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Monday morning, 6/14/10- what are you doing?.........come in and tell us.............

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Tomorrow (6/15) will be THIRTY EIGHT YEARS - Yes, that's right - since I graduated high school!

I am sitting here with my ds 9.5. He is practicing guitar and playing around with writing a song for Youth Choir (he and the youth choir director have agreed to collaborate on a song he will write).

Is this where I thought I would be? No.

Is anyone where they thought they would be? I wonder.

Just sitting here thinking. :001_huh:

ETA: NEVER in my wildest thoughts did I think that I would be married to someone who is 11 years my junior and I would have three children at my age.:glare:

Edited by MariannNOVA
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No, I'm not where I thought I would be and thank God for it. It has been 26 years and I've finally grown up a bit.


Right now I'm watching dd hula-hoop in the foyer and watching Truth or Scare while dh finds an optometrist that will take our insurance.


Oh, and I'm also participating in this thread.

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The dc started VBS at a local church today. DH walked them over and will pick them up at noon. It's nice to know that they are having fun/learning something and I can be quiet.


I am sitting, waiting to go into labor. I have been waiting for days. I am a lot older than I thought I would be when having babies. I will not be done raising this one until it is time to retire. Scary.


I have a pile of books next to me to be read and a pile on the floor I have finished reading. I am also working my way through THE WAR dvds.


I am supposed to be writing. I have 30,000 words written down and cannot bring myself to keep writing out of sheer laziness. That stresses me out and yet I keep not doing it and beating myself up about it.


I organized one closet today and hope to get to one more but I was so wiped out I had to sit down.

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My youngest and litte nephew are practicing a skit they made up. I am killing time here until they let me watch it. I have cared for chickens this morning, admired my veggie garden, pulled a few weeds, and poured a cup of coffee for myself.


I was hoping this is where I would be. :) I wasn't sure. I often think, "Somewhere in my wicked, miserable past, I must have done something good". Thirty eight years ago, I was probably taking a walk with my mother and brother. She always like to walk with the stroller in the morning. She made me hold onto the side and it made my arm ache. lol Although 38 years ago, I was probably walking along side her or skipping in front with my sister. My brother would have been in the stroller, and I would have been old enough to not have to hold onto the side.


I hate to jinx myself/knock wood. Feh!

Edited by LibraryLover
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I graduated from high school ten years ago. If anybody would have told me that I would be married for almost 8 years have three kids after suffering from stage 4 endometriosis and infertility. I would have laughed. My doctor told me the day my daughter was born that he thought I would never get here. I would also be shocked if they told me I would homeschool. I have finished my Associates degree but I really want to get my bachelors degree just to have it. I plan on homeschooling all the way through. For today we are doing a little school work and we will go play outside.

Edited by susancollins
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I'm sitting on the couch drinking coffee and watching Bugs Bunny with my 5yo. The 9.5 yo is hiding in bed. Hubby is on a con call upstairs (he works at home). My 20yo emailed me this morning from CA; he and his college friends have press passes to E3 - they are going the Microsoft press conference this morning. I should have gone down to the family room and logged into my 8-5 job a few minutes ago.


At 18, I could not have imagined a life like mine. I did go to the college I wanted, and I did get the big job at the big company I wanted. Short of going to the moon and living on a boat, I have done most everything I could have imagined at 18. It is just that 18yos have such a limited imagination. My life is much better than if I had become who I thought I'd be.

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I am definitely not where I thought I would be when I graduated high school (21 years ago). I love my life now and I could not imagine what it would be like had it actually turned out the way I wanted when I was 17 and had dreams of being an actor. I got a little nostalgic last night watching the Tonys as that was pretty much everything I wanted then.


I am right now on the computer (procrastinating) and listening to my youngest daughter watch Looney Tunes cartoons. I am also preparing my oldest daughter for Annie auditions tonight. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

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Sitting on the couch in my living room. It was supposed to be a quiet morning for me since it's the first day of summer break, but, everyone got up extra early today. :glare: So now, I'm on the computer with people looking at me saying, "I need it too. I need to check something." We need another computer (our second one crashed) pronto! I'm getting sick of 5 people sharing one laptop.

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My 13-year-old has a friend from Atlanta staying with her. They have the whole (completely redecorated) basement to themselves and are happily playing a game right now. We are going to visit a plantation and see "Karate Kid" this afternoon.


My 19-year-old is at Patrick Henry College today helping with the Mock Trial Teen Camp.

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Tomorrow (6/15) will be THIRTY EIGHT YEARS - Yes, that's right - since I graduated high school!


I am sitting here with my ds 9.5. He is practicing guitar and playing around with writing a song for Youth Choir (he and the youth choir director have agreed to collaborate on a song he will write).


Is this where I thought I would be? No.


Is anyone where they thought they would be? I wonder.


Just sitting here thinking. :001_huh:




Yep, 35 years since h.s. graduation here with 11 yo dd and lovin' it!!! :001_smile: Honestly though her first cousins are almost 32, 29, 26 and 5!! What a streeeeeeeeeetch! ;)


OK, I forgot to tell you what we're doing. My dd is watching "Andy of Mayberry" and I'm in my nightgown....it's almost 10:30!! We'll go to the Abeka book fair in a little bit and then swing by Barnes and Noble for her to use her gift cards. Come home pick my herbs from the garden in this 95 degree weather today........exercise, shower, dinner, etc. Is that too much info...LOL!

Edited by sheryl
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I don't know where I thought I would be, but surely homeschooling wasn't in the picture. I also never dreamed of marrying a man who already had a child, and I never thought about being married to someone self-employed. In school, it was always stressed that you would get a job somewhere. No one talked about making the job.


So, earlier this morning, I finished balancing the personal and business checking accounts and preparing deposits I need to make today. I just finished calculating our business's withholding taxes and depositing them online.


Wait -- online wasn't around back when I graduated from high school. The internet was just starting when I was in college, but we still only had a campus bulletin board system (sort of a precursor).

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Yep, 35 years since h.s. graduation here with 11 yo dd and lovin' it!!! :001_smile: Honestly though her first cousins are almost 32, 29, 26 and 5!! What a streeeeeeeeeetch! ;) Sheryl: Let's see, cousins: my kids' cousins are: 23, 20, 18, 18, 9............My kids are: 31, 30 (almost), 11, 9.5, 9.5................My grand children are: 6 and 4.



Keep them coming! WHO graduated 10 years ago? Susan? :w00t: My two older daughters are older than you!:lol: I love this place!


DAYLE: :seeya:

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Well it is late Monday night here and I spent the day seeing my 'baby' celebrate his fifth birthday. I took cup cakes to school and helped out in his class all morning where he got to be the special person all day. We played with his new toys after school and had a lovely family dinner in the evening. Birthdays are such fun when you are little and he loved every minute of it.


Today was especially significant for me because my dearly beloved grandmother also had a four year old boy when she was about my age, 40, but illness took hold and he didn't make it to his fifth birthday. Every day is a blessing and I really felt it today.


June 14, 2010 was a very special day for us - I hope yours is too.

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I don't know where I thought I would be, but surely homeschooling wasn't in the picture. I also never dreamed of marrying a man who already had a child, and I never thought about being married to someone self-employed. In school, it was always stressed that you would get a job somewhere. No one talked about making the job.


So, earlier this morning, I finished balancing the personal and business checking accounts and preparing deposits I need to make today. I just finished calculating our business's withholding taxes and depositing them online.


Wait -- online wasn't around back when I graduated from high school. The internet was just starting when I was in college, but we still only had a campus bulletin board system (sort of a precursor).


:D Yup! I was thinking that same thing - I was thrilled that blow dryers and round hair brushes had been invented when I graduated high school!:lol:

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It's a family day. :) Dh's schedule runs Tues thru Sat so we're finishing up some household chores (It also happens to be bathroom, laundry and changing all the sheets day) and he's pressure washing the front of the house, and then we'll probably go to the beach with the kids!


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Watching the World Cup with my kids :)


Just graduated my eldest dd, 27 years after graduating myself. :)


Life is good, not that it's not tough sometimes...but it's GOOD. :)


:iagree: Totally agree!


Well it is late Monday night here and I spent the day seeing my 'baby' celebrate his fifth birthday. I took cup cakes to school and helped out in his class all morning where he got to be the special person all day. We played with his new toys after school and had a lovely family dinner in the evening. Birthdays are such fun when you are little and he loved every minute of it.


Today was especially significant for me because my dearly beloved grandmother also had a four year old boy when she was about my age, 40, but illness took hold and he didn't make it to his fifth birthday. Every day is a blessing and I really felt it today.


June 14, 2010 was a very special day for us - I hope yours is too.


Thank you for sharing that! And thank for your sweet thoughts! Yes, I am thinking that this IS a special 6/14. NEVER in my wildest thoughts did I think that I would be married to someone who is 11 years my junior and I would have three children at my age.:glare:

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No way could I have predicted where I would be right now!!! All I can say is it is awesome!


Right now there are 4 kids cleaning my master bath (they took a tubby in there and left their mess.) Now, they have to clean the whole bathroom, hee hee.


There are many things I would not have picked to go thru, but when I see the life I have right now, I'm happy.

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I am checking my email, facebook and WTM over a cup of coffee before I'm out the door for a busy day.


We have two (overlapping) golf tournaments to photograph, my son has to be picked up from school at noon and dropped off at driving school at 3:30. I also have a meeting with my diet/fitness coach at 3:30.

To wrap up the day, we are going to watch our younger son's friends play in the Little League city championship game tonight.

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NEVER in a million years did I think I'd be living in Texas married to a man 8 years my junior (thanks, Mariann for letting me know I'm not alone!), with a 3 year old. I graduated from high school 25 years ago last week and have been having the same head shaking thoughts. I thought I'd be single, living on a mountaintop, alone. Not surrounded by people I love, a child (A CHILD?!), and a loving husband. I certainly never thought that my husband would be from another country, that my daughter's grandparents would speak Turkish, and that most of her family would be overseas.


This morning? I slept late after DD woke up in the night confused and thirsty, and am logging in here quickly before getting ready to go check out preschools for the fall. While my best friend is checking out colleges for her girls!


Life is strange, God's plan is wonderful!

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It's a family day. :) Dh's schedule runs Tues thru Sat so we're finishing up some household chores (It also happens to be bathroom, laundry and changing all the sheets day) and he's pressure washing the front of the house, and then we'll probably go to the beach with the kids!


Here, too!


No way could I have predicted where I would be right now!!! All I can say is it is awesome!


Right now there are 4 kids cleaning my master bath (they took a tubby in there and left their mess.) Now, they have to clean the whole bathroom, hee hee.


There are many things I would not have picked to go thru, but when I see the life I have right now, I'm happy.

:iagree:, and if I could have arrived here without those things, I would vote for that.


I am checking my email, facebook and WTM over a cup of coffee before I'm out the door for a busy day.


We have two (overlapping) golf tournaments to photograph, my son has to be picked up from school at noon and dropped off at driving school at 3:30. I also have a meeting with my diet/fitness coach at 3:30.

To wrap up the day, we are going to watch our younger son's friends play in the Little League city championship game tonight.



NEVER in a million years did I think I'd be living in Texas married to a man 8 years my junior (thanks, Mariann for letting me know I'm not alone!), with a 3 year old. I graduated from high school 25 years ago last week and have been having the same head shaking thoughts. I thought I'd be single, living on a mountaintop, alone. Not surrounded by people I love, a child (A CHILD?!), and a loving husband. I certainly never thought that my husband would be from another country, that my daughter's grandparents would speak Turkish, and that most of her family would be overseas.


This morning? I slept late after DD woke up in the night confused and thirsty, and am logging in here quickly before getting ready to go check out preschools for the fall. While my best friend is checking out colleges for her girls!


Life is strange, God's plan is wonderful!

Happy to help!;)
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Well, I dropped dd15 off at her volunteer job at a camp, came home and started the laundry and vacuumed the floors. I'm getting ready to shower and go pick dd up.


Dd9 has already watched "Enchanted," been in the sprinkler, cleaned part of her room, and is now watching "Merlin." She was at camp last week and is still on the 7 a.m. schedule Heck, she's already eaten lunch!

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I'm packing for 1 son who is leaving for Italy at the end of the week. I'm packing for 2 sons who will be going to Boy Scout camp the day after the other son leaves. I'm refilling prescriptions, checking on money, making mental lists of all the things that need to be done (why I don't write it down, I don't know :001_huh:), I'm ordering checks for DS#1 who is in another state for the summer doing an internship - he never considered that he might need checks. All the while, I'm trying to stay nice and not get snippy esp. when DS#4 wants to discuss playing football next fall (it's a long time till fall, son, and I've got things to do right now!) :tongue_smilie:


When I graduated from HS (31 years ago -GAH!) I never dreamed I'd be the mom of 4 sons who have been educated at home! I was all prepared to be a forensic pathologist! I had NO plans to marry and have children - it would have been incompatible with my plans. I always felt that whatever I did, I would do wholeheartedly. I didn't think *I* could be a great physician as well as a great mom and wife. So my plans were altered and my reality is quite different :D...and it's good!

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Well, I dropped dd15 off at her volunteer job at a camp, came home and started the laundry and vacuumed the floors. I'm getting ready to shower and go pick dd up.


Dd9 has already watched "Enchanted," been in the sprinkler, cleaned part of her room, and is now watching "Merlin." She was at camp last week and is still on the 7 a.m. schedule Heck, she's already eaten lunch!


:D I imagine she will be having dinner at 3pm and be asleep by 7pm. :D

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I just got back from taking the two younger kids to "story time" at the library. They listened to a couple of books, sang a couple of songs, played some musical instruments, and did a craft, then borrowed some books.


In a little while, we'll be going to the mall so my sister-in-law and I can get pedicures and my two daughters can get their fingernails done.


Then we'll come home and have lunch and hang out with Daddy as today is his day off, probably fill up the kiddie pool for the kids. Read some of the books we borrowed from the library.


Did I ever think I'd be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom way back when? Nope- but I am very much loving my life these days :)

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I graduated from high school 34 years ago and no, I could not have imagined that this is where I'd be. I am so glad for that!!! My life now is much better than I could ever have hoped for back then.


I've been listening to Dd17 practice

by Ravel on the piano. The video I linked is of Georges Cziffer, Hungarian pianist, just to give you a tiny idea of what it sounds like here. Dd needs lots more practice.;)


Dh and I are supposed to go grocery shopping today since my car is out of commission and the only vehicle available is his truck (I could try to drive it, but since it's the only remaining working vehicle around here, I'm a little shy of trying - I've never been all that great at judging where my bumpers are.:D) Unfortunately, He doesn't look like he's the least bit interested so I'm kind of just puttering around here trying to rearrange the clutter into a more pleasing arrangement.:)

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Dh is setting next to me working on some database architect stuff....I don't know how he is doing it! I am still in recovery from our wonderful trip to Chicago.


We got in around 12:30 a.m. My feet and bad ankle are sore from the major amount of walking that we did. But, it was so lovely. My meal at Riva's was one of the best I have ever eaten if not the best. Pacific Halibut nestled on a bed of fingerling potatoes, leeks, and roasted mushrooms all smothered in a light garlic sauce and topped by alfalfa sprouts. Truly divine and we had magnificent view from out table.


So, I have brain fog and feet distress this morning and am not motivated to do anything at all. How DH managed a 7:00 a.m. meeting and is now programming, I WILL NEVER KNOW! He's a more put together person than I will ever be.


I am going to try to do a little housework later. DD, a popular weekend sitter for her brothers, allowed them to run free, eat lots of junk food they wouldn't normally get, and make tents for camping out in the family room. They have trashed the place and are building with their new lego pieces that we picked up at the Chicago Lego Store on Michigan Ave. At some point, drill sergeant mama will have to break their reverie and force them to begin cleaning. Oh, the joys of a Monday after a vacation. Of course, DD is now off doing homework for pharmacology class which she put off in order to entertain the "troops" all weekend, so I won't be getting any help from her. I almost can't wait until she has children. I'm gonna beg to come to her house while she and her dh take a trip. Chocolate, sugar, more sugar, caffeinated beverages, chips, pizza, more sugar, playdoh, clay, finger paint, more sugar....and grandma isn't going to do any housework!!!!!



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Well, I graduated HS 27 years ago. Wow seems like a really long time when I actually type it out. Never in a million years did I think I would be here. Graduated HS thinking I was going to law school and graduated instead with a BS in chemistry. Married my best friend who never fails to make me laugh. After meeting my wonderful dh, I found Christ. We are raising 3 amazing dc. Never thought I would home school until my youngest (ds) was ready for kindergarten. I didn't want to send him away. I had a dear friend who decided to homeschool her three dc and showed me I could do it as well. Seven years later we are going strong. My oldest dd will be a senior in the fall. I can't even believe where the time has gone.


I am blessed in more ways than I could have ever imagined. DH and I both have stable jobs. I can work pt at home. My dc are healthy and happy. Homeschooling has been an amazing journey for us. Easy, no; amazing, yes! I wouldn't trade this incredible ride for anything in the world!


Now I had better get back to the stack of paperwork calling my name. The joys of working from home!

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I graduated 15 years ago this month. A few weeks earlier, I had broken up with the hs sweetheart I had planned to marry. Instead, I decided I wanted to escape small-town, semi-hick life and was getting ready to use my scholarship to become a CPA, live in NYC, hire a dog walker for my foo foo puppy, and maybe send a kid or two to 3yo prep school, lol.


Today, my almost-12yo is wrapping up his final writing assignments to close out his 6th grade homeschool year. My girls are fighting over cleaning their pig sty of a room. My toddler is napping, nekkid, on the living room couch. And I'm sitting on my front porch, surrounded by the sounds of nature, contemplating giving my mutts much needed baths. After I catch up on some self-sufficiency blogs. While my laundry runs with homemade laundry detergent. And I'm wearing sweats, since I'm in that in-between clothing stage of the early end of the second trimester... again.

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This morning everyone but me and Ella Bella (our Border Collie) went to Europa Park. They left at 8am so I cleaned up the house in one hour and then picked up the mail, got a haircut, went tanning, washed the car and ate at my favorite people watching cafe. :auto:


I can definitely say I never thought I would have the opportunity to be living in Europe mustless for 7 years. I'm so thankful for all the opportunities the military has given our family.

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:D I imagine she will be having dinner at 3pm and be asleep by 7pm. :D


It's possible! :lol: Though she is my child that requires less sleep. She's already been in the sprinkler again.


Now I have to do the checkbook :ack2:

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31 years ago I was dating a long-haired cowboy/hippie punk that had graduated high school with me in PodunkTown, Texas. I was headed off to a trade school soon to study drafting. I had absolutely no plans for myself beyond getting at least an associate's degree in drafting. Marriage and kids certainly wasn't in the picture.


The drafting career didn't happen, although I've drawn on the skills and knowledge from school many times in the manufacturing work I've done since.


The punk boyfriend worked out real well. ;) He and I sat drinking our tea and coffee this morning. On the porch. In rockers, mind you. Watching birds and trying to figure out what to do with our old house, and making plans to rip out a bathroom in our current home.


I took care of inside and outside critters, checked the garden, washed some sheets and paid the bills. Then I got my haircut and paid late fees at the library. I still need to check pool chemicals and run the pump for awhile before I go to a Weight Watchers meeting.


My old boyfriend - the now very bald MrTea - just took off on his bicycle to ride the 6 miles to work. Who would've thought I'd have the sense to marry a really decent man??


It's been a nice Monday.

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I lounged around reading a YA novel, showered, paid some bills, made a playdate for dd, made arrangements for dd to stay with a friend while I go to a hs conference next week, and am now eating eggrolls and surfing the net while dd watches Two Angry Beavers on netflix.


I graduated from hs 26 years ago and never thought I'd be in the midwest, divorced, and homeschooling.

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This morning we went to visit a friend and learn how to play with (umm, tend to) her chickens while they go away in a couple weeks.

Then we went to church for our music lesson, as we use one of their pianos. Before we left there we gathered supplies to create donation buckets for VBS next week.

Our swim lessons this afternoon have been cancelled, so I think I will do prep to make jam after an early dinner.

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WAIT - can it be true? This year is 30 years since High School?!? I graduated from a very small (as in 32 students) class which has never kept in touch. I rarely think of high school - this calculation is a shock to me...:lol: At least that explains why my hips have started to hurt - I'm old.


Good thing life grows more precious. This morning I am nursing one sick son who is on the couch, trying not to be annoyed with the other one who claims "he's bored" on the FIRST day of summer vacation, and procrastinating the final portion of a discussion about homeshcool co-ops I'm to give this evening.


I can always count on this board for a diversion - and a wake-up call.

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Tomorrow (6/15) will be THIRTY EIGHT YEARS - Yes, that's right - since I graduated high school!


I am sitting here with my ds 9.5. He is practicing guitar and playing around with writing a song for Youth Choir (he and the youth choir director have agreed to collaborate on a song he will write).


Is this where I thought I would be? No.


Is anyone where they thought they would be? I wonder.


Just sitting here thinking. :001_huh:


ETA: NEVER in my wildest thoughts did I think that I would be married to someone who is 11 years my junior and I would have three children at my age.:glare:


Twenty years since I graduated from high school and here I am, folding laundry, picking up dog crap off our brand new patio (because apparently that's why I paid several thousand dollars to have it poured), and cleaning up my 4yo's pigsty of a room.


No where near where I thought I'd be. I dreamed of being single, childless, working in my career, loaded with extra cash, travelling the world... Why did DH have to be so cute? D*mn him and his irresistable charm!

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Does it count if it is now afternoon? Anyway, I am sitting here taking a break while my dc continue cleaning up our house (they are so wonderful & helpful!). Never in a million years did I think that at the age of 33 would I be the mother of 6 children, 1 dog, 1 horse & 114 chickens (by the way, does anyone need some chickens?LOL)! It is amazing how God works and where He leads! I have been blessed beyond any of my dreams even if things are not how I might have pictured them years ago.

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Hmm, today is our first day of summer vacation. So far I have caught up on vacation laundry, allowed the kids to watch a movie while hanging said laundry, bought a task list app for my phone, made 2 important phone calls/appointments, and laid down the summer law for my kids.


The summer law is as follows-


-maximum 1 hour screen time per day.

-before any screen time, child must read for 20 minutes and complete 1 chore (these are extra chores, on top of their regular chores).

- the youngers voted to make Monday and Thursday their school days (we do 2 days a week of school lite over the summer).


Younger kids cheerfully accepted all of the above, 13yo moaned and complained about all of the above. :glare:


We have zero toilet paper in the house (once again, my toilet paper math skills have failed me), even though we had a 6 pack as of Friday. Either, our toilet paper usage rate is higher than I thought, or something fishy is going on. DD13 had a sleepover last night. Even though she has never tp'd anyone's house, I have some weird mom feeling that I need to investigate this possibility.


I am so happy that summer is here!


ETA- I graduated 13 years ago. I was already a mom by then. I think if I talked to my 17yo self, the biggest shocker would be that I am a pastor's wife. There's a road I never even considered my life would go down!

Edited by Shannon831
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Tomorrow (6/15) will be THIRTY EIGHT YEARS - Yes, that's right - since I graduated high school!

Um - nope, not gonna say it.


Is this where I thought I would be? No.


Is anyone where they thought they would be? I wonder.


Just sitting here thinking. :001_huh:


ETA: NEVER in my wildest thoughts did I think that I would be married to someone who is 11 years my junior and I would have three children at my age.:glare:


It has been 22 years since I graduated from high school. I thought I would be a doctor, living in a big house with my business powerhouse DH and three kids. I thought I would be well traveled and driving a nice (meaning expensive) car.


I never imagined the life I have. Nope, not in a million years. It's nice to know that things can get better after all of these years. Thanks for sharing, Big P.


ETA: forgot to write what I am doing: teaching my CC class, cleaning the bathroom and killing sugar ants!!! Nothing is working on getting rid of those things!!

Thinking of ways to steal Mariann's stove so I can sell it and use the money to remodel my kitchen.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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It has been 22 years since I graduated from high school. I thought I would be a doctor, living in a big house with my business powerhouse DH and three kids. I thought I would be well traveled and driving a nice (meaning expensive) car.


I never imagined the life I have. Nope, not in a million years. It's nice to know that things can get better after all of these years. Thanks for sharing, Big P.


ETA: forgot to write what I am doing: teaching my CC class, cleaning the bathroom and killing sugar ants!!! Nothing is working on getting rid of those things!!

Thinking of ways to steal Mariann's stove so I can sell it and use the money to remodel my kitchen.

:smilielol5: I think I deetect a note of AGA-envy! :D I have to tell you, I never though I could LOVE a stove, but I LOVE THIS STOVE.:001_wub:


Have you tried SALT for the sugar ants -- find their trail and pour salt along it - I hate ants!

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I'm packing for 1 son who is leaving for Italy at the end of the week. I'm packing for 2 sons who will be going to Boy Scout camp the day after the other son leaves. I'm refilling prescriptions, checking on money, making mental lists of all the things that need to be done (why I don't write it down, I don't know :001_huh:), I'm ordering checks for DS#1 who is in another state for the summer doing an internship - he never considered that he might need checks. All the while, I'm trying to stay nice and not get snippy esp. when DS#4 wants to discuss playing football next fall (it's a long time till fall, son, and I've got things to do right now!) :tongue_smilie:


When I graduated from HS (31 years ago -GAH!) I never dreamed I'd be the mom of 4 sons who have been educated at home! I was all prepared to be a forensic pathologist! I had NO plans to marry and have children - it would have been incompatible with my plans. I always felt that whatever I did, I would do wholeheartedly. I didn't think *I* could be a great physician as well as a great mom and wife. So my plans were altered and my reality is quite different :D...and it's good!


How fabulous! ITALY!!!!!! Where in Italy! How are the calves?:confused:

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How fabulous! ITALY!!!!!! Where in Italy! How are the calves?:confused:


He gets to go to all those fabulous, famous places we've studied about for years (Rome, Venice, Florence, Pompeii). I'm sooooo jealous!!!;) He will be going with the Hillsdale College Summer Study Abroad Program - and he's very excited! I'm a nervous wreck :glare:


I think all the mama cows have had their babies. It's always fun to drive down the lane and see some newly born, still wet, wobbly legged calves :001_smile:

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I am, as usual, yelling at my kids to get down to work. :glare:


Would I have thought I'd be 50 and homeschooling two teens? No way!

Glad to hear I am not the only one who does that.;)


The punk boyfriend worked out real well. ;)

Glad to hear it!;)


Why did DH have to be so cute? D*mn him and his irresistable charm!
....and usually when we are just minutes from a clean getaway!:lol:


I am so happy that summer is here!


ETA- I graduated 13 years ago. I was already a mom by then. I think if I talked to my 17yo self, the biggest shocker would be that I am a pastor's wife. There's a road I never even considered my life would go down!

We do surprise ourselves, don't we?;)


Happy Flag Day everyone.
Happy Flag Day to you, too!


ETA: forgot to write what I am doing: teaching my CC class, cleaning the bathroom and killing sugar ants!!! Nothing is working on getting rid of those things!!

Thinking of ways to steal Mariann's stove so I can sell it and use the money to remodel my kitchen.


And, I would like to thank you, D.A., for not saying anything about the fact that NO ONE HERE ~ except me and possibly Sheryl ~ SEEM TO HAVE GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL MORE THAN THIRTY EIGHT YEARS AGO!:toetap05:...........you can't have my stove.:001_tt2:


I am such a dunce: I wanted to thank everyone who shared for sharing! That's why I used your names above -- to thank you!

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Today I am bring 3 children of my children to Spring Valley Beach Water Park. I thought I'd have my 3 sons and finishing up my own schooling. However, we are so blessed to have baby girl and all her giggles, sillyness. What a joy this journey has been. This year is our 20 year anniversary. Life has been an adventure. Loving every minute of it.

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