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Do you believe the only path to God is...(CC)

Do you believe the *only* path to God is by going to church?  

  1. 1. Do you believe the *only* path to God is by going to church?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Other.

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by going to church? DH and I were discussing this and I want to see the results of the poll. Thanks!


No, has nothing to do with going to a church. Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and do you repent of any wrongdoing and ask him to save you?

If so, you are saved...at least IMHO.

The Bible says "not to forego the company of other believers..." but it does not say attending a church saves anyone.

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No, has nothing to do with going to a church. Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and do you repent of any wrongdoing and ask him to save you?

If so, you are saved...at least IMHO.

The Bible says "not to forego the company of other believers..." but it does not say attending a church saves anyone.



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However, I do believe that becoming part of a church is an essential part of maintaining a healthy relationship with God. We are instructed to do so in many places in Scripture and there are many benefits. To name a few; accountability, agreement in prayer, edification, Christian community & friendship, support with Godly guidance, etc.

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Going to church is totally separate from the concept of salvation. It's can be an important thing, but doing so doesn't save you.


However, I do believe that becoming part of a church is an essential part of maintaining a healthy relationship with God. We are instructed to do so in many places in Scripture and there are many benefits. To name a few; accountability, agreement in prayer, edification, Christian community & friendship, support with Godly guidance, etc.


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I don't think the only path to God is by going to church, but I do think that being united with Christ (ie. salvation) by definition includes being united with His Body, which is the Church. In other words, being a part of His Church is not optional, it's a necessary part of salvation.

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Going to church is not part of salvation, or accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I believe that is the only path to God. Going to church is an act of worship and I think that it is an important component of maintaining a close relationship with God, as are all acts of worship.

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No, has nothing to do with going to a church. Do you believe Jesus died for your sins and do you repent of any wrongdoing and ask him to save you?

If so, you are saved...at least IMHO.

The Bible says "not to forego the company of other believers..." but it does not say attending a church saves anyone.


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I don't think the only path to God is by going to church, but I do think that being united with Christ (ie. salvation) by definition includes being united with His Body, which is the Church. In other words, being a part of His Church is not optional, it's a necessary part of salvation.


Being united with Christ automatically makes you a part of the family of believers. The church is just the brick-and-mortar spot where some of the family like to meet. It is not necessary to go to that physical place or to agree to be a member of a specific group of people in order to still be a child of God and therefore member of the universal church.

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Some might see it the other way around -- if you want to be united fully with Christ, you'll need to become part of His Body, the church. Just a thought! I know others see it the way you describe.

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I ask because *someone* I know has a wonderful, fulfilling, real relationship with God. It is dynamic and ongoing. Worship is a very real part of it. It does not include attending church (the building) but does include seeking out and spending time with the church (the people).


Another person claims this is not a real relationship with God as it does not include attending church (the building). The first person is technically Catholic, if that helps. (Meaning the Sacraments were made but there was no real relationship with God or attending church-the building).

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I ask because *someone* I know has a wonderful, fulfilling, real relationship with God. It is dynamic and ongoing. Worship is a very real part of it. It does not include attending church (the building) but does include seeking out and spending time with the church (the people).


Another person claims this is not a real relationship with God as it does not include attending church (the building). The first person is technically Catholic, if that helps. (Meaning the Sacraments were made but there was no real relationship with God or attending church-the building).


There are definitely at least two thoughts on the matter, as you describe. Some will think that attending a place called "church" is unimportant; that the church is invisible and the people are the church. Others will think it vitally important to be part of a visible church, even necessary for the fullness of the faith.

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The only path to God is through the finished work of Christ on the Cross.


However, the Church is the means that we've been given through which God unites His Body (all believers) in orthodoxy (correct belief) and orthopraxy (correct behavior). The N.T. shows us beautifully how the church is and is not meant to be set up. I find it comforting that God has not left us to flounder about aimlessly.

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No. The only path to God is through Jesus. However, we are admonished to not forsake the fellowship of other believers, and I think that's very important in a Christan's life.




I believe the only way to be saved is through the son, Jesus.


But, I do also believe that those who are truly dedicated to the life of a Christian will take seriously the admonition not to forsake the assembling of the saints. It is a wonderful opportunity to be edified and to encourage one another, and I believe God intended us to gather together frequently and to be a true family.

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I ask because *someone* I know has a wonderful, fulfilling, real relationship with God. It is dynamic and ongoing. Worship is a very real part of it. It does not include attending church (the building) but does include seeking out and spending time with the church (the people).


Another person claims this is not a real relationship with God as it does not include attending church (the building). The first person is technically Catholic, if that helps. (Meaning the Sacraments were made but there was no real relationship with God or attending church-the building).

I'm going to point out (due to my latest thread) that just because one is Catholic does not mean one does not have a relationship with Jesus or God. I really think the Catholics can stop being beat over the head with the relationship thing.


In order for a Catholic to not excommunicate him/herself, he/she must receive the Eucharist at least once per year at Easter. This does not necessarily have to be at Church since there are those who are housebound or otherwise unable to attend. Arrangements can be made ahead of time with the local priest.

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BUT, I do believe that we are to worship God, hear sermons that are from God's word... and think of Theology which is the "study of God". Sometimes it's hard to find a church that ... is a worshipful, God honoring church... It's not enough to sit in a room with Christians... there must be purposeful worship of God...

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:iagree:For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. Eph 2:8-9






And... not everyone who goes to church has a relationship with Christ. Have you ever heard the expression...

"Going to church doesn't make you a christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car."?


But the Bible does tell us, 24 And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, 25 not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:24-25


So for those who love God and want to be doers of the Word, they will usually find a church to plug into (or some other way to assemble together regularly).

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