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Dh wants the passion for kilts explained.

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And I have found that I do not have words. My best guess is a fondness for hairy legs?


On another note, we were playing a game tonight in which you have to get others to guess a word while your own words are quite limited (not unlike Taboo). Dd kept saying, "Eat. Animal. Taste. Mouth."


Her word? "Bre@st." Apparently she knows this word in terms of chickens. :lol:

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They're a bit naughty, which makes them fun. My dh would look great in a kilt - basketball/P90X legs.;)


Oh.my.gosh. That made me LAUGH. Dh is on the other side of the room w/ his laptop trying to do serious things. Hehehehe.

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I think it is something about a man who is secure enough in his masculinity to wear what some societies would say is a skirt. Plus the leg thing.:D



I agree with this!


I personally don't have a "passion for kilts"- .


I don't have a passion for them either, but I can appreciate a good looking man in a kilt. Who can't? :D


About 10 or 12 years ago, James Bond and I were in England for a few days and staying at a hotel that was hosting a bunch of Scots for some festival. We saw them in kilts every morning at breakfast and many of them were quite old (seriously, like in their 80's), but still proudly sporting their kilts. One morning we walked to the Tube (Mind The Gap!) and saw several of the older men from our hotel waiting on the platform. We got on the Tube and 2 of the old men sat directly across from us. James Bond and I were both looking at maps or tour books when I happened to glance across the aisle. I choked a little and told JB to look up. He did and I swear to you he almost slid off his seat. Both old men sat there, legs splayed wide giving us proof that they wear nothing under those kilts. :lol:

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For me, it's not the kilt per se. To wear a kilt properly one must have a certain body shape, otherwise one looks sissy. Most Scots have the right shape, although not all.

My kids did highland dancing, and the teacher's dad had the right shape. His calf was the size of my fat thigh. Wow...


Look at the man in this pic, with his 'skirt' a-flying. Nothing, absolutely nothing feminine about him! notice the thigh in front...




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For me, it's not the kilt per se. To wear a kilt properly one must have a certain body shape, otherwise one looks sissy. Most Scots have the right shape, although not all.

My kids did highland dancing, and the teacher's dad had the right shape. His calf was the size of my fat thigh. Wow...


Look at the man in this pic, with his 'skirt' a-flying. Nothing, absolutely nothing feminine about him! notice the thigh in front...





:iagree: There is something of a sense of power restrained in the right picture of a kilt. It's not just about the amount of leg shown, or you would have similar waves of interesting lederhosen pictures (and I still have only found the one).


There is a wink and a nod and a tilt of the head involved in wearing a kilt. Is insouciance the right word?

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A kilt on the right guy is simply HOT.


So are flashers in trench coats. Just saying. LOL.




And if anyone has seen the Blackwatch Guard marching, you know they can look BAD also (Bad as in a military kind of way, or the Matrix, or hot, or whatever...adding those shades are just killer also).

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I have a different answer - kilts fall into the whole period garb category and I'm a suckers for any outfits before the 1950's.


I agree - it goes WAY back before we would see pictures. I see Scottish freedom, rebellion, independance - it's a whole mindset. Of course, the reality is anything in a kilt back then would probably not have been so attractive - certainly not clean and smelling good, but the idea is sexy. Same thing for real cowboys. It's the idea or persona implied that so stinkin sexy.

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Easy access ;)


A kilt on the right guy is simply HOT.


The naughtiness factor for me. In a kilt men are always one brisk breeze away from baring it all. :D


I think I'll always prefer Wolf in a towel, but a kilt is like...a towel for public wear. There's an attitude that goes with it that is just...:drool5: Perhaps b/c I associate it with 'warriors'.

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Easy access ;)


You stole the words right out of my mouth.


I personally don't have a "passion for kilts"- other than the association with Jamie from Outlander. Yum. Yep total crush on a book character here! hehe.


:iagree: Jamie has definitely contributed to that easy access pov.

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Hmmm I honestly never would have thought to be turned on by kilts until I read all the fuss about it here (maybe because one doesn't really ever encounter a man in kilts in the U.S.?)


I love my husband's legs, they're like the legs of a Greek god, but I think I'd be just as turned on by his legs when he's wearing his cargo shorts as I would if he were wearing a kilt. :confused:

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And I have found that I do not have words. My best guess is a fondness for hairy legs?


On another note, we were playing a game tonight in which you have to get others to guess a word while your own words are quite limited (not unlike Taboo). Dd kept saying, "Eat. Animal. Taste. Mouth."


Her word? "Bre@st." Apparently she knows this word in terms of chickens. :lol:



Sorry, I can't explain it to you. Guys in skirts don't do it for me.

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(maybe because one doesn't really ever encounter a man in kilts in the U.S.?)




We actually see them fairly often in Seattle.


I find the traditional kilt and accompanying attire attractive in the same way I find most uniforms and well-made suits attractive. The kilt itself and the way most men wear them here (with t-shirt and work boots) doesn't look appealing to me.

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Hmmm I honestly never would have thought to be turned on by kilts until I read all the fuss about it here (maybe because one doesn't really ever encounter a man in kilts in the U.S.?):

Depends on where you are. In my old town (which is next to the town with the not-Osama kilt newspaper picture), Utilikilts were relatively commonplace. I'm pretty sure they're not all that uncommon in most of the notably progressive cities on the west coast, especially Seattle, where they started.

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I never knew that women were into kilts until reading it on this board. I've never given it a second thought. Over the past couple of months, I've been watching the kilt-banter with a puzzled brow.


And then, my dh was talking to a friend on the webcam. The friend stood up and dh could see the friend was wearing a kilt. Dh exclaimed in alarm, "Great scott man! What are you wearing?!" Turns out, our friend wears kilts quite often. (We've only known him a few months). Next time he came to visit, he wore the kilt.


Internally, I felt a little awkward. Knowing that many women find kilts attractive, I wondered if our friend was thinking to himself, 'Hey, hey! Look at sexy me!" or if he doesn't know that there is a whole group of women who drool over kilts.

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