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If your kids were raised and money was no object....

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What would your dream job be?


Don't worry about location or any other practical considerations. :001_smile:



Mine would be a researcher in a science field. Zoology, botany, oceanography, chemistry.......something.



I also think it would be neat to be a writer. But, the thought of pressured creativity stresses me out. Which, takes away some of the "dream" factor.

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Not sure, but being a foreign missionary or a missionary/teacher in Appalachia has always intrigued me. I'm not a big believer in school anymore, tho! I mean school other than homeschooling. But you know, I see it differently for disadvantaged kids in Africa or Appalachia (and I don't think I'm spelling that correctly--maybe teaching isn't a good idea.)

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back into the UCLA Film Archives and resume messing around with decaying nitrate film, comparing existing negatives and prints, repairing spocket holes and removing rotten bits, selecting the best of what remains for cleaning and re-editing into a restored film.


And I'd want to be in charge of running a festival of the best old films (mostly silents, knowing me) at area old movie palaces. hey, wait a minute - the AFI did do that years ago (decades ago!!!!!) it was called the Best Remaing Seats (I think) and included director King Vidor presenting The Big Parade at a theater in downtown LA, also Lillian Gish presented The Wind at the Wiltern Theater (Gaylord Carter was on the organ!)....and the two-strip technicolor The Black Pirate was shown in Pasadena...need I add, I was there. Fun times! :D


The same summer a local old movie house (The Vagabond - on Wilshire) ran a festival of silent film comedies. I drove up from OC weekly to reveal in Chaplin, Lloyd, Keaton, Langdon - this was pre-vcr days, folks, and if it wasn't shown in a movie theater you did not see a silent film! Best summer of my life!


OK, digression over. I want to run a silent film festival and restore silent films.

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I don't think I want a job or career as such...I could go to uni and do literature and classics, just for fun, since homeschooling has whet my appetite for such things.


And I have a yearning to be a writer but I am too lazy, I think.


I just like being a kept woman, doin' what I'm doin'.

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No dream job for me either. I hope to live close enough to my grandchildren (God willing that I have grandchildren) and spend every possible moment with them.


I'd spend my money on the things I love and want like a super new cool laptop, better vehicle, lots of video games, and eating out because I hate cooking. :)

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I'd love to live in a coastal town and own a bookstore that doubled as a learning/discovery center.


I'd love to be a wildlife photographer.


I'd love to travel through missions and make a difference but I'd also love to be a part of a continuous community and have my own little place in the world.


I'd love to live in Europe for a year and explore that region with all the knowledge that I gained from teaching my children for 18+ years.


Maybe it's all possible, but I'm not holding my breath. I'll probably end up owning a bookstore with a side room for activities/meetings, be an amateur photographer and go on 1 short mission abroad a year while volunteering in my community the rest of the year. That would be great too. ;)

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I'd love to travel with teen-agers who couldn't normally aford to go anywhere. I love working with teens and teaching high school and I love to travel. So, I think that would be my dream job.


Oh, and of course, I'd also love to star in a Broadway musical (I know you said money is no object, but you didn't say anything about talent. Can we waive that requirement too?)


And, I'd love to take college classes just because I'm interested. I love going to school.

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house parents for home for unwed mothers


take classes at university and seminary


own a coffeehouse bookstore that caters to families, offering classes and book groups, Bible studies, etc.


or just volunteer - at our church, at the hospital/nursing home, at the zoo, at an animal shelter --- all of them!



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Yeah, not sure a typical "job" would work for me either, and it is hard to guess what it would be like- my Dude always says, "If things were different, then they would be different." Just dreaming and guessing though......


My means of transportation would be a motorcycle or scooter. My Dude and I would ride up and down the coast highway just for fun. We would retire and live near the coast- in the redwoods, or on the Oregon coast. The children will have great jobs, and great relationships, and bring me lots of grandbabies to kiss and cuddle.


I would do art every day, and not necessarily to sell, but it would be so wonderful that everyone would want to buy it and I would have plenty of money just by selling a few pieces a year.


I would take art and art history classes. I would volunteer to hold babies at the hospital, and have art auctions to support my local food bank.


I have thought in the past that owning a restaurant or a b & b would be fun, too. But it sounds like too much work in reality.


That is all I can come up with at the moment. I need to get of here and get on with the real life, lol. But it was fun to think about.

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I'd have a really cute and relaxing baked goods/coffee shop in a beautiful location where I could bake all my favorites. And ... of course in my dream, it would be successful and worry free and I wouldn't gain a pound. That's a 180 turn from my degree in physical therapy, but you did say dream job.

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Dh and I both have this dream. Kind of a foster home type thing. I have read about George Mueller and I'd like to do something like that. Horses, farm work, great outdoors and Christ as the center. That would be my dream...if I needed any further education for it, I'd do it. I can't think of any other job I'd love more than that.



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Right now? At this stage in my life? I would want to spend most of my time training horses and studying Behavioral and Comparative Psychology. (Those things are almost one and the same, hee hee. Clinton Anderson's horse training methods, which I use as my home study horse training curriculum, fall in line almost exactly with Classical and Operant Conditioning.)


So, I guess I CAN say that I actually use my college degree! LOL. But I'd want to study those topics more in-depth.


And I'd do fiber arts on the side. :001_smile: Before my hands get too knarly to knit.

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I just love working with houses. I love going in and seeing all the different styles/floorplans/areas. I worked in real estate in Beaufort, SC for 3 years and it was wonderful!!


Maybe a stager? Maybe some form of decorating? Maybe just be rich and buy a bunch and sleep in a new one every night!!

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Dh and I were talking about this last night as we watched AI. I would love to go to Africa and help those poor children.


A few years ago, my sociology class had a guest speaker from Doctors Without Boarders. Her videos, pictures and story were amazing. I would love to do that. I'd actually like to take my children to Jamaica today, live there for a year building houses and helping the poor.


A nice beach house on an Island sounds nice too. ;)

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I wanna be a rockstar! :D Seriously- if it's just a "local" thang. I LOVE music, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the electric guitar. I love writing songs (just lyrics right now- I do plan to learn more about writing music though). I LOVE listening to the lyrics of songs (and I'm a metal head), and that's funny cause DH just hears the music, not necessarily the words.

It may be way cheesey, but I don't care.

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I'm definitely in the "travel and take classes for fun" camp! I'd go back to England for a longer stay and then see more of Europe. I'd like to own my own French Horn and take lessons to see if I could get some skill back and then play in a community orchestra. I hope to live near a few grandchildren or other extended family and be able to homeschool the next generation the way Jessie Wise is her grandchildren. And I'd go to the symphony or museum whenever I liked. :)



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Or, an around-the-world traveler. (Ok, I know that's not a job, but it's something I would love to do.)


:iagree: And I just posted this. You *could* get paid if you had your own travel show. :) Or make DVDs on travel.




LOL! Well, I don't think you saw my post about 'which play were you in' -- I hated, hated, hated performing/being on stage. I imagine doing my own travel show would be similar. Maybe we could trek the world together -- you could be the talent in front of the camera & I could be the one running the camera? :laugh:

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If money were no object, I'd be a historical costumer. History, research, travel, sewing, shopping...it's the best combination of a few of my favorite things. I'd specialize in Renaissance costuming, of course, and probably focus on various places in Italy because they had some of the most amazing fashions!


In my spare time (ha!) I'd take classes in history, art history, and various languages.

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I don't think I want a job or career as such...I could go to uni and do literature and classics, just for fun, since homeschooling has whet my appetite for such things.


And I have a yearning to be a writer but I am too lazy, I think.


I just like being a kept woman, doin' what I'm doin'.


:D LOL I'm with you! I'm sure I'd dabble in this and that...for a while. ;)


Mostly I think I'd like to make art and teach myself a number of interesting crafts, skills, and cuisines. Perhaps I'll home school a mess of grandchildren. :)

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What first came to mind (since it's been hailing here!) is to build or buy a beautiful resort in a beautiful tropical location on the ocean somewhere. I would teach meditation and yoga to the resort guests and serve healthy & delicious food.


I also would like to be a science writer. I would like to review professional journals and share with the public (in plain English) new scientific discoveries and advances in medicine.


But mostly, I have my dream job right now. Homeschooling my son, listening to him playing his violin beautifully, and struggling through difficult Latin translations right along with him. When he decides he doesn't want to homeschool anymore, I'll teach more yoga classes and further my education in the sciences.



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