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How old were you when you had your last child?

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44 and 46 with my last two boys. I have 8 children, the last 6 after 34 and at that time they considered me AMA. I didn't get any flack with the last two because Madonna had her baby in her 40's. Celebrities have made it fashionable.:D


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I had my boys in three different decades: 29, 33 and 41! :D


This last one is WEARING ME OUT!!! :lol: But I do sometimes wish I could have just one more so that he has a sibling close in age. Then again, on days like today, where he was up nearly all night, I am reminded that I'm not as young as I used to be.


42 is my mental cut-off for having babies. So if I'm not pregnant by the end of the year, that's going to be it for us. It's hard to give up the plan I'd always had to have four children, and even harder to release the dream of having a daughter. I've been told that statistically, after three boys, it's likely we'd have a fourth son.


We're not actively TTC but we're not preventing, either. I have PCOS and have needed help to conceive all three of my kids. So if I were to fall pregnant, I'd know that it was meant to be! Especially since I have very little time or energy for that thing you have to do to make a baby.

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I wanted a fourth, but dh was not game. . . I still wanted a 4th until recently when he did the permanent deed. . .


I've come to accept it recently that I am now just too old -- at least for MY comfort level. :( I will be 40 in a couple months. I think I could have comfortably had a baby a few years ago (39 was always my mental cut off), but not now.


One of my best friends has been trying for her 4th and has lost two pregnancies (never having had any problems with the older children) and it made me realize that I am thankful to be spared that pain. Maybe dh knew what he was doing.

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I was 39. We are still hoping and praying and trying for #2 and I'm 42. My response to people who ask if DD is going to have brothers or sisters is that God has not blessed us yet. They understand, or at least smile and change the subject.


We got a late start. :001_rolleyes:


We got a late start too - I had DS at 38 and I'm now (finally after a number of miscarriages) expecting again and I'm 44....so you never know!

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I strongly second the vote for midwifery care over OB care. A good midwife will treat your pregnancy like an individual, instead of treating you and it like something risky based solely on your age. Of course, it's not too late to have a homebirth with the next one, either. ;)

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40. Great pregnancy. Fairly easy delivery (though I needed induced and I HATE that!). Baby had cord around neck 3 times- no biggie. APGAR 9. She has been a complete JOY!!

We would have loved more but (TMI to follow) havn't used bc for 17 yrs and have only had 3 pgs in that time (no miscarrages thankfully)

I did have a CNP/CNM (same gal) for my last 2 deliveries. LOVED this gal. She was about my age and loved that we went all natural- in fact, had the nursing staff on duty come in and observe becasue most of them had NEVER seen a delivery w/o drugs. -( but I still would have preferred another home birth)

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I strongly second the vote for midwifery care over OB care. A good midwife will treat your pregnancy like an individual, instead of treating you and it like something risky based solely on your age. Of course, it's not too late to have a homebirth with the next one, either. ;)


My first 2 were homebirths so having the 3rd at the hospital was quite the experience. Dh is a bit scarred. This is why I'm worried about a 4th needing to be at the hospital again.

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I was 37 when I had baby #4. I was in agony with a colapsed hip joint and sciatic pain. I spent most of my pregnacy lying on the floor in the only position I found remotely comfortable. My older kids had to do everything for me and the family.


DD9 is the best thing that ever happened to us and I would do it again in a heart beat. The whole family adores her and would never chose not to have had her!


1 year after she was born, I had a total hip replacement. She is my life and I simply could not live without her!

Edited by katemary63
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