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Do you think, perhaps, that if you saw a

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BEAR coming out from under your neighbor's porch, you might go knock on their door and tell them so?


Can someone please go tell my neighbors that *not* telling me until the cops had to come and shoot him out with rubber bullets and sending him up the tree was *not* cool?


Or did I miss the Neighbor with Bear SOP where everyone is supposed to keep it a secret? :glare:

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BEAR coming out from under your neighbor's porch, you might go knock on their door and tell them so?


Can someone please go tell my neighbors that *not* telling me until the cops had to come and shoot him out with rubber bullets and sending him up the tree was *not* cool?


Or did I miss the Neighbor with Bear SOP where everyone is supposed to keep it a secret? :glare:




Nope. Not going over there. I'd prefer to not be bear breakfast. However, I would call them if I had their number, and if I didn't I would make sure to get it after the bear was gone. I would also keep an eye on their house to make sure they didn't go wandering around outside, because I wouldn't want (most) of my neighbors to be bear breakfast, either.

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It was funny.


Who'd a thunk that living here-in the smack center of town-there'd be a bear under my porch all winter? I guess he hopped on the moving van. :D


Actually, no, they don't have my #, but we all chat on the street all the time (feet away from where he was snoozing!)! I mean, not once did they remember to tell me that, "Um, did you know there's a bear hibernating under your porch?"


Let me load the picts onto photobucket, then I'll post them.

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Assuming the door is near the porch with said bear, I'd try to find neighbor's phone number - no way I'm going over there. ;)


No way would I go over there near a hungry bear. I'd call the police, too.


Who'd a thunk that living here-in the smack center of town-there'd be a bear under my porch all winter? I guess he hopped on the moving van. :D

I mean, not once did they remember to tell me that, "Um, did you know there's a bear hibernating under your porch?"



It was there all winter??? I think I would be doing some serious remodeling so that situation did not occur next winter.

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It was funny.


Who'd a thunk that living here-in the smack center of town-there'd be a bear under my porch all winter? I guess he hopped on the moving van. :D


Actually, no, they don't have my #, but we all chat on the street all the time (feet away from where he was snoozing!)! I mean, not once did they remember to tell me that, "Um, did you know there's a bear hibernating under your porch?"


Let me load the picts onto photobucket, then I'll post them.


Maybe you should reconsider using that as your honey storage area.

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Wait, did they KNOW it was there all winter?!?




Can't wait for the photos. :)


Yeah, there's a story to that, too.


Every once in a while, on a warm winter day, especially at night, this strange rumbling would happen. I thought it was ice melting off the roof. It's a loud, scary noise! But then, the other night, at about 3am, it sounded like someone was breaking in. We ran downstairs, checked all of the doors and nothing. Then we went to the door of the screen porch and it sounded-and felt- as if someone were throwing all of their weight into breaking the door in. You could feel the vibrations! We switched on the outside lights and *nothing*. Nothing there t all, but the rumbling was still going on!


That's when I started to put it all together. Right by that wall is our piano, and every once in a while, the dogs would rush into that room, hackles raised, and bark their fool heads off.


We thought it was a mouse.


Daughter called us home one night from a date because she was terrified. We rushed home, Dh, checked the house, and decided it was the unbalanced hamster wheel.


When the cops got the bear up the tree, she looked at her father and said, "That's some hamster dad!"


Apparently he had made himself quite a home under there!

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Yeah, there's a story to that, too.


Every once in a while, on a warm winter day, especially at night, this strange rumbling would happen. I thought it was ice melting off the roof. It's a loud, scary noise! But then, the other night, at about 3am, it sounded like someone was breaking in. We ran downstairs, checked all of the doors and nothing. Then we went to the door of the screen porch and it sounded-and felt- as if someone were throwing all of their weight into breaking the door in. You could feel the vibrations! We switched on the outside lights and *nothing*. Nothing there t all, but the rumbling was still going on!


That's when I started to put it all together. Right by that wall is our piano, and every once in a while, the dogs would rush into that room, hackles raised, and bark their fool heads off.


We thought it was a mouse.


Daughter called us home one night from a date because she was terrified. We rushed home, Dh, checked the house, and decided it was the unbalanced hamster wheel.


When the cops got the bear up the tree, she looked at her father and said, "That's some hamster dad!"


Apparently he had made himself quite a home under there!







That about sums it up for me. I'm relieved that the bear is gone and that it was funny. :D

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I think it is high time to exchange phone #s with the neighbors. In our neighborhood we just give each other a ring so we can call the kids in. LOL Just last night a bear ripped down my bird feeder, shepherd's hook and all. I'm going to have to stop feeding the birds.

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QUOTE=SweetBean;2521530]I think it is high time to exchange phone #s with the neighbors. In our neighborhood we just give each other a ring so we can call the kids in. LOL Just last night a bear ripped down my bird feeder, shepherd's hook and all. I'm going to have to stop feeding the birds.


This happened to us too. We haven't been able to feed the birds in a couple years since we have a few bears that are regulars. We almost weren't able to take my son to school (Early Intervention) one morning.


I did have one morning where I walked around the corner of my garage, which is detached and up at the curb, after putting the kids in the car, to pick up an overturned garbage can and wound up about 5 feet away from a bear. Evidently I scared her (she was a momma) as much as she scared me because she jumped right up a tree. My neighbor across the street and a little down the road was trying to yell and warn me but I couldn't hear him clearly.

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I would probably die on the spot. Pretty sure I would. The only thing I want to see in my yard are deer, and that's only in certain seasons, at that. I'm so not a nature person... and bears scare me to death!! I'd probably call, but no way I'd go knock on your door. I probably would've mentioned the fact that there was a bear under your porch all. winter. long. at some point, though. :lol::lol:

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:lol: to funny! Growing up in Alaska, it would depend on the bear. A black bear, yeah I would tell you. Anything a shade of brown or involving cubs...sorry, I'm calling the police!!!


Did no one have your phone number?!


:iagree:What she said. I wouldn't go anywhere near the porch to knock on the door if the bear is under the porch, be it black or brown. If it's huge & brown, I'd probably put the kids in the car & call the police while getting out of there! What if it decided to smash through my windows because it smelled my yummy salmon?

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:svengo: Clearly it is a good thing I live in Alabama, and not somewhere where bears are prevalent.


I will not complain anymore about a stray dog in the front yard. :)


Ditto!! Good heavens! Not only would I not come to your house to warn you, I'd go into MY house and stay there until I was sure the bear was gone! I'd try to find your number or I'd call the police, but I wouldn't be coming near your house until I was sure that I was not about to become a tasty treat.

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So, is the bear still in the tree? Did he climb down and go back under your porch? What are the odds that he'll come back to your porch next winter?


Enquiring minds want to know...




I don't know! Hopefully not. I haven't heard or seen him. :glare:

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Is this you?!?!?! Or are the bears just waking up everywhere?


This story is in the Baltimore Sun but happened 175 miles west of Baltimore, where I grew up!


The cubs are so cute!!!!




Or this? Lol!!



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I'd definitely let you know.


One Saturday morning, I was meeting with a group of gals for Bible study in a friend's very beautiful basement with a glass door that opened to the backyard. My back was to the glass door. As I was sharing something very profound ;), I saw all the gals get wide-eyed. I was a little surprised because I didn't think I was that profound. But then one of them pointed behind me. Standing on his hind legs at the glass door was a black bear. We just watched him and he turned around and sauntered off. Now, this was right in the middle of a suburban neighborhood. My friend called 911 as well as neighbors, but by the time someone came, Black Ben was long gone.

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I told this story to my neighbor and what made him laugh is people calling the police on the bear. He says to me, "You know if you shoot him in the butt with BBs, that'll make him wander off, right darling? And we've got a couple on the north side of the house. I'm waiting for 'em to wake up so I can scare them off our farms."


I'm afraid to wear brown and walk the back acreage now. :D

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Ohh those babies were so cute! No, though, that wasn't me. I'm in very suburban NJ. And, I've found that this happens quite often around here. Back when I was in the sticks of NJ, having bears go through the year was a normal occurrence, but this, under the porch was too much.


I told this story to my neighbor and what made him laugh is people calling the police on the bear. He says to me, "You know if you shoot him in the butt with BBs, that'll make him wander off, right darling? And we've got a couple on the north side of the house. I'm waiting for 'em to wake up so I can scare them off our farms."


I'm afraid to wear brown and walk the back acreage now. :D


They're such a problem around here the farmers are shooting them and burying them. They'll destroy crops like nothing you've seen. But, like I said, I am in the middle of a very, very busy town. I can't fire off a BB gun, no matter how much my brother begged to 'take care of him' for me :D. My worry was the 15 people that walk their dogs at all times of the day and night. That bear would have rushed them and killed those dogs no problem, not to mention what might it have done to the pedestrians? It's not unusual for a bear to break into a house or garage. People have walked downstairs to find bears eating out of thier cabinets. Yep, in NJ. We even had a bear hunt this year because they are such a problem.

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Ohh those babies were so cute! No, though, that wasn't me. I'm in very suburban NJ. And, I've found that this happens quite often around here. Back when I was in the sticks of NJ, having bears go through the year was a normal occurrence, but this, under the porch was too much.


They're such a problem around here the farmers are shooting them and burying them. They'll destroy crops like nothing you've seen. But, like I said, I am in the middle of a very, very busy town. I can't fire off a BB gun, no matter how much my brother begged to 'take care of him' for me :D. My worry was the 15 people that walk their dogs at all times of the day and night. That bear would have rushed them and killed those dogs no problem, not to mention what might it have done to the pedestrians? It's not unusual for a bear to break into a house or garage. People have walked downstairs to find bears eating out of thier cabinets. Yep, in NJ. We even had a bear hunt this year because they are such a problem.


That's how it is in western MD too. Bear sightings are very common, but I'd be pretty freaked out if I went to visit my mom and found a bear under the house! The state authorized a bear hunting season a few years ago because they're getting too populous. The worst incident I heard of was a rabid bear who tried to break into a house. The owner managed to load his shotgun and shoot the bear before it got in, but the blood spatter got on the entire family, so they all had to have rabies shots.

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