size 12 fits me perfect but when I see J. Crew or Banana Republic pants at the thrift store that the size 12s are way too small so I need to go up a size. It's also handy to know what brands of shoes run wide so that I can avoid those for my ds with extremely narrow, hard to fit feet.


So yes, it brand does matter to a certain degree.

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I buy based on quality and value, the brand name is not a priority.


:iagree:This is pretty much how I shop. There are certain brands that I like because they fit well and endure many washings holding their shape, without fading or falling apart. And I want the clothes to flatter me, not make me look heavier or older than I am.

Edited by CathieC
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For the kids, I don't care. For myself, I would love to wear more expensive clothing -- I think it generally looks and fits better -- but as long as little people are pulling at me all the livelong day with their grubby little hands, I can't justify it.

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I could care less about brand names as a priority. I do seek out certain brands for quality and only for specific items, but to buy because it's a specific brand, absolutely not. I buy what's affordable; I don't ever pay full price, and I am perfectly happy shopping at thrift stores for all of us.

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I only buy something when I have an event or some other reason to shop. Then i tend to get something from cold water creek or Chico, because they fit me really well. But, I rarely spend over $200 at a time and that is maybe once or at most twice a season (usually when I am vacation shopping)

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We are also of the camp that brand names/more expensive clothing is preferred because it lasts longer. Janie and Jack, Gymboree, Osh Gosh, and even Merrell shoes hold up WAY longer than things I find at Wal-Mart or the military BX. That being said, we don't pay retail. Second hand and clearance rack at the outlets are where we do our shopping.

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Me personally? Not at all. I just can't see myself forking out that kind of dough. And that goes all the way back to jr. high 30 years ago when my mom said, "If you want to pay $35 for Jordache jeans, go right ahead, but you have to use your own money. Otherwise we'll pay for these jeans!" And I just didn't have it in me, even though Michelle D. (the most popular girl in jr. high) wore Jordache jeans. Although I do realize that there is a difference in quality between the higher end clothes and the kind I tend to buy.

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I can buy a shirt at Walmart and it will last one wash. After the one wash it becomes misshapened and ill-fitting. I can buy the same style of shirt at Macy's on sale for just a few dollars more (if I buy the Karen Scott/Macy's brand) and that shirt will last several seasons.


So while I'm not all that brand conscious, I do prefer to spend my husband's money on quality.

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I buy for quality - something that will last. There are certain brands that I know fit me well, same for my kids.


I will not wear anything that has an obvious brand name showing (such as a purse or anything). I just don't like that.

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I live, eat, and breathe store brand. :D


ETA: Obviously I have food on the brain. Do they make store brand clothes? :lol: I shop almost entirely at thrift stores and most name brand things look nicer after being pre-owned. But I have several things from who knows where.

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We buy 90% of our clothes second hand so the only name brands or designer names that come into our home come from yard sales, really cheap clearance racks or because they were given to us. The only importance I put in some of these names is the reputation of their quality (long lasting). Other than that, names mean nothing to us.

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