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movie goers beware..Black Swan

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This is just a FYI post...and to let you know just how disgusting this movie is. A few friends and I went to see this movie this weekend and we ended up leaving. Yes, I know it's rated R but we didn't read anything in the review about it having explicit lesbian sexual content.

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This is just a FYI post...and to let you know just how disgusting this movie is. A few friends and I went to see this movie this weekend and we ended up leaving. Yes, I know it's rated R but we didn't read anything in the review about it having explicit lesbian sexual content.


Thank you for the warning. I had no idea. Disgusting.

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I personally hated the content of the entire movie. It freaked me out so bad that I had nightmares for 2 nights. I certainly understand why Natalie Portman won an Oscar for it, though.


Our pastor does not allow us to go to R rated movies. I find this helpful for when I find myself in temptful situations like this. :grouphug:


At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what exactly do you mean by the bolded? Do you really mean he "does not allow" or do you mean he recommends against? I am truly curious.


There were other parts of the movie that were way more gross to me than that scene. Lets just say its a moive I wouldn't want to see again.


:iagree: Absolutely!!

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Haven't seen it myself, but I think the satanism would've put me off.




Satanism? There were no religious aspects in the movie. It was just about a ballerina that basically goes insane from all the pressure of having to preform well.

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I personally hated the content of the entire movie. It freaked me out so bad that I had nightmares for 2 nights. I certainly understand why Natalie Portman won an Oscar for it, though.




At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what exactly do you mean by the bolded? Do you really mean he "does not allow" or do you mean he recommends against? I am truly curious.




:iagree: Absolutely!!



The previews freaked me out so much I would not go see it. It looks scary.


I had no idea it has lesbianism in it. That wouldn't bother me at all.

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The previews freaked me out so much I would not go see it. It looks scary.


I had no idea it has lesbianism in it. That wouldn't bother me at all.


You all are going to think I'm a goof, but I HONESTLY had no idea what the movie was about when I went to see it, other than there was a ballerina and had been nominated for an Oscar. I hadn't ever seen the preview because I never watch TV. Needless to say, I was in for a shock! And I won't make that mistake again.

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At the risk of sounding like an idiot, what exactly do you mean by the bolded? Do you really mean he "does not allow" or do you mean he recommends against? I am truly curious.




If it's not focussed on living our life with full stewardship, it is deeply frowned on. Not just the pastor but deacons, bishops and elders circulate in the community and hold us accountable for how we interact. We do not want to have to answer to misdeeds on Sunday mornings.

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Satanism? There were no religious aspects in the movie. It was just about a ballerina that basically goes insane from all the pressure of having to preform well.


Well, black swans are meaningful to the satanists. As are probably many of the other occult images.

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You all are going to think I'm a goof, but I HONESTLY had no idea what the movie was about when I went to see it, other than there was a ballerina and had been nominated for an Oscar. I hadn't ever seen the preview because I never watch TV. Needless to say, I was in for a shock! And I won't make that mistake again.


Ah, yeah, that would be problem then.


I'm sorry. I know how it stinks to have visual "stuff" caught in your brain. :grouphug:

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You all are going to think I'm a goof, but I HONESTLY had no idea what the movie was about when I went to see it, other than there was a ballerina and had been nominated for an Oscar. I hadn't ever seen the preview because I never watch TV. Needless to say, I was in for a shock! And I won't make that mistake again.


same here...although I did see the preview and I was just thinking it was gonna be like a "Six Sense" kinda movie.


And yes the other parts are equally gross as well. So now we know what you do to get an Oscar.


We live in a small town with a very small theatre that shows only 2 movies at a time. There were only 4 other people there besides us. I plan on calling the owner and express my opinion.

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If it's not focussed on living our life with full stewardship, it is deeply frowned on. Not just the pastor but deacons, bishops and elders circulate in the community and hold us accountable for how we interact. We do not want to have to answer to misdeeds on Sunday mornings.


WOuld you be called out in front of the congregation? Like "Carol, Pastor Fred saw you walking into the 3pm showing of Black Swan. Please come up here and confess." Or something?


My dad's uncles went to a church like this (and maybe still do).

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Satanism? I think that's a little over the top. I didn't like the disturbing images but it was hardly satanism.


The movie told the story of a woman going creepily insane, and showed the awful hallucinations that she had and the sense of fear and unease she felt as she felt herself spinning out of control. It was creepy and unsettling.

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The only "Sorcery" or "magic" is in the ballet itself.


Oh, I'm not in the slightest bit concerned about that. I was just saying that I thought that perhaps the title also came from the metaphor (which wikipedia tells me comes from Juvenal, go figure -- I was only familiar with it from the Taleb book.) But I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know if the metaphor would be relevant.

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Satanism? I think that's a little over the top. I didn't like the disturbing images but it was hardly satanism.


The movie told the story of a woman going creepily insane, and showed the awful hallucinations that she had and the sense of fear and unease she felt as she felt herself spinning out of control. It was creepy and unsettling.


Exactly. That's the kind of stuff that scares the crap out of me. I am pretty much a wimp when it comes to stuff like that.

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Well, black swans are meaningful to the satanists. As are probably many of the other occult images.


Just an FYI, I know a couple of "Satanists". I've never heard a reference to Black Swans from them. Ever. And Satanists aren't what they make them out to be on TV, either. Sure there are some crazies who claim to be and do stupid things, but so do people of all religions. ;) So let's not make claims about other peoples' religions.


Black swan refers to a rare event.




I have not seen this movie and have no intentions to. I have no problems with lesbians or lesbian sex scenes. I have ethical quandaries with how dancers are forced to be so thin and overworked (as a former dancer). I also dislike movies selling sex to sell their movie, which I'm sure was at least most of the movie's appeal to some people.

Edited by mommymilkies
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Are people really that surprised to find sex scenes in an R-rated movie? :001_huh:


I wonder about that too. I wasn't surprised or bothered so much about the sex scenes. I do not think there would be such an uproar (not saying this thread is an uproar) about it if it were heterosexual sex. It was very very very graphic though.

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Ah, yeah, that would be problem then.


I'm sorry. I know how it stinks to have visual "stuff" caught in your brain. :grouphug:


Wait, are you saying I'm going to have to start watching more TV?? :svengo::lol: ;)


I think I'm over it now. And I can actually say I don't really regret seeing it. The acting was terrific.

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Are people really that surprised to find sex scenes in an R-rated movie? :001_huh:


There are s*x scenes and then there are really graphic ones that fall outside the norms of generally acceptable behavior IYKWIM. I haven't seen Black Swan but I have unfortunately seen some movie scenes that fell in the latter category.

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Just an FYI, I know dozens of Pagans. A few are "Satanists". I've never heard a reference to Black Swans from them. Ever. And Satanists aren't what they make them out to be on TV, either. Sure there are some crazies who claim to be and do stupid things, but so do people of all religions. ;) So let's not make claims about other peoples' religions.


Black swan refers to a rare event.




I have not seen this movie and have no intentions to. I have no problems with lesbians or lesbian sex scenes. I have ethical quandaries with how dancers are forced to be so thin and overworked (as a former dancer). I also dislike movies selling sex to sell their movie, which I'm sure was at least most of the movie's appeal to some people.


I *thought* the Black Swan of the title of this movie referred to the character of the Black Swan in Swan Lake.

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I *thought* the Black Swan of the title of this movie referred to the character of the Black Swan in Swan Lake.


It does. The studio owner and choreographer in the movie writes the production based on Swan Lake. It's like Swan Lake gone very very bad.

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Except for some of the scenes, I have to say I thought the movie was very interesting. I did not go into it knowing everything that would happen, so the lesbianism caught me off guard, and I don't like graphic sex in the movies I watch.


That said, I thought it was a very interesting commentary on the dance world. After talking with someone close who is intimately involved in that world, I can see how the movie was pretty spot on in some ways. She said it is a very skewed world--the message to young women is, Stay a little girl physically (flat, thin, etc) but be a provocative woman when you dance. My friend said it accurately reflected the weird double standard in ballet--she's seen it first hand.


As far as Portman's character, I think she was unstable to be sure, but the movie was showing her unstability--her dark side and her white side, like the swans. So Black Swan refers not only to the dance, but to the side of her that she keeps trying to reconcile throughout the movie. The drive to do so, coupled with the drive for perfection and her emotional fragility, lead her to go basically insane.


Could it have been done less graphically? Well, of course! I will say, tho, I agree with Nakia--good acting, excellent editing, great lighting and cinematography. Not my fav film of the year, but striking and impression-making. Which is, of course, the point. It's not meant to be uplifting and positive, it's meant to be ugly. Showing that sort of graphic ugliness in the midst of the beauty of dance--it's jarring, and gross, and makes us want to turn away. Absolutely not for everyone, but I thought it was rather artful, because it at least made a point or two.

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That said, I thought it was a very interesting commentary on the dance world. After talking with someone close who is intimately involved in that world, I can see how the movie was pretty spot on in some ways. She said it is a very skewed world--the message to young women is, Stay a little girl physically (flat, thin, etc) but be a provocative woman when you dance. My friend said it accurately reflected the weird double standard in ballet--she's seen it first hand.


As far as Portman's character, I think she was unstable to be sure, but the movie was showing her unstability--her dark side and her white side, like the swans. So Black Swan refers not only to the dance, but to the side of her that she keeps trying to reconcile throughout the movie. The drive to do so, coupled with the drive for perfection and her emotional fragility, lead her to go basically insane.






Also, it has been widely discussed that this movie portrays someone in the dance world who is under extreme pressure. That pressure then triggers a psychosis, most likely schizophrenia.


I guess I'm not understanding the big deal here. I thought the trailers made it quite obvious that this is a "dark" movie and it is rated R.

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The symbolism is pretty blatant, similar to the types of things you would see in Eyes Wide Shut (Cruise/Kidman), which also had a lot of occult symbolism.


Or, you could look at it as just another Swan Lake movie.



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It took me weeks to get over the images in that film. I deeply regret watching it.


This is exactly how I felt after watching Little Children. I fast-forwarded through so much of that garbage that I should have just given up on the movie all together. Haunting images. ugh

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Our pastor does not allow us to go to R rated movies.
I'm sorry you missed The King's Speech. It was fantastic. Schindler's List wasn't bad either. ;)
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Well, black swans are meaningful to the satanists. As are probably many of the other occult images.



Sorry, but you obviously have no knowledge of Satanism if you think this is true. Swans, whether black or white, have no symbolic or iconic significance in Satanism.


You are entitled to your opinion, but at least get the facts straight. Instead of relying on others' uninformed opinions of what they *think* Satanism may or may not be, you might try reading the Satanic Bible for the nitty-gritty on Satanism, which contrary to most urban lore is not a religion per se, but rather a philosophy made up by one guy about 40 years ago.





And, just for the record, because I know you're thinking it... NO. I am not, nor have I ever been, a Satanist.

Edited by Audrey
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The symbolism is pretty blatant, similar to the types of things you would see in Eyes Wide Shut (Cruise/Kidman), which also had a lot of occult symbolism.


Or, you could look at it as just another Swan Lake movie.




So you do mean Tchaikovsky was a Satanist?


I guess you do not go to the ballet.

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Sorry, but you obviously have no knowledge of Satanism if you think this is true. Swans, whether black or white, have no symbolic or iconic significance in Satanism.
The evidence is incontrovertible: they're black, and "swan" and "satan" both start with "s." Prithee tell, what more do you need?
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