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In middle school, particularly grades 7 and 8, do you school 4 days or 5?

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We have always tried to school for only 4 days per week. It doesn't always work, but I like that extra day for fun activities, museum visits, etc....


Now that I have middle schoolers I am seeing that there is more work to be completed but really had hoped to do 4 days until 9th grade.....


Curious what you all do if you are 4 day a week folks (or were). Do you start 5 days in middle school or high school?



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If there are no extracurricular activities going on at the time, then we can get it done in 4 long days, but if we have any extras then it goes into 5 and sometimes a bit on the weekend. We set up the list of assignments they must do that week on Sunday and they pick what they want to do each day and write it out. Then if they don't get things done M-TH those things spill to Friday and then the weekend if necessary.

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I think this is what I need to move towards.....I am doing more of it, but not every week. We get a bit "loose" with our requirements my current way and after testing them this week I can see some areas they are doing fine in and some areas we have just simply GOT to beef up whether they like it or not!




If there are no extracurricular activities going on at the time, then we can get it done in 4 long days, but if we have any extras then it goes into 5 and sometimes a bit on the weekend. We set up the list of assignments they must do that week on Sunday and they pick what they want to do each day and write it out. Then if they don't get things done M-TH those things spill to Friday and then the weekend if necessary.
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We're essentially doing four days a week this year. She does math in the mornings on the fifth day, and then is gone all day for enrichment stuff–piano lessons, public speaking, and then Master's Academy. She and I both love the weeks that she doesn't have everything much better. It's doable, but pretty rough, all in all, and we won't be attempting it for the rest of middle school.

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5 and at times a little on the weekend.


The four day week went the way of the dodo bird when my oldest reached about 6th grade.


It's just not possible for us to get enough done in those 4 days to justify a 3 day weekend every week. But that's just us; it may very well be possible for others.

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5 days plus a day spent in a nature awareness class during the school year. We also continued schooling in the summer, although mostly just for catch up on math, Latin (which was sadly neglected during the school year), and continuation of literature. Dd also did choral camps/tours some summers, as well as a youth group trip to a conference out of state and two good vacations during those summers. And she competed on a robotics team and was in a professional opera during one of those school years as well, so we backed off on some of the other requirements during those intense periods. (I just want to give you a whole picture--we school year round, but mostly so that she could get through more math, an area of struggle for her, and so that we could push schoolwork aside at non-standard times for other things.)

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I did four days a week of work at home and we spent the fifth morning at co-op and the afternoon with friends. Beginning in 7th grade, I added math to the afternoons of co-op and we cut back a bit on the time we spent with friends. There were a few times when I had a one hour study hall at my house w/friends and they each worked on their own assignments, then the kids had time to spend together for a couple of hours before everyone went home for dinner.


When co-op is not in session, we do a five day week.


When we start back in Feb, I think we will do four regular days, then co-op in am on fifth day w/two subjects in the afternoon. I am going to propose the "study hall" idea to friends' families to see if we want to try to do this semi-regularly.


I anticipate a full five day week with 9th grade. Co-op will most likely include history, so it will be valuable. We will have to do a few subjects in the afternoon as well.

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We choose to do 4 long days - 8am to 4 or sometimes 5pm, for 3 of the days and the 4th day isn't usually quite as long.


I have asked my children if they would rather have shorter days and work on the 5th day, but right now, the answer is a resounding 'no'. They like the 5th day to do whatever they want(usually Fridays). I try not to schedule it, but sometimes we have appointments on that day, or field trips with our homeschooling group.


Today is their day off this week, and 3 of the 5 are figuring out, on their own, how to weave bookmarks and little rugs, using a cereal box as a base and yarn. One of them is going out to shovel the sledding path and the little guy has a box and is making something;). I love to see how they fill their time on these days off. They are not allowed movies or video games until 4pm, so they find their own things to do. Sometimes it is just curling up by the fire with a good book.


I can see that math and science might make this schedule hard for my daughter when she hits 7th grade next year. She may have to do some work on that fifth day, however, I know she will be motivated to get her work done on the regular school days so that she can do things with her brothers on their day off.

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Guest Cheryl in SoCal

We always do 4 day weeks BUT we don't reduce the number of days we school. We either do a traditional school year with 5 days/week or year round with 4 days/week, with both options totaling 180 days. I wouldn't count the 5th day of the week for my attendance if we weren't doing anything academic. To me that would be shortening the school year and I definitely wouldn't do it in Middle School or High School.

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We used to do 4 big days, with art and poetry on Fridays. This year my dd is in 8th grade and we do more on Friday, because that is the only way we would finish our history curriculum this year. Friday is about a three-quarter day now. We do math on Fridays, but somewhat lighter than the other four days. Grammar and geography are still just four days.

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I guess 6 wasn't on the list of options??? LOL... If dd doesn't get her (very reasonable) work done by Friday, then it rolls over to Saturday. I try to schedule big subjects so they can be completed in 4, and only the absolute essentials like math go to 5. That way we have Fridays for skating and extras. But those 4 days are pretty heavy. I'm doing that now to give us a bit of grace. Before I was pacing at 5 days a week for EVERYTHING, and it was leaving us frustrated and overwhelmed if we got off at all.

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5. 3 days are very long, two days are a little lighter (because we have to go out for certain classes). I really can't imagine how to fit in the amount of work we've done for 6th and 7th grades into 4 days a week. We do sometimes manage a 4-day week when there's a special event coming up, but we couldn't do it as a general rule and accomplish what I want done over the year.

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We do 5 full days, plus a half day on Saturday (unless there is something else planned). All of my children do better with shorter, more regular days... than fewer, longer days. It keeps us on routine. For my oldest, it's absolutely necessary. There is no way he could really finish everything he is supposed to do in 4 days/week. The half-day on Saturday allows us to take a day or two off a month, without ever "falling behind." It allows us to take a snow day, or go on a trip with my husband, or take a couple of days off when my in-laws are in town.


I've been working on DS plan for next year, and there will be no-way he could do it in 4 days... not without some serious cutting, and I've been focusing on skills, not content!

Edited by LisaK in VA
accidentally posted, before I was finished.
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I still do 4 days of heavier work and lighter work on Fridays, to allow for field trips, etc. But starting in logic stage I find that I need to include more work on Fridays and do field trips less often, LOL, in order to even hope to get close to what I want accomplished....



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We do 5 full days. Occasionally, of course, there are field trips, doctor visists, and such....

Otherwise, it's 5 days. I can't imagine getting all of this accomplished in less.


ETA - have you looked in to Homeschool Tracker Basic to help with organizing? I LOVE it and wish I had found it sooner:



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We attend an enrichment co-op that I direct. It does not meet all year, but there are many weeks that I knew 4 days would be best. I decided to start some subjects last summer. She did some of her 8th grade LA, Math, and Science all summer so that those subjects could be scheduled 4 days a week. History and reading are easy for her, so she still does those 5 days a week sometimes. It really made this year easier.

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I think 7th and 8th graders need either 5 days or a longer school year. In other words, I don't see how one could do 4 days with the typical long summer vacation, all typical holidays, etc.


I also think that 4 longer days are not as beneficial as 5 shorter days, because they need time to absorb and reflect on what they are learning. We would have a tendency to 'cram' if we tried to fit the work into 4 days.


When they were younger, we had plenty of 4 day weeks!

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I should add why five.


We don't do 8 hours of school, I use AO and the reading snippets are small. BUT to build on the previous work, schooling 5 days is imperative if I want to move ahead.


They get hours and hours of free play time every day so it's not like they need that 'break'.


I guess it's the mantra of eating the elephant one bite at a time. You don't lose momentum with 5 days, even though the bites are small. :D

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It varies for us. We plan on doing school 5 days a week, but if something comes up, we'll take a day off. I mean something like a homeschool group field trip, or the day I had to drive to London to pick my mom up from the airport, or if someone has a birthday. We never take a day off in the week without a good reason. And we do school from early September until late July, taking only about 6 weeks off in the summer. So we end up with about 170 days of school work, and some field trips which I consider educational.

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We have always tried to school for only 4 days per week. It doesn't always work, but I like that extra day for fun activities, museum visits, etc....


Now that I have middle schoolers I am seeing that there is more work to be completed but really had hoped to do 4 days until 9th grade.....


Curious what you all do if you are 4 day a week folks (or were). Do you start 5 days in middle school or high school?



I do 4 days a week, but I do also hs year around. Generally we get in around 36-40 weeks of independent work and 30-36 weeks of one on one work.


My schedule follows this pattern:


Two weeks of full hs, both one on one and independent work.

A work week where the kids only do independent work and I do hs planning.

Two week of full hs.

A week off for everyone.


I take two weeks off at Christmas, and have extra time off during the summer for VBS and vacation. We really never take more than 2 weeks off at a time.


At this point I don't see the need to go to 5 days.



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