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Do you exercise?

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It's been hard, it's been nearly impossible, but the last 3 weeks I have exercised everyday (M-F) and on weekends I get it in by chores on the farm, pulled huge pasture weeds for 2 hours and nearly killed my hamstrings, they're still sore! :)


I do 2 miles on the treadmill and have 5 pound hand weights that I do a strength training routine while on the treadmill...I found I was too bored just walking and if I watched tv or computer or something while walking, I stopped watching how I walked and ended up with a knee injury last year...so by adding in the arm weights (8 minutes x 3) it keeps me focused on walking correctly...


I swim about 4x a week....


I still have weight to lose, but I decided this school year to focus on exercise and a strong heart...the weight is coming off, I'm not eating much differently but make more conscious decisions not to eat junk/no sodas etc. If I don't exercise I feel more tired, more sluggish and just plain blegh!


I'm a huge fan of it! :)


Getting started is tough, staying with it is tougher, but if you can, you reap the benefits in spades!


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Several months ago, I lost about 10 pounds by doing Wii Fit Plus and jogging around the perimeter of the kids 15 foot trampoline (trampoline exercise is exhausting, and yes the neighbors probably thought I was crazy, but hey, it worked). Yesterday, I just started up again so I can lose the last 8 pounds to I reach my goal. This time I will, mostly, use our treadmill, and some days use the trampoline or Wii Fit. Unfortunately, I don't lose weight very easily - I have to eat only 1200 calories per day (with only water - no other drinks) and exercise moderately for an hour each day to lose. It's hard, but once it's lost, I keep it off (I only gained because I took a medication that causes weight gain). I have friends who lose several pounds very quickly, but it just doesn't happen that way for me. Doing the above, I only lose about 1.5 - 2 pounds per week (or week and a half).

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Yes... These days I'm up at 5:30, so I can w/o before taking the oldest to school. :tongue_smilie:


I do 30-45 minutes on an elliptical rider, then some weights/sit-ups/stretching. I also walk nightly, w/my man, and do yoga a couple times a week. I need to do more, but time is always an issue.

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I try to exercise every day, but I do miss a day here or there.

My outdoor activity is just walking. I have my pedometer with me constantly, and I’ve gone over 4 million steps since I got it in April 2009. I have an older model than this http://www.omronhealthcare.com/products/hj-112/ and I love it. It is great motivation to get a few more steps, a few more minutes, or the next mile. I also walk the mall if the weather is bad outside (too cold or raining).

My indoor activity is step aerobics. I just do basic steps, nothing bouncy or dancey. It is incredibly boring; I watch lectures from the Teaching Company. I’ve gone through quite a number of courses this way. I also use a metronome to keep my pace up.

Before I started exercising, I was the poster child for couch potatoes! During my research I learned that successful weight loss maintainers exercised a lot (http://exercise.about.com/od/gettingweightlossresults/a/successweight_2.htm)! To say the least, I.did.not.want to hear this. But I started out slowly, maybe only 10 minutes a day. It took several months to work up to 30 minutes a day. Now, 30 minutes of exercise is the minimum I aim for. Yesterday I got over 13000 steps, (9552 aerobic steps in 84 minutes).

I also logged my activity with the President’s Challenge - http://www.presidentschallenge.org/index.aspx. It’s free, and like being able to track my progress that way.

I am trying to make sure that activity is becoming a habit and part of my lifestyle.

Best Wishes

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I do 30 minutes 2x daily brisk walking. Some days my drill sergeant friend takes me on a really brisk 4 mile walk.


During the winter I do the Wii Fit for 30-60 minutes M-F.


I do need to step up my workout routine, though. I have been slacking a bit on the intensity of my workout.

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I workout daily.


I do the treadmill 30-40 minutes 4-5 times per week. Sometimes I walk fast, sometimes I jog slowly, sometimes I walk slowly on an incline. I've been trying to vary how I do it.


The days I don't do the treadmill I do strength training, so 2-3 times per week. I don't enjoy this, but I've forced myself to add it in the last couple of months.


I also do Judo 2X per week (1 hour of a light teaching workout in the Juniors class, 1.5 hours of a moderate-heavy workout in the Seniors class).

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I am "off" Wednesdays and Sundays.


Monday - Jillian Michaels DVD - No More Trouble Zones = 50 minutes

Tuesday - Jillian Michaels DVD - Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism (only "half of this DVD as I just do each circuit once instead of twice) = about 25 - 30 minutes

Wednesday - off

Thursday - No More Trouble Zones = 50 minutes

Friday - "half" of Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism = 25 - 30 minutes

Saturday - No More Trouble Zones = 50 minutes

Sunday - off


I get up at 5:50 to exercise, then eat with my son, then shower/get ready during the hour (7:30 - 8:30) that he practices the piano. Can't do this on Wednesday b/c he has a piano lesson and doesn't practice that day so we start school at 7:30. Just too much to work in.


I did her 30-Day Shred first and then worked my way into these other DVDs. I love them b/c I don't have to leave the house, the weather is irrelevant, and little equipment is needed (just two 3-lb weights and a mat).

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I switch between treadmill, yoga and strength training.

Right now I am using Jillian's No More Trouble Zones for the strength training. The treadmill is a mix of couch to 5k and straight walking.

The yoga is for added flexibility and stress relief.


I haven't been as good as I would like to be about working out 6 days a week, but I am getting back on track. I really do feel better when I am consistent in my workouts.

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I do exercise DVDs, generally ones with a lot of weight-lifting, plyometrics and boot-camp type stuff (if I'm going to work out, I want to work out hard, to make it with the time), though I'll do dance DVDs now and then. I do Jillian Michaels' No More Trouble Zones and Jackie Warner's weight circuits DVD (Personal Training with Jackie) most often, and my favorite cardio one (even though, with all the plank exercises, it's not just cardio) is Jillian Michaels' Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.


Like a previous poster, 30 Day Shred was my gateway drug. Now I'm working on increasing my weights with these DVDs.


Oh, and I do pull-ups on weight-training days too. Those never show up in a DVD, but they're such a great exercise!

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I *love* working out!


I get up at 5 to get to the gym by 6. I do at least 1hr cardio, usually split up during my workout. Usually a combination of running, walking on an incline, running stairs, sprints and elliptical.


For weights, one day I'll work my shoulders, arms and back on the nautilus and free weights. The next day I'll work legs, back and abs.


When I can make it, I take a Pilates/yoga class.


Last spring I got a trainer who was excellent. It got very expensive, though, so I got my personal trainer certification and make up my own workouts. :)

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I jog (3-4 times a week -- I'm working on increasing my stamina). I take ballet. Over the summer I swam a lot, and I'm hoping to work out a situation where I can continue lap-swimming regularly. I have a bike, and ride.. um... occasionally. ;) And I do stretches and some basic calisthenics at night, when I'm watching tv. ;)

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My goal is to eventually exercise every day! I love reading how you all manage it, and the variety of workouts in here.


I need to lose about 50 pounds (I lost the baby weight but still have plenty of my own :glare:), but with a new baby and a hubby who is mostly traveling (and I have no family here and no babysitters), find it TOUGH to find a way. And when I do have a little bit of time, I'm finding I'd rather do other things. Yes, even laundry.


So I signed up for my town's first-ever 5K (Nov 20), downloaded Couch to 5K podcasts, and am bending over backwards to run around my backyard, which is about the size of a track, for 30 minutes at least every other day. (Don't report me! I go during the baby's nap and put the baby monitor on the back step.) And my 5-yo signed up for the Teeny K (2 1/2 times around the track), and she loves "training" with me when I do my running. So far, so good!


I love all your ideas too--I need to find a way to incorporate more exercise, particularly things indoors. I want my kids to grow up loving exercising and thinking of it as a natural part of the day.

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What I aim for:


running/walking 3 days a week, 3-4 miles each time

weight training twice a week



I'm training for a 5k in September.


I also own a lot of exercise videos. I love complicated step and hi/lo aerobics. And I use videos for weight training, mostly by The Firm and Cathe.


I also try to stay active other ways by taking walks, parking far away from stores, doing yard work, etc.

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Not daily, but I'm now on Day 3 of my diet and trying to get some exercise back into my life.


My usual forms of exercise tend to be:


Walking (treadmill, or at a track)


Walk Away The Pounds / Leslie Sansone DVD's- these are great if you are not graceful or coordinated like me haha


Playing games on my Wii Fit.


I am going to join a gym, though, with a friend. I've already been to look at it, need to go back next week for a free hour with a trainer and then start going more regularly from there.

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In April and May I did a fitness boot camp that kicked my butt. Over the summer, I've been speed walking 3-4 miles with a friend 3x/wk. On the off days, I walk with my boys, and we try to go hiking on the weekends. Dh & I are starting P90x on Saturday.

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Exercising consistently has always been a thorn in my side. I love walking as my choice of exercise but am at the mercy of the weather. For the last two weeks, though, I have been exercising with Wii Fit Plus every day. I haven't lost anything but I feel much better. I have much more stamina than I did before I started.

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The last time I exercised was when my oldest was a baby, and I did it up to six months. Since then, I have not found a reason to since everytime I had a baby, breastfeeding did the job of losing the weight for me. After 13 1/2 years of babies, although my weight is still the same, my middle was becoming too thick to my liking.


I read about Jillian Michaels on this board, and I started June 7,2010 with No More Trouble Zone 3-5 x a week. On July 18, 2010, I added Banish Fat, with the intention of alternating the two videos for six days. However, I got frustrated because my weight actually went up. My fault though, for I was eating heartily; I was insanely hungry during the day. On August 16, 2010, I started doing Banish Fat 5x a week, and No More Trouble Zone 3x a week. I promptly lost 3 lbs., and finally, I'm now a solid size where I was before.


The exercise routine right now is brutally hard for me, but I'm afraid to give up, since these two exercises reshaped by body. I lost 2 inches off my waist, 1 inch on my lower hips, , and for the first time ever, I lost an inch on my upper thigh, and my inner thighs have this space when I press my legs together. My arms are also toned, whereas before they were becoming thick and flabby.


Jillian Michaels works, but it's hard, hard, hard. The best thing about my starting exercising is husband started running again. I guess it rubbed off on him. For me, what started as a vain attempt to look good on clothes, turns into appreciating the feeling I get after, and my eating habits changed. I'm eating more fruits and vegetables, and eating less meat and carbs. I feel lighter, and I don't have to wear high waist pants anymore.

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