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If you lived near me, would you work out with me or is this just too much to ask?

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Everyone wants to work out and no one has the time, right? It's the same with me. So, I wanted to work out in the early AM: 5.30-6.30. That way there just wasn't any excuse. The problem was that I just couldn't get motivated to get out of bed that early.


So I advertised around in the local homeschool scene for a walking partner. I got exactly one response and we started walking together. It was great and got me going everyday. But, that didn't last for one reason or another and I find myself back at square one.


So, I have advertised again. 5.30-6.30 am. T/R we could meet at the Y to lift weights or something and M/W/F to lap swim. With winter coming on I thought I'd change it to the Y instead of walking outside.


*just . . . dead . . . silence . . . then . . . crickets chriping in the distance . . .*


Is this not reasonable? If you lived in the area, is it something you would do or would you think that's just crazy? I mean, it's it the perfect time for the avg homeschooler? B/f Dad goes to work, b/f the kids get up, b/f school starts . . . get it done and start the day right.




not right?

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I give a LOT of credit to people who get up that early to work out. I have two friends who do that.


I will never be one of those people. I won't even try - it will NEVER work.


But if I did want to do it, I'm pretty sure I'd just get up and do it on my own. The accountability of a partner would be good but I think I'd just do it on my own unless I made arrangements with a friend.


I hope that doesn't hurt your feelings!

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I'd be interested, and the thought of having someone to do it with would be motivation for me to get moving that early, but I'd have to warn you up front that I might fizzle out after while. :tongue_smilie:


Also, I don't swim, but if there was a water aerobics class at that hour, I'd do it. I could bring my dd to do laps with you, though. :D

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I got that message via email. I didn't see it until this morning, since I get my messages grouped and delivered. I think I get messages via digest, instead of when they are sent. So, give it another day. I already have a membership to a different gym or I would have done it. I keep telling dh I'm going to get up and go at 5:30. Then, I hit snooze.

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You may not be getting a response because people just prefer to work out at home. That's what I do. I usually get up at 6 AM to work out. I'd rather not have to get up, get dressed, look halfway presentable, drive somewhere, exercise, and then drive back home. I'd rather just wake up, thrown on my exercise clothes and get to it. I have workout videos, Wii Active, an exercise bike, a treadmill, an elliptical, and hand weights. Plus, a pool for summer exercise if I want to. (Side note on the large exercise equipment....no, I dont keep all in the house at one time. We keep one at a time indoors and rotate the large equipment every so often out of the garage....we don't have room for all of them inside).


With the kids being asleep and everything, I'd rather just be here instead of having to go out the door in the mornings. DH would not have time to tend to them if they happened to wake early....he's getting ready for work at that time.


Also, I'm shy and would never contact a person that I didn't know in order to work out with them. That's another reason why I wouldn't do it.

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I know how hard it is to get up and exercise without the motivation of disappointing someone. It took me a while to find someone who could exercise between 6:30 and 7:30. (I had takers for 5:30, but I just couldn't make that happen.) It is also hard to find someone with similar goals who can go at a similar time. You may need to expand your search beyond your homeschooling group. Can you post something in the women's locker room at the Y? Are there any online meet up groups where you can advertise for an exercise partner?

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Probably not. Remember that homeschooling families are a varied bunch. One family I know are night owls and sleep in in the morning (part of this is due to the health of one member). My husband works third shift and who would just be getting home close to 7am (and others whose husbands have to leave at 5am to get to work)...no one to watch the kids. Then you have us preggo mamas that are limited in what we can do. Seriously, I would not take it offensively.

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I wonder if someone might respond if you had a time limit on it...say through the end of the year? Perhaps the open-ended thing might frighten people away who are not sure that they could commit to a long term thing, but they might be willing to do it for a few weeks.


Then after they get to know you and realize how good they feel they might be willing to do it long term...then again, maybe not. Who knows?

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Everyone wants to work out and no one has the time, right? It's the same with me. So, I wanted to work out in the early AM: 5.30-6.30. That way there just wasn't any excuse. The problem was that I just couldn't get motivated to get out of bed that early.


So I advertised around in the local homeschool scene for a walking partner. I got exactly one response and we started walking together. It was great and got me going everyday. But, that didn't last for one reason or another and I find myself back at square one.


So, I have advertised again. 5.30-6.30 am. T/R we could meet at the Y to lift weights or something and M/W/F to lap swim. With winter coming on I thought I'd change it to the Y instead of walking outside.


*just . . . dead . . . silence . . . then . . . crickets chriping in the distance . . .*


Is this not reasonable? If you lived in the area, is it something you would do or would you think that's just crazy? I mean, it's it the perfect time for the avg homeschooler? B/f Dad goes to work, b/f the kids get up, b/f school starts . . . get it done and start the day right.




Yes! I would do that with you! In fact I organized up something like that several spring/summers ago. It worked well - sometimes we had 6-8 moms, but after a month or so everyone else began to quit showing up. It ended up being me and my boys and my dog in the end. Oh well...it worked well for a while. I wish there were someone around here to do that with me.:glare:

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I would not get up at 5:30 to exercise. I am sleeping at 5:30. For some people, 5:30 might be a reasonable wake up time, but it's not in my family.


I don't think exercise should have to be something that I lose sleep over. If it's a priority, it can happen during the day or evening, during the normal times that I would be awake and DH would be awake. He can watch the children while I workout. I would not feel like I should give up sleep, which I have precious little of, so that he and the children are not inconvenienced.


But my DH, while he does work a lot, does not have a commute and does not travel a great deal. For us, it's not necessary to do something that feels so drastic and disruptive to my schedule.


That said, I rarely exercise, and I know I need to. But I also need to sleep.

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I would never, ever, ever get up that early every day -- for any reason, no matter how much I liked you.


Sorry, but I don't go to bed until around 2:00 am, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who goes to bed at midnight or later, so it's just not practical or convenient to go work out at the crack of dawn. I'm sure your lack of a workout partner has nothing to do with you as a person, and has everything to do with your earlybird schedule! :001_smile:


Honestly, I don't know anyone who gets up as early as you do!



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There are a few reasons I wouldn't work out according to your plan:



  • I don't get out of bed before 7am.
  • I don't like a public gym.
  • I am not terribly coordinated and I'm pretty sure I look like a complete idiot when I exercise. For those reasons I prefer the treadmill and small weights at home.
  • I don't swim. Really. I actually don't know HOW to swim.


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Everyone wants to work out and no one has the time, right? It's the same with me. So, I wanted to work out in the early AM: 5.30-6.30. That way there just wasn't any excuse. The problem was that I just couldn't get motivated to get out of bed that early.


So I advertised around in the local homeschool scene for a walking partner. I got exactly one response and we started walking together. It was great and got me going everyday. But, that didn't last for one reason or another and I find myself back at square one.


So, I have advertised again. 5.30-6.30 am. T/R we could meet at the Y to lift weights or something and M/W/F to lap swim. With winter coming on I thought I'd change it to the Y instead of walking outside.


*just . . . dead . . . silence . . . then . . . crickets chriping in the distance . . .*


Is this not reasonable? If you lived in the area, is it something you would do or would you think that's just crazy? I mean, it's it the perfect time for the avg homeschooler? B/f Dad goes to work, b/f the kids get up, b/f school starts . . . get it done and start the day right.




not right?

My honey gets up before then, so it wouldn't be the perfect time for me. And I don't sleep well at night, so I sleep in in the mornings or else I am one cranky person and my whole family would be miserable all day. But that's just me.

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I don't love getting up early - period :001_smile: But more importantly, I've learned that I'm much happier just doing exercise on my own. I've done the buddy walking thing several times with neighbors, friends, etc. and in the end, I always feel better just going back to "me" alone time. I'm generally good, though, at self-motivation in that area, once I get a routine down. So, don't feel offended - it may be the time or it may just be that you're dealing more with people who have my mindset.

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I would be totally stoked to see an ad like that!! LOL I am finding that the only time for working out IS the a.m. and I really hate it. I need some extra motivation and that would do it for me. :) I'd love to get a small "club" of ladies going to walk or swim or even just meet at the gym/rec center for that accountability. (It would have to be casual, like we all can do our own thing because I am not one to *talk* nonstop while working out and I do like to do my own stuff.)


I think that some people are probably afraid to respond because they aren't sure it would work for their personalities, kwim? Is it going to be a bunch of giggly, girl-girls who want to talk the whole time? They don't know and probably don't want to commit to something they may have to back out of! lol It's hard to advertise the kind of "atmosphere" you're trying to get, though...


Don't give up!

Edited by 6packofun
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I got that message via email. I didn't see it until this morning, since I get my messages grouped and delivered. I think I get messages via digest, instead of when they are sent. So, give it another day. I already have a membership to a different gym or I would have done it. I keep telling dh I'm going to get up and go at 5:30. Then, I hit snooze.


Well, Snickelfritz, it is the second time I've sent it out. Granted, the last time was a good while ago but then, one single person answered. That was perfect b/c all I needed was a single person and I don't know what I would have done with a group.


I guess I had hoped that there would be a someone or some someones just dying to receive an email like that and jump on it.


c'est la vie -- as many have said, 5.30, group, gym . . . it's not for everyone.

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Gosh, guys, thanks for all the great replies!


Yeah, I know . . . the gym. I did choose the gym scenario b/c winter is coming and it's already pretty cold here at 5.30 am.


and 5.30 AM! Yikes! On the other hand, for me it's is the only time. If I plan it for evening, i'm too tired or something comes up or . . . or to infinity. We're busy during the day. Pretty much nothing gets in the way of 5.30 am. except sleep, of course. I know . . . too tough.


Another thing about that time is that it got us all up and at 'em at a really good time in the morning. I could come home and shower and be ready to start school at a really decent time . . . instead of sleeping in and not getting around and letting my girl snuggle in and not get up and . . .


it just worked for me.


But no, I dont' take it personally. I just wish it would work for someone else, too.

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Gosh, guys, thanks for all the great replies!


Yeah, I know . . . the gym. I did choose the gym scenario b/c winter is coming and it's already pretty cold here at 5.30 am.


and 5.30 AM! Yikes! On the other hand, for me it's is the only time. If I plan it for evening, i'm too tired or something comes up or . . . or to infinity. We're busy during the day. Pretty much nothing gets in the way of 5.30 am. except sleep, of course. I know . . . too tough.


Another thing about that time is that it got us all up and at 'em at a really good time in the morning. I could come home and shower and be ready to start school at a really decent time . . . instead of sleeping in and not getting around and letting my girl snuggle in and not get up and . . .


it just worked for me.


But no, I dont' take it personally. I just wish it would work for someone else, too.


Do you really want a partner to work out with or just the motivation? Could you have someone call you every morning at a set time to make sure you're going? I'd be happy to do it since I'm up at 5 am daily, but I'm not in your timezone.

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