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What time do you get up?

What time do you get up on most mornings?  

  1. 1. What time do you get up on most mornings?

    • Around 4 to 4:45 am (I don't like getting up at this time)
    • Around 4 to 4:45 am (I'm fine with getting up at this time)
    • Around 5 to 5:45 am (I don't like getting up at this time)
    • Around 5 to 5:45 am (I'm fine with getting up at this time)
    • Around 6 to 6:45 am (I don't like getting up at this time)
    • Around 6 to 6:45 am (I'm fine with getting up at this time)
    • Around 7 to 7:45 am (I don't like getting up at this time)
    • Around 7 to 7:45 am (I'm fine with getting up at this time)
    • Around 8 to 8:45 am (I don't like getting up at this time)
    • Around 8 to 8:45 am (I'm fine with getting up at this time)

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I probably shouldn't even answer this question. I get up whenever the baby decides it's time to get up. In the past three weeks that has been anytime between 5:30 AM and 9:00 AM. 7:30 - 8:00 is the average.


When my husband was on a day shift I got up with him at 6 AM. But he's been on 3rd shift for a few years now. With him gone at night, I've developed a bad habit of staying up late, to enjoy some peace and quiet alone time and work on things I couldn't during the chaos of the day.


I would really like to get back into a habit of getting up earlier.

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I wake up between 9 and 10.

Gasp!!! :D

Your poll isn't taking into account that some of us are night owls, and not early risers.


Sometimes I go to bed laughing, because I know my mom or MIL may be getting up at the same time. :blushing:



It's not that (that I forget the post-9am'ers)....I just couldn't take it! Makes me too jealous! so I don't want to hear that there are those of you who get to do this.:D (one day one day.......one advantage of empty-nest).

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I wake up between 9 and 10.

Gasp!!! :D

Your poll isn't taking into account that some of us are night owls, and not early risers.


:iagree:Although I'm guessing her idea of waking up late IS the latter part of that list. :D


Sometimes I go to bed laughing, because I know my mom or MIL may be getting up at the same time. :blushing:


Wow, that's HORRIBLE! :leaving:

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Wow, that's HORRIBLE! :leaving:


What's horrible?

I've always been a night person, always will be. :001_smile: I love the peacefulness of night, and I tend to be most creative at that time (late night).


Also, for what it's worth I have Lupus which causes all sorts of issues from sleep to the desperate need for quite and no sun. I have to force myself to sleep as long as I can because it seems to help my achy joints.

Sleep issues also run in my family.. I'm a mess. :tongue_smilie:


BUT.. I see no reason to feel bad about it. We do what we can. The kids can handle themselves, they have a nice morning routine (nag free too ;)).

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It's not that (that I forget the post-9am'ers)....I just couldn't take it! Makes me too jealous! so I don't want to hear that there are those of you who get to do this.:D (one day one day.......one advantage of empty-nest).



Sometimes I think by the time I work out my sleep situation, I'll be an out of nester. Then I'll turn into my mom, up at 4am. :tongue_smilie:

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What's horrible?

I've always been a night person, always will be. :001_smile: I love the peacefulness of night, and I tend to be most creative at that time (late night).


Also, for what it's worth I have Lupus which causes all sorts of issues from sleep to the desperate need for quite and no sun. I have to force myself to sleep as long as I can because it seems to help my achy joints.

Sleep issues also run in my family.. I'm a mess. :tongue_smilie:


BUT.. I see no reason to feel bad about it. We do what we can. The kids can handle themselves, they have a nice morning routine (nag free too ;)).


I'm the same way (I was kidding). :) I do NOT have a medical excuse either!

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I wake up between 9 and 10.

Gasp!!! :D

Your poll isn't taking into account that some of us are night owls, and not early risers.


Sometimes I go to bed laughing, because I know my mom or MIL may be getting up at the same time. :blushing:


Yep...this is me. I get my "me" time from 10-1AM (hence why I am here at 12:48AM EST right now). What is the difference between going to bed at 8pm so you can get up at 5am and have me time vs what I do??? My older son really loves it this way. He gets most of his independent work done without interruption. When his brother and i get up, it is harder for him to work and he will often lose focus more easily. I think whatever works for your family is what is best. :)

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I'm the same way (I was kidding). :) I do NOT have a medical excuse either!


Well, my medical excuse only works for the last 4 years. Everything before that I blame on art! :D

Unfortunately I haven't seriously worked in a long time... I need to get back to it, all of my short comings sound sooooo much better with the "but I'm an artist" excuse. :tongue_smilie:


See, watch...

"Of course I go to bed at 3... I'm an artist!!"

or "Of course there's little pieces of metal all over the carpet, I'm an artist!!"

hee hee..

Edited by helena
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Wow, I thought getting up at 7:30ish would be late on the poll but find myself with the majority. I used to get up later but ds2 is an early riser (for our family). My only issue with it is that my only student, ds6, is the latest riser and we don't start school as early as I'd like. Sure, I could get him up earlier but I appreciate the beauty of sleeping in too much. We get restless and wake him around 9 most days.

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I always wake up in the 4ish range, then force myself to stay in bed until 5ish. Most of the time I force myself to stay in bed. This morning I got up and showered...


I've NEVER been able to sleep in unless I'm sick, then sleeping in means about 7 or 8am. I drove my mom and dad crazy when I was younger. :D


I could stay up till 2am and still would wake up ready to get up around 5am. I've done it before... generally I'm in bed by 10pm though, 'cause if I don't go to bed earlier I can't get enough sleep. I can't relate to those that sleep in past 8am (but I'll let my boys sleep in until 8:30 if they don't have anything going on).

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I voted 5 am and it's fine with me. Only time I get the house to myself, as even the dog stays in bed!


In the interest of full-disclosure, most days, I do manage to get a 1/2 - 1 hour nap on the couch in the afternoons! :) I LOVE couch sleeping, so that might be part of the reason I get out of bed so easily in the morning. :D

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I generally get up at 6:40 because I babysit and he arrives shortly after that. I don't naturally get up that early, but I like that I have to. Once I am up, I feel awake and energized and it's my best time of day.


Today and yesterday I got up at 6:15 to get some computer work (paid) done. I was thinking about going to bed earlier at night (like 9-9:30) and getting up at 5:00, but I don't know... I just don't get a lot done after 9:30 cause I'm tired!

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When I have a wkout partner (and today eventhough I didn't!) I set the alarm for 5, snooze once and listen to the news, and get up at 5.10 to be working out by 5.30.


I prefer this. I like to get up early and start the day off with wking out and get my girl up by 6.30. Our day is ALWAYS better if it wks this way.


When I don't get up early, I spend the entire day feeling a step behind.


Also, I love to see the sunrise.

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DH gets up with the three older kids at 5:30. He wakes baby ds and I up at 6:30 if we are not awake yet. If I went to bed earlier (like 9pm) or didn't have to wake up with ds during the night it would be okay. It's not too bad unless ds has a really bad night.


ETA: It used to be 6:30 for dh and 7:30 for me before the time change. The kids continued to get up at the same time (now an hour earlier on the clock) so we decided to take advantage of it and send dh to work an hour earlier. Unfortunately it hasn't brought him home any earlier yet. :(

Edited by Lisa in the UP of MI
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I wake up between 9 and 10.

Gasp!!! :D

Your poll isn't taking into account that some of us are night owls, and not early risers.


Sometimes I go to bed laughing, because I know my mom or MIL may be getting up at the same time. :blushing:


We have friends to get up, get ready, and go to daily mass AT NOON and then start their day. Excepting the father, they're all night owls! They seem happy with it except on 1st and 3rd Fridays -- when we have Catholic Girls' Club at 9.30 am. It used to be at 9 but their family and another with an hour drive could never quite make it on time.


Even at 9.30, though, the mom is struggling sometimes.


Still, it works for them and it seems that they've always been that way. The husband says that they share the same house and even the same bed but they've never lived in the same time zone.

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Most mornings 6:30 is normal and I am okay. But what just about pushed me off the deep end was last January when DH was involved in his company's contract negotiations for a number of projects. The upper management/VPs were so busy all of the time that they would schedul conferences with him at 5:00 and 5:30 a.m. His office is in the north end of our large master bedroom and he has to do his conference calls on speaker phone so he can type on his computer (apparently he "shares" on the internet and others can then see his proposals online) which means that I COULD HEAR EVERYTHING! So, not only was the alarm going off a 4:30 a.m. so he could shower, make coffee, and appear alert, but I had to listen to everything and HIS BOSS IS VERY VULGAR SO THERE'S JUST NOTHING LIKE WAKING UP TO THE SOUNDS OF DRUNKEN SAILOR PROFANITY!!!


As you can see, I did not appreciate that month. The 6:30 a.m. wake-up without the boss, I can handle.



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I get this a lot too! I get my work done at night - usually after midnight. Of course most people that make these comments think I laze about all day eating bon bons on the couch.:glare: Apparently working for dh and educating my son don't count as work. (although the educating part is more fun than work usually)




I'm a night owl too, and I get tired of people (mainly my parents) telling me that I "sleep in." I get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. I don't think that's excessive.

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It's not that (that I forget the post-9am'ers)....I just couldn't take it! Makes me too jealous! so I don't want to hear that there are those of you who get to do this.:D (one day one day.......one advantage of empty-nest).


We sleep late, we wake up late. Ds and dd wake up at 9-9:30 too. Ds goes to bed at 11, so does dd most nights, but she'll get a nap in between.

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I wake up between 9 and 10.

Gasp!!! :D

Your poll isn't taking into account that some of us are night owls, and not early risers.


Sometimes I go to bed laughing, because I know my mom or MIL may be getting up at the same time. :blushing:


I'm a better mom if I get lots of sleep, and since I'm a night-owl that means later mornings.

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We roll out of bed just before 7:00 except ds, who loves sleeping in until 9:00. Sun isn't up here until 7 now, I seem to get up with the sun.


I am not a night-owl, because I need plenty of sleep to function as a nice mom/teacher/wife. I'm a drill sgt. without a good 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I love a solid 10 in the winter, summer seems to lessen my need for rest.

Edited by Tammyla
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I get up at 5:00 so that I can have a few minutes before the kids get up. They were getting up at 7:00 so I had a little time to wake up and get some things done. Now they are getting up at 6:00 and we start school at 7:00, so I am about to back my time up to 4:00. I am not really a morning person, but at this season of life I find it necessary to get up early. Having some time to myself before they get up saves my sanity.

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I am usually on the 8:45 end of of the 8-8:45 choice. I work nights until 1 AM and can't always go right to sleep after I clock out at 1. Last night for instance, it was 2:30 before I got to sleep. So, school in our house starts at 10:30. My girls do get up at 7:30 and I used to get up with them but now, they are able to do some things without me so they let me sleep. I cannot function well without at least 7 hours of sleep so I am getting along much better now.

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