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So has anyone linked to RechelleUnplugged & her WTM post?

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You know the really funny part about the banned chick? She keeps posting over there, and talking about her own board-as if anyone would go after the comments she made. (banned doesn't mean she can't read WTM forums, just that she can't post)




Comment about that. :001_smile:


Unless she made a new profile, right??


There's a couple of newbies that I've wondered about...whether they are trolls or not. Possiblility??

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The internet has opened the door wide for every bitter, angry, discontent person to find an public audience that encourages their bitterness, anger and discontent and helps it grow. Life is too short to encourage that kind of negativity. If she wasn't fed through comments, maybe she would find a little kindness and charity would improve her outlook.


Everyone is ten feet tall and bulletproof online. :iagree:

Bear in mind this is merely the observation of a homeschooler who happens to be a Christian. Also bear in mind that my opinion is suspect as my three boys have strep (diagnosed this am) and have been watching Wayne's World all day which hardly fits the stereotype in the blog entry.


Then again maybe I have strep as well and these are the ramblings of a feverish brain....:tongue_smilie:


Edited to add: I just read the post. Wow, such venom.... I really do feel sorry for her. I used to be that angry at the world. Really. I was not a pleasant human being to be around. It wasn't funny or cute. It was corrosive and ate me up inside. I don't say 'God' cured it. I grew up and got over myself and realized the world doesn't exist for the sole reason of irking ME.

Edited by pdalley
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The post was funny (in that I nearly snorted and thank heavens I wasn't in the middle of a cup of tea) and sad all at the same time. It showed just how irrational and ignorant she is.


Seriously?! Would someone please inform all our Pagan, Heathen, Atheist, Jewish, and Muslim friends on here that they are Christians just dying to share Jesus' love and are disappearing into a shunning subculture? Good grief! If nothing else, this board has helped open up many minds to other views and further understanding...and I'm quite thankful we aren't a bunch of clones that agree on everything (obviously she hasn't seen our debates LOL!).



Oh dear. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to get right on ordering a bunch of Chick tracts to distribute, and I'll need some more bibles, surely.


This is going to mean an entire wardrobe overhaul, too, isn't it? Why am I always the last to know these things?




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I think the whole thing is pretty fascinating, and I figured you were just sharing.

HappyGrace's post about not commenting there while everyone apparently already clicked through to read the blog, then came back here to discuss it struck me as funny.


It strikes me as rather sad that the Hive is, by linking to this blog and belittling its content, essentially proving the author's point.


I haven't clicked the link. I can't stand it when people do this on the site where I mod. It smacks of tattling to me.






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It strikes me as rather sad that the Hive is, by linking to this blog and belittling its content, essentially proving the author's point.


I haven't clicked the link. I can't stand it when people do this on the site where I mod. It smacks of tattling to me.







Oh never mind. Perhaps it was a bad choice on my part. :-\

Edited by Daisy
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Oh dear. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to get right on ordering a bunch of Chick tracts to distribute, and I'll need some more bibles, surely.


This is going to mean an entire wardrobe overhaul, too, isn't it? Why am I always the last to know these things?






The witches are always the last to know, you would think it would be the opposite.;)





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Oh dear. Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to get right on ordering a bunch of Chick tracts to distribute, and I'll need some more bibles, surely.


This is going to mean an entire wardrobe overhaul, too, isn't it? Why am I always the last to know these things?





Wait for me, we can go shopping together. I need to find some "non-Muslim" clothes and turn in my Quran for a Bible. Changing my leftist ways will be harder, I suppose, but I'll do what I have to so I can stay in the hive mind. :tongue_smilie:

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Wait, I don't get it. Did my left-wing atheist hippy card get pulled, or am I just supposed to turn in my copies of SOTW? Or do I just have to stop visiting PW's site now? I couldn't quite make out the purpose of the post.


No, you see - you've been brainwashed.


You *think* you're a left-wing atheist hippy, but what's coming out of your mouth (through your keyboard) is "I'm a right-wing fundamentalist nutjob! I'm a right-wing fundamentalist nutjob!" Kinda like the Charlie Brown grown-ups. You think you're saying one thing, but all anyone out there in cyber-land hears from anyone on this board is "I'm a right-wing fundamentalist nutjob!"


SWB has amazing powers apparently! :lol::lol:

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I know! If it had been fall out of your chair funny it would have been better. Because it was so angry, it seems pathetic rather than humorous.


Maybe it's because I'm British, but I did find her blog post funny. Because it's so utterly ridiculous, and as Mr. Bennet says in Pride and Prejudice, "For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?"


I don't suppose SWB is going to lose any sleep over it. :001_smile:

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I haven't clicked the new link. One statement I read on the barbie spoof did stand out to me- she commented how PW abandoned TWM, that once she 'made it' she never came back here, but yet, has loyal followers from here.

Last year I looked for posts from her once I realized PW was a member (didn't know at that point that she was no longer here) and realized she either left or stopped posting. Why is that? And that one comment was a point.

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she commented how PW abandoned TWM, that once she 'made it' she never came back here...


Last year I looked for posts from her once I realized PW was a member (didn't know at that point that she was no longer here) and realized she either left or stopped posting. Why is that? And that one comment was a point.


She posted occasionally before she started blogging. I would guess that she spends her online time keeping up her websites these days.

People have been coming going since the beginning of the forums for a variety of reasons. I don't know that I'd label it 'abandonment'.

Edited by Crissy
atrocious spelling
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She posted occasionally before she started blogging. I would guess that she spends her online time keeping up her websites these days.

People have been coming going since the begining of the forums for a variety of reasons. I don't know that I'd lable it 'abandonment'.

I would presume that she has merely moved on with her life and has plenty keeping her busy. More power to her! If she's busy enough making a living and doing what makes her happy instead of chatting it up on a board...why in the world would we complain?

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I can't remember if abandon was the specific word she used, I was paraphrasing. I would have to go back and read it again.

What I was saying it that it does strike as interesting (to me anyway) that once pw became successful she has never been back, I thought that made a good point.

Not saying that the rechelle chick is otherwise legitimate- she reads like someone with major issues, and obviously clueless about the different types of people and reasons that parents homeschool.

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I've read this chick's posts before, especially about her "conversion" from Christianity. I come back to her blog from time to time out of a morbid fascination for her irrationality. Defensive doesn't even begin to describe her tirades. She has a chip on her shoulder the size of the Gen. Grant Tree and she continues to spew venom against everyone she thinks has oppressed her her entire life. It's amazing.

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Wait for me, we can go shopping together. I need to find some "non-Muslim" clothes and turn in my Quran for a Bible. Changing my leftist ways will be harder, I suppose, but I'll do what I have to so I can stay in the hive mind. :tongue_smilie:


Sure! We can get matching denim jumpers!

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I would presume that she has merely moved on with her life and has plenty keeping her busy. More power to her! If she's busy enough making a living and doing what makes her happy instead of chatting it up on a board...why in the world would we complain?


Because we're jealous? ;)







(of course, I'm kidding.)

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I haven't clicked the new link. One statement I read on the barbie spoof did stand out to me- she commented how PW abandoned TWM, that once she 'made it' she never came back here, but yet, has loyal followers from here.

Last year I looked for posts from her once I realized PW was a member (didn't know at that point that she was no longer here) and realized she either left or stopped posting. Why is that? And that one comment was a point.



Are you kidding? Where in the world would she find any more time? :001_huh:

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You know the really funny part about the banned chick? She keeps posting over there, and talking about her own board-as if anyone would go after the comments she made. (banned doesn't mean she can't read WTM forums, just that she can't post)




Comment about that. :001_smile:


I find the correlation between people on my ignore list and people who've been permanently banned amusing.

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I didn't read the whole thing, but some of it is kind of true, isn't it? Aren't we homeschoolers, as a group, more controlling than many other parents? Is that necessarily a bad thing?


Why not just laugh at some of the points? Like that, we show ourselves to be good sports. I don't think there's any need to be upset about anything. We're strong people, secure in what we're doing. It's just one person's opinion, among the billions of people out there. Who really cares, anyway?

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I didn't read the whole thing, but some of it is kind of true, isn't it? Aren't we homeschoolers, as a group, more controlling than many other parents? Is that necessarily a bad thing?


Why not just laugh at some of the points? Like that, we show ourselves to be good sports. I don't think there's any need to be upset about anything. We're strong people, secure in what we're doing. It's just one person's opinion, among the billions of people out there. Who really cares, anyway?


:iagree: I couldn't agree more! You've got to be able to find the humor in things. Obviously this blogger felt attacked that some people were upset over her Pioneer Woman spoof (I thought it was pretty funny, actually) so now she's retaliating. Find the humor in it or ignore it. She's not the only person out there who disagrees with homeschooling and she's entitled to her opinion. I think we'd all prefer it if she would express it in a different way, but hey -- if people came to my blog and insulted me, I'd probably retaliate by writing a scathing blog about their choices too. Say, for example, that I wrote something inflammatory about Sarah Palin on my blog (I haven't -- at least I don't think I have) and a bunch of Tea Partiers heard about it and posted negative comments. My very next blog would be a negative one about the Tea Party movement -- you could put money on that. If she's taking some of SWB's quotes and ripping them apart point-by-point then at least she's making a marginally more compelling argument against homeschooling than most anti-homeschool arguments I've read. She's at least quoting someone instead of providing solely anecdotal arguments. Sad as it is, some of what she's saying IS true about some homeschoolers I know. All stereotypes originated somewhere.


Laugh it off, or ignore it. Making comments to her blog will likely only compel her to write more anti-homeschooling posts. Isn't there enough of that out there already?

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Side question: Is the video with SWB on Christianity and slavery part of a larger video (from which it was extracted) or is it a "stand-alone video?




I'm curious about this, too. This is kind of off-topic from this thread, however, it would be interesting to hear SWB's thoughts on the "Christian" Europeans racial justification for slavery. (I know I can find this info from a source other than SWB, and in fact I have done person study on this, but I'm just saying that I would like to hear her speak on it as a extension of the video that the blogger posted.)


Regarding the blog post, I'm with Mrs. Mungo. Meh. :glare: Obviously, the blogger drank a big serving of haterade before she typed out her post, but it's nothing Earth shattering or worthy of pearl clutching. She doesn't like HSers, this site or maybe even SWB. Oh well.

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Here's my question---so many of us here are spouting off about how hatefilled, angry, nuts, etc this blogger is, yet that is exactly the same thing you are complaining about her doing. Does anyone see the irony?

The blogosphere is big enough for all, so why get so upset? As we all know, there are many sides and opinions for every occasion. The whole kaboodle reeks of junior high shenanigans.


And now you are judging people who judged the judgmental blogger. :lol:

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As far as I can tell Susan doesn't even know that this woman exists.




This is the root of all her issues. Ree doesn't know she exists, so she's bitter. SWB doesn't know she exists, so she's bitter.


Rechelle's desperately trying to get some "famous" person to let her ride along on their coat tails. And since they haven't invited her to hop on, she's decided to blast them on her blog to see if it will generate hits.


I hate to give her the hits, but it is kind of like watching an accident. It's hard not to rubberneck.

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:iagree: And I'm working very hard not to give into temptation and take a peek.


This is the root of all her issues. Ree doesn't know she exists, so she's bitter. SWB doesn't know she exists, so she's bitter.


Rechelle's desperately trying to get some "famous" person to let her ride along on their coat tails. And since they haven't invited her to hop on, she's decided to blast them on her blog to see if it will generate hits.


I hate to give her the hits, but it is kind of like watching an accident. It's hard not to rubberneck.

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Then why are you even commenting? Clearly your brains are made of scrambled eggs and you should just go back to ruining your children.






I think my brains are runny eggs - personally. And I don't have a denim jumper either! They are so going to yank my fundie freak hs card.....

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All this talk of denim jumpers today is making me really want one. I bet they are super comfortable! With a nice pair of red tights and a turtleneck I'd probably look festive for the holiday's too. Hopefully I can find one on sale soon.

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Does anyone have a link to that specific post? I would be very curious to read it.



I tried to find it, but it seems like she's shut down her other blogs. She used to be "The Country Doctor's Wife" and then "My Sister's Farmhouse" and now it's the new one. I was never really in to her, but one of my friends' blogs linked to her and then my friend told me that I had to check her out because she's so off the wall, especially when she because an athiest and hated PW.

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I normally do not read blogs, but I checked this one out because of all the hoopla. Although I am not familiar with the characters, I read it as humorous satire instead of angry bitter diatribe. The author probably assumed that her readers could discern the difference.

We can...and it's definitely not "just" satire. Humorous is a matter of opinion ;)

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I normally do not read blogs, but I checked this one out because of all the hoopla. Although I am not familiar with the characters, I read it as humorous satire instead of angry bitter diatribe. The author probably assumed that her readers could discern the difference.


If you read her comments I believe that you will find she didn't mean it to be a satire. You can really see her true personality in her comments section.

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