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A thread of things we like about our husbands ...

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I think this would be a nice thread, I'll start.


DH is standing here reading me his favorite excerpts from Eats, Shoots, and Leaves. It's really cute. I'm trying to finish my NaNo writing but he's so happy to be sharing these parts that he knows I'll like with me I can't help but listen.

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He plays Barbie's with the girls.


He calls everyday at lunch to make sure we're ok and don't need anything.


He brings me home a Twix and flowers about once a week.


He's an atheist but doesn't want dds to know so he goes to church with us and reads the Bible to them and prays with them so they will be believers because he wants that for them.


He does the dishes everyday because he knows I hate it.

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He's handsome,

totally devoted to me and the kids;

he makes me belly laugh 'til I cry and

is incredibly smart - my Renaissance Man.

He works harder than anybody I know and

is unflappable, eternally optimistic and unswervingly supportive.


I'm sure I left some out...maybe I should share this with him. :)

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Excellent thread, Amy!


10 things I love about my husband...


  1. He cooks amazing meals and loves to experiment in the kitchen.
  2. He is a fabulous, highly involved father and it brings me such joy to watch him with our kids.
  3. He supports me in anything I want to do.
  4. He will listen to me talk about something that interests me, even when he's not even a little interested in the subject himself.
  5. He doesn't hold my family against me. :lol:
  6. He is always willing to help anyone that needs his assistance.
  7. He will step in to do whatever needs doing, and never complains.
  8. He calls his mother every week.
  9. He loves that I am my own person.
  10. He is appreciative of anything I do for him, but never places expectations upon me.

I could easily go on. He's a really great guy and I'm very blessed to be married to him! :D

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He makes coffee every morning. He's totally hot in a tool belt and a pair of carpenter shorts :001_smile:, and he's getting ready to travel hundreds of miles away and remodel our new house so we can move this month. He does laundry, he cleans toilets, and he's the coolest dad ever. The coolest thing is that he has never given up. Through 18 years of good and bad, he keeps moving forward and making sure I know that he's glad I'm along for the ride. :D

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There are so many things I love about my husband. I love that he loves me and loves to take care of me and our daughters and yet he loves for me to take care of him. I love that he trusts me and that I can trust him. I love that he respects me and my opinion. :) I love how slow he is to anger and never has ugly words to say about people. I love that he believes in staying married forever and that family is important to him. I love that he always says how he feels, good and bad. I love that he is an honorable man and soldier and that he loves his country and his job. I love the way he looks at me and how I still get all googly-eyed over him.


I could fill up more space telling you how many ways my husband makes me smile, but I'll stop now. :001_wub::001_wub:

Edited by TN Mama
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Ok, that was so much fun I want to list 10 more things I love about him. :D


  1. He dances around the house with the kids and makes up little tunes to get the 16 mo old grooving. Too cute!
  2. He has a snarky sense of humour that cracks me up.
  3. He's super smart and has a great head for trivia, which makes him wonderful at party games and for Jeopardy competitions.
  4. He knows sports. Good thing, becuase I don't so the kids would be lost without him.
  5. He is extremely practical, and appreciates that about me as well.
  6. He doesn't get worked up by... well, anything!
  7. He knows when to take chances.
  8. He's a fabulous leader.
  9. He's gorgeous!
  10. He is perfectly fine with me taking the lead on things whenever I want to, or not when that suits either of us better.

Now I want to go wake him up and tell him how awesome he is. :D

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He is totally devoted to our marriage and family

His spare time is always spent at home. He says his favorite place to be is home with us.

He works very hard to support us.

He's willing to make big sacrifices for the good of our family.

He hugs all his dds and tells them he loves them.

He gets down on the floor and plays with the girls.

He is honest and has integrity.

He is a very moral man.

He loves and respects his parents.

He's incredibly snuggly and cute.

He has a fluffy beard!!!

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1. He has the same odd sense of humor I do.

2. He adores our kids but at the same time is firm yet gentle with them.

3. He works at a job he's overqualified for to provide for us.

4. He takes care of me when I'm sick.

5. He makes me laugh even when I feel lousy.

6. He isn't afraid to get misty eyed if the occasion calls for it.

7. He has taught me so much about history.

8. He's a walking calculator - I love to take him shopping because I know what the total will be before I get to the checkout.

9. He puts up with me.

10. He adores me and it's obvious to everyone we know.


Today I sent him an email just to tell him I loved him and he was convinced I had wrecked the car or something. :lol: We spent most of the day trading emails over that and laughed about when he got home.


(No I did not wreck the car.);)

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1. He will outwork any man of any age.

(They simply don't have his mental fortitude.)

2. He apologizes.

3. He plays Pretty Pretty Princess and let's the girls do his toenails.

4. He loves animals and is tender hearted.

(Even has a hard time shooting skunks - but he does what he must.)

5. He thinks I'm sexy when I'm really not!

6. He's really sexy! (LOL but true!)

7. His nose. It's perfect.

8. He's honest, loyal and true.

9. He love Jesus.

10. He would die for us.

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Oh my, you have a serious keeper there! I am impressed.


He plays Barbie's with the girls.


He calls everyday at lunch to make sure we're ok and don't need anything.


He brings me home a Twix and flowers about once a week.


He's an atheist but doesn't want dds to know so he goes to church with us and reads the Bible to them and prays with them so they will be believers because he wants that for them.


He does the dishes everyday because he knows I hate it.

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He's so handsome!

The first thing he wants when he gets home at night is a hug and a kiss from me.

The second thing he wants is to hug his girl and spin her around in their own special ritual.

He has never complained about my cooking.

He disposes of bugs for me.

He takes care of me when I'm sick.

He is so smart I don't understand half of his theories but he still tells me all about them. They're fascinating!

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He supports me 100%. He lets me be me, and accepts me for who I am - all the bad parts as well as the good. He's always on my side.


We're both really lucky to have each other. I hope our son is able to have a marriage like ours.

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My amazing husband is gentle... patient... ever so caring. I can get through all sorts of rough spots in my day because at the end of the day he is beside me... reaching out to stroke my shoulders and hair every so softly. He adores me. I am blessed.


This week I got very, very sick in the middle of the night. I got sick in m sleep. I had to wake up dh and get him up to change the bedding while I took a shower. He did. I continued to get sick in my sleep, at least every two hours. I slept on towels in the bed. He made sure I was okay. In the morning he took the day off of work, handled breakfast and I awoke to hear him telling the boys to make their sandwiches for lunches (ps). I got out of bed and he sent me right back to bed. I slept while he took them to school. He cleaned the kitchen and bathroom. My bathroom was SO clean... When I did wake up and got to moving again... he sent me to take a lovely bath.


What an amazing person he is. I am blessed.

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I love that dh is even-tempered, calm, steady, and consistent. It nicely balances my psychotic, jump-to-conclusions, worst-case-scenario personality.


Seriously, this guy is the best Dad my kids could ask for.


I love that even though he has works countless nights for the that million weeks (slight exaggeration), he always calls from work to tell me good night.


I love the way he loves me.


I love the fact that he is a hard worker, always trying to do what is best for his family.


I love that he is a big fat nerd. Makes me feel I am not alone.


I love that I can have intelligent conversations with him.


He is pretty darn cute!

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He's generous and kind, not just to me, but to everyone. He always sees the good in someone. He sends me flowers so often, the florists call me by my first name. He brings home funny comics from the newspaper at work. He listened to a CD of Jim Weiss talking about fathers telling stories to their children that I brought home from the Midwest Homeschool Conference, and since then, he has two separate running stories that he has been telling the boys, and they LOVE it! He is always supportive of the things I want to do. It took him awhile to come around to the homeschool idea, but at least he always heard me out. Family is extremely important to him. He's pretty cute, too.


ETA: I met him at work, and one of the things that I loved about him, even before we started dating, was that on every Valentine's Day, he gave a box of chocolates to every woman in the office- about 30 women! One year, a lot of the women were dieting, so he had his best friend (who sells jewelry) give them all bracelets. Some of the husbands and boyfriends were a little upset that some guy was giving their women jewelry, so he's gone back to the chocolates. LOL!

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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Uh, wow. Trying to collect my wits...lets do a list so I don't go on forever...although, I *know* once I hit send I'll think of a better list :lol:


  1. The way he smells. Something, just the scent of his skin makes me weak in the knees. Always has. Add any cologne, and its x1000
  2. He's the Dad I wished I had. I can't think of a better compliment to his parenting than that. And I didn't think of it, he said it to me once about my parenting, that he'd wished he had a mom like me, and I realized immediately that it was exactly how I'd describe his parenting.

  3. He's still here. After becoming disabled, our lives upended, he's here...even the days I'm doubting *I* should be.
  4. He takes off work if he sees a need. No questions or complaints, just, "Ok Honey." There have been times when I've been up 48/72+ hrs, and he finds me sleeping when he gets up...He just calls in and takes the day off so I can sleep.
  5. When I insist he goes in, despite his concerns, he calls me several times to make sure everything is ok.


I'm going to end it there. I guess I could just have said that he's the best Dad I've ever known, and puts his family as the absolute #1 priority in his life.


(Oh, and to be totally shallow, the way he looks just out of the shower, with his hair all mussed up and curly, with just a towel on...:drool5::svengo::001_wub::D)

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He's strong.

I know that sounds shallow, but it was a big attraction when I first met him, lol!


When we first started dating, I kid you not, everywhere we went, we would inevitably be approached by a senior citizen needing help with something.

They might need directions, or something was wrong with their car, or they needed help reading something.

I asked him if this was typical, and he had never even realized it until I mentioned it.

He was just so used to it.


I took it as a sign that he was trustworthy~they all thought he was safe to approach.


22 years of marriage and he certainly has been trustworthy.

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My DH comes home smelling like a hospital, which is anything but good...:tongue_smilie:


We overlook that, though, since he smells that way because he works so hard.


He's so caring and kind with patients.


He makes up silly songs for the kids.


He plans FANTASTIC vacations!


He consistently messes up the words to "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and insists his way is right, even though it means that it no longer rhymes.:D


He comes up with hilarious one-liners about everyday situations, such as,

"Honey, do you need to stop at Wal-Mart? I laid out your sweats!"


He does the littles' bath time nearly every night.


He approaches cooking on the Big Green Egg like a scientist, and while it's funny to watch, it's also delicious!


He never complains about what we spend on educational stuff.

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So many here too..


He strives to make my life easier every day

He listens to me

He is a family man

He's loyal

He supports me in whatever I want to do

He takes care of me when I'm sick

He is smart

He is resourceful

He is a great problem-solver

He decorates the house

He has an artist's eye, so he'll help me pick out clothes if I need help

He makes yummy sandwiches

He's a bit younger than I am

He makes amazing hamburgers

He's quirky and a bit off-the-wall, just like me

We're both goody two-shoes rebels :)

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he really loves god. he truly adores me, supports me, and encourages me. he's the very best daddy. he's the funniest person i know. he is the most even-tempered person i've ever met. he walks his talk. i could literally go on & on. i think he's the absolute greatest!!:D


eta...gotta add this... he's a hottie. i love that after 11 years, our chemistry is still strong!

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He rarely gets upset about anything


When I goof up, he doesn't give me a hard time-and that has taught me to extend more mercy to others.


He never expects more from me than I can give.


He believes in me.


He doesn't get upset about the messy house or uncooked meals.


For my ringtone for calls from him, he put on Baby I'm amazed by you.


You know, I agree with a pp, we need to share our list with our dh.



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There are so many things I love about my hubby. Although it can sound cliche, he is truly my best friend. We talk to each other all the time. We like so many of the same things that we never run out of things to talk about but can also be content just being quiet together. Mostly, I love that he is an excellent Dad. He loves our girls so much and loves to spend time with them. He always finds the teachable moments in what they do as well. He is a staunch defender of homeschooling even though he was skeptical in the beginning. He also has spent countless hours scratching my back for me. :) We have been married for almost 12 years and I don't regret a second of it.

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he's cute.

he's smart.

he works very hard to take care of the whole family.

he's cute.

he's a very good listener.

he fixes things so I don't have to figure out how to do it.

he likes the outdoors.

he has a great sense of humor and can laugh at himself.

he's cute.

he gives his family priority over the TV and work too.

he''s NOT a slob.


did I mention he's very cute too?

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