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Introversion and Forum Participation

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I have a hypothesis. Those who are introverted do not hesitate participating on forums and cannot be distinguished from those who are extroverted. Yet, if we put a group of women from a thread into one room to talk about an issue we would see a big difference. Why? I'm thinking that those who are introverted don't always feel comfortable taking a turn in the conversation because conversations are erratic and it isn't always easy to know when to jump in. Forum posting, on the other hand, is methodical and it is easy to take a turn without taking someone else's turn. Okay, so am I way off base here or does this ring of at least a little truth?

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Yes.....but that's not really my main reason for not speaking in a group. That may be partly it, but not totally. When with people I don't know (or don't know extremely well), my mind goes blank when thinking of things to say. I cannot think of a topic to bring up.....and when they bring up a topic, I just say the shortest answers possible and do not elaborate. I'm not really sure why that is. I'm not afraid of what they'll think of me....I just don't know what it is. But yes, I can post on a forum just fine. I can talk, talk, talk on the internet....in fact, that's where my husband and I met.

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I dunno -- one of the descriptions of introverted/extroverted that I've always thought true is that extroverted people get energy from their interactions from people, whereas introverted people get energy from time alone. So interacting with people can actually tire an introvert out. Of course these are generalizations, but this is pretty true when comparing my dh and me. So on a board like this, it seems that interacting would still be tiring to an introvert -- they'd rather be "alone" (invisible, by not posting much).


That's my thought, but what do I know?! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm introverted and hate crowds. Being on this forum is like having all the excitement of being in a big group of people without the noise and confusion.


Plus, lots of times I need to think about an issue before I comment on it. My worst posts are those in which I shoot from the hip and post too quickly. In conversation, it's not possible to think about my reply for a while -- the conversation moves too quickly. Here we can always revisit topics.

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Well, I am an extreme extrovert. I am married to an extreme introvert and two of my children are introverts. I will tell you this. None of my introverts would even consider being on a forum like this. Especially my DH. My introverts don't talk to people they don't know unless they have to. They simply see no reason what so ever to have a conversation with a total stranger. Nope, my introverts think it's weird that I converse on a forum with people I've never met and can't imagine why I would care what they think. So, based on my personal experience, I sometimes wonder if there are any true introverts on here. At least not the kind that live in my house!


It is true that many introverts are exhausted from having to interact with people, even people they know. After a social event with our church family of three years, my DH is wiped out! He thinks it is an effort. Where as I think it is wonderful entertainment and fun!


My introverts do indeed have a terrible time coming up with the right words to say when in a face to face conversation, mind goes blank. They also hate being the center of attention, so would not want to interject into a conversation where many are participating since that would cause all eyes on them. What a nightmare! They are much better at one on one interactions.

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Originally Posted by MyCalling viewpost.gif

I'm an introvert and his theory holds true with me.;) I don't even call people on the phone, but I'll babble on in a forum or an email.

:iagree: I feel far more comfortable "talking" online than I ever do in face to face social situations, and I avoid calling people like the plague.

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Me too. I tell people the best way to communicate with me is by E-mail.


I do this too. My main form of communication with others, outside of the classroom, is email, text messages, and on this message board. Even friends I have known for years, I prefer to use text/email.

I talk a lot on this board, and I talk a lot in a classroom, but that is pretty much it. I don't like having "conversations" with people because I never know what to say next to keep a conversation going. Plus, eye contact makes me very uncomfortable. I can't even look my own parents in the face. I don't have to look at anyone on the board, and it's more like email than a conversation.

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Okay, so am I way off base here or does this ring of at least a little truth?


I once bought some whole milk milk powder for a chocolate-making participant on a cooking group. I got it in Canada, and stopped at a coffee shop in Seattle to give it to him. Online, he was eloquent, funny, talkative. In person he is an amazingly tall and skinny Scotsman who stammered with embarrassment and never made eye contact.


I think I read that Avoidant Personality Disorder people love the internet. I know that some people cannot deal with other people's faces. My mother, OTOH, hated the phone and would have hated the internet, because she was very dependent on "reading" a person's expression on their face.

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I dunno -- one of the descriptions of introverted/extroverted that I've always thought true is that extroverted people get energy from their interactions from people, whereas introverted people get energy from time alone. So interacting with people can actually tire an introvert out. Of course these are generalizations, but this is pretty true when comparing my dh and me. So on a board like this, it seems that interacting would still be tiring to an introvert -- they'd rather be "alone" (invisible, by not posting much).


That's my thought, but what do I know?! :tongue_smilie:


I think that introverts tend to reply to posts only when they feel they have something new or a different perspective to contribute. I do not find posting on the board to be tiring in the same way as interacting with groups of people. The noise, energy vibes, heat, and scent are all different. I do, however, find using the computer tires to my eyes.

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I'm introverted and hate crowds. Being on this forum is like having all the excitement of being in a big group of people without the noise and confusion.


Plus, lots of times I need to think about an issue before I comment on it. My worst posts are those in which I shoot from the hip and post too quickly. In conversation, it's not possible to think about my reply for a while -- the conversation moves too quickly. Here we can always revisit topics.


:iagree: I agree with a lot that has been said here. I also lurked for a LONG time before getting up the courage to post. And I'm on my time and schedule. No being put on the spot.

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Being around people wears me out, although not as much as it used to before I had a crowd of kids that I had to deal with daily. I am also deaf in one ear so that participating in crowds is hard because I can't hear what people say and the noise itself gets overwhelming. 20 years ago, I would have thought someone crazy for talking to strangers on the internet. Then I found myself trapped at home with a 5yo, 2yo, and newborn and craved any kind of adult interaction. That's when I discovered newsgroups. One thing led to another and ended up here. :)

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I agree also with most things said here.


I am an introvert, but nobody online can tell. I've always enjoyed building website communities and built one up to 14,000 happy members. Next project was keeping thousands of customers/members happy in my online store. Everyone thinks I'm a total extrovert, which isn't the case.


I got my personality tested and discovered I was introverted and learned that I get energy from being alone, which makes sense. It also said I love to help people, which would scare me to work one-on-one with people everyday, but I discovered I can do easily online. When I had my career, I eventually gravitated to work-at-home programming jobs. Now I just love what I do (homeschool).


I prefer to hang out in my mountain home, but I do enjoy meeting up with people every now and then. I talk like a normal person and truly enjoy it. I can only handle so much though and I don't get energized by it. I hate talking on phones with a passion, wish I could get by without phones and cellphones.

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I'm thinking that those who are introverted don't always feel comfortable taking a turn in the conversation because conversations are erratic and it isn't always easy to know when to jump in.


Doesn't ring true for me at all. I have no problems understanding the give and take of a conversation. I can speak more easily on forums because I have time to reply and edit what I've said. I have a tendency to sound stupid in conversations because I say the first thing off the top of my head. Also, my participation in the conversation can be interpreted as me trying to dominate the talk. I have an anecdote for just about everything and I know it comes across as I think my side of the conversation is more important. But actually my reaction is the opposite. I'm always trying to let the person know I am listening and understanding by relating my own experience to theirs. I've gotten better as I've gotten older, but I must confess I'm at the point where I just don't talk with people anymore. I'm just too self-conscious. If it wasn't for this board, I'd have very little contact with others outside my immediate family. :tongue_smilie:

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I am an introvert. If I didn't have kids I would happily be home with just my husband. I like this discussion group because I can take or leave whatever I choose. If I am in a group, I tend to not want to insult the other person or seem rude and will listen to people twaddle on and on, but on a message board I can engage as much as I want. For me, I am a physical introvert...I like to be alone, and get energy from being by myself, but I do like to mentally engage with other people so online is great.


That being said, 3 of my 4 kids are major extroverts (and I suspect the littlest will be once she gets over her little fear phase) so I find groups of people I am comfortable with so they can have friends.

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Doesn't ring true for me at all. I have no problems understanding the give and take of a conversation. I can speak more easily on forums because I have time to reply and edit what I've said. I have a tendency to sound stupid in conversations because I say the first thing off the top of my head. Also, my participation in the conversation can be interpreted as me trying to dominate the talk. I have an anecdote for just about everything and I know it comes across as I think my side of the conversation is more important. But actually my reaction is the opposite. I'm always trying to let the person know I am listening and understanding by relating my own experience to theirs. I've gotten better as I've gotten older, but I must confess I'm at the point where I just don't talk with people anymore. I'm just too self-conscious. If it wasn't for this board, I'd have very little contact with others outside my immediate family. :tongue_smilie:


This is so interesting! All these things aply to me and I'm an extreme extrovert. Maybe the difference is that I don't care if I sound stupid? I don't know, but I've got ADD and I usually talk before I think. When I do say the first thing off my head and it doesn't come out right (which is often), it doesn't bother me in the least and wouldn't stop me from jumping right in again and saying another dumb thing. I just can't help myself! I love to talk to anybody about anything! LOL!

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Yes.....but that's not really my main reason for not speaking in a group. That may be partly it, but not totally. When with people I don't know (or don't know extremely well), my mind goes blank when thinking of things to say. I cannot think of a topic to bring up.....and when they bring up a topic, I just say the shortest answers possible and do not elaborate. I'm not really sure why that is. I'm not afraid of what they'll think of me....I just don't know what it is. But yes, I can post on a forum just fine. I can talk, talk, talk on the internet....



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I'm introverted and hate crowds. Being on this forum is like having all the excitement of being in a big group of people without the noise and confusion.


Plus, lots of times I need to think about an issue before I comment on it. My worst posts are those in which I shoot from the hip and post too quickly. In conversation, it's not possible to think about my reply for a while -- the conversation moves too quickly. Here we can always revisit topics.




Me, too, for all of the above.

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This is so interesting! All these things aply to me and I'm an extreme extrovert. Maybe the difference is that I don't care if I sound stupid? I don't know, but I've got ADD and I usually talk before I think. When I do say the first thing off my head and it doesn't come out right (which is often), it doesn't bother me in the least and wouldn't stop me from jumping right in again and saying another dumb thing. I just can't help myself! I love to talk to anybody about anything! LOL!


Oh my goodness, I am always worrying about what others think about me, what I'm wearing, how my hair looks, the shoes I wear, the things I say, the way I drive, the foods I put into my cart at the grocery store. Oh it goes on and on. They tell me I'm bipolar (my manic is extreme irritability), ADD and OCD (thoughts, not physical behaviors). I'm wondering about Aspergers too, since my son has been diagnosed. Basically I'm a social mess. :tongue_smilie:

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Yes, I'd say this is the case for myself--and I'm an introvert. I also like that when a question is asked, the replies tend to stay on topic. I learn about many different perspectives in a short amount of time. In a real-life conversation with homeschool moms, and I'm guilty of this myself, things go many directions and often the original question is left behind. It isn't socially acceptable to insist that someone get back on topic, even though there are times I'd love to ask! I can get more results-oriented information in 5 minutes here than I could in 5 hours talking in person with a group of other moms.

Edited by homeschoolally
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I guess it could be true for some. I'm introverted and talk more than I post. I post often, but usually very short replies as I feel I don't always come across the way I would like in this mode.


People are surprised when I tell them I'm introverted. I can be the "life of the party"; it just takes me a week to recover afterward. :001_smile:

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I think I'm introverted and it took months for me to stop lurking, then months before I posted an avatar (just this week). I know, I could have posted anything for an avatar. I write and write and write in a journal but still feel very shy on the forum. I try to keep most of what I say very brief and keep telling myself I need to get it out there.

I feel I'm a thread killer, I don't like getting into the threads that are controversial, and as unsinkable once posted: "do you feel like you are on everyone's ignore list?" That's me also.

I think it has gotten worse in person because I moved from an area I had lived in almost my whole life to this place.

Or maybe I'm suffering from something else. :001_huh::lol:

On the other hand, someone told me recently that I have an east coast attitude. Insult, observation, or compliment? I talk too fast (huh uh!); cut people off (maybe they talk too slow); and have an attitude. HUH?

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I'm introverted. My main reason for preferring a forum verses face to face conversation is that I like to think about what I'm going to say.




I can sit an ponder a response or an email and delete or rewrite until I get it the way I want. With a conversation it is back and forth, and I find I can never seem to get the point across of what I want to say. It's frustrating and I usually seem to come across as rude or stuck up because of my brief one sentence answers.

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I think I'm introverted and it took months for me to stop lurking, then months before I posted an avatar (just this week). I know, I could have posted anything for an avatar. I write and write and write in a journal but still feel very shy on the forum. I try to keep most of what I say very brief and keep telling myself I need to get it out there.

I feel I'm a thread killer, I don't like getting into the threads that are controversial, and as unsinkable once posted: "do you feel like you are on everyone's ignore list?" That's me also.

I think it has gotten worse in person because I moved from an area I had lived in almost my whole life to this place.

Or maybe I'm suffering from something else. :001_huh::lol:

On the other hand, someone told me recently that I have an east coast attitude. Insult, observation, or compliment? I talk too fast (huh uh!); cut people off (maybe they talk too slow); and have an attitude. HUH?


Yeah I feel like a thread killer, too. Or maybe I just come into the conversation too late (when everyone else is done talking)


Someone's gotta be the thread-killer right? ;)

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Guest Cindie2dds
I'm introverted and hate crowds. Being on this forum is like having all the excitement of being in a big group of people without the noise and confusion.


Plus, lots of times I need to think about an issue before I comment on it. My worst posts are those in which I shoot from the hip and post too quickly. In conversation, it's not possible to think about my reply for a while -- the conversation moves too quickly. Here we can always revisit topics.


This is me! I can pull away here if I need to. I get overwhelmed easily.


The ironic thing is I am in a very social job which requires me to talk to people! I usually hide in my hotel room afterward. :lol:

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I have enjoyed all the comments. I am extroverted and enjoy phone and face to face conversations. But you know what...I really don't like posting on forums like this or chats. I don't spell well and don't feel I write well either. It seems I can get my words out better vocally than written. Maybe if I had had a better education I would feel more confident...but probably not.:glare:


There seems to be many different feelings about forum chat. It's very interesting.



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I'm very introverted and very eccentric. However, I love to write. I've been published twice in very obscure publications ;) and I've written a novel. I plan to write full-time when my kids are grown. This probably explains why I post so much.

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I absolutely think you're right!


I just wanted to post my opinion before I change my mind by other responses. ;) You'll probably hear from me again.


This is very interesting! Thanks for posting this! Just today I was thinking how I wish a group of us could get together, but how different would it be in person? I'm pretty outgoing but know there are many, many introverts here. But I love their personalities!!!

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This is so interesting! All these things aply to me and I'm an extreme extrovert. Maybe the difference is that I don't care if I sound stupid? I don't know, but I've got ADD and I usually talk before I think. When I do say the first thing off my head and it doesn't come out right (which is often), it doesn't bother me in the least and wouldn't stop me from jumping right in again and saying another dumb thing. I just can't help myself! I love to talk to anybody about anything! LOL!


:iagree: This is SO me. One blessing that came from my head injury is that I rarely care about what someone thinks about me. I say more stupid things now, and I have issues with word recall. Sometimes even typing here I can't come up with just the right word and I'll think about it for a few minutes and then just throw in a substitute word. It may not make sense, but I won't get this :001_huh: like I do in person. AND, if I do feel bad about something stupid I said, I usually forget it a few days later. I've talked about this side of my injury being a blessing.


And, Katemary, my dh is also an extreme introvert. He's become much more like me in our married life and has learned to like social environments. I've also become more like him and am finding I like to be alone a lot more these days. This, though, does cause me some concern and I just may start a thread about it one day. ;) Or maybe I have, I just don't remember.:tongue_smilie:

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I'm introverted and enjoy this forum because I can choose my conversations and my level of participation.


I can skip right over threads that make me want to rip my eyeballs out and stuff them into my ears. Unfortunately, I cannot engage in the above behavior when in a real social setting. :D

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Oh my goodness, I am always worrying about what others think about me, what I'm wearing, how my hair looks, the shoes I wear, the things I say, the way I drive, the foods I put into my cart at the grocery store. Oh it goes on and on. They tell me I'm bipolar (my manic is extreme irritability), ADD and OCD (thoughts, not physical behaviors). I'm wondering about Aspergers too, since my son has been diagnosed. Basically I'm a social mess. :tongue_smilie:


This IS fascinating to me b/c prior to reading your post, you were ABSOLUTELY to me the 'cool' girl in high school who would never have ANYTHING to do with me. Of course, you may still not want to have anything to do with me, but that's another thread.;)


Yeah I feel like a thread killer, too. Or maybe I just come into the conversation too late (when everyone else is done talking)


Someone's gotta be the thread-killer right? ;)


Yes, and it's me. fdh.jpg By the time I get to a thread, it is already DEAD.:lol::lol: Just watch!;)

I absolutely think you're right!


I just wanted to post my opinion before I change my mind by other responses. ;) You'll probably hear from me again.


This is very interesting! Thanks for posting this! Just today I was thinking how I wish a group of us could get together, but how different would it be in person? I'm pretty outgoing but know there are many, many introverts here. But I love their personalities!!!


It IS very interesting to meet folks from an online community in person. I met quite a few of the women here when they were at the NoVa conference, and my family spent a few days with Danybug and her family last September when we were all vacationing in OBX -- and we had only 'met' online literally two days before we left for vacation. It was alot of fun, and I would love to visit her after the baby arrives as she lives near family of mine.

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I feel far more comfortable "talking" online than I ever do in face to face social situations, and I avoid calling people like the plague.


This is definitely me. I almost never answer the phone unless I am fully prepared for a conversation. I can manage social situations and I don't even stammer in public, but my writing is always much clearer than my speaking.


If I was an extrovert, I imagine I would have double the post count though. I'm prone to typing out a huge response to threads (or facebook posts or what have you), and then clicking the red 'x' instead of submitting my response. I still second guess my participation, even in a forum setting.

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I am introverted because I recharge by being alone and quiet, not because I can't participate in a social situaiton. I am not a party person- I do not socialise well at general, large functions, especially where the conversation stays fairly superficial- but I am fine at having a voice in a group of women having a reasonable conversation. Which is how I see these boards.

It is however highly possible that the last 6 or 7 years I have been visiting these boards, have contributed to the fact that I have found my voice even more, and am much more able to express myself that I used to be.

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I'm an introvert and his theory holds true with me.;) I don't even call people on the phone, but I'll babble on in a forum or an email.


Yeah, me too. Written communication is on my schedule. I can pick it up and put it down whenever it is convenient. I can post a reply and wander off to hang washing while I wait for someone to get around to typing a response. Not to mention that I don't stutter in writing and there is a very handy "edit" option I don't get to use IRL. And I can avoid boring people online, which can be harder to do IRL. Oh, the woman at playgroup the other day. ARGH! I almost died of boredom just listening to her for ten minutes. And the nice thing about online communities is they don't carry their preconceived ideas of who you are like your relatives do...


Just today I was thinking how I wish a group of us could get together, but how different would it be in person? I


I think the religious divide would, uh, divide IRL. :)




Edited by Rosie_0801
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Oh my goodness, I am always worrying about what others think about me, what I'm wearing, how my hair looks, the shoes I wear, the things I say, the way I drive, the foods I put into my cart at the grocery store. Oh it goes on and on. They tell me I'm bipolar (my manic is extreme irritability), ADD and OCD (thoughts, not physical behaviors). I'm wondering about Aspergers too, since my son has been diagnosed. Basically I'm a social mess. :tongue_smilie:



Well your profile pic looks fine, if that helps. But your old profile pic looked good too. You can stop worrying, you look fine in both photo and cartoon form. :lol:




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I'm able to participate in social situations. I prefer not to.


Generally I'm good IRL with one close friend, possibly two. But life has become a catch-22. I don't need to look very hard for an IRL friend because I have all the adults on this forum to speak to. Yet, I would like to find a person to connect with IRL. These forums are great, but there are some things one does not particularly put on the internet.

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I dunno -- one of the descriptions of introverted/extroverted that I've always thought true is that extroverted people get energy from their interactions from people, whereas introverted people get energy from time alone. So interacting with people can actually tire an introvert out. Of course these are generalizations, but this is pretty true when comparing my dh and me. So on a board like this, it seems that interacting would still be tiring to an introvert -- they'd rather be "alone" (invisible, by not posting much).



I much prefer the online format to large in person gatherings, and I don't feel intimidated or awkward posting the way that I sometimes can feel when trying to participate in a large group discussion.


But I still find online posting to tire me out. If I have a big posting day, especially if I participate in a debate, it takes a few days - sometimes even a week - before I feel like posting again. And I do experience social anxiety wrt online forums as well - sometimes I have trouble reading responses to my posts, especially on contentious topics. I think the asynchronous nature of forum posting makes it worse for me, actually - I have too much time to think about what people might possibly say, whereas in person, once I get the gumption to say something, the response generally occurs right then, before I have a chance to overthink it.

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I absolutely think you're right!


....But I love their personalities!!!



Really? That is neat. I find it so difficult, very few people seem to know to relate to me, or get me, and I understand that, most people can't. Even on these forums, I do not seem to draw people wanting to respond to me, or to my posts.

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I find it so difficult, very few people seem to know to relate to me, or get me, and I understand that, most people can't. Even on these forums, I do not seem to draw people wanting to respond to me, or to my posts.

Me, too. IRL, I always feel so different than the women around me - even other homeschool moms in my church.


This is definitely me. I almost never answer the phone unless I am fully prepared for a conversation. I can manage social situations and I don't even stammer in public, but my writing is always much clearer than my speaking.


If I was an extrovert, I imagine I would have double the post count though. I'm prone to typing out a huge response to threads (or facebook posts or what have you), and then clicking the red 'x' instead of submitting my response. I still second guess my participation, even in a forum setting.


True again for me! I also agree with someone else who said that introverts wait until having something new/extra before posting. I'm always willing to post on straightforward questions, but since DS is just beginning K, I don't have a lot to offer!


I am an introvert married to an introvert (who is slightly more socially capable than I), and DS is very much an extrovert :tongue_smilie:. We're living in a small town that is notoriously difficult to break into, for DS's sake, we keep trying. He has one good friend he sees regularly, and we hope he'll be playing soccer this fall. Several people have responded to our, "We're homeschooling," with, "But he's so social..." :001_huh:


In groups, I've always been more of an observer - this is true even on forums and Facebook. Yet this forum has been a breath of fresh air. I would never be able to develop this type of network for such practical support IRL.

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There have many different responses that ring true with me. I seldom talk on the phone (hate it, really) and prefer to e-mail or sms. In a lot of ways I don't think posting on a forum is conversing, so much as formulating ones thoughts about a topic and expressing them in writing. Many posts don't get "listened to" in any real sense - no one comments or if anyone does, you have the choice of taking the conversation further or not. Pretty often I write a post then delete it rather than it send!


As to the energy thing, as an introvert I find being with people for any length of time really exhausting. You know the overtired child who can't sleep? That's me if I'm out with people at night for any length of time. On the other hand, just because I don't seek out people to spend time with, doesn't mean I don't enjoy human interaction. Perhaps I'm not the only introvert who really values the "hello how are you" type of interactions with familiar store owners etc. The forum sort of falls into this category. It's nice to know other people are out there when I want them to be, but I can come and go as I please with no demands placed on me.



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These forums are great, but there are some things one does not particularly put on the internet.




I was shutting down the page when I caught sight of this post and I had to open up again to comment:


Really? While personally I agree with you 100%, the things I read on this forum sometimes would have you wonder if some people think anything is out of bounds!


I always wonder how SWB feels about spending her hard earned cash keeping a forum running so people can discuss "tea" or "the girls" or whatever the preferred euphemysm for the latest TMI topic is.



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I I do not find posting on the board to be tiring in the same way as interacting with groups of people. The noise, energy vibes, heat, and scent are all different.
Definitely. When I'm online it's not that much different from being alone: it's quiet, on my schedule, I can choose how to use my online time, there's nothing randomly coming at me that I must react to, there are no unfamiliar smells/sounds/sights.


I find social gatherings of more than just a few people e-x-h-a-u-s-t-i-n-g. It makes my head buzz, and after a while it's all I can do to say focused enough to not do something stupid or extremely rude. By then I've left all hope of saying something worth listening to far, far behind. So I just shut up and focus on surviving--i.e. reacting appropriately to others' speech, smiling at the right times, etc--until I can LEAVE.


Online conversation is nothing like that.


I think the religious divide would, uh, divide IRL. :)
Yup, though when it comes to religious matters I've had lots of practice in just saying nothing.
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I dunno -- one of the descriptions of introverted/extroverted that I've always thought true is that extroverted people get energy from their interactions from people, whereas introverted people get energy from time alone. So interacting with people can actually tire an introvert out. Of course these are generalizations, but this is pretty true when comparing my dh and me. So on a board like this, it seems that interacting would still be tiring to an introvert -- they'd rather be "alone" (invisible, by not posting much).


That's my thought, but what do I know?! :tongue_smilie:


That's my thought, too. I am introverted/melancholy with some supine thrown in (meaning I need to know that I am invited into something) and even with anonymity, am always hesitant to post because I know I won't have the energy to follow-up with more posts. This is why I rarely start a thread because I know it will require energy to keep up with it.


But reading what you all think...could do that way more than I probably should (I do have to do laundry and weed the garden, right?)...:tongue_smilie:

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