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What is the most courageous thing you've ever done?

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I flew to Mexico City to wait for someone I didn't know to take me to a bus station where I would take a 3-4 hour bus ride to a remote town to live with a family who I didn't even know the name or contact information for, who I would be living with for 4 months while doing my student teaching assignment at a very poor rural school... and I didn't speak ANY Spanish at the time. I was 19... not sure if it was courageous or just plain dumb... but my family should be awarded the most courageous for letting me go!:lol:

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When I was a teen, a woman was staying with us after leaving her abusive husband (who stomped the kittens to death and threw her down the stairs holding their baby). I didn't know her very well. We were way out in the country. Her hubby drove up and threatened to take the baby. She was terrified and we were alone. I went out with a kitchen knife and told him I would cut his genitalia off and nail it to the wall (top volume shouting...and many obscene words) if he didn't get off the property now. He was about 6'4". He left.


I am alone with murders and rapists. There is staff outside the door, but I often have to conceal my fear.

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Not much compared to some of you!

had 3 pitocin induced labors with no drugs (each time I wondered what in the heck I was thinking)


Climbed a 20 foot tree stand with a shotgun and proceed to kill a big buck to impress my DH. woo (not scared of heights, but 20 feet up, hanging on a little metal tree stand with a loaded shotgun can be nerve racking :))


Turned in a sick man from my church who was sexually harrassing a bunch of us girls. My mom didnt believe me and said I was being a troublemaker, but because of me, more girls came forward and he got removed from church.

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Let home at age 16 because my mother was with a man who verbally abused me a lot (due to alcohol).


To stay true to my own knowing even when it threatens my marriage.


To bring up my kids the way I feel is right, against all opposition.


I have hitchiked, been a street urchin, lived in a cave, been to India 3 times on my own (it never gets easy for me in India).

Edited by Peela
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Refusing to get off the public bus, despite skinhead neo-Nazis threatening me with my life at age seventeen in Northern Germany. The bus driver did nothing to help. (My eyes were the wrong color, brown.)


Or maybe it was having four root canals without anethesia! The surgeon said he never wanted to see me again. (He couldn't get me numb.) :tongue_smilie: I didn't scream, but his assistant had to keep swabbing out my tear-filled ears.

Why didn't he send you to an oral surgeon or something?

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WOW! You all are brave.


I was in a date rape situation, luckily the guy had a newly broken arm, and I was able to jab in real hard right where the break had been. I was then able to kick him with my super long legs and walk out of his dorm room. The next time I saw him at church (yes, at church) he blamed the pain meds and the fact that looked so hot. (in a sweatshirt and jeans - gag!!)

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Have three drug free, home births! No, it doesn't get easier! They were all hard but I would do it again!


Flew to Ghana,Africa to visit my sister, without my dh and children,with my much younger sister. While there we lived through a 12 hr bus ride from Accra to Tamale, most of it in the black of night, in a very rough,worn down bus,horrible roads with frequent bandit holdups, surrounded by people who spoke a different language then we did. Shudder.


Then flew home by myself from this trip. Including a flight in Ghana,back to Accra in a plane that sounded and felt like it was on it's last leg. It held about 10 people and was so loud you couldn't hear the talking. I was felt very. alone.


And then there is homeschooling.;)

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Being a character witness against a couple of relatives. It was very stressful but I knew it was the right thing to do. I received some hassle from another relative "How can you do that to x and y" but that attitude all changed after she heard the court hearings. :tongue_smilie: Doing the right thing does not always feel good. Sometimes it feels horrible but you just do what you know is right any way and don't listen to others who don't understand. They may or may not ever come around.

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Finalizing DD4's guardianship paperwork when she was 2yo. She was already a walking chaos and her mental issues were starting to show but we didn't know the extent. We went in the situation when she was 5mo as 'temporary' parents and never intended on adopting. It was just supposed to be until her parents got her back (they weren't abusive-it was a legal problem resulting in a possible jail term). We were only her foster parents up to this point, so we could have easily walked away.

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I used to be a military rescue helicopter pilot and we did some really amazing things then. Amazing, dangerous, life changing things.


I stood up to someone when they harassed me - went face-to-face and called him out. It was a major deal as I was young junior officer and it was a senior enlisted guy. We both ended up learning a lot and it earned me a ton of respect from the people around me - but it was really, really hard.


I quit one dream job (military instructor pilot) to go to another dream job (stay at home homeschooling mom). I wouldn't trade it for the universe.


But honestly, none can compare to....




That's courage.



I was rescued by a military helicopter, in Alaska, in the winter. The wind was blowing the ocean water straight up and it was freezing before the wave broke. Getting into that basket to be hauled up was really scary!

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I was rescued by a military helicopter, in Alaska, in the winter. The wind was blowing the ocean water straight up and it was freezing before the wave broke. Getting into that basket to be hauled up was really scary!


I was always glad I was flying and not in the basket!!! :001_smile:

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I took the abuse as a child so my sibling didnt have to...


Yes, this.


I physically placed myself between my abusive father and my mother (and later, my stepmother) more times than I care to count over the years.


I told my high school principal about the abuse taking place in my home (she did nothing to help me, but I realize now that I was brave to reach out for help nonetheless).


I called the police to report a suicidal parent.

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Told the doctors it was time to stop torturing my mom by looking for a miracle and to call in hospice. That was 11 months ago yesterday. She died two days later.


:iagree: I stopped being my mom's feeding tube. Before her mind was completely lost to dementia, she had signed DNR papers and didn't want artificial means to keep her alive. I realized that by sitting at her side for TWO HOURS to feed her a meal and force liquids down her with a syringe to prevent UTI's, I had BECOME her feeding tube. The decision was made to put her on Hospice, here in my home, and she barely ate or drank again. She died three weeks later, outliving Hospice's estimate by over a week.


I know it's stupid, but sometimes I still wonder if my mother is mad at me for allowing her to die or if she somehow holds me responsible.:crying::crying::crying:

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I drove through a minefield (in the Middle East) in the dark with my friend on the radio (watching me thru binoculars) guiding me through the field. When I reached the end of the minefield, a squad of foreign soldiers were waiting for me with their rifles pointed at my vehicle. My Lt on the radio told me to get out and tell them who I was. I did.


Yikes. :eek:


Holy Cow...and then what happened?

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Going public with being sexual assault by a pastor and filing charges within the denomination. It's been almost 4 years and he still is not back in ministry :001_smile:




I would hope he NEVER is back in ministry and stays in jail after r&*ing someone.

Your post sounds like you expect he will return to ministry one day?????

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:grouphug::grouphug: to so many of you.


I left my cult minded house at 19 with a baby, no job and not one college credit to my name.


I left a physically abusive relationship in the middle of the night (he did something I knew I would never live though again), put the battery in the truck, no plates, no insurance, and drove 8 hours through a snowstorm that had 18 wheelers pulled off the side to get to a house of a person who said they would shelter me. And I had no money for gas. Slow and steady wins the race I kept telling myself.


I married my dh a year later (which was terrifying-I was SURE I was doing the wrong thing--turned out to be the best decision I ever made)


When we had just bought a house and hadn't made one mortgage payment, we split from our partners and started our own business.


I kicked my son out of the house and told the police where to find him.


S'all good. :001_smile:


The most un courageous thing I ever did? When I thought I saw that guy, (THAT guy and I was 99% sure it was him) I hid in my car. I've never been so mad at myself.

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and protecting 2 young girls that happened to be in the bathroom at the same time. He didn't get anything-but got away. Looking back I was foolish for saying no-but at the time I was just p*ssed that someone would try and rob me. I was traveling by greyhound to Montana from Pennsylvania to visit now DH while he was on a wheat harvest crew. We had a stop in Columbus OH to clean and refuel the bus and the attempted mugging was in the women's restroom. The 2 girls were traveling without an adult also to MT to be with family. I was 21 yo and would guess them to be 10-12 yo.

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I was a single 20 something and knew nothing of being a parent. My cousin was seriously metally ill and they were removed from her care, I felt the Lord calling me to foster them, an angry 2 year old and a two month old. I had no idea if they would get to stay with me or be returned to her in the end. After two long years I was granted guardianship and after 1 year of no contact from her I petitioned for adoption. Taking my kids in and protecting them cut me off from most of my extended family as they chose to ignore and gloss over (still do) anything she did to hurt her own kids. Anyway, I can't imagine my life without my kids now. I'm glad I followed God's lead:001_smile:

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I once raced my Trooper into an alley where I'd just seen a gang of very dangerous men jump a woman and begin assaulting her. I whipped my Trooper around in a smoking U-Turn and came in so fast the truck went airborne and I just missed hitting a couple of the bad guys (who were shocked). I flew out of the vehicle brandishing a machete that I'd just come from having sharpened (convenient :D).


There were seven of these thugs, who didn't know WTF was happening. I ordered the woman to get in the vehicle (she was in shock but complied) while I held the bad guys off with the machete and resisted (barely) the temptation to use the thing.


Then I got her out of there and safely home. The badly shaken girl refused to go to the police, but I did. And we cleaned up this gang of criminals.





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When I was a teen, a woman was staying with us after leaving her abusive husband (who stomped the kittens to death and threw her down the stairs holding their baby). I didn't know her very well. We were way out in the country. Her hubby drove up and threatened to take the baby. She was terrified and we were alone. I went out with a kitchen knife and told him I would cut his genitalia off and nail it to the wall (top volume shouting...and many obscene words) if he didn't get off the property now. He was about 6'4". He left.


I am alone with murders and rapists. There is staff outside the door, but I often have to conceal my fear.


You rock.

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Yes, this.


I physically placed myself between my abusive father and my mother (and later, my stepmother) more times than I care to count over the years.


I told my high school principal about the abuse taking place in my home (she did nothing to help me, but I realize now that I was brave to reach out for help nonetheless).


I called the police to report a suicidal parent.


You are brave.

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What a group we have here! No wonder we all keep coming back for more. I have done several brave things, but I think the most courageous one was leaving my husband who was destroying me. That move took two years, at least, to pray through, and its effects will be felt for a long, long time. But it was the right thing to do, and I thank God He gave me the courage to do it.


A few others, in my wild, single years


Hopped a freight train alone, hobo style, and rode from No. California to Seattle.


Preached the gospel in Spanish(which I barely knew) to a jammed packed bus full of Honduran rioters from the University.


Slept and lived on the streets for several weeks without money.


Bravery begets more bravery, and builds faith.

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When I was 16, I finally got up the courage to tell my mother that the elderly relative who spent so much time at our house had been molesting me for years. She responded with a diatribe against my (divorced) father and how he had left her with no money, blah blah blah. I asked what that had to do with anything, and she told me I'd just have to put up with the abuse because she had 4 kids and no money, and the elderly relative was paying the bills. I put my clothes in a grocery bag and left.


When I went away to college, my grandfather scraped together the plane fare and an uncle drove me to Newark airport. I got off the plane in Florida with $40 in my pocket, everything I owned in a backpack, and the address of the college on a piece of paper. I was 17.



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When I was 16, I finally got up the courage to tell my mother that the elderly relative who spent so much time at our house had been molesting me for years. She responded with a diatribe against my (divorced) father and how he had left her with no money, blah blah blah. I asked what that had to do with anything, and she told me I'd just have to put up with the abuse because she had 4 kids and no money, and the elderly relative was paying the bills. I put my clothes in a grocery bag and left.


When I went away to college, my grandfather scraped together the plane fare and an uncle drove me to Newark airport. I got off the plane in Florida with $40 in my pocket, everything I owned in a backpack, and the address of the college on a piece of paper. I was 17.




Nothing will stop you.

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