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Totally off-topic me-brag... Today I completed a triathlon. :o)

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I'm just still so excited that I *did* it, so I had to share. :)


I have never, ever, ever been a runner. Up until last July it was something I would do "only when chased by bears". ... I was a reasonably athletic child and even teen, but man, running was just something I *hated*.


But along the way one of my friends commented that she ran not because she like it, but because it was efficient. And over time I was able to take that and mull it over and realize that I didn't have to *like* running. I could do it just because I should. It was sort of a relief. All this time I thought I was missing a key element -- "liking to run" -- but it turns out that that's an irrelevant element! Some people like to run and that's great -- but you can run even if you hate it. ;)


In July I started Couch to 5K. Running for 3 minutes (even very slowly) was *so* hard. My brother told me that all I had to do was "maintain a running form", even if I was super slow. So I worked on that. And I followed the plan. And sometimes I had to repeat a week.


In October I ran my first race. A 10K. A fellow WTMer ran with me on one side and my brother on the other to make sure I'd finish. ;) And I did.


In February I ran (and sometimes walked) my first half marathon.


And today I completed my first triathlon. I swam 1/4 mile, biked 12 miles (of horrible, awful hills), and ran a 5K.


And now I'm a triathlete. :D


I'm still getting older, and I'm still a little fluffier than I'd like to be. But I'm also strong and determined. I did it.


So... Um... If anyone's thinking, "You know, I should do *something*." You should. :) And you can. You don't have to love it. But maybe you'll love the sense of accomplishment...


BTW, Niffercoo (another WTMer) is also a triathlete as of today. :D She's the one who ran beside me each of my first two races. Today she whoooooshed past me. ;) Thanks, Jen!

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I have chills!!!! You are truly amazing!!!! Congratulations!


I especially liked what you wrote about not having to like running. I was the same way. I mean I liked how I felt when it was done, but I didn't used to like the actual running part. But, as I ran longer, I started to crave it. I loved listening to the birds and seeing other runners. Races keep me going.


I was thinking of you the day of your half marathon (Disney - right?). How was it? Don't they do a great job with their races?


I'm SOOOOO jealous that you got to meet and run with Jen!!!! Some day I'm going to run a race with her!! (Jen - are you doing Disney next January? I'm doing the half again!)

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:party:Awesome job!!!!


I've thought about trying to start a running program, but it will have to wait until DD can join me. Can't very well leave her home alone. :tongue_smilie:


Sure you can! Get a running stroller. I borrowed one from a friend. My 5 yo still goes on runs with me occasionally.

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:party:Awesome job!!!!


I've thought about trying to start a running program, but it will have to wait until DD can join me. Can't very well leave her home alone. :tongue_smilie:


I do know moms who've found parks with a track that circles the play area, so they're never out of sight of their kids while they run. She might also surprise you by how young she's able to try something like this... I know kids as young as 7 and 8 who run 5Ks with their parents. (That said, my dd was 9 before she could turn down the whining enough to build the stamina to run with me -- and yet almost overnight she surprised me by how much she could do.) So... Five is a tough age -- too big for a jog stroller, too small to be left (probably even on a swingset you can see from the track) or to run much with you -- but she'll be older and more able soon. Good luck!

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Yep, exactly. Almost from the start I liked how I felt *after* a run. But liking it during is still hard. It's not as *painful* as it was early on... But I'm working on "liking" it. ;)


Races are so much energy and excitement though, and that's great. :)


I need something to work toward next. I *think* my next goal is going to be to do the same 10k this year that was my first race last year and finish in under an hour...


Jen's running her first marathon this year. :D I'm very proud of her, but I just don't have the "base" to be able to attempt it. Yet.


And yes, I did the Disney Princess Half this past year. Lots and lots and lots of fun. (Also, my medal was WAY better than the one they gave us for the tri today.) :)

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Yep, exactly. Almost from the start I liked how I felt *after* a run. But liking it during is still hard. It's not as *painful* as it was early on... But I'm working on "liking" it. ;)


Races are so much energy and excitement though, and that's great. :)


I need something to work toward next. I *think* my next goal is going to be to do the same 10k this year that was my first race last year and finish in under an hour...


Jen's running her first marathon this year. :D I'm very proud of her, but I just don't have the "base" to be able to attempt it. Yet.


And yes, I did the Disney Princess Half this past year. Lots and lots and lots of fun. (Also, my medal was WAY better than the one they gave us for the tri today.) :)


Oh yea- Disney's medals are awesome!!!! A 10k in under an hour is an awesome goal! I love that distance.


I need to PM Jen. I ran my first marathon this year. I'm glad I did it once, but that's enough!

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Sure you can! Get a running stroller. I borrowed one from a friend. My 5 yo still goes on runs with me occasionally.


I actually considered this- but she was down with the stroller at 18 months, I'm not sure I could get her into it! :D


I do know moms who've found parks with a track that circles the play area, so they're never out of sight of their kids while they run. She might also surprise you by how young she's able to try something like this... I know kids as young as 7 and 8 who run 5Ks with their parents. (That said, my dd was 9 before she could turn down the whining enough to build the stamina to run with me -- and yet almost overnight she surprised me by how much she could do.) So... Five is a tough age -- too big for a jog stroller, too small to be left (probably even on a swingset you can see from the track) or to run much with you -- but she'll be older and more able soon. Good luck!


There are a few places with tracks, but I still wouldn't be able to have my eyes on her at all times, so it makes me pretty uncomfortable. We've been walking the past couple evenings and the whining is driving me crazy- glad to know it isn't just my DD!! :lol:

I worked out a deal with two friends to watch DD for an extra 2 hours after I get out of class starting in September so I can go to the university gym- I'm thrilled about that! :D I may try and start running then. I'd love to do a race at some point in the future. (far.... far future! :lol::lol:)

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Good for you! That is great. Doesn't it feel when you work hard and then complete it? It does make you feel strong. :cheers2:


I'm not into the tri (not that fond of the bike), but I do enjoy running. I'm in better shape now than I had been my entire life. It's a good feeling. My dh has done one triathlon, and is going to do his second this summer. He loves them.

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I wished I could do a tri, but I can't swim worth a darn. I am so jealous. This morning my ds11 and I did a 5k race, his first, and now he's addicted. It was so fun to see his face at the finish, and boy, did he smoke me.


Great Job!

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BTW, Niffercoo (another WTMer) is also a triathlete as of today. :D She's the one who ran beside me each of my first two races. Today she whoooooshed past me. ;) Thanks, Jen!



Abbey, I am so proud of you for completing your triathlon!! You did such an excellent job, and really you were quite fast!! I'm glad to have the privilege of running (and swimming and biking!) with you! :)

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I'm SOOOOO jealous that you got to meet and run with Jen!!!! Some day I'm going to run a race with her!! (Jen - are you doing Disney next January? I'm doing the half again!)



There is a very slim chance I could be there in January! One of my other friends is doing the marathon relay with a partner (who is not me) and she might need a room mate. I could split the cost of the room and split the cost of the gas to ride down there with her! I will keep you posted if I get to do it. I'm not sure when I would know one way or another. It's definitely on my plan for 2013 because it's the 20th anniversary year! But I might just go ahead and do Goofy that year to get it over with! LOL

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That is so awesome!!! WOW! I also hate to run. It hurts me too much. My dream is to ride my bicycle again...someday...if I can get past this last flare of Fibro, that is the first thing I am going to train to do.


Congrats to you!!! I feel encouraged from your success.



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I've spent all weekend trying to decide if I really can justify the expense of some personal training I have been considering. I hate to spend the money. But I also have a perfect 43 year unbroken record of never following through on an exercise plan. So I feel like accountability is necessary for me for a few months.


But what I really want to do is to honor my father by running in an Alzheimer's charity 5K this fall. I want to training to help me get stronger for a purpose. And I love efficiency, even though I don't like running. You really inspired me with this



So... Um... If anyone's thinking, "You know, I should do *something*." You should. :) And you can. You don't have to love it. But maybe you'll love the sense of accomplishment...



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...can you explain exactly what you mean by "efficient?" I'm not a runner, but you are snagging my curiosity.


My friend who said it at the time was referring mostly to weight maintenance. That in her experience, running was the thing that helped her maintain a healthy weight in the least amount of time. ... I still have some weight to go before I feel really happy with my body -- but I'm certainly pleased and proud of the strength and stamina I've gained over the last year.

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Congratulations! How exciting!


I did a duathalon this weekend (5K run 10 mile bike 5K run) and I'm registered for a tri similar to yours in August (1/4 mile swim, 15 mile bike, 5K run). I've just done a few and am very amature, have a cheesy bike, swim sidestroke. But it's so fun and feels so good to do these events! My event in August is a women's event which is even better! :D

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