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Fiscal and Social Conservatives

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I'm curious how many people here consider themselves fiscal and social conservatives. I don't care what party you belong to. Who believes in small government, reduced spending, and traditional values and traditions?



I do!




"... traditional values refers to the standards and values which were embraced by most Americans from it’s earliest beginnings and throughout the majority of its history. It is believed by many, including myself, that these values were a great part of what made America a great and free nation — the absence of which, will likely result in the further decline of our country.

Traditional, historical American values have in the past, included a faith in God, prayer and the Bible, which has for a large part, been the foundation of other national traditions, such as: honor and respect for the family, diligent work ethics, absolute values of right and wrong, honesty in business practices, wholesomeness in leadership, respect toward authority, moderation rather than excess, marriage as a prerequisite before having sex or bearing children, a family which consists of both a father and mother, taking responsibility to provide for our own — such as one’s spouse, family and children, and so forth."

Edited by cdrumm4448
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I'm curious how many people here consider themselves fiscal and social conservatives. I don't care what party you belong to. Who believes in small government, reduced spending, and traditional values and traditions?






I believe in these things, to the extent that this "small" government isn't legislating the traditional values and traditions. Even though my life generally reflects those traditions, I don't believe the government has any business dictating them.


So I'm guessing maybe not.

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I believe in these things, to the extent that this "small" government isn't legislating the traditional values and traditions. Even though my life generally reflects those traditions, I don't believe the government has any business dictating them.


So I'm guessing maybe not.


:iagree: Well put! This is me too.


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I'm curious how many people here consider themselves fiscal and social conservatives. I don't care what party you belong to. Who believes in small government, reduced spending, and traditional values and traditions?



I do!




"... traditional values refers to the standards and values which were embraced by most Americans from it’s earliest beginnings and throughout the majority of its history. It is believed by many, including myself, that these values were a great part of what made America a great and free nation — the absence of which, will likely result in the further decline of our country.


Traditional, historical American values have in the past, included a faith in God, prayer and the Bible, which has for a large part, been the foundation of other national traditions, such as: honor and respect for the family, diligent work ethics, absolute values of right and wrong, honesty in business practices, wholesomeness in leadership, respect toward authority, moderation rather than excess, marriage as a prerequisite before having sex or bearing children, a family which consists of both a father and mother, taking responsibility to provide for our own — such as one’s spouse, family and children, and so forth."




:iagree: Ditto here with the entirety of the op's thread !!!!

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I believe in these things, to the extent that this "small" government isn't legislating the traditional values and traditions. Even though my life generally reflects those traditions, I don't believe the government has any business dictating them.


So I'm guessing maybe not.






So I "label" myself a fiscal, small-government conservative, but libertarian on social issues.

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I have always considered myself fiscally liberal and socially conservative. I believe in strong family and traditional values. However, I also believe that we are interdependent as a society and have an obligation to ensure that everyone has their basic needs met.

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I'm curious how many people here consider themselves fiscal and social conservatives. I don't care what party you belong to. Who believes in small government, reduced spending, and traditional values and traditions?



I do!




"... traditional values refers to the standards and values which were embraced by most Americans from it’s earliest beginnings and throughout the majority of its history. It is believed by many, including myself, that these values were a great part of what made America a great and free nation — the absence of which, will likely result in the further decline of our country.

Traditional, historical American values have in the past, included a faith in God, prayer and the Bible, which has for a large part, been the foundation of other national traditions, such as: honor and respect for the family, diligent work ethics, absolute values of right and wrong, honesty in business practices, wholesomeness in leadership, respect toward authority, moderation rather than excess, marriage as a prerequisite before having sex or bearing children, a family which consists of both a father and mother, taking responsibility to provide for our own — such as one’s spouse, family and children, and so forth."


:iagree: Presently I am not for either party but I am anti-incumbent. We don't need career politicians. We need real people who do a job and go home and back to their original job. Most of the current Congress - who I hold responsible for most of the current mess because most of them have been there the whole time - have been 'career' politicians who are so far out of touch with the common person they might as well be on the moon.

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Fiscal, yes. And I do want a smaller, more streamlined government. I am socially conservative in some ways but not in others. ie, I have old-fashioned ideas about appropriate behavior and apparel for kids (in fact I have very conservative ideas about that), but on the other hand I support marriage equality. So I guess socially I am a mix.


Traditional, historical American values have in the past, included a faith in God, prayer and the Bible, which has for a large part, been the foundation of other national traditions, such as: honor and respect for the family, diligent work ethics, absolute values of right and wrong, honesty in business practices, wholesomeness in leadership, respect toward authority, moderation rather than excess, marriage as a prerequisite before having sex or bearing children, a family which consists of both a father and mother, taking responsibility to provide for our own — such as one’s spouse, family and children, and so forth."


Some of these I agree with as fundamental ethics and responsibility. A strong work ethic, honesty, meeting our responsibilities, and taking care of those who depend on us are all basic to me. I would add empathy, compassion, respect for others, tolerance, and an open heart to the list. I'm not religious at all so anything regarding religious traditions, or guidelines for romantic relationships that are based on religious ideas, does not mean much to me.


I'm more of a libertarian, so I'm fiscally conservative but more socially liberal, as I support limited government in our personal lives, too.



Edited by laundrycrisis
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I don't align myself with any political party. I consider myself a conservative but not a rabid one. ;)


I would somewhat categorize myself as a conservative in most areas. But, there is a lot that figures into things. Generally I am all for smaller govt, not bigger.

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:iagree: Presently I am not for either party but I am anti-incumbent. We don't need career politicians. We need real people who do a job and go home and back to their original job. Most of the current Congress - who I hold responsible for most of the current mess because most of them have been there the whole time - have been 'career' politicians who are so far out of touch with the common person they might as well be on the moon.


Yes--career politicians are not a good thing.


The problems we face as a nation are huge, and I don't think politicians are necessarily the best and brightest people to solve them. Put them in any other industry, and many of them would not rise to the top (IMO.) And yet these are the people in charge of creating solutions? {insert shudder}

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I'm more of a libertarian, so I'm fiscally conservative but more socially liberal, as I support limited government in our personal lives, too.




I'm a libertarian. So, yes I want smaller government, but I want it everywhere...fiscally and socially. In my own life, I am quite traditional. Those are the choices I make for myself and my family. But, I don't feel the need for the government to make those choices for others, so that makes me socially liberal.

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Right here! I want smaller government. The federal government should have very little power! The last year or so I am moving more towards being a libertarian in regards to social issues. I used to be against legalizing drugs, gay marriage etc, but now I just don't care - I don't think the federal government should be telling anyone what to do - gay or straight. Marriage should be between people and their church/God - not the people and government. The more power the government has the less freedom the people have.

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I am "religious" and I agree with you!


I think I fit more in the moderate category.




Some of these I agree with as fundamental ethics and responsibility. A strong work ethic, honesty, meeting our responsibilities, and taking care of those who depend on us are all basic to me. I would add empathy, compassion, respect for others, tolerance, and an open heart to the list. I'm not religious at all so anything regarding religious traditions, or guidelines for romantic relationships that are based on religious ideas, does not mean much to me.





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Marriage should be between people and their church/God - not the people and government. The more power the government has the less freedom the people have.


:iagree: I do have some libertarian leanings. This is one of them.

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I believe in these things, to the extent that this "small" government isn't legislating the traditional values and traditions. Even though my life generally reflects those traditions, I don't believe the government has any business dictating them.



This reflects my views as well...


I'm for very limited federal government (if you take a look at the powers the constitution outlines for our federal government, there are actually very few) and I sincerely hope more states begin utilizing their 10th amendment rights to push back on the federal government's intrusion into state-owned issues. I do have some Libertarian leanings and I like the "Libertarian Constitutionalist" moniker that was suggested in this thread...!

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My children have been shocked and amazed to realize how much the government has encroached on our freedoms and our pocketbooks in the last 100 years.


We have many discussions about less government, but we also include it will only work if people want less services.

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Right here! I want smaller government. The federal government should have very little power! The last year or so I am moving more towards being a libertarian in regards to social issues. I used to be against legalizing drugs' date=' gay marriage etc, but [b']now I just don't care[/b] - I don't think the federal government should be telling anyone what to do - gay or straight. Marriage should be between people and their church/God - not the people and government. The more power the government has the less freedom the people have.


This is me too. More and more I'm becoming one of those "get off my lawn!" type of people.


I'd also like to see the IRS go away. Flat/Fair Tax is by far a better option that what we have now.

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This is me too. More and more I'm becoming one of those "get off my lawn!" type of people.


I'd also like to see the IRS go away. Flat/Fair Tax is by far a better option that what we have now.



Ditto on the IRS!!!!!!

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