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Are you happy with your life?

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I'm happy. I have a husband who is truly my best friend and loves, respects, and supports me. I have 2 healthy, beautiful children. My house isn't the biggest house in the world, but it's nice and we've put a lot of work into it. I have sweet pets. Sure, I wish I had more time (or better time management skills) but overall I'm a very happy person.

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I'm very happy.


Or, perhaps, deeply content. But that happened when Dh and I really worked on our marriage and got some communication kinks out. The rest is gravy. (kids aren't gravy, I'm just saying that the trappings of my life are gravy in comparison to Dh and the kids)

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Generally not, but I'm not well suited to the baby and toddler years. I expect to be just dandy once ds is preschool age and sleep deprivation is an occasional occurrence instead of the general routine. When most days are the sorts of days where I can get school, a bit of housework and a bit of study done, and am still properly awake when dh gets home, life will be quite nice.





I think I will be... more satisfied, I guess (happy is an emotion-- I don't aspire to be happy, just content) once my littles aren't so little. When I can go to the bathroom by myself, take a breath on my own, and not have to spend every waking moment refereeing them or fixing what they've been into.


I can barely get out of bed in the morning, to the point where I stay up late (my only alone time where my life can be my own), just to avoid having to face another day. :)


I do this, too. My DD just recently started sleeping at night with any regularity. Once they're all asleep (DH included) I get up & spend time either here, or reading a book, or just sitting with my feet up for a minute. It is absolutely the only time I can spend by myself. Consequently, I don't get enough sleep, so I'm grumpy, short, and just want to retreat into my hidey-hole. It's a vicious cycle...

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be as happy as I was. :crying:



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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


:grouphug::grouphug: Did I miss something? :grouphug::grouphug:

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Yep. I'm a happy girl...as my friends and I like to say. I'm a little Pollyanna-ish sometimes, but I think it's better than being the other way. I've even been known to break into song occasionally. :lol:


That's me too.:lol:


I am very happy, in my 30's, I'm trying to get the most out of life and enjoy everything I can. I also have a deep seated hope and peace because I have Jesus in my life, that gets me through the tough times. I wasn't always this happy and content. I'm trying to teach my kiddos how to make lemonade, if life hands you lemons. I think it's a mixture of choices and personality.

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


Oh my! :grouphug: I see you were having minor surgery. I'm hoping the above is just a reaction to some medicine you may be taking...anyway, more :grouphug:.

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


:grouphug: Sending a hug and some virtual chocolate--I'm so sorry!

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


:grouphug: What's up? Can you share? :grouphug:

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Some mom friends and I were talking about this awhile back and we discovered that, at least for the four of us, the ones who were happy were the ones who felt like we had control of our lives, even when circumstances were rotten. As in, maybe we didn't have money or had bad things happen (the other happy mom had recently had some really bad stuff happen), but we felt like we could make the decisions about what to do with the limited money or how to deal with the disasters without feeling like someone else was making them for us. The other two not so much. One felt like she couldn't make decisions because her family was living with a lot of job ambiguity and the other felt like the balance was off with making decisions with her dh and wasn't happy as a result, even though her circumstances weren't really that different from mine, that piece was really key. That was really one of the most enlightening discussions I've had.

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Content would be my word choice at the moment, but I do have happy moments. And I enjoy what I'm doing, albeit stressful; if that makes since. There are things in my life that I wish were different, but then I remind myself to grateful for what I have. This can be a daily conversation with myself.

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I'm the happiest I've ever been. My days are filled with learning and hanging out with my daughter. So much less stressful than when I owned my business.


Life isn't perfect, we've cut finances more than half, my husband travels all the time, I got diagnosed with a terrible disease (but hopefully manageable) this past year. But still, I'm happy as ever.


I'm optimistic and try to dwell on the good things in life rather than the bad.

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:

:grouphug: Some mountains seem insurmountable at the base. I'm praying for you. :grouphug:

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


I am very, very worried. You can call *anytime*. :grouphug:

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More :grouphug: to those in hard places. (And those are real, heart-felt hugs. If you were here, I would hug you in person cuz that's how I roll.;))


As I was getting ready to respond to this thread, my dh told me that he lost a major contract (he owns a small business) which represents half of the income of the business. I was not surprised. I was not too upset. He headed off after he told me to have a meeting with another client which could replace it. Or not. These things are unpredictable, and I choose not to let that determine my mood for today. I got off that particular roller coaster a few stops back.;)


One of the hard things I found about being in the darkest places of the past ten years was feeling alone. I hope that those on this thread (or perhaps reading but feeling unable to respond) are able to gain some sisterhood strength from sharing that place with others. We are never really alone in life unless we choose to be.


Similar to a pp, during the past decade, I read Elie Wiesel's Night, his account of Auschwitz. It is inspiring that, after all he witnessed and experienced, he was able to survive.

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More :grouphug: to those in hard places. (And those are real, heart-felt hugs. If you were here, I would hug you in person cuz that's how I roll.;))


As I was getting ready to respond to this thread, my dh told me that he lost a major contract (he owns a small business) which represents half of the income of the business. I was not surprised. I was not too upset. He headed off after he told me to have a meeting with another client which could replace it. Or not. These things are unpredictable, and I choose not to let that determine my mood for today. I got off that particular roller coaster a few stops back.;)




We've been through this same scenario twice. Both times God provided replacement accounts (yes, I'll give that credit to God) and in both situations, the clients eventually came back to us.


You have a great attitude. :grouphug:

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If you asked this question 2 weeks ago, I would have said I am blissfully happy. I have an amazing family - a kind, funny husband who helps out around the house, kids who are sweet and interesting, husband makes enough money so we don't really worry about $, I get to homeschool and finally, I love our house.




Today, I'd say I'm unhappy and don't know if I will be or can ever really be happy again. I still can't believe that my life has become what it has. I go to bed at night thinking that I can't do this all over again in the morning and then again and again. Yet, I have to. So no, I am not happy and I never will be. :crying:


:grouphug: I'm sorry. Don't know what's going on, but I know there are people here who care about you. Sounds like you've been blindsided. I'm sorry. :grouphug:

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I want to explain and talk about it but I just can't yet. I don't even know where to start but I'm sure in the coming months I'm going to need advice or just prayers.



When you are ready. In the meantime, hang tough my fellow Jersey Girl.

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Overall, are you happy? If so, why? If not, why not? Just curious how many people are happy versus how many people are "going through the motions". Define "happy" however you like.:001_smile:


I have read no replies.


Overall, yes, I am happy with my life. There are things that did not turn out the way I wanted and expected in my earlier days, but on the whole, I find most aspects of my life satisfying.

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Overall, are you happy? If so, why? If not, why not? Just curious how many people are happy versus how many people are "going through the motions". Define "happy" however you like.:001_smile:



I am happy. I didn't used to be, but I chose to be. I do still occassionally struggle with accepting happiness. It's a lifelong plan, though. :001_smile:

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I agree about happiness being so fleeting. I'm not sure I can describe it because I believe it's different from contentment. I'm hopeful more than I am happy. :) Circumstances DO affect my happiness, so I prefer to be hopeful--for more happiness and/or contentment later in life, and if not, when I go home to be with Christ. That keeps me going.


I also have to throw in the whole depression aspect. It has changed my perspective on what "happy" is and whether or not it CAN be defined (for me). Many times, due to this condition and mostly out of my control, choosing to be happy is like asking a non-depressed person to choose to be sad. It's like, huh? This does not compute...those are words, what do I DO with them?? LOL!


So I have a different happy from others and that's OK with me. :D

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Overall, I am very very happy with my life. I wish that we had more money...not much, but enough that I don't have to stop driving for a week because we have no money for gas. Or that I could sign my dd up for the inexpensive dance class she wants to take. But I'm moderately healthy, happily married, doing what I love...so I'm happy.


I've also made a point to become a positive person, whereas I was NOT before. That has changed my level of happiness.

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I wouldn't say I am happy, but I am content. I am much happier now than I have been in the past 5 years. Over the past year, I've branched out, joined a writer's group, made new friends, and have been writing novels and screenplays. I think having my *own* interests, not just those of husband and family, have made all the difference.

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I want to explain and talk about it but I just can't yet. I don't even know where to start but I'm sure in the coming months I'm going to need advice or just prayers.





I have been in some very dark places, with no hope of ever getting out of them. Really dark. But I did, and I'm here. Please hang in there even if it seems like it can never get better.

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I wish I was happy but I have a bad, bad situation with my oldest and it is coming to a head in less than two months and I am very worried. We are moving due to the military. He stopped going to college and was supposed to find a job, make some money, buy a used car and move out to where ever he wants to go. He hasn't found a job, is barely applying anywhere, and needs to move in less than two months. He doesn't want to move with us. He wants to move up north to the Midwest where the unemployment is so bad or maybe to parts of the west. I have given him lead after lead. I have offered him transportation to various jobs. He is suffering from major depression, just got insurance again this week, and he doesn't want to go to another psychiatrist. In the past he has tried about ten medications that didn't work. WHat is really awful is that the only person he will sort of listen to is my husband who is working such long hours. He also can't stay in this area since the rents are too high. I don't know what we will be doing- I think it is going to be giving him several thousand dollars, putting some stuff in storage or shipping, and letting him go wherever. He is not really dealing in reality but he is 22 and is an adult.

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Overall, are you happy? If so, why? If not, why not? Just curious how many people are happy versus how many people are "going through the motions". Define "happy" however you like.:001_smile:


I would have to say that I inasmuch as I believe happiness is based on circumstances, no I am not happy. I am struggling each and every day to find joy despite my family's circumstances. I used to want to know the future; after the past 18 months, I am glad I don't.


Some of you ladies here on the boards are so strong despite adversity, and I really admire that. It isn't me. It's as though my entire world has destabilized over the course of the last 18 months. I told my husband recently that I am beginning to believe that the best times are in the past. I am not one by "personality" to be depressed ( I tend toward anxiety), yet things seem so bleak... and bad news just continues to flood our family. It's coming from all sides, and I have always been the family glue so to speak. Everyone leans on me and needs me to be strong for them, and I really have nowhere to go but one of my walk-in closets or the bathroom for a good cry.


It is just really difficult to watch the people I love suffer in the knowledge that there is nothing I can do to help them. I never thought my life would include watching the most important people to me taken down one by one, much less in the span of 18 months.


The admonition from religious "friends" that God has intentionally brought these things about to break the world's hold on members on my family has only magnified the pain. These circumstances have only served to break them. Every time I talk to my brother, I hear inconsolable sadness where there used to be joy and laughter. It just breaks my heart. He and I could have been twins; we were close from the beginning and truly experience each other's hardships and triumphs. He knew I was having twins before I told him, and I knew something was wrong with his fourth son before he was even told by their doctor.


The two most important men to me (other than my little man C) have been hammered by life, and I have witnessed more tears from them in the past year than in the rest of their lives combined. It's as though part of them has died and part of me is slowly dying right alongside them.

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I would have to say that I inasmuch as I believe happiness is based on circumstances, no I am not happy. I am struggling each and every day to find joy despite my family's circumstances. I used to want to know the future; after the past 18 months, I am glad I don't.




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The two most important men to me (other than my little man C) have been hammered by life, and I have witnessed more tears from them in the past year than in the rest of their lives combined. It's as though part of them has died and part of me is slowly dying right alongside them.


:grouphug: I have found the suffering of those dear to me is harder to "bear" than my own, too.

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Yes and No.


My life is mostly not what I would choose it be, but I try to make the best of it. I have healthy kids that I get to HS. I have a DH that I love and that comes home every night and he provides for us, but he is very selfish and as a result me and the kids dont have the best that we can. I have a wonderful family, but they live far away. I have no friends in this town that I hate and my in-laws are horrible people. I LOVE horses and I miss them, and will probably never be able to afford one again and that makes me sad.


I hate to say that I am not happy because I feel that having healthy kids that I get to raise should be enough. but its hard having issues with DH, being far away from good family, having no one to depend on and never getting to do what I love. The sad part is...it doesnt have to be like this...I am only 32 and it could be MUCH MUCH better but I am torn between living up to my promises or just going ahead and making it happen myself.

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"The admonition from religious "friends" that God has intentionally brought these things about to break the world's hold on members on my family has only magnified the pain. These circumstances have only served to break them."


Oh please, don't let this get to you. This is a very misguided (imho) view of the world that for some reason makes some people feel better.

In my views, God has given us this beautiful home and all his love.... and shLt just happens. He isn't up there manuipulating every single one of us to make us "grow" and giving us hardships. Nah - life just takes a poopoo on people sometimes.... oftentimes.


There is a quote out there, I can't remember all of it or who it is by, but it is basically this, "I do not appreciate the friendship and happiness of those who have not endured hardship. Their joy is shallow and their pettiness irritating."


You will someday have deep joy and friendship to share. Trust me, I know this sounds like BS right now. Sadly, it may be a long time before it is true for you (and the others here who are in the midst of dark days). There will be a day, hang in there.


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