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What is the significance of you user name?

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LOL I always thought it was the "tap, tap, tap" that a conductor does with their baton on the music stand before they start conducting a piece. Man, I was way off. lol :lol:


LOL others have thought I was a tap dancer. Were you around back when Linksalot was here. She used to give us all pictures to go with our monikers.....mine was a tap dancer. :)

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LOL others have thought I was a tap dancer. Were you around back when Linksalot was here. She used to give us all pictures to go with our monikers.....mine was a tap dancer. :)


Awwww, I missed that. I've been here since April 2009, but have been known to take "board breaks" for a few months. I would have liked to see what she would have chosen for me. :)


I remember the last time we did a thread like this Spycar commented that he had thought my name had to do with the Iberian Peninsula since I'm part Spanish. He thought that was where the "Ibby" came from. :)

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Mine was born from a rebellious nature. I have always practiced Attachment Parenting, and while on another board (that was Christian) I was sick to death of hearing how moms disciplined with the threat of severe punishment if the dc acted in even a slightly disobedient manner.


"smilesonly" is my non-logical,sarcastic way of innocently making an inner statement that only I am aware of-until now, anyway.


no offense to those with opposing views, of course.:)

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Doesn't that happen in one of the Todd McCaffrey books? *shudder*


Sorry, I knew that was going to be confusing. She wasn't my Weyrwoman's second dragon, but rather my character was the Weyrwoman's second-in-command. So, my Weyrwoman's Second's dragon. :D


That explains it.


Brekke's queen Wirenth rose to mate for the first time too close to Kylara's Prideth, and they both went between while fighting in chapter XII in Dragonquest, the second book in the series. In chapter XIV they try to get Brekke to re-impress another queen because she's almost catatonic with grief. Her firelizard stops it from happening, but it snaps her out of her catatonia. Moral of the story: don't try to re-impress. I bet Todd would have done it though.

(Yes, I know what a nerd this makes me look like... :D )

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Awwww, I missed that. I've been here since April 2009, but have been known to take "board breaks" for a few months. I would have liked to see what she would have chosen for me. :)


I remember the last time we did a thread like this Spycar commented that he had thought my name had to do with the Iberian Peninsula since I'm part Spanish. He thought that was where the "Ibby" came from. :)


It was on the old board...and she wasn't around much towards the end, if I remember right. She is on the new board too, but since she switched her name, I don't know if she wants to be outed....LOL

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It was on the old board...and she wasn't around much towards the end, if I remember right. She is on the new board too, but since she switched her name, I don't know if she wants to be outed....LOL


LOL Definitely before my time then. I think you switched to this new forum in 2008, no?

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grace = unmerited favor


and, I'm a nurse.


so... nursewithgrace


Ephesians 2:8-9

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.




Ephesians 4:7

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift.


I like this one too:


Titus 3:7

that being justified by His grace we might be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life.

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I know my originality is going to blow you away. My name is Dawn and I live in Ohio.


Seriously, I am one of the world's worst people at naming things. I tried to come up with a better name and I just couldn't do it on such short notice. It took me the full nine months to find a name for my last two children.

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Mine comes from a birthday card my employees gave me about 16 years ago when I only had four kids. The card had a bumper sticker in it that said KidsHappen. I put that sticker on my car and if I could have pulled it off when the car died, I would have. I have been trying to replace it all these years and have never been able to find another one like it. Anyhow, it was so appropriate that when the time came to have a user name, it was an obvious choice. I use it for everything and if you see a KidsHappen anywhere on the net, well I am pretty darn sure it is me. I have only once been told that that user name wasn't available and that was because I had already used it and forgotten both the password and email address I used to set it up. So on that particular site I am KidzHappen. Oh, and I have had two more kids since then. ;)

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My college had a month long wilderness program which I went on (backpacking for a month in the High Uintas). Another group canoed in Canada and they made up "Indian names" for each other (I'm old enough that this is pre p.c.). Us backpackers wanted cool names too so a good friend of mine that had gone canoeing named me, "Laughing lioness of the golden grasses."


No one ever callled me that but I always loved it.

and b.c. I thought it was cool because I was a Leo. And now I love the analogy of Aslan as well as being part of the tribe of Judah. Jesus is the lion of Judah- I want to be part of that tribe and that pride.


Golden Grasses is my blog name- I love that it illustrates my sub-title: crafting the extraordinary from the ordinary. Grass and kids are everywhere, truly golden ones are rare.

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My last name is Kurwicki and so I shortened it to Kwickimom. In my head I say it is K-wick-ee-mom.


Some really cool dude from another forum kept asking me why I was "quickie" mom :glare: Maybe I should change it :lol:


I wondered the same thing. Sorry. :blush: I thought, Well, quick is better than not at all...


Anyway, my children's names begin with Sa, Ha, and Ma. That's the SaHaMa part, and I'm the mama. ;)

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My user name is meant to be mysterious, since I'm actually a middle-aged guy named Lou living in my parents' basement in Cincinnati.


:lol: You win for most creative user name!



Mine screen name is the SCRAPPY homeschooler, well, because I like to scrapbook more than most other things, and I homeschool. It is not, as commonly thought at first glance, the CRAPPY homeschooler, although that might be appropriate on some days.

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