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Hot or Cool--which would you prefer?

Hot or Cool--which do you prefer for summer  

  1. 1. Hot or Cool--which do you prefer for summer

    • HOT--give me 90+ anyday
    • Cool---50 is what I like to see
    • Do I have to pick one or the other
    • Ok, you can pick OTHER

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Okay, of the two, I prefer 90 degrees. I have a/c for the summer and I have heat for the winter and I don't need to do any strenuous work outside in the hot weather. I don't like to be cold.


Crazy, I'm a Florida native, but I knew even as a child that I hated the heat and wanted to escape. It only took me 48 years!


lol! I grew up in Connecticut and decided during childhood that I'd move south, away from the horrible COLD winters! By 19, I married and moved to Alabama:D

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Cold. I can layer clothes until I'm warm. With the heat, I can only remove so many layers and still be roasting. Ideal is upper 60s/lower 70s with a slight breeze. Not the stupid, stinkin', humid 102 it is here today :glare:.


My sentiments exactly! I can't wait to move back to the north!

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I would MUCH rather be out doing chores and horseback riding in 50 degrees---heck, we have been our riding in temps below zero.


There is a limit to what I can take off and the horses do not do as well with temps over 80 and the mid 90s and high humidity are hard on them.


I remember just a few weeks ago BASKING in the the sun and 42 degrees. It felt wonderful.

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Cold. I can layer clothes until I'm warm. With the heat, I can only remove so many layers and still be roasting. Ideal is upper 60s/lower 70s with a slight breeze. Not the stupid, stinkin', humid 102 it is here today :glare:.



That's what I always say. You can always put more on, but there is only so much you can take off before your arrested. :D

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I hate, hate, hate hot weather! I grew up in South Florida and it made me ill in the summer. I just can't function in it. We live in the mountains now, but it can still get hot here (it's 93 today). We are poor as church mice right now and can't afford to run the a/c or dryer at all this summer. I just hung out a huge load of laundry and it was like taking a sweat bath out there...I found myself dabbing the sweat out of my eyes with my clean, wet laundry! Only 4 more months of this h*ll. :glare:


Oh...I refuse to cook until it's cool again. Salads, fruit and sandwiches are all I'll prepare. DH can grill something if he wants meat.

I don't even feel like eating in this weather.

Edited by Geo
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Yeah - do I have to pick one or the other? I guess I do, 'cause that's all we ever get here - either I'm wearing a sweater, or it's sweltering. How about some days in from the mid '60s to the mid '80s? Huh? Huh? Seems like it shoots right from 55 to 90 with humidity around here...

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Other. In general during the summer I like it to be between 75 and 80 with no humidity.


Overall, I prefer cool to hot. You can always put on another layer but when it is hot you are naked and still hot. No fun at all.

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Temps. It is about 95 and humid here in West Michigan and I am ready for fall.
I'm originally from West MI, and you have my favorite weather. Granted, 95 and humid (especially in June) is very unusual there. Here in the MidAtlantic, it's what we have to suffer through most of the summer. I hate it. The humidity makes me woozy. Can't wait to float in Lake MI at the end of July when it's unbearable here!
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Cold. There is a reason I live in northeast Maine, and it ain't the blackflies. It got up to 74* and I sweated like a_____ in ______ it was so hot.


Wow, it was really hot and you were sweating at 74!...You would HATE NJ!...It is 94 here now and is suppose to reach at least 100 tomorrow!


I would love 74 over this ;)...I love the cooler weather, but DH is from Puerto Rico and LOVES the hot summertime...So it looks like I am stuck with hot summers at least :tongue_smilie:...At least we have Fall...

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I'm a native New Mexican who grew up in Austin, Texas. Dh's first job was in upstate New York. In our second winter there, one day as I was herding the child toward the mall for the third time that week, because there was nowhere else she could run around in the sub-freezing temperatures (we alternated mall and museum), and a stiff wind blew across the mountain of dirty ice piled up by the snow plows in the middle of the parking lot, chilling me to the bone despite my heavy coat, I made a silent vow that if I ever was permitted to return to my beloved Texas, I would never complain about the heat.


Shortly thereafter, dh was offered his dream job in Austin.


I flew down with little dd ahead of him, in August, and we had to change planes in Houston. As the door to the jetway opened, a palpable wall of heat off the tarmac struck me bodily. It was like someone opened a giant oven door.


"Ah," I thought. "Home!" :D


Record high of 102 here yesterday. Who's complaining?

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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I would pick hot over cold. But, I loved living in Hawaii with the daily 80-85 degree weather.


I enjoyed our three years in Hawaii, as an experience, but I didn't love the weather. Our first five months (from June 1 to end of October) were in a house without air and I almost died - 90 degrees in the house all the time, humid and still as could be. I actually cried. Getting a house with air was a huge, huge blessing :)


I've lived in the extremes - the super cold Calgary, Canada winters, super hot and humid NC summers, Hawaii, San Diego (out of all of them SD has the best weather for me), but I desperately miss the seasons.


My ideal - mild weather all year round, but I WANT seasons. I hate humidity. I hate anything over 80. I hate it when it's too hot, and I hate having to turn on air conditioning. We're kind of focusing on Seattle area and Denver-Boulder area when we are done with the military (less than 3 years).

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I like it HOT and DRY. Here we have very low humidity and very high temps in summer- and summer is looooooong. But there is the beach, air conditioning, and I just love the sun.

I do love autumn and spring too. We seem to have had very little autumn and straight into winter here- too cold after months of stinking hot. I don't mind- I like all the seasons- but I don't find myself longing for winter the way I long for summer.

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