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My latest ER saga

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Thanksgiving evening and Friday morning I had chest pain - esp. when going up stairs and when bending over. My normally low blood pressure was high and my pulse rate was still well over what it should be. After hours of debate with myself over whether it was something worth bothering everybody about or not, I told my dh who promptly chewed me out for not telling him sooner. This morning on the advice of my Drs' office I went to the ER.


There is very good news. I am not/was not having a heart attack. I also do not have a pulmonary embolism. They took blood to test for cardiac enzymes, a urinalysis, an x-ray, EKG and a CT scan. The Dr. at my Dr's office and the ER Dr. agree that they both think that I have periocarditis - an inflammation of the lining of my heart. I've been told to stop taking the steriods which had not helped the inflammation and seemed to be contributing to my symptoms. I was also told to stop taking the Albuterol which was making my bp and heart rate go up high. I was told to go on high doses of anti-inflammatories and to keep my appointment for an echocardiogram on Wed. I still am having the same symptoms as before as well as still being unable to speak normally after 3 weeks, but the relief of knowing that I won't keel over any time soon is priceless.

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:grouphug: Jean. I avoid using my inhaler as much as I can (it makes me feel like I just used a narcotic or something- heart pounding, dizzy, etc.). I have found that breath mints sometimes help alleviate my asthma symptoms, as well as a single beer, and keeping myself well hydrated seems to keep the tightness of chest at bay or at least not as bad as it gets when I haven't been drinking enough water. Anything you can do that will help you feel relaxed can help with the tightness (but it won't necessarily make it go away completely of course). I hope you are feeling much better very soon.

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Keeping you in my prayers. I have been thinking about you so much lately. I am glad they are starting to whittle down, what it is not....the uncertantity in an illness is so hard on the mind. I hope you get some peaceful sleep tonight and the changes are going to make a quick difference in your health.



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For asthma, have you been checked for GERD?

I have recently found out that it is contributing a GREAT deal to my asthma problems, and controlling it has been tremendously helpful.


I hope that you can control everything without the albuterol, but if you need it, you need it--I hope that you are still going to keep it around in case of a worsening of your breathing symptoms. So glad that you're figuring this all out!

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Thanksgiving evening and Friday morning I had chest pain - esp. when going up stairs and when bending over. My normally low blood pressure was high and my pulse rate was still well over what it should be. After hours of debate with myself over whether it was something worth bothering everybody about or not, I told my dh who promptly chewed me out for not telling him sooner. This morning on the advice of my Drs' office I went to the ER.


There is very good news. I am not/was not having a heart attack. I also do not have a pulmonary embolism. They took blood to test for cardiac enzymes, a urinalysis, an x-ray, EKG and a CT scan. The Dr. at my Dr's office and the ER Dr. agree that they both think that I have periocarditis - an inflammation of the lining of my heart. I've been told to stop taking the steriods which had not helped the inflammation and seemed to be contributing to my symptoms. I was also told to stop taking the Albuterol which was making my bp and heart rate go up high. I was told to go on high doses of anti-inflammatories and to keep my appointment for an echocardiogram on Wed. I still am having the same symptoms as before as well as still being unable to speak normally after 3 weeks, but the relief of knowing that I won't keel over any time soon is priceless.


:grouphug::grouphug: Oh, Jean! From my own personal experience, I can attest to the fact that once we know it is NOT a cardiac event (there is THAT word again), we are SO able to relax and just be, you know, sick.


Please rest and let everyone wait on your hand and foot.:grouphug:

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Thanksgiving evening and Friday morning I had chest pain - esp. when going up stairs and when bending over. My normally low blood pressure was high and my pulse rate was still well over what it should be. After hours of debate with myself over whether it was something worth bothering everybody about or not, I told my dh who promptly chewed me out for not telling him sooner. This morning on the advice of my Drs' office I went to the ER.


There is very good news. I am not/was not having a heart attack. I also do not have a pulmonary embolism. They took blood to test for cardiac enzymes, a urinalysis, an x-ray, EKG and a CT scan. The Dr. at my Dr's office and the ER Dr. agree that they both think that I have periocarditis - an inflammation of the lining of my heart. I've been told to stop taking the steriods which had not helped the inflammation and seemed to be contributing to my symptoms. I was also told to stop taking the Albuterol which was making my bp and heart rate go up high. I was told to go on high doses of anti-inflammatories and to keep my appointment for an echocardiogram on Wed. I still am having the same symptoms as before as well as still being unable to speak normally after 3 weeks, but the relief of knowing that I won't keel over any time soon is priceless.


Albuterol is terrible for just what you described and I fight with the doctors and the insurance company over this. Albuterol is cheap. CHEAP! So, they use it for asthma...never mind the side effects...(ever see a 2 year old running through the house at 3am with a bucket on his head screeching?)


Anyay, ask for Xopenex for your inhaler. It doesn't have the same side effects (racing heart, dizzyness, feels like you drank the entire pot of coffee) yet is effective. It is expensive and you may have to fight the insurance company or pay out of pocket. (I fought and lost, so I pay...)


Hope you feel better soon...(Oh, Albuterol comes in lots of names like preventil etc. Ask what the ingredient is if they give you a different inhaler.)



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Thank you, everyone. I think that already being off some of the medicine is helping. I actually slept for 9 hours straight last night (I was waking up about every hour or so). I am still so tired and will probably nap a lot today.


I will see the Dr. next week and will talk about what I need in case my airway starts to close up again (which was the first ER visit). I do want to stay away from the albuteral but I do want to breathe too. Faithe- I'll ask about the Xopenex.


Mariann - my saga has been upgraded to an event! :svengo:


Peela - my dh has "prescribed" me a whole bunch of natural anti-inflammatories as well as things like Aleve etc. I'm taking omegas, Quercetin, Meriva, vitamin C. . . We know that my body is having a problem with inflammation because my larynx is still so swollen after 3 weeks.


Carol - I'll have to ask about the GERD. No one has mentioned that in all the Drs. I've seen.


This was a super bad virus and every one can see that I'm just not getting over it easily. But as someone else said, I'm so glad to have these biggies off the table now.

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Anyay, ask for Xopenex for your inhaler. It doesn't have the same side effects (racing heart, dizzyness, feels like you drank the entire pot of coffee) yet is effective. It is expensive and you may have to fight the insurance company or pay out of pocket. (I fought and lost, so I pay...)



My son has reactions to albuterol (personality changes), so he uses Xopanex when needed instead and it helps him.


Glad you know a bit more and hope you get more useful information and start to feel better!

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I will see the Dr. next week and will talk about what I need in case my airway starts to close up again (which was the first ER visit). I do want to stay away from the albuteral but I do want to breathe too.


Peela - my dh has "prescribed" me a whole bunch of natural anti-inflammatories as well as things like Aleve etc. I'm taking omegas, Quercetin, Meriva, vitamin C. . . We know that my body is having a problem with inflammation because my larynx is still so swollen after 3 weeks.


Carol - I'll have to ask about the GERD. No one has mentioned that in all the Drs. I've seen.




Jean, it really concerns me that you're going off the steroids while your throat is still swollen. Those are supposed to be VERY effective in helping inflammation throughout your body. If you are experiencing reflux while you're lying down, it can get up in your throat and irritate it or even make it close. I hope you don't have reflux, but I encourage you to ask your doctor about it sooner than Wed, and also as a precaution can you take Pepcid a couple of times a day just in case? When I had this, I didn't even realize that the GERD was contributing to the asthma--once I controlled it I realized that it was CAUSING the severity of it. Another thing, if I were you I would consider taking antihistimines as another precaution to prevent any further mucus buildup in your respiratory system--maybe claritin or allegra during the day and benydryl at night. I know this is a lot of drugs, and usually I would not suggest this, but not being able to breathe and involving your heart in an infection are both so serious that I would hit it hard to do as much as I could to prevent things from going downhill again.

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Jean, it really concerns me that you're going off the steroids while your throat is still swollen. Those are supposed to be VERY effective in helping inflammation throughout your body. If you are experiencing reflux while you're lying down, it can get up in your throat and irritate it or even make it close. I hope you don't have reflux, but I encourage you to ask your doctor about it sooner than Wed, and also as a precaution can you take Pepcid a couple of times a day just in case? When I had this, I didn't even realize that the GERD was contributing to the asthma--once I controlled it I realized that it was CAUSING the severity of it. Another thing, if I were you I would consider taking antihistimines as another precaution to prevent any further mucus buildup in your respiratory system--maybe claritin or allegra during the day and benydryl at night. I know this is a lot of drugs, and usually I would not suggest this, but not being able to breathe and involving your heart in an infection are both so serious that I would hit it hard to do as much as I could to prevent things from going downhill again.


I do not have any reflux that I can tell. I do have some mucus/phlegm though.


I know that this illness has been scary for me. And I don't want to go from one problem to another.

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Jean, I wish I lived near you so I could help you while you're dealing with all of this! I just want you to get well soon!!!




For the first time in my life, I am actually at a place where I am accepting some help from people. A friend is coming on Wed. to help me clean and another friend is bringing us dinner tonight. It feels a bit embarrassing but also good at the same time. I've loved helping others for years but somehow God's had a hard time getting me to accept grace.

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Peela - my dh has "prescribed" me a whole bunch of natural anti-inflammatories as well as things like Aleve etc. I'm taking omegas, Quercetin, Meriva, vitamin C. . . We know that my body is having a problem with inflammation because my larynx is still so swollen after 3 weeks.




Hi Jean...the medical system (and alternative medical system) seem to be increasing their understanding of the role of inflammation in disease. Sounds like your doctor might be onto it.

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Hi Jean...the medical system (and alternative medical system) seem to be increasing their understanding of the role of inflammation in disease. Sounds like your doctor might be onto it.


Jean, I think you should come to my place and relax and rest here in the woods with nothing to do. I'll pump you full of good food and the occasional supplement. :001_smile:

I just had good results with Turmeric in capsule form for swelling of the thyroid.

Don't want to "prescribe" anything here but I doubt it would harm you even if it did not help you.

Perhaps Peela will chime in again on the relative benefits of turmeric.


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Jean, I think you should come to my place and relax and rest here in the woods with nothing to do. I'll pump you full of good food and the occasional supplement. :001_smile:

I just had good results with Turmeric in capsule form for swelling of the thyroid.

Don't want to "prescribe" anything here but I doubt it would harm you even if it did not help you.

Perhaps Peela will chime in again on the relative benefits of turmeric.



Liz, I think that this Meriva supplement is turmeric of some kind.

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Liz, I think that this Meriva supplement is turmeric of some kind.


I'll be praying it does the trick. The nice thing about holistic supplements is that they rarely harm you and you can try out a few different things without loading yourself up with too many substances causing side effects.

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Something is working. Either it is because I stopped taking the previous medications or the really high doses of anti-inflammatories or both, but my heart is doing a lot better. My blood pressure and pulse have gone from a pretty high 161/92 (pulse 113) yesterday to a nice low 117/72 (pulse 64) today. I'm super tired and have to lie down a lot. I still get some chest pain but not as bad as it was.

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Something is working. Either it is because I stopped taking the previous medications or the really high doses of anti-inflammatories or both, but my heart is doing a lot better. My blood pressure and pulse have gone from a pretty high 161/92 (pulse 113) yesterday to a nice low 117/72 (pulse 64) today. I'm super tired and have to lie down a lot. I still get some chest pain but not as bad as it was.


Thank God.:grouphug:

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I do not have any reflux that I can tell. I do have some mucus/phlegm though.


I know that this illness has been scary for me. And I don't want to go from one problem to another.

Yeah, for the longest time I didn't either. But it was reflux all the same. I thought I had throat cancer. If there is nothing else easily found, push for a barium swallow to test for reflux. The test is not difficult. When I had it done the machine turned me round and the doctor said, "Ah, yes. I see your reflux occurring right there."

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Yeah, for the longest time I didn't either. But it was reflux all the same. I thought I had throat cancer. If there is nothing else easily found, push for a barium swallow to test for reflux. The test is not difficult. When I had it done the machine turned me round and the doctor said, "Ah, yes. I see your reflux occurring right there."


Interesting. I'll have to ask the Dr. about that.

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Jean, it really concerns me that you're going off the steroids while your throat is still swollen. Those are supposed to be VERY effective in helping inflammation throughout your body. If you are experiencing reflux while you're lying down, it can get up in your throat and irritate it or even make it close. I hope you don't have reflux, but I encourage you to ask your doctor about it sooner than Wed, and also as a precaution can you take Pepcid a couple of times a day just in case? When I had this, I didn't even realize that the GERD was contributing to the asthma--once I controlled it I realized that it was CAUSING the severity of it. Another thing, if I were you I would consider taking antihistimines as another precaution to prevent any further mucus buildup in your respiratory system--maybe claritin or allegra during the day and benydryl at night. I know this is a lot of drugs, and usually I would not suggest this, but not being able to breathe and involving your heart in an infection are both so serious that I would hit it hard to do as much as I could to prevent things from going downhill again.


don't you think she'd have the heartburn/pain if it was GERD related? GERD is pretty painful.

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For the first time in my life, I am actually at a place where I am accepting some help from people. A friend is coming on Wed. to help me clean and another friend is bringing us dinner tonight. It feels a bit embarrassing but also good at the same time. I've loved helping others for years but somehow God's had a hard time getting me to accept grace.


What helped me get over this issue, Jean, was that I realized that I was robbing someone else of a blessing. We all know how good it feels to give to others, and you (and I) are good at helping/giving to others, and although we don't do it to feel good ourselves, that is the reward for doing so. So although you are being helped, your friends are being blessed, too. :001_smile:

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What helped me get over this issue, Jean, was that I realized that I was robbing someone else of a blessing. We all know how good it feels to give to others, and you (and I) are good at helping/giving to others, and although we don't do it to feel good ourselves, that is the reward for doing so. So although you are being helped, your friends are being blessed, too. :001_smile:


Thanks, Denise. I'm starting to realize that.

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Something is working. Either it is because I stopped taking the previous medications or the really high doses of anti-inflammatories or both, but my heart is doing a lot better. My blood pressure and pulse have gone from a pretty high 161/92 (pulse 113) yesterday to a nice low 117/72 (pulse 64) today. I'm super tired and have to lie down a lot. I still get some chest pain but not as bad as it was.


Thanks for the update! Vital signs are soooo much better!! YAY! Get plenty of rest. :grouphug:

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