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Lady Gaga

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I've had it! The egg thing has finally sent me into orbit!


What is the deal with this woman and why does everyone seem to think she is so wonderful? She's weird, she does strange things and people call her a genius. It seems like a case of The Emperor's New Clothes to me. She tells people how wonderful she is so often that everyone believes her at this point!


Hey, I'll admit that her music is catchy, but revolutionary? On par with the Beatles or the Rolling Stones? NO WAY! Meat dresses and egg arrivals don't equate to genius musician. She's a master marketer, I'll give her that.

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Here, I found it. It is the most ridicoulous thing I've ever heard of in my life. I don't think it is genius. I think it is quite the opposite.


"It was necessary to incubate her for a certain time, because tonight she is actually birthing a new race," Gibson said. "A new race that doesn't have the ability to judge or hate in their DNA, so she is incubating right now so she goes through that process."

I think it is necessary to incubate her so her handlers can catch a break from the ditzines for a few minutes every day

Edited by Parrothead
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My husband has a lot to say on the matter, so I let him write my answer:


First off, you're right: the woman DOES make some pretty good--sometimes even great--dance/pop music. She has a knack for finding a hook that is demonstrated by relatively few pop/rock musicians in the mainstream.


But perhaps the most interesting element of Lady Gaga is that she is more or less playing us all for the fool. Think about it. The public knows next to nothing about her personal life. All we know is what she lets us see. Lady Gaga is almost a character being played in a life-cum-Happening a la the performing arts of the mid to late 1960s. Perhaps no artist has so fully enraptured the popular culture with nothing but the face she chooses to show us since Madonna at the beginning of her career. Like her, Gaga is establishing herself as a presence, an element burrowing into the subconscious of our nation's pop culture. She's mainstream and poppy, but maintains a strong subversive element. She alienates us all while simultaneously intriguing us.


Many times in popular music people claim to be able to "relate" to the artist or the sentiment expressed in their songs (this can often especially be seen with youth audiences). No one identifies with Gaga. She just is. And by being, she draws our attention.


As a musician, she's no revolutionary. She's skilled, no doubt, but not anything new. But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.

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My husband has a lot to say on the matter, so I let him write my answer:


First off, you're right: the woman DOES make some pretty good--sometimes even great--dance/pop music. She has a knack for finding a hook that is demonstrated by relatively few pop/rock musicians in the mainstream.


But perhaps the most interesting element of Lady Gaga is that she is more or less playing us all for the fool. Think about it. The public knows next to nothing about her personal life. All we know is what she lets us see. Lady Gaga is almost a character being played in a life-cum-Happening a la the performing arts of the mid to late 1960s. Perhaps no artist has so fully enraptured the popular culture with nothing but the face she chooses to show us since Madonna at the beginning of her career. Like her, Gaga is establishing herself as a presence, an element burrowing into the subconscious of our nation's pop culture. She's mainstream and poppy, but maintains a strong subversive element. She alienates us all while simultaneously intriguing us.


Many times in popular music people claim to be able to "relate" to the artist or the sentiment expressed in their songs (this can often especially be seen with youth audiences). No one identifies with Gaga. She just is. And by being, she draws our attention.


As a musician, she's no revolutionary. She's skilled, no doubt, but not anything new. But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.


This us a really good summation of Lady Gaga. I like her, I think she is a talented song writer. My dh (who is a musician) stated that you can tell if a song is well written if it sounds great when you play it alone with an acoustic guitar. I have heard several of her hits played acoustically and they sound fantastic. I find the music industry has been turning out a lot of mass produced bands and music over the last chunk of years. I like that she stands out as David Bowie (who I love) as Ziggy Stardust did back then.

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This us a really good summation of Lady Gaga. I like her, I think she is a talented song writer. My dh (who is a musician) stated that you can tell if a song is well written if it sounds great when you play it alone with an acoustic guitar. I have heard several of her hits played acoustically and they sound fantastic. I find the music industry has been turning out a lot of mass produced bands and music over the last chunk of years. I like that she stands out as David Bowie (who I love) as Ziggy Stardust did back then.


ITA. Chris Daughtry's acoustic version of Poker Face is haunting.


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I am proud to say that my children could not pick her out of a line-up. I know that I should be able to do so, if only to be aware of contemporary culture, but truth be told I have no idea what she looks like. Young, thin, white with a penchant for clothes made from flesh??? beyond that I have no idea.


Off to google her.

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I agree. I do believe she has musical talent (which albeit not

my own taste, it is skilled). I do believe, however, that she is the whole package... Performance artist extraordinaire (again, I don't have to be a fan of it for it to be true). She is grinning all the way to the bank.


My husband has a lot to say on the matter, so I let him write my answer:


First off, you're right: the woman DOES make some pretty good--sometimes even great--dance/pop music. She has a knack for finding a hook that is demonstrated by relatively few pop/rock musicians in the mainstream.


But perhaps the most interesting element of Lady Gaga is that she is more or less playing us all for the fool. Think about it. The public knows next to nothing about her personal life. All we know is what she lets us see. Lady Gaga is almost a character being played in a life-cum-Happening a la the performing arts of the mid to late 1960s. Perhaps no artist has so fully enraptured the popular culture with nothing but the face she chooses to show us since Madonna at the beginning of her career. Like her, Gaga is establishing herself as a presence, an element burrowing into the subconscious of our nation's pop culture. She's mainstream and poppy, but maintains a strong subversive element. She alienates us all while simultaneously intriguing us.


Many times in popular music people claim to be able to "relate" to the artist or the sentiment expressed in their songs (this can often especially be seen with youth audiences). No one identifies with Gaga. She just is. And by being, she draws our attention.


As a musician, she's no revolutionary. She's skilled, no doubt, but not anything new. But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.

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I find her hilarious. Whatever reaction you have, that was what she was going for. Go ahead, ignore her. She knew you would do that too and she's cool with it. She is like a fun house mirror.


And I think "Bad Romance" is one of the best pop songs ever. When I heard her wail "And I wanna be friends" I almost fell down with laughing. Brilliant.

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My husband has a lot to say on the matter, so I let him write my answer:


First off, you're right: the woman DOES make some pretty good--sometimes even great--dance/pop music. She has a knack for finding a hook that is demonstrated by relatively few pop/rock musicians in the mainstream.


But perhaps the most interesting element of Lady Gaga is that she is more or less playing us all for the fool. Think about it. The public knows next to nothing about her personal life. All we know is what she lets us see. Lady Gaga is almost a character being played in a life-cum-Happening a la the performing arts of the mid to late 1960s. Perhaps no artist has so fully enraptured the popular culture with nothing but the face she chooses to show us since Madonna at the beginning of her career. Like her, Gaga is establishing herself as a presence, an element burrowing into the subconscious of our nation's pop culture. She's mainstream and poppy, but maintains a strong subversive element. She alienates us all while simultaneously intriguing us.


Many times in popular music people claim to be able to "relate" to the artist or the sentiment expressed in their songs (this can often especially be seen with youth audiences). No one identifies with Gaga. She just is. And by being, she draws our attention.


As a musician, she's no revolutionary. She's skilled, no doubt, but not anything new. But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.


:iagree: I think she's a very intelligent woman who has created a great character. Every move she makes is carefully crafted. If you listen to her play/sing her songs with just a keyboard, you can tell she's a talented musician.

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Re: her name


Every day, when Stef came to the studio, instead of saying hello, I would start singing 'Radio Ga Ga'. That was her entrance song. [Lady Gaga] was actually a glitch; I typed 'Radio Ga Ga' in a text and it did an autocorrect so somehow 'Radio' got changed to 'Lady'. She texted me back, "That's it." After that day, she was Lady Gaga.[28] She’s like, "Don't ever call me Stefani again.
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I like her as a song writer but I dislike her as a performer/singer. It would be perfect, for me, if she would stay behind the scenes as a writer. I feel the same way about Taylor Swift. My older dd loves Swift and I think she's a good writer but I don't think she's a good performer/singer. My 2 cents.:D

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She's no David Bowie. Sorry, but she's not (imho :) )



Bowie is in a whole other league. One which I think she'd like to be in, but never will.

She's good at what she does.. I don't know why, but she kind of reminds me of Bette Midler in her younger brash years.

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My husband has a lot to say on the matter, so I let him write my answer:


First off, you're right: the woman DOES make some pretty good--sometimes even great--dance/pop music. She has a knack for finding a hook that is demonstrated by relatively few pop/rock musicians in the mainstream.


But perhaps the most interesting element of Lady Gaga is that she is more or less playing us all for the fool. Think about it. The public knows next to nothing about her personal life. All we know is what she lets us see. Lady Gaga is almost a character being played in a life-cum-Happening a la the performing arts of the mid to late 1960s. Perhaps no artist has so fully enraptured the popular culture with nothing but the face she chooses to show us since Madonna at the beginning of her career. Like her, Gaga is establishing herself as a presence, an element burrowing into the subconscious of our nation's pop culture. She's mainstream and poppy, but maintains a strong subversive element. She alienates us all while simultaneously intriguing us.


Many times in popular music people claim to be able to "relate" to the artist or the sentiment expressed in their songs (this can often especially be seen with youth audiences). No one identifies with Gaga. She just is. And by being, she draws our attention.


As a musician, she's no revolutionary. She's skilled, no doubt, but not anything new. But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.




I also agree about her being a talented writer. The songs still rock when they're done acoustically. I will admit that I do like her music. I'm a sucker for a good dance track though. She's successfully marketing the whole package.

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But as a performance artist--as a character--she's the biggest thing since David Bowie became Ziggy Stardust.

:iagree: Whoever her PR or agent are -- they are brilliant folk marketing her. I do think she is (an artist) much like Bowie when he really believed he was Ziggy, kwim? She is not Stephanie -- to her she IS Gaga. Curious to see what she is in a couple of years down the road to reinvent herself or if she can have another hit to last beyond a few short years. If she makes it past the 8-10 year mark, kudos to her. Hollywood is tough. Your last movie or song will make you yesterday's news. She keeps it fresh and her antics make the PR and paparazzi hunger for more. I bet her record company loves $$$ it. ;)

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Not my taste in music, but I do think she's brilliant as a market-er, performer and talent.


:iagree: I don't listen to this type of music but sometimes my older daughter does. I find myself enjoying listening to her music even though I don't like it...? And I really don't think it's quality music and certianly not quality lyrics, but...the songs are easy and fun to sing along with - they stick with you and make you want to dance.....so....What do I know, I'm a country music fan! Theoretically, I can't stand her. Weird. I both hate and love Bad Romance.

Edited by katemary63
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I agree. I do believe she has musical talent (which albeit not

my own taste, it is skilled). I do believe, however, that she is the whole package... Performance artist extraordinaire (again, I don't have to be a fan of it for it to be true). She is grinning all the way to the bank.

:iagree: If she wrote the music or lyrics -- as a songwriter profiting off royalties, she makes far more $$$ than as a performer and owns the rights to the music. Years from now, she will be laughing all the way to the bank. Even more so if future performers or commercials use her music -- she gets paid. Ka-ching $$$!!! :lol:

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I just love her music. Dh has taught me, and this is a wonderful thing, to separate art from artist. I seldom pay attention to all the hype and hoopla. I just listen to the music and enjoy it.

Most artists are whack jobs and many often have been. Some of the great classical artists, okay, (maybe I can only think of one at the moment), were major anti-Semites and scarily so. Again, I just enjoy the music.

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She's no David Bowie. Sorry, but she's not (imho :) )


Yes, because Bowie actually cared about the music he was/still is making. He did not set out to be some kind of "PoP" star. He never stay with any one persona long. She's been GAGA for too many years now.


I love performance art, but she's not it. She's like Pop Tarts; fake food. Most top 40 music is canned/non thinking crud. Yes, unlike many of the other pop-divas, she can actually write, play an instrument, but she hides her ability behind a clown suite. Something a friend told me a few yes ago has really summed up my thoughts on why so many love top 40 music, "I don't want to have to think about it, I want my music to non-challenging."


She and most of the others who are the current cat's meow, are just that; music light.

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My hubby is in the song writing business and apparently she is considered a genius in this dept. She has written a lot of new, exciting music for a lot of big names in the music industry, not just lyrics but musical compositions. Everything else is just flash to keep in name in the public face. You know, any publicity is good publicity and she really doesn't care if you like her or not. She is laughing all the way to the bank. The wiki article has a lot of info on where her real talents lie.


Here is a funny story about her music though. My gs is 2 1/2, When we were down for Christmas, my 14 year old would sing Bad Romance. My gs can't quite pronounce my dd's name but everytime she started singing he would yell, "Shormy - Shut up!" That is the only thing he says that about but now even when he calls if she even hums the tune he says that. I guess he doesn't like it too much. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by KidsHappen
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