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More red bibs:




I found some too! Here

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(Most of them wouldn't want to be called LARPERS- live-action-role-players because that's an even geekier sub-geek classification. :lol:) Besides, it's hard to eat the pizza with a hooded robe.


And there is something wrong with being a double geek LARPer? :toetap05:


(No, I do not LARP. Dh does :D)


Maybe they are +1 Robes of Pizza consumption?






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Academic robes can look kinda like what you're describing-- maybe they were awarding each other PhDs from some shady online university? :001_smile:

Good one.


Maybe they are homeschoolers re-enacting something historical, like the Spanish Inquisition.


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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I never realized the posts were numbered before. And why do I see people say things like "I've only read through page 3" or "I can't believe there are 10 pages of posts" when I only see 1 page or 3 pages of posts? :confused:


I guess it has to do with your settings?? How many posts your default setting is to see per page? Mine is 10 posts per page. This thread is 7 pages long to me. :D

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I never realized the posts were numbered before. And why do I see people say things like "I've only read through page 3" or "I can't believe there are 10 pages of posts" when I only see 1 page or 3 pages of posts? :confused:


It depends on how you have your preferences. That's why I gave the post # because depending how many posts you see on a page, the page number is meaningless.

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hehehehehe So you're reading WTM the War and peace version and I'm reading the Reader's Digest version. :D ;)

Yup. I used to read it in hybrid mode, but then posts would get marked as read when I hadn't actually read them yet, so I switched to reading them all in order (whatever that is called).

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Academic robes can look kinda like what you're describing-- maybe they were awarding each other PhDs from some shady online university? :001_smile:


Ok, this made me choke on my breakfast! Hilarious.


I'd want to know the story if my neighbors were doing that--but I don't know that I'd ask them directly. Maybe if I didn't have young kids---but I don't like to be on anyone's radar who is even the teeniest bit creepy these days.


Hope you will keep us updated.

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Ok, this made me choke on my breakfast! Hilarious.


I'd want to know the story if my neighbors were doing that--but I don't know that I'd ask them directly. Maybe if I didn't have young kids---but I don't like to be on anyone's radar who is even the teeniest bit creepy these days.


Hope you will keep us updated.


I'll try... I'm thinking about asking the guy on the other side of us, but he's good friends w/ the neighbors who are overseas... I don't want him to tell them I was paranoid/suspicious about their house sitters. It's hard to be casual when you have to email people instead of running into the mailbox (country living, you know)... but I may just ask anyway. Or get dh to do it, who *does* talk to him casually about stuff at times.

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I would just ask them.


"Hey! My kids were curious about what you were doing the other night, can you tell me about it so I can answer their questions?" :)


If you are nice and genuinely interested they will probably explain.


If they are "Oh we practice x or y harmless alternative religion" you can just calmly go on about your business.


If they are, "We worship Satan and were sacrificing a cat in order to summon a demon!" then you might want to avoid the house sitters.


There is no telling what they were doing. They could be Christians playing a role playing game.



No. You need a large black dog for that. Demons these days aren't satisfied possessing cats anymore. So picky!







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Okay, I'm voting for a dress rehearsal of "reader's theater". Seriously, reader's theater was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO boring at the college I attended, that any groups practicing it were practically banned out onto the lawn or into some distant, unused, damp, dreery corner of the campus where no one else had to listen to it. The performances were so bad, that the only people who ever attended them were the ones majoring in some area of the humanities such as English, Writing, Drama, etc. You couldn't drag the rest of us there with a team of wild horses!


The robes sound similar to what the theater group used at my alma mater.



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Well, maybe they were making some sort of a movie, like someone else mentioned?


My kids are really into film-making, and I'm constantly wondering what the neighbors must be thinking...


I'm afraid mine are going to have 911 called on them. Dd18 is quite into make-up... They assure me that they keep away from people at the state park...Dh thinks that would make them even more suspicious. Today, Dd16a had a huge gash across her neck. The rest of her wounds were fairly small. She was pursued by a horned demon that licked dripping blood off its fingers (honey based). Saturday, the wounds on her friend about made me sick at my stomach. I've seen some shots of her across the hood of the car, in front of the car, and in some leaves...Not something you want to just bump into.:tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, DH has been playing D&D for like 20 years and he's never seen anyone dress up. (Most of them wouldn't want to be called LARPERS- live-action-role-players because that's an even geekier sub-geek classification. :lol:) Besides, it's hard to eat the pizza with a hooded robe.


And there is something wrong with being a double geek LARPer? :toetap05:


(No, I do not LARP. Dh does :D)


Maybe they are +1 Robes of Pizza consumption?







:lol::lol: Dh used to LARP. It does sound like something he would have done!

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Okay, I wasn't going to reply to this thread because everyone seems to be having fun, but the whole animal sacrifice thing isn't really funny. There is a cult somewhere around where my parents live. Several times a year, Dad has to move all his livestock up close to the house. It doesn't fall under freedom of religion if you are mutilating someone else's $800+ animal. Or if you are leaving the remains on their property to be seen and disposed of.


And the whole subject just isn't that funny.

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Okay, I wasn't going to reply to this thread because everyone seems to be having fun, but the whole animal sacrifice thing isn't really funny. There is a cult somewhere around where my parents live. Several times a year, Dad has to move all his livestock up close to the house. It doesn't fall under freedom of religion if you are mutilating someone else's $800+ animal. Or if you are leaving the remains on their property to be seen and disposed of.


And the whole subject just isn't that funny.

:001_huh: So, there is a cult somewhere near your parents and those people mutilate the animals of other people several times a year?

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:001_huh: So, there is a cult somewhere near your parents and those people mutilate the animals of other people several times a year?



You would think livestock would be too much trouble. You need a truck, big guys with a truck, ropes. Doesn't ease matter to anyone? I don't understand why these folks can't stick to squirrels...or baited rat traps.

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Well, maybe they were making some sort of a movie, like someone else mentioned?


My kids are really into film-making, and I'm constantly wondering what the neighbors must be thinking...


My son and some of his friends were out front one day, when I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran out the door to see who was hurt, and got, "Mom, you ruined our movie!" :lol:

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My son and some of his friends were out front one day, when I heard a blood curdling scream. I ran out the door to see who was hurt, and got, "Mom, you ruined our movie!" :lol:


Have they seen the movie Wild America? Those boys were tough cookies. If that mother posted about those kids today, people would have her getting them all neuro exams, and they would all be medicated. ;) As it turns out, they became film makers for National Geographic, I believe.

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