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Weird People Story #346...

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I've been a lurker for some time now and had to respond here. My dh and

ds16 do that all the time! They are simply in search of a new project or parts for an ongoing project. If I'm with them I duck down so as not to be seen!:o



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I've been a lurker for some time now and had to respond here. My dh and

ds16 do that all the time! They are simply in search of a new project or parts for an ongoing project. If I'm with them I duck down so as not to be seen!:o





I am glad you came out of hiding to share this! It (sort of) makes sense. ;)

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Ok, but this is not a car w/out a wheel or something. It's a perfectly good, nice-looking, running car w/ all its parts. (It's not ours, lol.)


House? Sure, maybe. Car? I'm sorry, unless it's clearly not running or something, that's WEIRD.

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Well... there are times when someone comes to the door like that to distract you, while their accomplice sneaks in the back door and steals something. Or, he could be taking the opportunity to look in your front door to see if you have something worth stealing.

I'm sorry, but this kind of thing happens in the city we just moved from, all the time. So be careful!

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Originally Posted by Nancy Mac viewpost.gif



I've been a lurker for some time now and had to respond here. My dh and

ds16 do that all the time! They are simply in search of a new project or parts for an ongoing project. If I'm with them I duck down so as not to be seen!:o





We have bought a couple of cars that way. Also, we occasionally will leave our phone number under the windshield wiper of a car in a parking lot, asking the owner to give us a call if they want to sell. One time we got a call back that way about 2 years later. :) We like to drive/restore old Volvos, so what we are looking for usually will not be on a lot. It wasn't a Volvo, was it, Aubrey?


Take care,


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Um, weird, yes. Not to an alarmist, but make sure he's gone. If you have a garage make sure it's closed and your doors are locked.


We thwarted a break-in started in a similar manner. Guy stopped to see if we needed any work done on the house. Dh talked to him. The guy wanted to blow leaves off our roof. It needed it, but we weren't paying someone to do it.


An hour later he comes back with a buddy and tried to steal something out of the garage. Dh went out, I guess they didn't think we were still home. The other guy tried to play it off like he was just looking for work and wanted to drop off his card. Dumb s*** even gave dh his business card. Meanwhile I'm jotting down the license number from the kitchen window. Finally talked dh into calling the cops and guess what!!! They were already at this guys house!! The two had gotten into an argument and were known thieves. One guy was on probation. They brought him back in the cop car so we could identify him.


Not to alarm you, really. The guy that came by originally was obviously impaired in some manner. We assumed drugs, but didn't know if it was that or a mental condition.

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I've had that happen. Two guys stopped by to ask if we were selling our pick up. It wasn't parked up near the road and it doesn't have a for sale sign.


Sometimes I think this is an excuse and they are scoping the place out to see if anyone is home.


I also had the neighbor stop by to ask if we wanted to sell our boat. I was okay with him stopping by since he is a neighbor. I told him the boat didn't run. He said he'd still be willing to buy it and fix it up. It was his lucky day because we gave it to him for free. We were just glad not to have it sitting there any more. :D

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I've been a lurker for some time now and had to respond here. My dh and

ds16 do that all the time! They are simply in search of a new project or parts for an ongoing project. If I'm with them I duck down so as not to be seen!:o





Their own two-person version of flash mob.:lol:

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Well... there are times when someone comes to the door like that to distract you, while their accomplice sneaks in the back door and steals something. Or, he could be taking the opportunity to look in your front door to see if you have something worth stealing.

I'm sorry, but this kind of thing happens in the city we just moved from, all the time. So be careful!


That's kind-of what I was thinking.

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We have bought a couple of cars that way. Also, we occasionally will leave our phone number under the windshield wiper of a car in a parking lot, asking the owner to give us a call if they want to sell. One time we got a call back that way about 2 years later. :) We like to drive/restore old Volvos, so what we are looking for usually will not be on a lot. It wasn't a Volvo, was it, Aubrey?


Take care,



It was a Chevy. If it were something rare or unusual, again, I think I'd understand. This was just a truck.

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Um, weird, yes. Not to an alarmist, but make sure he's gone. If you have a garage make sure it's closed and your doors are locked.


We thwarted a break-in started in a similar manner. Guy stopped to see if we needed any work done on the house. Dh talked to him. The guy wanted to blow leaves off our roof. It needed it, but we weren't paying someone to do it.


An hour later he comes back with a buddy and tried to steal something out of the garage. Dh went out, I guess they didn't think we were still home. The other guy tried to play it off like he was just looking for work and wanted to drop off his card. Dumb s*** even gave dh his business card. Meanwhile I'm jotting down the license number from the kitchen window. Finally talked dh into calling the cops and guess what!!! They were already at this guys house!! The two had gotten into an argument and were known thieves. One guy was on probation. They brought him back in the cop car so we could identify him.


Not to alarm you, really. The guy that came by originally was obviously impaired in some manner. We assumed drugs, but didn't know if it was that or a mental condition.


:confused:I need to let DH and DS know this so as to be sure they are not giving the wrong impression or causing anyone to feel unsafe:001_huh:.

However it doesn't help their case if I'm hiding in the floor board!:glare:

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:confused:I need to let DH and DS know this so as to be sure they are not giving the wrong impression or causing anyone to feel unsafe:001_huh:.

However it doesn't help their case if I'm hiding in the floor board!:glare:


I'm sure they're probably knocking on doors where it makes sense. Right? :bigear:


If not, um, I'm sorry. We'll send some chocolate to you down there in the floor board! ;)

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We've had this happen. We have had someone come to the door, but it happened more when we were out and about. They wanted the specific truck style, color and liked that ours looked like new.... dh now uses it for his work truck. No one ever asks him if he wants to sell it anymore!! :lol:

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My dad had a '57 Studebaker. It was our family car for my whole life living with my parents. People used to drop by our house all the time asking if he'd sell it. His 25 years in the Navy gave him an excellent epithet vocabulary from which to choose for his replies to those queries.

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I have been waiting for someone to come and ask if our house is for sale without us having to list it!




I've asked a homeowner if their house was sale & so has my aunt - hers was and she bought it.
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I would have been curious to know how much he was willing to pay. My husband always says anything is for sale for the right price. Hmmm....I wonder if I'd be included in that. :001_huh: :001_smile:


Oh my gosh, that exact thing has happened to me!! Very weird.


Maybe it was the same guy.


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must be going around.


She stopped to ask if she could buy the cement picnic table in the front yard. When I said no, she got fairly indignant and said she rides by here all the time and never sees anyone using it. I replied, we did in fact use it as we homeschool and the children like to do their school outside.


She asked again for us to sell it. Though I should have quit talking then and shut the door, I told her that even IF we didn't use it, we can't sell it as we only rent the house and it is part of the house. She then asked for the address of the couple we rent from. Um, no. I got a bit testy at that point and said "No, I'm not going to give you the address of our landlords so you can try and buy an item that we are USING"


She stomped off and said she would look in public records.


Weird and I'm pretty sure she qualifies as a class one nutcase too.

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We had this happen to us, our car had broken down and we had to replace it before we could unload the broken car. We had it sitting next to the car, no for sale sign and dh hadn't gotten around to listing it in the paper or anything, in fact my dad was going to just haul it his house and pull any parts he might want (they had the exact same make, model, year) and then haul it to the junkyard. You couldn't tell from looking at it that anything was wrong with it. A man knocked on our door one day and asked if we were selling it. Freaked me out a little, but I took his phone number and told him I'd have dh call him. I watched the man the whole time to make sure he did leave. Low and behold, he just happened to really like the make and model of our broken car and was serious about buying it, even though it needed major engine work. Nothing special about our car, it was just a typical family car.


I have also had people stop by when I was working in the yard ask if the wood we have stacked in our backyard was for sale.

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We got very lost in WV a few days ago looking for a used furniture store. We where way out in the boonies and I just knew we where not on the path to any store. I told dh "let just start knocking on peoples doors and ask to buy their couches" :lol:I am sure people would of thought we where insane but it would of been fun.

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My dad had a '57 Studebaker. It was our family car for my whole life living with my parents. People used to drop by our house all the time asking if he'd sell it. His 25 years in the Navy gave him an excellent epithet vocabulary from which to choose for his replies to those queries.


What does this mean? It reads as if he'd swear at the people. (Language like a sailor, etc...)

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That happens to us. Also, when our grass gets even a little shaggy, we have people come by and offer lawn service. And someone down the street has a house for rent and they put a sign in my yard with the address written on it (we live in the corner house). Anyway, the address is written really small and after a few months, it faded quite a bit. This woman stopped by mistakenly thinking my house was for rent, but when I clarified where the sign came from and told her which house was really for rent, it was clear she thought I was crazy or didn't really believe me. She gave me this really weird look and lingered on the front porch as if trying to figure out how to call me on my obvious and vile lie. ;)

Edited by Mimm
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When I was growing up, sometime in the late 80s, my dad bought an old 60s Chevy of some type to use as his daily driver. He drove it off and on, but it sat in our yard mostly. This was way out in the country, so it wasn't a real big deal.


One day some guys stopped by to ask if it was for sale. Dad said maybe if the price was right. It turns out that these guys were looking for a car to use in a demolition derby. As such, they weren't wanting to spend a whole lot on it. No deal was made that day. My dad was kind of offended that they thought his car was only demolition derby worthy. We all had a good laugh about that.


I've been tempted to leave a note on a car I was interested in, but haven't done it yet. However, I'm very specific in which model I would be interested.

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Speaking of weird people, one day a lady at QT chastised one of my sons for not putting enough ice in his soda. She was adamant about it. It turns out she's not totally balanced and has a history of pestering the QT customers and employees. We still laugh about that one.

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I drive a junky 15 year old van....one hubcap, a little rust. I think I'd sort of be insulted if someone saw it in my driveway and thought it was only good for parts and asked to buy it.


And this thread has totally motivated me to find the chain I bought for the door like 2 years ago that dh never put on. I'm going to put it on myself!

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