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Guess who just threw up again

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After throwing up 5 times on Sunday night, I had given her Zofran. Monday, we went to the ER on doctor's orders, where she was put on IV again and given more Zofran. She was given a few more doses of Zofran at home and hasn't thrown up since Sunday. She was totally acting better by Tuesday and playing/eating normally yesterday when the hospital nurse called to follow up on her. Madelynn was doing so much better (except for continue diarrhea that's getting thicker), I asked if we really needed to follow up with the doctor. She said that we didn't and sent our pediatrician a note that Madelynn was better, and we'd follow up as needed.


So, last night Madelynn didn't eat much dinner. This isn't abnormal so I thought nothing of it. This morning she threw up and looked very nauseous, so we gave her a Zofran immediately. She just gets too messed up too quickly not to give her some immediately since we have some.


Yes, I called the doctor and we have an appt for 4:35pm.

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But what is it? The doctors assume viral gastroenteritis but didn't test for which virus was causing it. They did check for white cells in her blood to rule of certain infections. This stuff is only suppose to last a couple days.

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:grouphug: Hope she gets over this soon! Whatever is going around lately seems to really linger. My nieces and kids were all sick with a stomach flu thing- usually it's a 24 hour thing with us but not this time. My oldest niece actually ended up with it again a few weeks later. Yucky stuff.

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Do you have her on any probiotics? I have seen a noticeable difference when giving them to my kids and I tend to give them a lot after a stomach bug to help the replenish what was lost. Probiotics may help heal and settle her gut.


I'm guessing the hospital was able to check her electrolyte levels? I know having electrolytes out of balance can cause more vomiting, even if the virus is gone.


Ugh, my heart goes out to you. :grouphug: I hate stomach viruses more than anything. I'd be going completely crazy if I were in your shoes. :(



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No, they've done no stool tests. They asked about our water supply (each development has their own well) and contact with any reptiles or weird animals (we went to the beach for low tide just after she first got sick but nothing before).


I have children's chewable probiotics that she won't take. I was going to try to get to the store today and buy more yogurt; she hasn't had any since the last ER trip. I haven't left the house since Monday and hadn't remembered for the trips I've sent DH on. He's been going to the store on a daily basis for dinner ingredients because I haven't been about to get out of the house for anything but ER/doctor's visits in 3 weeks.

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I'm guessing the hospital was able to check her electrolyte levels? I know having electrolytes out of balance can cause more vomiting, even if the virus is gone.


Yes, her electrolyte levels were really messed on on the first ER visit. Our doctor (well, his associate we saw) was surprised they didn't admit her and sent us back to the ER to recheck. They were just as bad so she was admitted. They were good when we were discharged. Monday, they were off but not as bad as the first time. Her electrolytes getting so out of balance so quickly is why we gave her Zofran immediately this time.

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After throwing up 5 times on Sunday night, I had given her Zofran. Monday, we went to the ER on doctor's orders, where she was put on IV again and given more Zofran. She was given a few more doses of Zofran at home and hasn't thrown up since Sunday. She was totally acting better by Tuesday and playing/eating normally yesterday when the hospital nurse called to follow up on her. Madelynn was doing so much better (except for continue diarrhea that's getting thicker), I asked if we really needed to follow up with the doctor. She said that we didn't and sent our pediatrician a note that Madelynn was better, and we'd follow up as needed.


So, last night Madelynn didn't eat much dinner. This isn't abnormal so I thought nothing of it. This morning she threw up and looked very nauseous, so we gave her a Zofran immediately. She just gets too messed up too quickly not to give her some immediately since we have some.


Yes, I called the doctor and we have an appt for 4:35pm.


:grouphug:s. Praying the doctor is able to have new insight this afternoon, and Madelynn is fully recovered soon. Also praying for you to find some rest for your mind and body.

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Zofran is notorious for drying out the bowel so much (causing constipation) that it can cause some serious constipation/impaction. Haven't followed her course, but just putting that out there to be ye warned. Sounds like her stool has been runny as you said it's becoming more formed, but -- just so you'll keep this in mind.

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We headed out to the doctor's office today. DH was able to get home early enough to keep the other three kids with him. I packed as if I was staying at the hospital overnight just in case we got sent there again. We didn't.


She hasn't thrown up again today, but hasn't been totally herself either. She missed her normal nap, though. She ate and drink a little bit, but no where near enough. She does nurse but I don't know how much she's taking in that way.


Doctor's plan for now is to give her another Zofran tonight if I wanted. On the way home, she started looking and acting sick so I gave that to her. He also said to give her one dose of Pepto Bismal for two days. Sometimes that helps. Let her eat and drink anything she wants regardless of what it is. Even soda is good. She needs the fluids any way we can get it in her. He wants her eating, too, and not just the BRAT diet because she needs a little protein and fat to get her system restarted. He ordered a stool sample to verify if she has rotavirus (that's what he thinks this is). He said it wouldn't affect treatment; it would be just nice to know. He also gave me some probiotic straws to try to get them in her that way because she won't take the chewables. I crushed a chewable and gave it to her in a spoonful of applesauce today but the look she gave me says that trick probably won't work again.


When DH and the kids get home, I'll head to the store for soda, juice, jello, yogurt, applesauce, soup, etc.


Any ideas for drinks? She drinks water, chocolate milk, and chocolate rice milk. She'll drink small amounts of juice, maybe 1-2 ounces at the most. Hates gatorade. Hates pedialyte. Won't drink fruit smoothies either. Dairy is not the best choice right now.

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Would something like Ensure work? Might get more calories in her, but don't know if she'd get it down, or keep it down. Poor thing. :grouphug:


It's probably just the virus, but another thing that came to mind was your front lawn being sprayed with something. Has she been playing out front lately? Hopefully that has nothing to do with her problem though.

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Ok, to the original poster, you have my deepest sympathy, but can I tell you, you made me smile! My son pukes all the time. He has an easy gag reflex and all it takes is one strong cough and...YIKES! I have a running list in my head of public places he has puked where we probably should not ever return!


So today we go visit my aunt in her new home. We walk in the door and instead of saying "Hi!" he opens his mouth and spews. So when I read your thread title, it made me smile, b/c I thought someone else must share my troubles. But yours seem much more serious. So please know that your situation made me realize mine is sooo miniscule by comparison!


Hang in there! And try to get her to eat gingersnaps. Ginger really does help with nauseau. Cancer patients often chew ginger gum though I have no idea where they get the stuff!

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Oh, that gag reflex sounds horrible. Are you sure it isn't reflux?


I'm not sure she'd eat gingersnaps. The Zofran is a miracle drug for vomiting, though. The bottle has a nice big warning that it may cause headaches, and I do think she's had a few. I was just thinking I should remember to give her Tylinol, but then I remembered I have to know if she has a fever over the next couple of days. The Pepto Bismal can't be given if she has a fever because it has aspirin-stuff in it.

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Will she eat any kind of popsicles or icies? That would be another way to get some liquids in her...


We bought mini-popsicles that are tiny. Good thing because she's eaten a couple but most of the time she gives them away, ignores them and lets them melt on a place, or simply throws them in the garbage.


I do have a Ninja now. I was thinking about getting a bag of ice and making snow for her to eat. She loves ice.

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FWIW, both my boys around the age of 2 had a stomach virus that lasted anywhere from 2 weeks to a month (oldest ds). They would act fine for a few days, then throw up, then be fine, then throw up again. We did stool samples and everything, but eventually our pediatrician said that it wasn't uncommon for these viruses to take a loooong time to work through for the youngers. We got into a great laundry routine but it did finally pass.

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But what is it? The doctors assume viral gastroenteritis but didn't test for which virus was causing it. They did check for white cells in her blood to rule of certain infections. This stuff is only suppose to last a couple days.


Could be something new. We had it twice, once in April at Easter and just as we were all getting over it, we got a different version in May, at Mother's Day.



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We bought mini-popsicles that are tiny. Good thing because she's eaten a couple but most of the time she gives them away, ignores them and lets them melt on a place, or simply throws them in the garbage.


I do have a Ninja now. I was thinking about getting a bag of ice and making snow for her to eat. She loves ice.


Maybe you could try Pedialyte freezer pops. They are in plastic and can be refrozen and are better at rehydration than regular sugar pops that are usually full of HFCS.

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I missed your first post about this. She has had a virus? My dd would randomly vomit at age 3. Then out of the blue would spike a high fever. We finally figured out she was getting kidney infections caused by several factors. The fever was always preceded by vomiting with no other symptoms. She didn't vomit quite to the point your dd is though.

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Cricket, they've diagnosed viral gastroenteritis, and assuming rotavirus. She's been in ER three times (IVs all three times) and admitted one of those times. Today's doctor visit was the third follow up visit so far. We'll get a stool sample next diaper and take it in to find out for sure. Knowing isn't really necessary for treatment...just kind of nice to know.


I just got home from the store with tons of stuff I don't normally buy:


two kinds of juice boxes

ginger ale


Grenadine (to flavor the 7-Up)

Go-Gurt with Sponge Bob on them

Yogurt with Dora on them


three different flavors of jello in individual servings

apple sauce in individual servings

canned green beans (she loves them)

and the Pepto Bismal


I'll also try making snow out of ice in my new Ninja blender because she likes ice.

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Awkward question, but does her diarrhea smell really, really foul? Not just normal bad, but like nothing you have ever smelt before? If so, rotavirus is probably your culprit.


One of my older sons was hospitalized for four days with confirmed rotavirus as a toddler. It was very distinctive, so I recognized it immediately when a younger son had it years later.


Not that the specific diagnosis matters so much as finding out how to get her well, but if your doctor feels confident it is rotavirus, that may be why.


Hope she is well soon! It's so hard to see such a little one suffering so much. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I bet it's rota. Nasty virus. My ds was in the hospital for three days due to rota. About two weeks after he got a stomach virus again. The Dr. said it was common to get another virus quickly because the body is so weak.



Is the Pepto-Bismol for your dd? Unless her Dr. specifically told you to give it to her, then don't. I just read in "Medications and Mother's Milk" by Dr. Hale about Pepto. (I happen to be sitting here sick) The section on Pepto says that salicylate could be absorbed from the med and it increases the risk of Reye syndrome in children. So double check with her Dr. before giving it to her.


Ok, I went back and saw that the Dr. did tell you to give her Pepto if she doesn't have a fever. Pepto works great when I'm sick but because I'm nursing I refuse to take it.

Edited by Kleine Hexe
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I can't believe she is still sick! I haven't been around for a while and just checked in and can't believe my eyes. Ask them to take a stool sample and check for roto virus. Also ask about selmanela & ecoli incase it is something environmental and she is being reinfected. Poor poppet, hope she is feeling much better soon.

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I can't believe she is still sick! I haven't been around for a while and just checked in and can't believe my eyes. Ask them to take a stool sample and check for roto virus. Also ask about selmanela & ecoli incase it is something environmental and she is being reinfected. Poor poppet, hope she is feeling much better soon.


I have a stool sample to take in this morning. Salmonella and e-coli aren't haven't been mentioned, probably because all four kids have been sick at different times with the same symptoms and gotten better.


Have you tried mixing the probiotic into the yogurt? When I have to crush a pill I can hide it in yogurt better then anything. That and a promise of a small square of chocolate go a long ways. ;)


Yesterday, I was able to get probiotics in her by crushing the tablet and mixing it in one teaspoon of applesauce. I figured I'd only get one bite in her. She was refusing yogurt yesterday. She barely ate or drank yesterday, actually.


This morning, it's obvious that she's feeling better. She's had apple juice using a probiotic straw (yay!) and ate some chocolate mousse yogurt (yay!).


I hope it stays this way.

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Puritan's Pride website (not sure of the link, but you can look it up) sells a liquid probiotic that tastes really great...you can just slip it in a drink or have her sip it out of a little cup. We got the strawberry/apple flavor.


Hope she's better soon. I don't cope well with vomiting kids, so my hat is off to you!

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