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Movies Everyone Should Know


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What is your list of movies/plays everyone should be familiar with to be culturally literate? I know this may vary depending on your country, your tv/movie watching habits, and other beliefs, but I'm just curious about which ones may come up most often. I'm trying to have my kids watch movies I think everyone should see and I'm looking to see what I may have forgotten that I want to add to the list. I try to let/make them watch a movie on Fridays of my choice because it is our arts day for school. Some of the movies I think they should see will need to wait until they are older and in upper middle or high school, so I'm not only looking for a list of kids' movies.


So far, we have watched or it's on my list for later-

Mary Poppins



Pirates of Penzance

A few Shirley Temple movies

A Wonderful Life

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (original)


Little Shop of Horrors

Singing in the Rain

10 Commandments

Wizard of Oz

Charlie Brown Specials

Schindlers List

Fraggles- (ok that's just for me! ;))

A few Muppet shows

Star Wars

Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Several adaptions of plays by Shakespeare- either film or play versions



I'm sure there are plenty more that I haven't thought of yet! We might not see everything, but I'd like them to be culturally literate and be able to maintain conversations and understand jokes, satire, and other allusions in movies and books. This list is separate from my books they need to read list.

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Pretty in Pink?

Dirty Dancing?

The Breakfast Club?

St. Elmo's Fire?

Some Kind of Wonderful?


Can you tell I have a John Hughes fetish?? :lol::lol:

:iagree: Also, everyone needs to Ferris Bueller's Day off.:D CLASSIC!!!! Oh and Footloose.

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Oh - good idea :)


Let's see,,,


All of those 80's movies, of course :D



Romeo and Juliet

Midsummer Night's Dream

South Pacific

The Nutcracker

Swan Lake

Christmas Carol

A Christmas Story

It's a Wonderful Life

Phantom of the Opera

The Glass Menagerie

Death of a Salesman

The Harry Potter Movies

The Star Wars Trilogy

The Right Stuff

The Wizard of Oz


Monty Python's The Holy Grail

The Gods Must be Crazy

Raiders of the Lost Arc

The Godfather


Rear Window

The Birds

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest


Jurrasic Park

Star Trek

Any of the James Bond films

The Long, Long Trailer



Full Metal Jacket

Black Hawk Down

Top Gun

The Matrix


12 Angry Men

King Kong

Shawn of the Dead



Any John Wayne film/s

The Day the Earth Stood Still (the original)

Apolcolypse Now



I could keep going..... But I'll spare you :)

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The Neverending Story

The Dark Crystal

I saw The Dark Crystal as a kid. About 15 years later I saw something about it at a museum and it freaked me out. No idea what the movie was about but I associate it with something TERRIFYING!


The Neverending Story -- definitely!


The Secret of NIMH, maybe?

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I'm laughing at all the movies from these lists that I have NOT seen.


I'd probably just say...


Star Wars

Star Trek

Princess Bride (just personal favorite that our family quotes all the time)

It's a Wonderful Life


Pretty much the other movies are


1) Going to be culturally irrelevant soon enough, imo.




2) Covered by reading the book.

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Pretty in Pink?

Dirty Dancing?

The Breakfast Club?

St. Elmo's Fire?

Some Kind of Wonderful?


Can you tell I have a John Hughes fetish?? :lol::lol:


:iagree: Also, everyone needs to Ferris Bueller's Day off.:D CLASSIC!!!! Oh and Footloose.


Gives High-Five!!



Aside from John Hughes:


Star Wars


Raiders of the Lost Ark, plus sequels 2 & 3, please skip #4

Close Encounters of the Third Kind

....anything where John Williams wrote the soundtrack


Princess Bride

Galaxy Quest

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Terminator 1, 2, 3, 4 (okay that might be relevant to MY household)

Wizard of Oz

Gone with the Wind

The Great Escape

Dirty Harry

Lord of the Rings triology


West Side Story

Back to the Future trilogy

Dr. Zhivago

Rebel without a cause



It's a Wonderful Life

A Christmas Carol

The Sound of Music

A Hitchcock movie

Toy Story

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

To Kill a Mockingbird

Romeo and Juliet (60s version)

Saving Private Ryan

King Kong (old version)

Godzilla (just for fun)

Jurassic Park (also just for fun)


Oh yes, James Bond

John Wayne

A Hepburn/Tracy movie


I think it's also relevant to add movies from other countries. I've discovered foreign films via Netflix. It's very eye-opening to watch movies from other cultures. I often watch and then it challenges me to explore more of the culture. I was watching a Japanese movie and there was a scene that was obviously very symbolic, but made no sense to me. After some research it became apparent why that scene was so important.

Edited by elegantlion
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I won't get into particular movies... there are just too many, but I think we should certainly be familiar with: broad genres and eras of domestic and foreign films, films (e.g. film noir, big budget epics, silent era classics, musicals, 50's horror films, SciFi classics); actors; and, directors. I can't imagine my children leaving home and not being acquainted with, say, Buster Keaton, Judy Garland or Toshiro Mifune, Hitchcock or Yimou Zhang, Das Boot or Metropolis. I just can't. And don't forget documentaries.

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The Neverending Story

The Dark Crystal



(Those are all kids' movies.)


Really? Labyrinth? I found that to be one of the creepiest, weirdest movies I've ever seen. No way would I let my kids watch that. It freaked me out, and if your kids are even a bit sensitive...no way.

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Really? Labyrinth? I found that to be one of the creepiest, weirdest movies I've ever seen. No way would I let my kids watch that. It freaked me out, and if your kids are even a bit sensitive...no way.


I was probably 6 the first time I saw Labyrinth... and it's still one of my all-time favorites. I won't let my littles watch it yet, but probably by the time they're 8 or so they will definitely have seen it.

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Really? Labyrinth? I found that to be one of the creepiest, weirdest movies I've ever seen. No way would I let my kids watch that. It freaked me out, and if your kids are even a bit sensitive...no way.


lol Everyone's different. I have always loved it. It's a classic in my family - all of my siblings own it. My dd's pretty sensitive and she liked it. Shrek, otoh, scared her half to death. She's 6.5 and STILL won't watch that movie again. :lol:


Hmmm...So 2 of my movie choices are scary to others. Interesting, because I HATE movies that I think are scary. :001_smile:

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Never goes out of style - Charlie Chaplain and The Gold Rush (or really any movies of his). If you've never seen a silent film, I HIGHLY recommend it!


Did no one mention Casablanca?


Great Train Robbery

Cinema Paradiso (I cried in class when we watched this in my Film as Lit. class)

(def. agree with Life is Beautiful, one of the BEST movies I've ever seen)

Much Ado about Nothing

Taming of the Shrew

Romeo and Juliet (Zepharelli version)

Citizen Kane

The Godfather

The Trip to Bountiful


Humm, I'll get back to you...

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Thanks for all the great ideas! Some of them we've already seen or are on my list for when they are much older and others I may need to look up. Since we have netflix streaming I love how easy it is to always have something new for them on our movie day. I can't wait for them to add more of these to streaming.

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What no Greece? ;)


I can't wait until ds is old enough to show him


The Blues Brothers

National Lampoons Animal House

Little Shop of Horrors

Rocky Horror Picture Show


Ds has watch a lot of classic movies, and we have just started watching some foreign movies. Seven Samurais is our next movie, followed by The Magnificent Seven. It will be fun to compere them.

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While I enjoyed the John Hughes movies at the time (if one can say one "enjoys" movies about teen angst), I would need to watch them again to see if they've really stood the test of time. My teen years were nothing like any movie with Molly Ringwald in it, and I question whether it would speak to anyone of my kids' age. All those rich snotty Brents and Bretts and Blaines and the scary blond kids (Karate Kid and all the rest) freak me out. I clearly need to watch the Breakfast Club again and see!


For movies about teens, I have to say, I think I enjoyed "Stand and Deliver" and "Dead Poets Society" more.


In other genres, I love "The Best Years of Our Lives." And I love Hitchcock. And I love 40s teen fashion more than 80s teen fashion.

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I won't get into particular movies... there are just too many, but I think we should certainly be familiar with: broad genres and eras of domestic and foreign films, films (e.g. film noir, big budget epics, silent era classics, musicals, 50's horror films, SciFi classics); actors; and, directors. I can't imagine my children leaving home and not being acquainted with, say, Buster Keaton, Judy Garland or Toshiro Mifune, Hitchcock or Yimou Zhang, Das Boot or Metropolis. I just can't. And don't forget documentaries.


i saw buster keaton's "the general" on netflix (on demand) and i really enjoyed it. it is a silent film.

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Some of these suggestions might not be the best for the kids to be watching (I guess depending on their ages). I LOVED Footloose when I was a teen....saw it a bunch of time at the theater. But....don't forget the preachers daughter who isn't a virgin and even shouts about it in the church and there are other scenes (but don't get me wrong...I actually LOVE the movie). Dirty Dancing, which I also really like, has the girl that got the abortion. I don't think I'd want my kids to watch Ferris Bueller. Grease....don't even get me started! Oh how I HATE that movie. I just always thought it was ridiculous that those actors were protraying teenagers (Olivia Newton John was born in 1948 and John Travolta in 1954. Grease was made in 1978...do the math! :lol: ). My husband owns just about every Clint Eastwood movie and some are really unnecessarily violent. But....I don't mean to be overly picky. I LOVE movies. We pretty much watch a movie every night. I'll have to look through ours to see if I can recommend any. If I get up off the computer chair right now to look...somebody will snatch my seat to get on-line. :001_smile:

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Some of these suggestions might not be the best for the kids to be watching (I guess depending on their ages). I LOVED Footloose when I was a teen....saw it a bunch of time at the theater. But....don't forget the preachers daughter who isn't a virgin and even shouts about it in the church and there are other scenes (but don't get me wrong...I actually LOVE the movie). Dirty Dancing, which I also really like, has the girl that got the abortion. I don't think I'd want my kids to watch Ferris Bueller. Grease....don't even get me started! Oh how I HATE that movie. I just always thought it was ridiculous that those actors were protraying teenagers (Olivia Newton John was born in 1948 and John Travolta in 1954. Grease was made in 1978...do the math! :lol: ). My husband owns just about every Clint Eastwood movie and some are really unnecessarily violent. But....I don't mean to be overly picky. I LOVE movies. We pretty much watch a movie every night. I'll have to look through ours to see if I can recommend any. If I get up off the computer chair right now to look...somebody will snatch my seat to get on-line. :001_smile:


I see your point, but "Go ahead, make my day" total classic. I wanted to add the movie where the guy gets shot through the eye, but I can't remember the name of it. Violent yes, but still classic movie.

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OK....here's my list. I'm not going to list Disney movies, 'cause we all know those anyway. I tried to only list movies you could sit with your kids and watch (although, everyone has different opinions).


That Thing You Do

Anne of Green Gables & the Sequel

Jane Eyre (Ciaran Hinds)

Love Comes Softly series

Flight of the Phoenix (Giovanni Ribisi)

Support Your Local Sheriff (James Garner)

School of Rock


What About Bob?

See Spot Run

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

The Greatest Game Ever Played

Invisible Child

Somewhere in Time

Hidden Places

The Magic of Ordinary Days

The Wedding Dress

Princess Caraboo

The Wilderness Family

A Walk to Remember

Jeremiah Johnson

Blue Hawaii (Elvis)

The Day After Tomorrow

Poseidon (Kurt Russell; the original is good too)



Gulliver's Travels (Ted Danson; the new one coming soon with Jack Black looks good)

The Majestic

Savannah Smiles

Pure Country (George Strait)

Sarah, Plain and Tall


Rugged Gold

Back to the Future 1, 2, 3

Napolean Dynamite

Nacho Libre

Mighty Joe Young


Night of the Twisters

Caddie Woodlawn

Move, Over Darling (Doris Day)


Shipwrecked (Stian Smestad as Haakon Haakonsen ~ Hawken Hawkenson...cool name)

Jumping Ship (Lawrence brothers)

Jurassic Park 1, 2, 3

Take the Lead

The Mask of Zorro

Freaky Friday (Jamie Lee Curtis)

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Chitty Chitty Bang Band

Bedknobs and Broomsticks

All of the Abbott and Costello movies

Jerry Lewis movies

Fiddler on the Roof

Mary Poppins

My Fair Lady

Funny Girl

Star Trek in all of its variations

Star Wars movies

Dragon Hunters


Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Charlie Chan movies

old Sherlock Holmes movies

Young Frankenstein

Mel Brooks movies

Indiana Jones movies

Hans Christian Anderson

Danny Kay movies

The Pink Panther with Peter Sellers or with Steve Martin

Get Smart TV series

Lost in Space TV series

The Munsters TV series


Funny Girl

Singin In the Rain

Willy Wonka

Jesus Christ Superstar

Shirley Temple movies

On a Clear Day You Can See Forever

Bing Crosby movies

and the list goes on:)

Wizard of Oz

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My husband is a huge fan of showing the kids movies that were important to him growing up. My kids spend a lot of time teasing him about his taste in movies. ;) I tend to stick to movies that are somewhat relevant to what we are learning.


Oh and we happened to watch the new Gulliver's Travels movie after reading the book and it was really horrible, IMO. I wish we could get our...guh...$75 (?) back.

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I just finished Teach Like Your Hair's on Fire by Rafe Esquith and he has a movie list in the book. Most of them you have all listed. Funny one he listed (which we watched) was Groundhog Day. Also Field of Dreams at the beginning of Baseball Season. Casablanca around Valentine's Day.

I love his idea of watching a movie at the end of the school day in a ps setting. He advises, to obtain a level of active listening have the students answer 10 or so questions about the movie as well!

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I'm not sure these are movies that need to be seen to be culturally literate, but they are movies I'll most likely watch with my own children (at appropriate ages). Along with some previously listed here are a few I haven't seen listed (I think)...


Scrooge (A Christmas Carol) - with Alistair Sim

How Green Was My Valley (1941) with Walter Pidgeon & Maureen O Hara

At least one Cary Grant movie, North by Northwest, or, for kids, The Bishop's Wife is amusing


The Spiral Staircase


The African Queen

Murder on the Nile or Orient Express

The Outsiders

West Side Story

Life With Father

Mutiny on The Bounty - 1935

A Beautiful Mind

Rebecca - 1940

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest




Can you tell I like old movies! As soon as I post I know I'm destined to think of more! one thing for sure, I know I'll keep discovering more!

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