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Remind me again why turning 40 is a good thing?

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This is not one of those feel good you're-as-young-as-you-feel posts.


Why is turning 40 a good thing? I posit that it is neither fundamentally good or bad. It is merely an objective measurement of the amount of time that has lapsed since birth. Nothing more. Nothing less. Everyone born on same day you were is now 40.


On the positive side, the longer a person exists, the more likely he is to accumulate wisdom and maturity but it is not an automatic given by a certain age.

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First Happy Birthday!!!


I will be blunt that when I turned 40, I hated it.


I am now 42(almost 43), and I still hate it.:tongue_smilie:


I think I just hate the number more then anything.


40's to me just means more health problems, and more *preventitive* care. And getting put in the "greater risk" category for what it seems, every ailment under the sun. Bleh.


Other then that(I am so encouraging, aren't I??:lol:), I wouldn't trade my wisdom for anything.


All you can do is embrace it. And since there isn't anything I can do about that number, I just say I am 39+3:lol::lol:

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Happy Birthday! :)


I'll be 40 next year (just turned 39 a few months ago), so I can't speak "with authority" on this subject yet. ;) However, when I think of turning 40 it helps me appreciate things much more and pay more attention to what I truly want out of life because I want to make the "second half" of my life much, much better than the first.


Hope you're enjoying your day!

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it's a good thing because not living to turn 40 would be bad. :sad:




Yes, my dh just turned 40, and I was pretty emotional because my brother-in-law (sister's dh) died of malignant melanoma five months before his 40th. I'll be thinking about him again next year when I turn 40, also because his birthday was the day before mine.


Please be grateful for every day you have! :001_smile:

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Turning 40 means you can speak your mind more often and fewer people argue with you about it. :D


Turning 40 means you can speak more from experience and less from theory.

No joke! I found that on this side of 40 I could care less what people think! It took me this long to start seeing who I really am and to find this great board and claim my kids education for my own! Can I just gush about how much I love being 41 and being a WTMer with all of you!:grouphug:

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Guest Cindie2dds
Today, is my birthday. I feel old. :( Even if I live to 100, I am still almost 1/2 way there!




Happy Birthday! I'm right around the corner also! :grouphug:

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Well, what's your alternative? :)


BTW - Happy Birthday! I just had one, actually, but quit acknowledging them a couple years ago.


Because you are so much closer to being able to be called eccentric instead of weird.


Turning 40 means you can speak your mind more often and fewer people argue with you about it. :D


Turning 40 means you can speak more from experience and less from theory.


All good points :D and thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. Dh just called to say he is stopping by to pick up some wine on his way home from work so we can celebrate properly :tongue_smilie:



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I LOVE being 40. I tell people every chance I get. "Well, now that I'm 40....." It's liberating!


Somehow, I just felt like I earned something when I turned 40. Respect, maybe?


Happy birthday! 1970 was a very good year :001_smile:.


:iagree: Hooray for 40! Feeling very comfortable in my own skin at this age. Life is good!


Happy birthday! Any excuse to indulge in fine wine is a winner in my book.

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Turning 40 felt hard at the time but now I am 43 it is just so incredible.

I do feel like i am having a mid life crisis but even that's not a bad thing:) It smore like...I have so, so many possibilities ahead of me...what should I do?

I love myself, I give myself permission to make mistakes without self flagellation, to be less than perfect, to rest and take time out, to do things for me. I don't get shattered from someone's unkind word or look any more. I am happier. I am more likely to speak my mind, and I am more likely to be gentle while doing it than in the past.

The little stuff doesnt seem to matter so much.

I am still wondering what I am going to be when I grow up :) but I feel more capable of doing whatever it is I want.

Sometimes I go through times of feeling I am old...but it really depends which way you look- back or forward! I am healthier and enjoy my body more now than in my 30s.

I have friends in their 50s who look great! It inspires me. 60 is not even "old " any more.

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