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s/o: Do you drink iced coffee?

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Guest janainaz

I like McDonald's iced-coffee (just regular with cream and a bit of sugar). I was given one by mistake, and realized how much I liked it.


Sometimes in the afternoon I'll make iced-coffee with my left over morning coffee. In 115 degree AZ heat, hot coffee is repulsive to me.

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My dh makes the BEST ice coffee! I can't figure out what he puts in it (he swears there is nothing but half and half and a tiny bit of sugar but if you tried it, you would know otherwise). Hot coffee in the morning (just one) and a glass of ice coffee in the afternoon. I spend most afternoons just WISHING that dh would come home from work and whip up one of his yummy drinks but mostly, I just add a bit of milk and dream about better days :D

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Funny you should ask because that is why I started the other coffee poll. I do drink hot coffee in hot weather but I don't really enjoy it much. I would prefer to drink blended coffee. But, if I make a fresh pot it is hot and takes a while to cool down before I can make blended coffee with it. Even putting the hot coffee in the freezer still takes 30 minutes to cool down.


I often eyeball the left over coffee and want to just use that for my iced coffee. But then I reconsider and make it the long way or just drink it hot.

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Yes, but I do not drink yesterday's coffee (Maybe if it were brewed and put into a container for refrigeration, it would taste okay. If it sits a long time on the coffeemaker's hot plate though, it gets yucky.)


I'd just make strong coffee and ice it down if I wanted it cold--same as for iced tea.

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I like iced coffee better than hot coffee overall, although when it's cold out, hot beverages work better for me. I actually like McDonald's iced coffee better than the Coffee shop versions.


However, during the summer, I tend to go to carbonated water (I have a home carbonator) with various flavors added-and I discovered that Starbucks would sell their flavor syrups directly (and fairly inexpensively, compared to grocery store coffee syrups).

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I like hot coffee in the morning and at bedtime (it's decaf). During the day, I like iced coffee. I use my Keurig. Hazelnut is my current favorite. Sometimes I make iced coffee in a Magic Bullet mug, then add some fat-free half & half and a splash of caramel syrup, more ice, and blend it to make a frappuccino. Mmm.



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I drink iced coffee even when it is cold out. I do use the leftover coffee when dh is done with the pot, but I don't usually let it sit on the hot plate very long. I agree that makes it taste funky. As soon as dh has gotten his coffee I put the rest in the fridge to chill. I use it later in the afternoon or the next morning with flavored creamer. I think I'll go make one now. :D

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I don't like HOT anything. Warm to warmer is fine, but food or drinks, I just don't like them steaming hot.


When I make coffee, I pour my first cup and then turn off the burner. I usaually let that cool closer to just warmer than room temp. Eventually the pot is cool enough and I put it in the fridge usually, or come back to it later that day and pour over ice. Usally I'll make a big pot, just for me, so I've got about two days worth for iced coffee.


My mother is a fairly anal about cleaning up breakfast. If I let go of my coffee cup, which can be more than half full, but I'm letting it cool, it's gone! "Well you were finished with it." "But it was half full." "Well we were finished drinking coffee, and it would have been cold so I threw it out for you. There's more hot coffee in the pot." :glare: I've learned to take it with me. Post it's also work.


But I don't make coffee every day. Actually lately I make it rarely at home. Some weeks I make be at Starbucks everyday. Some weeks not at all and none at home. It often depends on my half and half suppy at home! Usually it's just easier to go to Starbucks. And if it's cold outside, I'll get hot coffee. But I let it cool for a long time!

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Yum!! My dh loves it. We actually cold brew our coffee b/c it produces a vastly superior product for iced coffee than hot brewed coffee chilled (in our opinion). You can also make hot coffee w/ it, which we think tastes better than hot brewed coffee. If you are an iced coffee fan you should look into cold brewing...yummy!!

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I make it at home and carry it in a mason jar with a straw. I look silly sitting at the park with my mason jar of iced coffee, but ooooohhhhh it is so good ;). If I buy it, I do not buy it as iced though... I always buy a $1 coffee and get a free:) cup of ice. I add lots of milk and sugar then pour it over the ice... Lasts much longer than the $2-3 cup of iced coffee...

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How do you cold brew?

Yum!! My dh loves it. We actually cold brew our coffee b/c it produces a vastly superior product for iced coffee than hot brewed coffee chilled (in our opinion). You can also make hot coffee w/ it, which we think tastes better than hot brewed coffee. If you are an iced coffee fan you should look into cold brewing...yummy!!
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How do you cold brew?


We use this http://www.toddycafe.com/ There may be other ways, but it does take 12 hours (which seems long, but we do a bag of coffee 1x per week, start it at night and it is ready by morning. We keep the coffee in the fridge and heat up water when we want a cup). Here's what I love: I can taste the acidity and almost a burnt flavor w/ hot brewed coffee, cold brew does not have that at all. It is really smooth. The product of cold brew coffee is very concentrated, so you end up with a carafe of coffee that you can adjust the strength on. I like a pretty weak coffee w/ not a lot of caffeine, so I put very little of the concentrate in my cup, add cream and hot water and try to find a quiet place where nobody will find me!! LOL Dh likes his stronger, so he makes his to his liking. I also love that I can have a truly fresh cup anytime, rather than something I made earlier in the day heated up. And the versatility of hot or cold coffee anytime! Can you tell I'm a fan? :)

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I am currently drinking a venti nonfat iced mocha no whip from starbucks, lol....


darn starbucks is right around the corner....i stash cash for my daily cup, lol! Even though I have a perfectly good Keurig here...Starbucks just keeps calling my name!



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In order to enjoy that cup in the morning when I need it most, would I need to brew a pot the previous night, let it cool and put some ice and cream into it to serve it in the morning? Someone mentioned "cold-brewing". How is it done?


I don't think I would be able to wait until a freshly brewed pot cooled sufficiently.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I prefer iced coffee and hot tea but since moving the US I've become fond of (sweetened) ice tea and drink more hot coffee.


I love it best when it's not just iced but icy. Like .. you really need a spoon. :D

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I have a system down now. (yeah, I have a system for pretty much everything in my life) I brew enough in the morning for two cups of coffee. The first is a nice hot mug of fresh coffee in the morning and then an iced coffee in the afternoon during the summer months. I make my iced with 3/4 coffee and 1/4 almond milk. Every once in a while, I'll splurge and mix in some caramel or chocolate. Mmm...yum...haven't had it yet today. :cheers2: Pretend those little guys are holding coffee.

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For those asking about cold brewing....


I was doing a google search the other day about making iced coffee. Many of the recipes online were cold brewed. So, do a quick google search. For example, here's just one recipe. Many of the recipes I saw earlier this week mentioned doing cold brewing in a French press. :001_smile:

French Press cold brewed coffee

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This may have already been mentioned, but have you tried coffee poured over vanilla ice cream? I got a hankering for it after reading "Reading Lolita in Tehran" and it's really yummy!


I do drink iced coffee, too.


I'll take my coffee in a box, with a fox... :)

Edited by Gooblink
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When we lived in the Middle East, I could note the change of seasons by my coffee habits before I really noticed the weather changing. Winter - latte's. Summer - nothing less than a frappe with ice crystals could get me outdoors. When I shifted to iced latte - ah, the seasons, they are a changing!

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