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What School Does Your Child attend? -- Curious fun


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This is just out of curiosity and for fun.


I was wondering if anyone named their homeschool, since I know many of us have to file paper work, but I'm not sure if most states care enough to ask about an official name.


Do your kids have any reply besides "I'm homeschooled" when asked what school they attend?


I have a friend who's going to homeschool next year and was wondering about this. I know during my elementary years our homeschool had a name, but not after wards. I never really wondered why that was until recently...


If you don't have a name, have you ever thought of giving it one?

Can you come up with some fun suggestions for a cool homeschool name?

Edited by mom2bee
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Ours is Abbey Road *blank* school. Which means right now it is Abbey Road PreSchool, and once we start officially it will be Abbey Road Grammar School, etc. My kids will probably just tell people that they are homeschooled, though. I let my husband name the school as a way to get him excited about the idea of homeschooling and he's a big Beatles fan.

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We don't have to name our school here but the kids wanted to. After going through a few name changes because I originally picked one they didn't like, they decided on Fawkes Academy, named after the Phoenix from Harry Potter.


They will sometimes use it when asked where they go to school, but mostly they just tell people they are homeschooled.

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We don't have to name our homeschool, but the kids did it for fun when we first started. When people ask my youngest where she goes to school and she proudly answers, "Blue House Academy," she gets some pretty strange looks. We recently had a waitress who just shook her head and said she was too old for all these new ideas, like homeschooling. :D

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Guest aquiverfull

Our school name is Refining Scholars Academy. We have to use it when we file our paperwork but I doubt my kids even know the name. :)

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Guest RecumbentHeart

We don't have a name but we will have to have one by the time we start filing in a couple of years. It will remain the same name legally forever, even if we move out of state and then move back, so it's got to be good ... and I have NO idea. :lol:

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This is just out of curiosity and for fun.


I was wondering if anyone named their homeschool, since I know many of us have to file paper work, but I'm not sure if most states care enough to ask about an official name.


Do your kids have any reply besides "I'm homeschooled" when asked what school they attend?


I have a friend who's going to homeschool next year and was wondering about this. I know during my elementary years our homeschool had a name, but not after wards. I never really wondered why that was until recently...


If you don't have a name, have you ever thought of giving it one?

Can you come up with some fun suggestions for a cool homeschool name?


Percival Blakeney Academy


Though we mostly use it within the family. As we get closer to our high school years, I find that I am more comfortable "claiming the insult" and just saying that we are homeschooling than telling people the name of a school they've never heard of (especially in NoVa, where school selection is a big deal and most parents would know that they'd never heard of it).


The school is named for an obscure literary figure that I really admire.

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We don't have to have one but our homeschool group let us pick one if we wanted. Ours is JJM Academy.....the first letter of each of my children's name. I'm not sure though that my kids would say it though if they were asked...they would just say they are homeschooled...and proud.:001_smile:

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And There Was (Much Rejoice Academy)

"And there was much rejoice" is a quote from Monty Python's Holy Grail. It is sarcastic and followed by a monotone yay. Captain Sarcasm (aka my middle son) named us.

I write it proudly in all of their textbooks. However, generally, I tend to use Much Rejoice Academy and not explain the context. People can draw whatever conclusion they want.


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I've toyed with "Pannus Ardor Academy" and "Pannus Ardor Institute" because it's a play off the name I use online... that said, we don't have to have an official name and if we do one for the later years, it will be The Logan-Jefferson Home School/Academy/Institute. I haven't decided which I like best for the last word!

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Chicago Metropolitan Academy for Monkeys.


(Sometimes we leave off "for Monkeys", though.)


I love it!


We don't have to have one but I thought it would be fun for blogging purposes and helpful for freebies. I struggled over it forever, as I do with all things like this, because I want clever names but I'm not generally struck with any brilliance and my stuff is very lame. So dh and I (okay, mostly me, but I really did try to include him) thought about what we wanted our school to embody. We really dig Leonardo da Vinci for what he represented: well-roundedness, success in multiple fields...you know, a "Renaissance man". I liked "Da Vinci Academy" and things like that but those names weren't available on Blogspot or Wordpress, so we went with Florentine Academy. But that name sounds really big, so while the kids are little we're calling it Florenteeny Academy--for the "teenies".

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Spreading Oaks School


I, too, agonized over this quite a bit. Spreading Oaks (especially if you look at Google Images :tongue_smilie:) are such strong, majestic trees, with good roots and firm foundations. They cast a wide shade for the weary, it seems, and the oak is a strong national symbol in our native country.


I do find it fitting that, especially at this stage of the game as we're just starting out and I'm a wee bit apprehensive, the initials spell "SOS"...:D Try putting that on a school logo or T-shirt! :lol:

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Back in the baby/toddler days we were Our Lady of Perpetual Pregnancy, then St. Therese Academy. After a couple of years in public and private schools we are homeschooling again. We don't NEED a name in Texas, but the girls want one. I'll get back to y'all with our decision!


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Back in the baby/toddler days we were Our Lady of Perpetual Pregnancy


Oh, Jennifer -- you just made my day! :lol:


I once read a Slovak proverb that said "Always either pregnant or nursing" (it rhymed, of course). That was when I was pregnant the first time, and I've never been able to find it since. Otherwise I would have adopted that as my motto for the past decade!



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Back in the baby/toddler days we were Our Lady of Perpetual Pregnancy


(sigh..) I love it. It's perfect.


We don't have a name yet, although my husband and I jokingly call our school the "Academy of Actual Learning". Got that idea from someone else on these message boards...



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We're the Lane Academy. My ds likes saying that. Our youth minister uses it all the time... "Did the Lane Academy have a snow day this week?" or "When is spring break for the Lane Academy?". I love that he does that. It makes my kids feel included when he is talking about school.


When asked, I just say we homeschool.

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I don't have to file paperwork, because we go through a charter or a private umbrella school..but on my facebook under work...


I am headmistress of Cliffs of Insanity Day Academy and

life-coach at St. Jen's school for exceptional teens.


I'm tempted to order polo shirts with the former :D

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Ours is Abbey Road *blank* school. Which means right now it is Abbey Road PreSchool, and once we start officially it will be Abbey Road Grammar School, etc. My kids will probably just tell people that they are homeschooled, though. I let my husband name the school as a way to get him excited about the idea of homeschooling and he's a big Beatles fan.


Yup, we did the same thing here. My husband gave a lot of thought to the school name. He even designed a logo for our "letterhead." :D


Chicago Metropolitan Academy for Monkeys.


(Sometimes we leave off "for Monkeys", though.)


Love this!!


And There Was (Much Rejoice Academy)


"And there was much rejoice" is a quote from Monty Python's Holy Grail. It is sarcastic and followed by a monotone yay. Captain Sarcasm (aka my middle son) named us.


I write it proudly in all of their textbooks. However, generally, I tend to use Much Rejoice Academy and not explain the context. People can draw whatever conclusion they want.




Ahahahahaha!! *Everytime* I see you post, I always, always think "Yay." I would totally steal this name.... if of course my husband hadn't put all that effort into the one he chose. :lol:


We don't even need a homeschool name here in TX. But it has been useful for registering for sports teams and educational freebies and resources. Ours is "{Lastname} Paideia Academe." I usually leave off our last name and just write Paideia Academe. I don't think our kids even know the name- they just say they are homeschooled.

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