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How much do you have invested in your own wardrobe?

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And how much do you spend or budget for just your own clothes per year or month?

Since, until now, I have never bought nice clothes for myself I have no compass as to what is normal. I am thinking that to start from nothing, it would cost about $1K to buy all intimates, pj's, workout clothes, everyday clothes, dress clothes, coats, sweaters, formal clothes, shoes for all occasions and purses. Then maybe one clothes item every month or two after that.

Does that sound normal or extreme?

I have friends that only buy $1-$5 items in consignment shops, and I have friends that have over a thousand dollars in purses alone. I am trying to figure out what is the norm.


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Well before I had kids, I bought new but I only shopped clearance racks. I couldn't justify spending more than $20 on an item (exception good shoes but I only have 2 pairs that I wear and proper support for BooKs). Now that I've had kids and money is tighter, I think the most expensive thing I've bought in the last 5 years is a 7 dollar skirt at Savers. So undergarments and shoes I buy new but only replace those about every 3 years for shoes and 4-5 years for undergarments (I hate shopping for these and so when I'm forced to buy them I buy a set and wear them until they are literally falling apart). So to average it out I would say I spend maybe $100 a year for myself on everything. But I will point out that I just hate shopping, for anything so I would much rather wear/make do with anything I already own that have to go through the effort to buy something else. Not only do I not give one lick about what someone else has decided is "in style", I will freely admit that when I see people who are constantly buying new/name brand clothing, I feel very sorry for them that they waste their money on such trivial things in life because there are so many more important things in life than the clothes you wear.

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This depends so much on one's budget for clothing. If you have $1000 available and went to the local mall, it wouldn't go far. If you shop at Walmart for intimates and casual clothes and went to thrift stores for the rest, you could really "stretch that clothing dollar". (That was an obscure movie reference.;))


I spend a bit more now that I am needing some professional clothes for my part time jobs than I did when I was at home 24/7 with the kids. Either way, I pretty much stick to basics which mix and match.


Ross and TJ Maxx are cheap places to get fashionable looking clothing. I also like Kohl's for dressy stuff and Old Navy for casuals.


Like you, I know women who buy everything super clearanced or at thrift stores and also women who shop at the higher end stores and end up spending a lot of money. I really think so much depends on what you can personally afford.


I hope you have fun on your clothing journey.:001_smile:

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Well, I really don't keep track, but I rarely buy clothes for myself. A lot of my shirts are shirts my dh bought and then remembered he is really tall and the shirt doesn't fit him. Some of them are shirts from when my dh was in middle school. Once in a while I'll see a shirt I really like that is on clearance (not that 30% off bologna - 75% off please) and I'll buy it. I ask for shoes for my birthday. I wear my pants until they are destroyed beyond repair and then I try to find some on sale. I can't remember the last time I owned more than two pairs of pants at once. I try not to spend much time and money on vanity.

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I have no idea what is normal. I hang on to clothes for a long time, but I also buy cheap clothes.:D I shop at Target a lot for clothes. I don't feel like I've got a lot of fashion sense, so I can't bring myself to shop at high end places (or even moderately end places) because I don't want to spend a lot of $ on something I'm not going to wear or end up not liking.

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Pretty much nothing. I get bras from my mom for Christmas or my birthday every year. Sometimes she takes me shopping and I get a couple things. I hardly ever buy anything for myself. Many of my clothes are 10 year old or older. I've just never been in a position where clothes were the highest priority. There is always something more important.

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I probably spend between $300-500 per year. I don't shop thrift stores due to bad memories from childhood. I do shop sales and try to get things as cheaply as I can. I never really learned how to shop for clothes so I have problems shopping. Most of what I by is a whatever general size I happen to be at the time. I rarely try on clothes at the store so most of what I do have is ill fitting.


Summer semester begins tomorrow and I was looking for an outfit to wear. I have the same clothes that I did three summers ago when I began teaching.


Maybe one of these days...

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I don't know how much I've spent on clothes. But I like to mix nice pieces with 2nd hand, and vintage. I also score on hand me downs from a friend with expensive taste.


With a thousand, I'd work the sales and spend:

$300 for a coat

$300 for boots, dark heels, light color heels, ballet flats

$100 for purse

$75 cardigan

$100 for bras and panties


For the rest I'd hit yard sales and thrift stores. We have a couple areas around here where ladies have nice donations and sales. I'd find some vintage pieces as well, like a clutch, and belt.

Edited by helena
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I consider myself pretty cheap when it comes to clothes. I honestly still own clothing from high school - and wear it. Those clothes are at least 11 years old now. When I do buy clothes, I make darn sure that I absolutely love it, because I refuse to spend good money (even if it's at a consignment store) on clothes that I might not wind up wearing. I spent $250 last week on summer clothes, but I hadn't really bought summer outfits in several years and a lot of pieces needed to be either replaced or to be in a different size. A lot of that money was spent on a nice black dress since my three living grandparents are in their mid to late 80s. I have to face reality sometime :( On a less morbid note, I spent $75 on winter clothes a year or two ago and don't plan to buy any more this coming year. My only purse is a $10 purchase from Target. I make shoes last forever, too. I'd say that I spend $150/year, if I were to average it out and counted lingerie, socks, etc. I consider this fair since I spend at least that much per kid per year because we don't have any friends or close family members whose children are larger than mine. I hate not having hand-me downs!

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I tend to buy "classic" bottoms in black, white, brown, navy - mostly Liz Claiborne. These I'll spend more on for good quality. I have some from before 15 yr dd was born.


My tops are cheaper, don't last as long, follow current fashion, mostly on sale from The Loft outlet store. There only 1 Loft outlet store in Miami and 2 in Orlando. Love, love, love the skirts from the Loft outlet - good quality for cheap.


Shoes - I won't spend more than $45 on dressy shoes - usually black, brown, neutral for weddings but they last forever. I wear mostly slippers or black flats from wherever - mostly Payless or Traffic.


Dd and I can share tops and sometimes slipper so I don't feel like I'm spending that much since it's for 2 people.

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I buy 2nd hand. I have evolved to only wearing clothes I love and feel really good in.

If I was going to spend a whole heap like that, I think I would get myself colour tested and design tested- to see what colours and designs really suited me. I have done that myself through books and online research, and it has saved me a lot of money since I did it. I am not longer attracted to clothes that look beautiful on the rack but don't suit my figure.

Its not the money. Its easy to spend money on clothes-lots of money- its having a good eye for what really looks good that is more important- then something in an op shop or a sales rack might be ore suitable than an expensive item.

I dont know how much I spend a year. Less than I used to, but I do love to buy "new" clothes as over the years my tastes change as well and I let go of styles I no longer feel so good in, and love to have a few new pieces each season.

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Yikes I have to admit how much I spend?


Most of my jeans run $100-$300 a pair. I buy a new pair every 4-5 months. Slacks I have a few pairs that I circle through, haven't bought any in awhile. I like Anne Taylor and Gap though. Dress shirts I buy when needed, maybe 2-3 a year at Gap, Express, or Banana Republic (so what like $30 each?) Everyday t-shirts I buy at Khol's. They have a t-shirt there that I love so I will buy one in each color (literally every freakin' color they have, drives my hubby nuts) when they are on sale, usually around $6.


Josh has one of my size cards for VS in his truck, and will get me *gifts* there so I haven't really paid attention to what is getting spent there, but I get new stuff a couple times a year, bras, nighties n such. I buy the cheap panties at Target and replace them when needed. Socks I get where ever, but really I only wear socks with tennis shoes so I tend to wear Joshs.


Shoes, well, I won't even get into shoes.


If I had $1000 to spend on clothing to "start over", I would go to Marshalls or TJMax. You can get through anything with 3 pairs of shoes, tennis shoes, heels, and boots. A couple pairs of slacks (tan and black), a couple pairs of jeans and a pair or two of shorts. A couple nice shirts, a nice dress and a more casual one. You can get decent bras and panties cheap at Target so I'd go there for that. Same goes with basic t-shirts for everyday. I also like the pj sets at Target.


You can make $1000 go REALLY, REALLY, far. Just remember when at a store like Marshalls or Ross, and anywhere really, to really check the fabrics. Buying a shirt because it is cheap and looks nice is great, but if the fabric doesn't wash well you'll only have it a short time before it is mis-shaped and looks funny. Dryers kill clothes, so line dry if you can; line drying can double the life of clothing.


Can you tell I love clothes? :001_smile:

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I am thinking that to start from nothing, it would cost about $1K to buy all intimates, pj's, workout clothes, everyday clothes, dress clothes, coats, sweaters, formal clothes, shoes for all occasions and purses. Then maybe one clothes item every month or two after that.

Does that sound normal or extreme?

Nope, not extreme at all. All of us deserve it. When my dc were very young, I spent much less on clothes and didn't focus on this sort of thing. Now that they're older, I make myself more of a priority. We all should. Not to say that other things get neglected. Not at all. But you do deserve to look as nice as you can afford to.

Build your wardrobe up gradually. Prioritize what you need first and foremost and make a list. When you buy your things gradually, the cost won't be as overwhelming.

Watch great shows like What Not to Wear and Tim Gunn's Guide to Style. His book, btw, would be perfect for you, since it gives a detailed and helpful list as to what every woman needs. Books by any of them. I have learned a lot since watching these shows. Dd and I love to watch them together. I don't have Tim Gunn's book, but I really do want it.

These are the books that I'm looking into:






This is a great book that I have. I love it. :D




I haven't ever bought used, not because I'm snobbish or anything, but when we travel our time is so limited, that I tend to go to places that I know and am familiar with.

I'd much rather have a few key pieces that look great than lots of junk or items that don't look as flattering.

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I buy 2nd hand. I have evolved to only wearing clothes I love and feel really good in.

If I was going to spend a whole heap like that, I think I would get myself colour tested and design tested- to see what colours and designs really suited me. I have done that myself through books and online research, and it has saved me a lot of money since I did it. I am not longer attracted to clothes that look beautiful on the rack but don't suit my figure.

Its not the money. Its easy to spend money on clothes-lots of money- its having a good eye for what really looks good that is more important- then something in an op shop or a sales rack might be ore suitable than an expensive item.

I dont know how much I spend a year. Less than I used to, but I do love to buy "new" clothes as over the years my tastes change as well and I let go of styles I no longer feel so good in, and love to have a few new pieces each season.




I love shopping second hand. I also do super clearance. However, I have also taken the time to find out what suits me, and I only buy what I know I will wear. I love shopping like this, it's like looking for treasure. It does take time, though. I choose one thrift store to visit each week. I regularly purge my closet of things I don't wear anymore. Right now, I love everything in my closet. :001_smile: I paid less than $3 dollars for almost every piece of clothing I own, and I have labels from Talbot's, Christopher and Banks, L.L. Bean, Ann Taylor, etc.


I spend from $0 to $50 a month at thrift stores. I buy personal things and socks at full price department stores, but I don't need them often.

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I just checked our budget file; we budget $400 a year for clothing, and that's for the whole family. And apparently, we've only spent 17% of that so far this year! (Wow, I think I need to go shopping, LOL.)


We buy underthings, socks, and (most) shoes new (I will occasionally buy used shoes, so long as they are canvas or sandals that can be run through the washer and dryer). Pretty much everything else we buy used, mostly from thrift stores. Moose hardly ever needs any clothing bought for him, since he wears his brother's and his cousin's hand me downs. What a blessing!


Of course, there's an occasional exception. For Christmas, all of us get some clothing from dh's parents, and it all comes from Kohls. So if we don't like/don't need it, we return it and get something we do want/need. Two years ago, I got a wonderful wool coat there, that I believe was marked down from $200 to $80; but the majority of that didn't come out of our budget, it was covered by returns. And if someone needs something specific for some reason, and we can't find it at a thrift store/don't have time to shop around, we just go buy it. But for the most part, we love thrift shopping for clothes.


Could we spend more on clothes? I'm sure we could. But it's just not a priority for us.

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I just read online that the Verage woman has 100 pieces of clothing. I wonder if they count socks individually ...


Really? I suppose if we counted underwear and socks, I might have that much.


I spend very little on clothing. Most of mine comes from Target clearance racks, except when I'm shopping with my daughter and indulge in something from wherever she's buying.


I have purchased two pairs of jeans in the last year, I think. Plus, I bought a couple of blouses when my daughter was home over spring break. As some point, I got two or three pairs of pajama bottoms from Old Navy. I bought a few t-shirts at a convention about four months ago. I bought three pairs of shorts and a skirt (on sale!) last night.


I bought two multi-packs of undies at Big Lots several weeks ago.


I did splurge last summer and buy a nice dress for an event, along with appropriate undergarments.


Oh, and I found a couple of blazers at Goodwill a few months ago. (I wear them with jeans and black pumps and a nicer t-shirt for slightly dressy events.)


I'm trying to add it up in my head: I think I've spend under $500 this year (an average of about $42 per month). It's been an unusually spendy year, since I'm still buying replacements after losing weight.

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I imagine it would take several thousand dollars to replace my wardrobe and I really don't have many clothes to begin with!


I might have a 5-6 pairs of pants that fit me well. Many of them were purchased on clearance and my favorites are the J. Crew and Banana Republic that I bought at half-price day at Goodwill! However, to replace them at full value we're talking $80/pair.


I only have 4 bras but they were $50 each. I don't have many shoes, but because of my orthotic inserts I generally have to spend $80-$100 on each pair in order to get shoes that will work for my wonky feet. Underwear at $5/pair add up quickly. My $10-$12 Target t-shirts individually aren't worth that much, but added up there's another couple hundred dollars. I only wear SmartWool socks and have been lucky enough to find relatively inexpensive seconds at places like Sierra Trading Post, but retail we're talking $15-$20/pair.


For summer I have 5-6 lovely hemp skirts. I bought several of them back before kids and I'll buy myself another one every couple of years. There's another $300ish.


I've been able to acquire lots of my nicer things on clearance, Goodwill, hand-me-downs from friends who love to shop and so forth. It's taken years of bargain hunting to build my wardrobe. If something were to happen to all of my clothing I couldn't just go replace it all overnight at those prices and I'd have to pay full retail.


ETA: FWIW, it might sound excessive to some of you, but I really do have one of the smallest wardrobes of most women I know. My dh and I share one small dresser and the tiniest closet you've ever seen!

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I really need to try Goodwill. I am circulating about $60 worth of WalMart clothes right now. It's kind of sad - I have no problem buying a $10 book, but a $10 shirt? Ugh! :)

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Since I live in Germany I order almost all my clothing from Lands End (classic pieces to mix/match). I usually spend around 600 a year...about 300 for spring/summer and 300 for fall/winter. I usually buy everything on the overstock/closeout side. This definitey makes my money go much farther. I buy excellent quality shoes so I don't have to buy them often now as I have many great pairs to choose from.

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I've just updated my spring/summer wardrobe and spent roughly $275. I might spend that much again this fall if I need to. I buy on sale. I have this weird thing about wearing other people's clothing so I don't get clothes from Goodwill or consignments.

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I have very little invested. I can go to a funeral, a wedding, I can go to a house of worship, I can go to a recital. I can go to the market, library, and to freinds for dinner. If I had to get a job tomorrow, I could WAH for about 3 days and look decent.


I can't go to the Kentucky Derby (no great hat) or to a fancy dress ball without having to shop.

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Our monthly clothing budget for a family of five is $160. I don't keep track of what is spent on whom, but I suspect I spend more than 1/5th of the budget on myself. :)


The three kids are growing rapidly enough that they typically need replacement clothing throughout the year, though my younger daughter has lots of hand-me-downs from my older daughter. My husband needs nice clothes (suits/dress pants/dress shoes) for work, but likes to wear his non-work clothes until they fall apart.

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I wear forgiving and inexpensive clothes. Whenever I develop a taste for something pricey, I try to figure out how to get it more cheaply.


I buy Lancome lipstick on sale when Macy's has a gift with purchase deal. I have two favorite colors and wear them most of the year.


I love CAbI clothes for work and semi-dressy wear, and they are very forgiving size-wise, so I can use them through ups and downs in weight. I tend to get them in the semester end half price sample sales, or on Ebay, although I occasionally buy one at full price to support a local business, which I think is a worthy goal.


I love Sofft shoes, which are pretty expensive, but I have had very serious PF problems, and I have to have good shoes that fit well. So I mostly buy them at the Nordstrom's Rack, at at least half off and often 75% off. I also buy dressy pumps at thrift stores as they tend to get donated when they are still in good shape, and use inserts in them if necessary.


I buy lingerie at the outlet stores exclusively. Legg's and Hanes panty hose and Jockey underwear and Bali bras are all available at the same outlet malls.


I like Not Your Daughter's Jeans enough to pay full price for them, but like other things I have hunted down cheaper alternative sources; primarily the Nordstrom's Rack. These last forever anyway, so even if they are pricey they are a good value.


I usually have one go to suit, in charcoal or navy, for presentations and formal work and funerals, and that can be pricey but lasts a very long time. Every few years I buy one nice dress that is neither black nor white, so that I can wear it to every dressy occasion that comes along, including weddings. This is so rare that I usually have to pay full price. Those are my only big splurges.


The last time I bought a dressy coat was around 1987. I still wear it. I got it on sale for half price, and it has served me well. I have another one that I got at a free clothing exchange at a local church, so I'm probably set for the rest of my life.


I buy good sneakers at REI when they have their big sales, and I mostly use a credit that they give me for using my credit card from there. I usually have one old and one newer pair going. Last year when the snow boots that I bought there in 2002 fell apart, I bought waterproof insulated hiking boots as a replacement. They are great down to about 20 degrees and for hiking in the muck, which is a significant felt need of mine. I will probably wear them for the next 20 years.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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I have 5 everyday shirt-and-jeans outfits, 2 workout outfits, 3 dresses, a funeral dress, a few sweaters, and 4 casual pants outfits for work.


I probably need to replace some of my everyday shirts, but I'll wait until the August sales.


Buying good bOOk shelves is my only indulgence. Otherwise I'm the type that doesn't like to spend much at all. During my heavy career days I didn't blink at spending $200 on a suit, but those days are gone...

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I have $20 per month budgeted for clothing for me (same as everyone else in the family). We shop thrift stores (we have good ones here) and if I can't find what I need at a thrift store, I'll go to Ross or Target, depending on the item. I'm not opposed to spending some money on a good item, but there is so much out there that others have bought and barely used. I am very selective with my thrift finds and would rather find things there. That said, if I need something, I will look for a reasonable amount of time and if it is not at the thrift store, off to the regular store I go! I never pay full price for clothing.

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I haven't spent any in a very long time. I have no bras that fit correctly, all of my pants are too tight, all of my shirts are free t-shirts or hand-me-downs. I own two pair of slippers and one pair of sandles. My only swimsuit is one that my dd wore to summer camp 6 years ago and my three pair of shorts came from the same place. This is a project I have been wanting to work on for a long time but I haven't had the time, money or motivation. We are broke so thrift shops would be my only resource and that takes hours and I hate shopping. :glare:

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Since I live in Germany I order almost all my clothing from Lands End (classic pieces to mix/match).


I'm (sincerely) wondering why you prefer to shop online to the German clothing shops?


The replacement value of my wardrobe (for insurance purposes) is US$ 2800. That would be the cost of getting all new at once.

Since January I've spent about US$ 200 (so avg of $40 per month) on myself. I need to maintain a reasonable wardrobe for work.

We don't have any thrift stores here. I try to buy good quality that will last for a few years. If its on sale - even better!

Edited by Hannah
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Such an interesting question! I've honestly no idea, since I've worn hand-me-downs my whole life. Being pregnant is one of my favorite times, because your friends tend to have bags full of maternity clothes just sitting there bored, and you often don't have to spend a cent.


Right now I'm in a crazy weight loss period--I've just dropped 4 sizes (16 down to 10), and have another size or two to go--and I've been richly blessed by the castoffs of skinny friends who have grown, um, comfier.


I did just buy myself a pair of shorts last week because I couldn't stand having to pull my old shorts up all the time, but these were Walmart, $14, and when these get too big, I'm borrowing a belt.


I do, however, spend money on quality bOOkshelves and running shoes, so this year that makes $214 I've spent, counting the shorts.


And there, as you can see, I've shared personal stories and been no help whatsoever. :D

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Fun thread! I love clothes and don't have nearly as much as I would love to have! I just don't have the money.


I have taken a lot of time to figure out what looks good on my figure. For example, as much as I ADORE tops with ruffles, I look ridiculous in them. Something about the shape of my face or something.... So, now I don't even waste time trying on a top with ruffles.


Once you find out what looks good on you, you can focus on buying just those things, and then you don't need as much. For example, I look silly in ruffles, but I look awesome in button down shirts! So, when I go to a thrift store, I know to by-pass most of the other clothes and spend my time trying on all the button down shirts.


To answer the original question, yeah--it might take $1000 to get EVERYTHING. However, I would only spend $80 on the coat and $15 on a purse. I'd start at the thrift stores and clean those out before going to the new stores. And then it would be Target and Ross and TJMaxx and THEN Kohls, Sears, etc.





And then, sometimes, you just need a new infusion of clothes. I wore the same church clothes for about 6 years in a row (3 winter outfits, 3 summer outfits) and now I'm SICK of those clothes! So, this summer, I've bought 2 new outfits and someone gave me a 3rd and I'm pleased as punch. I didn't "need" them, but it feels soooo good to have them! It cost $70 to get the new dress, new skirt and top. (And $0 for the gift skirt/top) More than I would like to spend on 2 outfits, but I'll wear those 3 new outfits for the next 6 summers, till I get sick of them:tongue_smilie:. And they're REALLY nice, because I took a LOT of time to pick out something that was just perfect for my figure.

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I imagine it would take several thousand dollars to replace my wardrobe and I really don't have many clothes to begin with!

I might have a 5-6 pairs of pants that fit me well.

I only have 4 bras but they were $50 each. I don't have many shoes, but because of my orthotic inserts I generally have to spend $80-$100 on each pair in order to get shoes that will work for my wonky feet. Underwear at $5/pair add up quickly.

ETA: FWIW, it might sound excessive to some of you, but I really do have one of the smallest wardrobes of most women I know. My dh and I share one small dresser and the tiniest closet you've ever seen!

I'd like to shop with you. I'm already becoming more like you and much more selective as I get older. I was very fashion-conscious before dc. Then that got neglected for some years. Now I'm finding my groove again ... :D Dd and I have such fun shopping together.


I have this weird thing about wearing other people's clothing so I don't get clothes from Goodwill or consignments.

Me too. I just wasn't brave enough to admit it here :leaving:. My sister's the same, except she's even worse than me. She won't even wear clothes that belonged to friends.


I can't go to the Kentucky Derby (no great hat) or to a fancy dress ball without having to shop.

:lol: Sorry, you made me giggle.


I really would like to get a good br@ fitting, not a hurried one, but quality, like on Tim Gunn's Show. The right br@ can make a huge difference.

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I don't have a lot invested in my wardrobe. The most recent purchase I made was, hmmm, 2 pairs of jeans 8months ago. Actually, we ALL need new clothes and wouldn't ya know, there isn't a Goodwill around me? I have to drive over an hour to see a Goodwill. I've seen some consignment shops in town and the clothes there just don't appeal to me. We'll just piece together stuffs slowly (as we have been attempting for awhile now). We don't have a super Walmart in town (gotta drive a half hour for that), no Targets or malls unless, again, we drive over an hour. I'm jealous of people that are able to drive down the road and actually have a selection of shops. :tongue_smilie: It's always so much fun when we do make it to the "big city" and go to the stores there. It's never when we have money (we were using the money we had to GET to the big city), but to see that massive selection is nice (although sometimes I just have to really wonder about the latest styles).

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I just spent $300 on clothes for me. I bought 4 pairs of capris, 5 shirts, 2 swim suits, and a pair of sandals. All new on sale. 2 winters ago I spent $500 and bought new bras, jeans, winter tops, and a couple of nicer outfits for a fancy dinner and church at a Lane Bryant outlet. Those were the first 'new' clothes I had bought since somewhere around 2005. Other than an occassional shirt at a thrift store I have not bought anything for me.

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Hmmm. I tend to only buy stuff when I really NEED it or there's a special occasion. This spring, I broke through the knees of my favorite pair of jeans, so I'll need to buy new ones in the fall. Last summer, I'd lost a little weight and I got out the old sewing machine and took in the waists of all my capris and skirts as my hanging toddler would always pull my pants down. This summer, I'm another 10 pounds smaller and couldn't take things in anymore, so I had to go out and buy a few pieces. I buy new intimates once a year or so, and other things (to include shoes) only when necessary. I used to get a lot of hand me downs for the kids, but our donor families moved away and I've been having to buy a lot more for the older 2 kids; that puts even more of a crimp and some guilt on self-spending. I'm taking my kids to visit relatives with a pool later this week. I'm 15-20 pounds ligther than when I last bought a swim suit and while mine seems to fit OK dry, I'm pretty sure it's going to sag and slip when wet. I shudder at spending another $100 at Land's End for a swimsuit, but I think I might have to do it. I don't enjoy clothes shopping at all. I try to buy things that will last and with which I'll be happy for a while.

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I would like to invest about $3500 and replace everything.


If I really sit down and tally it up, between my maternity and non-maternity wardrobes, I probably have that much in clothing in my closet.....


but most days I wear an $8 old navy t-shirt and a $20 pair of capris (summer) or jeans (winter).


If I had $1000 to start and then could have $100/month I'd be happy. :)

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I'm (sincerely) wondering why you prefer to shop online to the German clothing shops?


The replacement value of my wardrobe (for insurance purposes) is US$ 2800. That would be the cost of getting all new at once.

Since January I've spent about US$ 200 (so avg of $40 per month) on myself. I need to maintain a reasonable wardrobe for work.

We don't have any thrift stores here. I try to buy good quality that will last for a few years. If its on sale - even better!


Hi Hannah...I did do a lot of shopping when we lived in Wurzburg downtown. After these last two moves I've just gotten in the habit of shopping online. I haven't had the time I once did to ramble around town and the stores I've been in haven't been to my taste. The euro rate is not to great for us as well and I feel I can get more bang for my buck online. I do have some very nice pieces that I purchased when I first got here that I'll be using for years to come. I love S Oliver and have many of those items. :)

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Hi Hannah...I did do a lot of shopping when we lived in Wurzburg downtown. After these last two moves I've just gotten in the habit of shopping online. I haven't had the time I once did to ramble around town and the stores I've been in haven't been to my taste. The euro rate is not to great for us as well and I feel I can get more bang for my buck online. I do have some very nice pieces that I purchased when I first got here that I'll be using for years to come. I love S Oliver and have many of those items. :)


Ah..that makes sense - my curiosity has been quelled :)

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I have clothes from all over. The skirt I am wearing was from niece and the tank top was from a bag of clothes that got passed around from church. The sandles I have on are from Meijer, I would like to replace them as the under the big toe the material is ripping, but I really like them. I get Bali bras when oneshanesplace.com has them on sale and I know I'm going to need them. I buy underwear when needed. I shop garage sales, Good Will, Thrift stores, my aunt gives me clothes, Kohl's if I need something and can't find it anywhere else. Speaking of clothes, I need to pull some winter stuff out of my closet to give me more room, I think I'll do that right now!

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Not counting 1-2 pairs of shoes per year, I spend about $100-150/year on clothes. Good Will! :)


This is probably about my norm also....for the past thirty plus years! I shop almost exclusively thrift stores, and love living this way. I always find cool stuff, and know it is a huge way of "being green," as well. I have never been much for fashion, but prefer comfortable, natural fabrics. I rarely find anything I want new from a store! Yep, hippie hearted to the core!

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I spend on average $150/year on my clothes. I buy one pair of shoes per year. In the past twelve months I have spent less than $100. If I ever lose the baby fat, though, I'm going to overhaul my closet. I wouldn't mind spending $1000, but I'd do it over two years.

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