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Do you have a maid?

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And how do you afford the service?


I am so organizationally challenged and cleaning impaired it's ridiculous!

A little background, I was in the Army for three years and even they couldn't get me to keep my room clean! :lol::001_huh:


As for different methods, I've been down the Donna Otto road, the FlyLady road, etc, and I just cannot make a lasting dent.


Therefore, I'm thinking it would be in everyone's best interest to get a maid; however, being a homeschooling family on a budget, I don't know how to afford it.


So, to those that manage throwing a maid/cleaning service into the "here take my money" pile, I ask: how do you afford it?

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:lol: My thought on reading the title was, "heck no." I'd like to have one, though.


My thought was, "that would be me." I am making huge progress this summer with Flylady. My kids have never had a summer break but we took one this summer just so I could get the house in shape and get some things organized. Flylady is awesome!!


Why didn't it work for you? I am spending a little bit of time each day on my morning and evening routines, I work on one or two hot spots a day (two minutes each), I declutter for about five minutes a day, and I work in the weekly zone for about ten minutes a day. That is it and my house is looking so, so much better. My husband and kids are loving it, too.

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I don't know that it's necessary. My housekeeper says we have one of the cleanest (meaning free from filth, not necessarily most organized/picked up) houses she does counting families with children. And we have seven kids! We also have so many people in and out of the house it isn't funny and I think she must be giving us a pass on the microwave! LOL


Anyway, I cannot suggest Craiglist enough. Both times I've had help, I've gotten it from CL. My housekeeper comes once per month (just so I know it's done top to bottom at least that often) and charges me less than my stepmom charged people on a weekly basis two decades ago!


I do think that a housekeeper is helpful for me. I had it before because I was feeling so badly. Now, when I don't have kiddos underfoot (like all five littles are asleep at this moment!), the last thing I want to be doing is running around cleaning. I want to study the Bible, watch tv, read the boards, meditate, even nap. I think it's okay for me to have a little down time.

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I would not say I have a "maid" because I think that term implies someone who is there to pick up after you every day. I do have a housecleaner who comes every other week. She is not inexpensive, but I do have a part-time business that helps me have a life outside of motherhood/homeschooling (sanity), so that helps to pay for her. I have fatigue issues, so it is a necessity for me. If I clean for company, I am too tired to enjoy them. I do hope someday to not need her, but that someday is not here yet. I can't scrub tubs - no way no how with my herniated discs.


I tried Flylady and dropped out after getting too overwhelmed. I so wish there was a Flylady-lite so I could start slow without getting overwhelmed. I do hope to pick it up again soon because I think it would be good to train my kids how to keep a home. They do help out a lot, but living in a house all the time like we do makes it get messy fast and dirty fast.

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It is one of the costs for me to work. I tried homeschooling, working, parenting, cleaning, cooking, shopping and everything.... It didn't work. I just couldn't keep up. I have people that come in every other week to clean. I don't commute or even have to get dressed for work. I don't have a lot of work expenses except my cleaners and dinner out twice a week.

Edited by Karen in CO
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With regard to maids, I have gone through pretty much every type of organization imaginable, from being 100% self-sufficient in this area to having a full-time 5x weekly maid doing pretty much everything other than the casual picking up, including things such as running errands outside of the home, if needed.


I dislike both extremes: the former one makes me anxious, distressed and generally dissatisfied, because I am a bit of a neat freak, I like things to be neat and orderly, but between children, school, work from home, social life (back when we had one LOL), husband, and the amount of downtime I need to function properly, having a top clean house to my standards is just exhausting; on the other hand, the latter extreme makes me feel a certain lack of ease due to the fact that I have a stranger present in my house so much, to the point that they basically become a part of the family (and I am not sure I am okay with that), and just somehow makes me feel as though I was living in a hotel, plus a bit extra aware about what I do and what kids do (did they pick up after themselves or did she do it? am I raising spoiled brats? what does she think of us? are we impolite to speak in a foreign language all the time around her? should we be on 'friendly' terms with her if she is full time daily here, or should we remain at a professional distance? etc.). So you see, I do not want to be self-sufficient, but I also do not really want a personal 'servant' in my house - especially because I have children and I know very, very well how they tend to react. We canceled a maid a few times for a while for that reason alone.


So, for us, something in the middle works: for the most part we have been having somebody come in 3-4 times weekly for 3-4 hours, so that only light maintenance and taking care of one's own things remains our duty. We upped that a bit when the baby joined us.

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Not unless you count me. But, at this point, even if we could afford it, I wouldn't think it was necessary. We have a very small home, so it just doesn't take a lot of time to clean.


If we had a larger home and more money, though, I can definitely see having somebody come in to clean once every week or two.

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I have had deep cleaning help in the past, especially during difficult pregnancies. A crew came once a week for a few hours and deep cleaned everything, costing $80 for a four bedroom house. I tried to save money in other areas to cover the cost, but since it was always short-term I never specifically budgeted for it.


Overall, I have solved the problem of dealing with the house, errands, laundry, cooking, schooling, and just having 4 babies in 6 years, by always having another family member living with us. I'm the oldest of 7 and the first to marry in the family. I've had a couple of my younger siblings, fresh out of college and in need of a place to live, come live with us for a few years at a time. In exchange for room and board, they help with cleaning and babysitting. They get a few years to get on their feet financially while I get desperately needed help for free!

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I have a cleaning lady every two weeks. This was a condition of buying this house--dh fell in love with the house, and it's WAY too big for us (we got a great deal on it since it was a foreclosure). I told him that if we bought it, he had to work his arse off to get a promotion and a raise so I could get someone to clean it. He did. :D


I realize that's not helpful. But we did have a period of time recently where we had to discontinue the cleaning lady for a few months, because we were trying to save every spare penny for a big overseas trip. NO ONE was happy. I called her back as soon as I could.


Having her forces the procrastinator in me to straighten up the house every two weeks. Otherwise, I wouldn't clean because I needed to straighten, and it was so overwhelming to straighten that I would just put it off. You know, until I could do it perfectly. On the morning she comes, I go around the house putting everything away so she can clean behind me. It is fantastic.


(Oh, and the kids straighten too. Not just me.)

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Yes, I have a housekeeper. (Two days a week, 6 hours each day. . . but I had more help when my kids were younger and I had to work more hours. . .)


We afford it the same way other people afford $150/mo cable TV or $50k cars. We just spend our discretionary income on a housekeeper instead of those things. :) She's worth EVERY PENNY. I'd pinch a lot of other pennies (and have!) before I let her go.


In the big picture, money = time. If you can swing it financially, then the money you spend on household help can free up enough of your time to do other things that are more worthwhile than cleaning. . . that's the way I look at it.


Even though it pinches to pay for cleaning that theoretically we *could* do, we choose to pay someone else to do it to buy ALL of us more TIME. Time is the ONE thing that is irreplacable.

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Lucky for our budget, I'm a little OCD. Not that my house is super clean but at least I don't stress when Children's Services show up at my door unannounced (we have two of our grandchildren and are seeking custody).


I used to have a cleaning lady come in once a week when I was working and the kids were younger. I used a service, but I found that the people they sent would do a great job the first time or two they came and then would slack off. Eventually it wasn't worth it.

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And how do you afford the service?


I am so organizationally challenged and cleaning impaired it's ridiculous!

A little background, I was in the Army for three years and even they couldn't get me to keep my room clean! :lol::001_huh:


As for different methods, I've been down the Donna Otto road, the FlyLady road, etc, and I just cannot make a lasting dent.


Therefore, I'm thinking it would be in everyone's best interest to get a maid; however, being a homeschooling family on a budget, I don't know how to afford it.


So, to those that manage throwing a maid/cleaning service into the "here take my money" pile, I ask: how do you afford it?


:lol:I'm the maid, but I would like one.

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And how do you afford the service?


I am so organizationally challenged and cleaning impaired it's ridiculous!

A little background, I was in the Army for three years and even they couldn't get me to keep my room clean! :lol::001_huh:


As for different methods, I've been down the Donna Otto road, the FlyLady road, etc, and I just cannot make a lasting dent.


Therefore, I'm thinking it would be in everyone's best interest to get a maid; however, being a homeschooling family on a budget, I don't know how to afford it.


So, to those that manage throwing a maid/cleaning service into the "here take my money" pile, I ask: how do you afford it?


We just make it one of the line items in the budget. I have a fused spine and physically can't do a lot of the cleaning chores effectively without suffering later, so we have someone come in 1/wk for 4 hours. I'm considering upping it to 2x/week in the Fall. DH likes a VERY clean house and understands that I simply can't achieve that standard on my own.


We're considering dropping cable TV in the Fall, which would help pay for the additional cleaning day. We drive our cars into the ground, eat at home, and I'm not one for "retail therapy". As someone else said, we afford this the same way others afford other things that some might qualify as luxuries. We just do it.

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We've had maid service until we moved to the mountains and our housekeeper kept calling in sick, but we'd find her drunk and playing pool two hours later. And now, we can't really afford it, as I stopped working and DH took a different job that paid less.


When we did have maid service, I'd spend a lot of time each week before she came just to tidy up.


Regardless, I'd love to start maid service again. It's not really in our current budget, but maybe we could plan for it when DH gets his next raise/promotion.

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I've found a system that works great for us. I pay someone to come and help me clean for an hourly wage ($15/hr). We work together and clean the whole house top to bottom. This helps me in several ways: I know I'm paying a lot of money to have her help so it keeps me on task and motivated, and it also helps me keep motivated to clear clutter. I definitely recommend paying by the hour. Before I've had people just quote me a rate and then every week they spend less and less time. When I pay hourly I can change things up and say, "instead of cleaning upstairs let's do the fans, blinds, and the fridge."

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We do have a service that comes in every other week. It is a team of 4 and they are here for about an hour maybe an hour and a quarter. It is a luxury, and I know we could find someone to do it cheaper. However, we like having them come in and be done so quickly. That makes it worth the extra money we pay.


How do we afford it? Well, one year dh was asking what I wanted for our anniversary, and I told him that I love all the gifts he gives me. However, what I really wanted was a clean house. I was having health issues and our house was getting worse and worse. Dh and I are not big gift people anyway, so we decided this cleaning service would be our gifts to each other. Now, we no longer buy holiday, birthday, anniversary gifts, etc. We do this instead. I know it isn't a solution for everyone, but it works for us.

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We have in the past but currently I don't.


I'm curious, though, how you think that people will answer the "how do you afford it" question. I mean, of course people mostly can afford it because they make enough money to provide for that. I'm sure a few people will say that they can afford it because they cut every other expense, don't pay for music or sports, etc etc. Maybe a few barter. But most people have either prioritized it on a smaller budget or else have a large enough budget that it is not a big deal.

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Yes. They are 14, 11 and 6. Home Economics - just under Mathematics for necessity in life. :D


I did have a cleaning lady for a couple of months (once every 2 weeks) when I was pregnant/after ds6 was born. It was nice, but it wasn't "dreamy." I still had to have things picked up so she could clean, which would have to be ready at 7:30am. That was a downside. OTOH, the house would be radiant all at once. I do miss that.

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I have a full-time, live-in maid/nanny. Just about all expats here have some kind of househelp. It is kind of expected. But it is also super affordable. And I work full time so that helps us afford it.


She has been with us 1.5 years and is now more like a family member to us. We LOVE her and we even have joint family celebrations for birthdays and holidays with her extended family. It has enriched our lives in so many ways. I am very, very fortunate.

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I have a lady who comes in every two weeks and does the heavy stuff like floors, bathrooms, etc. But she also does 'little' stuff that I don't always get to very quickly, like wiping smudges off the sliding glass door and TV, vacuuming the ceiling fans and mini-blinds, baseboards, etc. It's been a huge help to me.


I was feeling very overwhelmed with HSing earlier in the year. Plus I have a very busy toddler, and I've found that I simply cannot get out the cleaning chemicals unless I have someone else around to supervise her. . . which means I'd have clean during the precious little time that DH is home.


If we became financially tight, it would certainly be one of the first things to go, but for now I'm enjoying it A LOT and it helps a ton with the overall cleanliness and organization of my home. I have to pick up and declutter before she comes, and I just stay on top of things between visits.

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Flylady is awesome!!


Why didn't it work for you? I am spending a little bit of time each day on my morning and evening routines, I work on one or two hot spots a day (two minutes each), I declutter for about five minutes a day, and I work in the weekly zone for about ten minutes a day. That is it and my house is looking so, so much better. My husband and kids are loving it, too.



My house is big, my dh is a pack rat, my teenagers messy, we have lots of pets, and still I don't spend much time cleaning and the house is pretty good most of the time. But I have to thank Flylady for helping me prioritise, to know what to do to keep it in order- it literally takes maybe 30 seconds to do my bathroom daily. A few minutes here and there, and regular decluttering (it comes in the door consistently, so I have to consistently get rid of stuff), and its all good.


We did have a housecleaner for a while when the kids were babies- I was grateful for that.



I tried Flylady and dropped out after getting too overwhelmed. I so wish there was a Flylady-lite so I could start slow without getting overwhelmed.


I am glad I started Flylady years ago before it became what it is today. I too wish they had a FLylady -lite. But..there is. You can read her book and get the gist of the system and set up your morning and evening routines and zones. You can get the emails in a daily digest. I am not into all the extras they have, either, but the original, bare bones system changed my life and it is fairly internalised nowadays. I don't follow it exactly at all, but I know how to get back on top of things.

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Yes, I have a lady who cleans once a week. If you're familiar with FlyLady, a cleaning person basically does your Weekly House Blessing. That's it, so as far as the piles of stuff go, she or he would just clean around it.:glare: It's great to have the house totally clean all at once, but I still struggle to keep up with everything else.;)

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My thought was, "that would be me." I am making huge progress this summer with Flylady. My kids have never had a summer break but we took one this summer just so I could get the house in shape and get some things organized. Flylady is awesome!!


When I was on the FlyLady routine (before we moved 1-1/2 years ago), my house looked GREAT! I've got to get back on it. The kids would be even more helpful, each doing their part. I think I'm going to get back into it. Thanks for the reminder! :)

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Guest momk2000

Yes, me, I'm the maid. :001_huh:

I would love to hire Alice from the Brady Bunch. She never complains, seems to be available 24/7/365, and is always cheerful. :D

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Yes, I do. Sort of. I'd classify her more as a saint who follows me around helping me with anything. Anything includes doing all my housework. It costs around nothing here, according to American standards. Sadly (and happily!) , I'm sending her off to college in America at the end of the summer. How will I survive?!?

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We hire someone to clean for 4-5 hours every 2 months. I wasn't sure at first that hiring someone that rarely would make a difference, but for us it has. She does the things I never manage to get around to (dusting blinds, mopping the back hall between the bedrooms, wiping baseboards) and it has been a HUGE help. Our house is smallish and I can (kind of) keep up with the absolute necessities, so the occasional help pushes us back over the edge into cleanliness when things start to slide too much. I wish everything was cleaner and better organized, but it's good enough, and other things are more important to us.

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We have a cleaning lady 3 mornings a week. She does our laudry as well. We pick up our own things (or if we do let something lie, she will put it in a neat pile).


If you are employed yourself, it is pretty much the norm here to have a maid and domestic workers form one of the largest labour forces in South Africa (about 6.8% of jobs).


The minimum wages for domestic workers are still pretty low compared to the developed world and most people would put a maid above satellite television or internet (both are expensive here) on their monthly budget.


Many people are also seeing it as part of their social responsibility to employ a domestic worker. The jobs we provide to our cleaning lady and gardener support 10 people directly. Our government cannot afford to offer unemployment benefits, so they would not have any other income if they weren't working for us (and the other families they work for during the week).

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I earn extra cash by being a maid (or housekeeper, housecleaner, whatever you want to call it) part time. Most of my clients are once per week, and I clean for four hours at a pay rate of $60.


A friend of mine who is a mom with a full time job is finally caving to the idea of hiring someone to clean -- I couldn't be more happy for her! Think about all the little luxuries we allow ourselves -- movies, new shoes, going out to eat, etc. $60/week is really not that much to pay for peace of mind and more time with the kids. (FYI, I won't be cleaning her house because I already have a full cleaning schedule...and I think working for friends can get weird.)


We don't have a housekeeper of our own because my husband is obsessive about privacy (a stranger cleaning up his mess bothers him -- but his wife? oh, that's just fine!), and, well, I've learned to speed clean like nobody's business. I won't lie, though. The worst days are when I've spent four or five hours cleaning someone else's home and I learn that guests/inlaws/whoever are expected and I have to spend even MORE time cleaning my own home. And I'll never understand people who say they love to clean...

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Well, we have one. She comes once/week and does deep cleaning stuff -- so, I still have all the day-to-day stuff (dishes, laundry, cleaning up messes) but none of the weekly stuff (vacuuming the couch, mopping, washing windows, cleaning toilets, etc.).


We afford her because of where we live; I'm fairly certain that the rate we have is low compared to what it would be in the US but also we pay quite well for here. We pay her R$110/week, which is = to about $65 US/wk.


Oh, and how we afford it is that we are no longer paying for Portuguese lessons; we didn't hire the maid until the boys finished their formal lessons in Portuguese. She's definitely worth it. We have her come on Thursdays so that the house is clean for the weekend, in case we have people over or something.

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I wouldn't call her a maid, but we have someone come in four days a week. She tidies up, cleans (two totally different things in my head for whatever reason!), does the laundry, etc. Though I am so grateful to have the help and know that our house would not be nearly as nice as it is without it, it also makes me a little uncomfortable to have someone else in cleaning. I always feel like I should stand around and chat with her while she cleans so that it doesn't seem like we only want her around to do the cleaning -- though of course that's why she's there! And she's probably counting the seconds until I go away so she can get to work! I guess it's just not how I grew up. I guess we afford it because my husband and I both work -- if we were looking for ways to trim the budget, we might consider cutting the frequency.

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We pay a lovely lady to clean the whole house top to bottom twice a month. We hired her when I had 2 babies under 14 months. ANd we've kept her as we added 2 more kids. I can't school, cook, do laundry, pat attention to the kids, etc. and keep the whole house clean. Something has to give. Luckily my DH makes a good living, we don't buy expensive things, and I can easily make what it takes to pay her to clean the house in less than 2 hours teaching music lessons. It's worth it.

As the kids get older though and I train them to help I hope to eventually have her come only once a month.






I realize that's not helpful. But we did have a period of time recently where we had to discontinue the cleaning lady for a few months, because we were trying to save every spare penny for a big overseas trip. NO ONE was happy. I called her back as soon as I could.


Having her forces the procrastinator in me to straighten up the house every two weeks. Otherwise, I wouldn't clean because I needed to straighten, and it was so overwhelming to straighten that I would just put it off. You know, until I could do it perfectly. On the morning she comes, I go around the house putting everything away so she can clean behind me. It is fantastic.


This is exactly me!

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We have a maid. But then she is a great friend of mine, and rarely comes up. When she is up she also rarely actually cleans my house. We tear out our squirrel ridden attic. Reshingle the roof. Deal with the mess the previous owners left in the basement....


But last time she was here she actually cleaned my house. It was strange. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am the maid, but I have four trainees. :D


I could never figure out how others had clean houses all the time, and mine wasn't. Then I looked in the mirror and realized that I had to do the work for it to be clean. I hate cleaning, so you can guess how motivated I really am. Every morning I look at my Motivated Moms list and chant to myself, "It works if I do the work. It works if I do the work." The chant works about 60% of the time.


I read another post here lately with the wise words, "My house is clean because I clean it." I don't know why it took me about 35 years to figure that one out. :lol:

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