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Have you ever gotten a case of the giggles at an inappropriate time?

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Oh man, at church today a sweet 80yo woman got up to speak about how God's been with her throughout her struggles, mainly cancer. She's got this sweet crackly voice and was sharing from the depths of her heart....but then she got a tickle in her throat and sounded like a truck driver trying to clear it...and I just giggled and giggled. Then I was very self-aware that I was giggling, and shaking our pew, which made me giggle more. I feel SO terrible because it was a tender moment this woman was sharing but I could. not. control. my body. And don't ream me out: I know, I know, I know, I know I was SO rude.


Please tell me I'm not alone. Have you ever had a fit of the giggles when you know you shouldn't? :001_unsure:

Edited by 4kids4me
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It made me giggle to read about your inappropriate giggles.:lol::blushing::blushing:


And yes,yes and yes! Church has been a big place for me to get the giggles. Usually when my mom and I are there together. To the point where tears are streaming.


I have had it when people I know are giving speeches, singing in front of a group, etc... I get nervous for them, and then some little thing will set me off.

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When you said funeral it reminded me of my inappropriate giggles recently at a graveside service of all things! My pastor is a dear, sweet man but is very old-fashioned in his speech. For instance, when we first attended his church it drove me crazy that he always referred to himself in the third person. "The Pastor will be speaking tonight on . . . . ". I've gotten accustomed to that, but at this graveside funeral, he spoke briefly and then, when turning the rest of the service over to the Color Guard and Funeral Director this is what came out of his mouth, "Thus endeth my portion of the service". For some reason the "King Jamesishness" of this sentence just set me off. Fortunately it was close to the end!

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I was at a funeral one time, and it was a Southern Baptist funeral. Now I don't know if all Southern Baptist funerals are like this one was, but oh my.


This lady got up and started a-wailing, and a-dancing, and a-hollering. Then a gentleman got up, and I am sure he was speaking in tongues.


This guy I was sitting next to starts to giggle, which set me off. After about 5 mins, we both have tears coming down our faces, trying not to laugh out loud. No one noticed what with all the hollering and shouting going on.


The worst thing was, it was the guy's sisters funeral!

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Guest janainaz

Yes, I've had the giggles in some really serious situations. And I know what it feels like to not be able to control them. The more you try, the worse it gets. :001_smile:

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I do it all the time.


I did it once at a Mary Kay party. The presenter held up a picture of Mary Kay and she just looked like an over done poodle. (sorry!) My sister and I looked at each other at the same time and we could not stop. The presenter got a little flustered and we felt like heels.


Another time was at church when a woman was talking introducing our new pastor. I think she was trying to say he had a lot of experience under his belt.


But she said meat:001_huh:

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that's happened to me before. I usually bite my lip really hard and imagine someone I love is dying and then my giggling fit goes away. (I know, that last one seems like of macabre, but it's better than bursting out laughing in a completely inappropriate moment!:001_smile:)

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For the record....that didn't sound like any Southern Baptist funeral I've been to :001_huh:


A friend of ours was sitting with us during my dh's best friends funeral. We were all pretty torn up, and it was a very sad event. But his friend's nickname was Muffin. For some reason, it was VERY hard to keep a straight face when the oh so serious Catholic priest would say "Muffin". The friend that was sitting with us actually horse laughed OUT LOUD when he said it. We figure Muffin got a kick out of it anyway :D

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When I was in high school I would always get the giggles in one class. My friend, a guy, sat behind me. He was just a friend, but he would whisper these dry, funny comments to me during class. We got in trouble a lot. Thankfully it was a creative writing class so the teacher had an understanding spirit.

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I belly-laughed at the end of my grandfather's funeral. Though I don't think it was inappropriate, really. We'd had a really solemn, sad service. My mom spoke, her cousin (a pastor) gave the sermon, as he had for my grandmother a year before and for his own father just a few months prior... There were a lot of tears. But at the end of the service, there was a benediction and a hymn (cd) started, and we all waited, not quite sure what to do next. These loud, loud electric curtain doors came rumbling in from either side, between us (the congregation) and the coffin. It was extremely jarring and disconcerting. And at the last moment, my young cousin (or her friend, not sure -- they were in the front row just in front of me, about 10yo each) waved and said, "Bye-bye!" ... And those of us who heard were completely overtaken by laughter.


But my grandfather would have loved it. He'd have thought those curtains were just as ludicrous as we did, and he'd have had something pithy and dry to say about 'em. ;o) So I couldn't regret it too much...

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I'll tell one on my dh. When he was little (like 7 or 8), as a pastors kid, his father required him and his younger brother to go into the men's prayer room prior to the service. Well, apparently, the family must have eaten beans for dinner one night and in the middle of the prayer....well, they just couldn't hold it in; those two boys had a major gas (think loud and airy) attack. Then they started giggling which made it worse. DH said his dad never made him go into the prayer room again.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I laughed when I got baptized. It was a new baptismal pool (the kind you immerse in) in our church in Japan. It had no faucet but had to be filled by bucket. The ladies had a fire brigade dumping bucket after bucket of hot water into the thing. But even so, when my Dad (the pastor) and I stepped in, the water was so freezing cold, that we both gasped at the same time. Then we got the giggles. We couldn't get it together but giggled through the whole thing. And the congregation sat there as somber and serious as could be. . . ! The baptism was still legal!

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My grandmother's funeral. I was very close to my grandmother, I even spoke at the funeral. But when the group of singers from her church were singing hymns for the funeral, they were SO BAD that I just couldn't hold it in. My mom, my sister, and I were all on the front row just shaking with laughter that we were trying to hold in. No one could really see our faces, because we had them buried in our hands---I'm sure we looked like we were crying. My grandmother was very concerned with appearances and she would not have been happy with the off tune chorus. And we all knew that and it just made it even more funny.

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where I visited as a teenager. I didn't grow up Baptist so was new to the baptizing part. The first time I saw one, it wasn't too funny for me to bear even though the pastor looked odd standing there in wet clothes. But every time after that, whenever a baptism occurred, I giggled in anticipation. The pastor, minus his suit jacket, standing in the tub with his Sunday shirt and slacks, the person being baptized floating to him and bending over backwards, and allowing the pastor to submerge him and then, splash, both would get soaking wet with clinging clothes. It hurt so much trying to hold my giggles in. Then when I graduated, I left for another church and it didn't struck me funny anymore. I guess the other church was more informal or I outgrew it.

Edited by Merry
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Yes, many times. The funniest one was the first time I went to church with dh's mother when we were dating. She already hated me.


It was a very country, back-woods small church. A man got up to sing and play the guitar. He had the most nasal voice and a REAL country accent even when singing. I got tickled. The more I tried to control it, the worse it got.


Then, dh's mother PINCHED me! That only made it worse and I had to get up and leave. That should have been a clue how our relationship was going to go, but I was young and optimistic. :001_smile:

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I have another funeral related one. I was a teenager, and my parents and I were attending the funeral of one of my mom's students. (This really was a very, very sad thing.)


The poor minister, however, had the misfortune of thinking he was walking AROUND the grave by side-stepping a tarp, but in actuality ended up falling INTO the grave. His glasses and Bible went flying, as he clung to the edge of the grave. :eek: This man looked absolutely terrified. Of course, several of us burst out in a choked sob/guffaw. I thought my parents and I were going to explode from holding our giggles, and totally lost it when we got back to the car.

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I'll tell one on my dh. When he was little (like 7 or 8), as a pastors kid, his father required him and his younger brother to go into the men's prayer room prior to the service. Well, apparently, the family must have eaten beans for dinner one night and in the middle of the prayer....well, they just couldn't hold it in; those two boys had a major gas (think loud and airy) attack. Then they started giggling which made it worse. DH said his dad never made him go into the prayer room again.


They probably wish they would have thought of that sooner!


Love scenes in movies often set me off. My mom and I saw Star Wars Revenge of the Sith in a crowded movie theater and kept giggling at the Anakin-Padme love scenes. No one else was laughing, but when we got to lines like "Oh Anni, hold me like you did by the lake in Naboo when there was nothing but our love." we couldn't help ourselves.:lol:

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Oh yeah....try during devotion time at dinner. DH starts reading devotional. Kid 1 starts in. Dad reprimands. Kid 2 can't help themself and starts. Mom starts & can't stop. All H*** breaks loose, mom laughing , kids laughing, tears streaming down face. DH sits stony faced glaring at Mom. oops. Fortunately it doesn't happen much anymore. There was just a period of about 6 months that I had the hardest time. sigh.

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I had two of those moments - once at a funeral and one at a wedding.


The funeral was my father's mother. She had been ill for some time and it was expected. My Dad was one of 13 kids. They all had at least two kids and by that time we were having kids. So there was a nice crowd in a chapel the size of a school classroom.


For some reason the temperature is what the deep south is famous for when we have weddings or funerals. So we're packed in like sardines and my cousins who cannot sing start. I nearly killed myself trying NOT to laugh. When my cousin's two year old got fidgety I offered to take her out of the service. On the way out she grabbed my Aunt's wig and would. not. let. go. I don't have to tell anyone how hard it is to pry a two year old loose of something like that. My aunt and I are trying not to crack up. I finally got her outside and just sat on the steps outside and laughed and laughed.


Fast forward five years later. I was married and my oldest was two. My father decided it was high time he marry his girlfriend - who I did and do adore. Again, it's 110 in the shade. The wedding is outdoors on the family property. We're all melting. The aforementioned cousins struck again - delivering a horribly off-key rendition of one of my favorite love songs. Apparently I wasn't the only critic as one of my Uncle's hunting dogs took great offense and started to howl. This got all of the dogs howling. My husband, brother and I were trying not fall out of our chairs laughing. It's our favorite family story ever.


My father passed on suddenly about ten years later. There were no singing cousins. :001_smile:

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Oh man, at church today a sweet 80yo woman got up to speak about how God's been with her throughout her struggles, mainly cancer. She's got this sweet crackly voice and was sharing from the depths of her heart....but then she got a tickle in her throat and sounded like a truck driver trying to it...and I just giggled and giggled. Then I was very self-aware that I was giggling, and shaking our pew, which made me giggle more. I feel SO terrible because it was a tender moment this woman was sharing but I could. not. control. my body. And don't ream me out: I know, I know, I know, I know I was SO rude.


Please tell me I'm not alone. Have you ever had a fit of the giggles when you know you shouldn't? :001_unsure:


Oh my God, yes!!!! And once I start, it's all over! :lol:

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I've had lots of immature moments I'm not proud of. :D


Coming across the word "loin" in a hymn can set me off. My grown kids come sit by me in church and share a hymnal sometimes, and they just roll their eyes when I start shaking from giggling. If I see them roll their eyes and trying to stifle their own giggling, well I just get stupider about it and end up biting my bottom lip.


I lost it at a funeral one time when the smoke alarm went off from all the burning incense, and everyone in attendance acted like they didn't hear it. I couldn't figure out why the priest wouldn't just stop talking for a minute until somebody could climb up on a chair and pull the battery, already! I sat way in the back for this funeral, and I saw that finally a poor family member got up out of the front row and did exactly that - after it had gone on way too long.


CPR course I took with my dad years ago: Dad and I were in a group with lovely old white-haired Mr. Patterson from church. We were given a female CPR doll (doll? mannequin?) and when Mr. P kneeled over her, grabbed her b00ks firmly in both hands, shook her violently, and asked her "Are you okay, Ma'am?", well I was not very mature.


I wish I'd outgrow it, but I think I am getting worse.

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At my Grandmother's funeral, there was a very arrogant priest that gave the sermon. He didn't know my Grandma, or my family. Anyways, he was talking about old age and losing youth and he said something along the lines of "losing our sexyness" and I just couldn't help it. Why would you say that at a funeral of an elderly woman who was 80+ and her grandchildren are right in the front row?


My mom had her face shoved into my shoulder laughing.


I suppose it doesn't sound that funny, but at the time it was a nervous giggle type of thing. Funerals are quite awkward. I smiled at my great aunt and she asked my mother if I was happy that my Grandmother was dead :confused:

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YES! I am terrible about this! I'm almost 40 and totally immature with giggling sometimes!


1) I was at a retreat & the speaker was talking about something that was really moving to everyone. I mean tears were flowing and all. Well, the speaker started to talk about bowels & I *knew* it wasn't in reference to a bowel movement, but I still got a case of the giggles.


2) Ladies Bible study - Teacher was sharing a touching story and kept using a word that is considered profanity. It was not in the context of the story line whatsoever, but I looked at my best friend and we both lost it completely.


3) Last night, The Great Outdoors was on TV at my MIL's home. Her husband (who is disabled now) was commenting on a character in the movie who repeatedly gets struck by lightening. In his comment about the movie, he got stuck on the word "head" and stuttered it for about 45 seconds straight. He made me giggle for a good while (but I know him very well, and it was okay to giggle)


I could honestly type til dawn with how many times I've giggled when I probably shouldn't have.



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I am constantly getting a fit of uncontrollable giggles when my husband is getting onto one of the kids for something naughty. My youngest especially gets these hysterical faces while listening to dh and dh will try to get me to join him in my assessment of the situation and if I even look at my kids, I lose it. I will turn around and try not to be noticed but one of the other kids will say (in a stage whisper) "Dad, Mom's laughing" and it's over. I'm rolling and staggering out of the room so as not to disturb the situation and the kids are rolling on the floor laughing and my husband is shooting me death stares. Fortunately he usually gets tickled by all the unabashed giggling and ends up laughing too. Not very disciplin-ey (new word) but it does make things fun! I really DO try to control it but I just can't!

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you're VERY rude. How could you giggle at an old lady who's been through so much?


KIDDING!!! I have to say, I was giggling through your post so I can't IMAGINE how bad I would have been had I accompanied you there!!!


I remember when I was a VERY new Christian going to a new-to-me church. I don't remember what the pastor was talking about, but when he ever mentioned the word GOITER - I was done. I laughed and laughed and laughed. People kept looking at me and he actually stopped the service to laugh at/with me. I had tears pouring down my face and had to leave. I was mortified!!!


I was SO afraid I was going to laugh through my entire wedding and not be able to say my vows. Thankfully that didn't happen.


I have laughed hysterically at the wrong time and I've had to train myself to think of something REALLY sad to get my mind off of what ever is making me laugh. It's hard to do that when I'm just laughing for no reason; and this usually happens when I'm out alone. It's SO embarrassing!!! :o


While I hate to laugh at inappropriate times, laughing is my favorite thing in the world to do. I'm so glad I'm back to myself and laughing all the time again - EVEN at inappropriate times. :biggrinjester:

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These stories have me giggling like crazy! I laugh at the wrong times a lot, and I've been doing it my whole life...

Sometimes when I'm in bed at night and dh is almost asleep, I get the giggles. I will suddenly think of something funny that happened that day or maybe ten years ago. I will have to bury me head in the pillow to keep from laughing out loud.

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I laughed when I got baptized. It was a new baptismal pool (the kind you immerse in) in our church in Japan. It had no faucet but had to be filled by bucket. The ladies had a fire brigade dumping bucket after bucket of hot water into the thing. But even so, when my Dad (the pastor) and I stepped in, the water was so freezing cold, that we both gasped at the same time. Then we got the giggles. We couldn't get it together but giggled through the whole thing. And the congregation sat there as somber and serious as could be. . . ! The baptism was still legal!


what a CUTE story, Jean!!!


In China, I got these horrified glances from all the Chinese women there when I laughed hard and loud. I noticed that women there don't show emotion. I could NEVER live there!


The kids, too, weren't allowed to misbehave or be loud at all. They were most definitely to be seen and not heard.

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Another time was at church when a woman was talking introducing our new pastor. I think she was trying to say he had a lot of experience under his belt.


But she said meat:001_huh:




The poor minister, however, had the misfortune of thinking he was walking AROUND the grave by side-stepping a tarp, but in actuality ended up falling INTO the grave. His glasses and Bible went flying, as he clung to the edge of the grave. :eek: This man looked absolutely terrified. Of course, several of us burst out in a choked sob/guffaw. I thought my parents and I were going to explode from holding our giggles, and totally lost it when we got back to the car.




On the way out she grabbed my Aunt's wig and would. not. let. go. I don't have to tell anyone how hard it is to pry a two year old loose of something like that. My aunt and I are trying not to crack up. I finally got her outside and just sat on the steps outside and laughed and laughed.


Fast forward five years later. I was married and my oldest was two. My father decided it was high time he marry his girlfriend - who I did and do adore. Again, it's 110 in the shade. The wedding is outdoors on the family property. We're all melting. The aforementioned cousins struck again - delivering a horribly off-key rendition of one of my favorite love songs. Apparently I wasn't the only critic as one of my Uncle's hunting dogs took great offense and started to howl. This got all of the dogs howling. My husband, brother and I were trying not fall out of our chairs laughing. It's our favorite family story ever.




You guys are killing me! LOL. I must admit that I will ALWAYS laugh (i.e. hysterical giggle fit) when someone trips/stumbles (even myself).

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I lost it one Sunday morning in church service. The pastor meant to say "bubonic plague" and instead said "blue bonnet plague". Apparently the congregation didn't think it was funny but my body was shaking with laughter which I was trying desperately to stifle. This went on for a few minutes and I still couldn't stop, in fact it was getting worse. Then I heard my girlfriend who was sitting behind me moaning while trying to stifle her laughter. That was it. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I started to get louder. My husband told me to leave. I was in the front row! I left and had to walk all the way down the aisle with my hands covering my face and I was heaving with laughter - quite loudly. I made it downstairs to the bathroom and a few seconds later my girlfriend walked it. We were rolling on the floor in laughter. After the service several people came up to me to comfort me, thinking I was sobbing all the way out of the sanctuary.

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Oh yes! I can't even think of all the times I've had that happen. I want to kick myself and roll on the floor at the same time.


Once in church many years ago, a very sweet lady sang a beautiful song that deeply touched the whole church. Her friend (another lady) came up after her to make an announcement or something. When they meet on the steps going up the altar, they had a hug and quick kiss...on the lips. For some reason it zapped through me like an electric bolt. I still don't know what about it at that time affected me so silly but I really thought I was going to either pop or terribly embarrass myself. I couldn't get a grip! What was so funny?? LOL Who knows!? I never know when something is going to strike me like that.


I'm so weird... LOL :lol:

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I have been laughing very loudly at them indeed!


I have to share one that happened to my brother and sister-in-law. They were at a residential missions training course. At one of the sessions the speaker commited a spoonerism (I think it's called that). He meant to say "ruling in the fear of God" but instead he said "fooling in the rear of God". They said that they were desperately trying not to laugh and nobody else seemed to be amused at all. When the break finally came they rushed back to their room and rolled on the floor laughing.

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I am constantly getting a fit of uncontrollable giggles when my husband is getting onto one of the kids for something naughty. My youngest especially gets these hysterical faces while listening to dh and dh will try to get me to join him in my assessment of the situation and if I even look at my kids, I lose it. I will turn around and try not to be noticed but one of the other kids will say (in a stage whisper) "Dad, Mom's laughing" and it's over. I'm rolling and staggering out of the room so as not to disturb the situation and the kids are rolling on the floor laughing and my husband is shooting me death stares. Fortunately he usually gets tickled by all the unabashed giggling and ends up laughing too. Not very disciplin-ey (new word) but it does make things fun! I really DO try to control it but I just can't!


I have one of those darling children too-he is a jokester all the time and I have the hardest time correcting him--cuz he gets me laughing-he gets me in trouble with dh every single time!

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Guest Katia

Yes, I have. At a church our family was visiting ( of all things!).


It started out to be my son. He was fine during the song portion of the service, but when the sermon started......all of a sudden ds would burst out laughing. He would cover his mouth and try to hold it in.....but he was shaking with laughter.


Dh and I nudged him and frowned (our code for 'stop it!). Ds was really a very well behaved child normally in church. Dh is a pastor and all the kids have been trained to behave appropriately, so we were really flummoxed as to why ds (11yo at the time) was acting this way.


After the fourth outburst, I leaned over and asked ds what his problem was. I was steaming mad. We were visiting a pastor friend's church and here was our oldest child, laughing like a maniac during his sermon. The poor man was ignoring it.......but you could tell he was justifiably frustrated.


So. Ds hands me the church bulletin and points to the back. Ds was bored during the sermon so he decided to read their bulletin and, lo and behold, the church secretary had decided to print up a list of 5 or 6 Bulletin Bloopers. If you don't know what these are, you really should Google it.


I read the first one, and *I* burst out laughing. Dh was spitting mad!! So, here was ds and I laughing like idiots at a friend's church.


But, really, it was their own fault. Who would print something like that in a bulletin and not expect people to laugh?


Afterward, ds and I apologized to the pastor. Apparently, this pastor had no idea that the secretary had printed those in the bulletin, and when he read them, he burst out laughing too!! He made ds and I feel better, but I heard later that he had a stern talk with his secretary. Poor gal. She had space that she felt she needed to fill, and so she found something she thought was appropriate.


PS: What was really funny, is that ds and I were the only ones that read them! The pastor said that he was frustrated that so many people didn't seem to be aware of upcoming events, times, etc. and he didn't know why as they were all printed in the bulletin, but now he knew that they just.didn't.read.it! What a way to find out.

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This is such a funny thread! :lol:


PS: What was really funny, is that ds and I were the only ones that read them! The pastor said that he was frustrated that so many people didn't seem to be aware of upcoming events, times, etc. and he didn't know why as they were all printed in the bulletin, but now he knew that they just.didn't.read.it! What a way to find out.


You know, you can hardly blame them for not reading the bulletins... apparently their Pastor didn't read them either. :lol:

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Yes, I have. At a church our family was visiting ( of all things!).


It started out to be my son. He was fine during the song portion of the service, but when the sermon started......all of a sudden ds would burst out laughing. He would cover his mouth and try to hold it in.....but he was shaking with laughter.


Dh and I nudged him and frowned (our code for 'stop it!). Ds was really a very well behaved child normally in church. Dh is a pastor and all the kids have been trained to behave appropriately, so we were really flummoxed as to why ds (11yo at the time) was acting this way.


After the fourth outburst, I leaned over and asked ds what his problem was. I was steaming mad. We were visiting a pastor friend's church and here was our oldest child, laughing like a maniac during his sermon. The poor man was ignoring it.......but you could tell he was justifiably frustrated.


So. Ds hands me the church bulletin and points to the back. Ds was bored during the sermon so he decided to read their bulletin and, lo and behold, the church secretary had decided to print up a list of 5 or 6 Bulletin Bloopers. If you don't know what these are, you really should Google it.


I read the first one, and *I* burst out laughing. Dh was spitting mad!! So, here was ds and I laughing like idiots at a friend's church.


But, really, it was their own fault. Who would print something like that in a bulletin and not expect people to laugh?


Afterward, ds and I apologized to the pastor. Apparently, this pastor had no idea that the secretary had printed those in the bulletin, and when he read them, he burst out laughing too!! He made ds and I feel better, but I heard later that he had a stern talk with his secretary. Poor gal. She had space that she felt she needed to fill, and so she found something she thought was appropriate.


PS: What was really funny, is that ds and I were the only ones that read them! The pastor said that he was frustrated that so many people didn't seem to be aware of upcoming events, times, etc. and he didn't know why as they were all printed in the bulletin, but now he knew that they just.didn't.read.it! What a way to find out.


Your story made me life so hard I had to look these up.




ETA: I wouldn't read it unless you're on your own, or your children think you're crazy anyways because these are hysterical!

Edited by BeatleMania
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Yes. I giggled through pretty much my entire wedding ceremony. I am so embarrassed now when I watch the tape. I tried really hard to keep things under control....it was hard. The only way to stop was to look straight down at the floor and rub my lips together! Aside from doing that I was giggly the whole time....my poor dh.

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Oh my gosh! These are some of the funniest things I've ever read! I'm laughing so hard, I'm surprised my kids haven't come in here to see what's going on!


A couple of my own funnies:


When my oldest dd was about a year old, we were in church and everyone bowed their heads for a prayer. It was totally silent. She looked around and saw that everyone had their eyes closed, so she assumed they were all asleep and she let out this huge snore! (Haawwwrnnnkkk!) Dh and I both had a hard time containing ourselves. Luckily we attend a very kid-friendly and informal church. We weren't the only ones giggling!


I did my student teaching way-back-when, in a first grade classroom. I had a group of 4 or 5 kids at a small table with me for a reading group. Have you ever noticed that the orneriest kids are always SO cute!? Well, we were sounding out words, just cruising along, and this adorable little (smart aleck) boy has a little flatulence problem. It wouldn't have been such a big deal, but he just HAD to comment, "Oops. I cut the cheese." Well, "mature" student teacher that I was, I could NOT control myself. The whole group was laughing hysterically, and after biting my lip as long as I could, my giggles broke out as well. So much for that reading lesson....

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Maybe I'm joining the thread too late for anyone to read this, but we had a funny one at church a few years ago--


This very old lady in our church stood up to share her testimony--she has major health problems, and she breathes *very* loudly & when she takes a breath in it sounds horrible. My ds was 3 at the time, sitting down coloring. When she started breathing in the microphone, he stands up, looks around & in a very loud voice says, "It's Darth Vader!"


Oh my goodness, we laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. Everytime this sweet lady talks now, I think back to that moment and cannot control my laughter. I feel so bad, but it was so funny, because he was right...she does sound like Darth Vader!

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This is such a funny thread, and I'm SO glad I'm not the only one...


My latest episodes were one last Christmas, when someone made a typo in the lyrics to Silent Night. The words projected onto the wall were "Radiant beans from thy holy face..." Should have been "beams" and everyone else was mature enough to ignore it and sing the right word. But not me, oh no. I lost it and even embarassed my poor sons.


And then there was the time we had a lovely older couple visiting our church. The man was totally tone deaf, but, bless his heart, he was singing those hymns with all the gusto he could muster. I started giggling, and my husband, in an effort to cover for me, started singing really loud. Except that he was a bit flustered and hit the wrong note himself. Very, very loudly. I had to leave with tears running down my face.... :blush:

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I have a bad habit of giggling so I'll just share my latest episode...


Dd and I were sitting in the front while attending a rather large classical music concert. During a particular duet, the violin and violist had placed mutes on their instruments for a quiet effect and while they were playing very elegantly and quietly, dd passed gas rather loudly. I couldn't help but be tickled just by the rather inopportune timing. She and I both started giggling almost silently for a moment then I quickly composed myself. I think my trying not to giggle made her laugh out but she quickly covered it by coughing a little.

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At my Grandmother's funeral, there was a very arrogant priest that gave the sermon. He didn't know my Grandma, or my family. Anyways, he was talking about old age and losing youth and he said something along the lines of "losing our sexyness" and I just couldn't help it. Why would you say that at a funeral of an elderly woman who was 80+ and her grandchildren are right in the front row?


My mom had her face shoved into my shoulder laughing.


I suppose it doesn't sound that funny, but at the time it was a nervous giggle type of thing. Funerals are quite awkward. I smiled at my great aunt and she asked my mother if I was happy that my Grandmother was dead :confused:

This was so funny.But then the great aunts comment was cold. I hope it made you laugh, You poor thing. "I smiled at my great aunt and she asked my mother if I was happy that my Grandmother was dead". Some people can be so stern with 0 sense of humor.

Edited by Miss Sherry
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This was so funny.But then the great aunts comment was cold. I hope it made you laugh, You poor thing. "I smiled at my great aunt and she asked my mother if I was happy that my Grandmother was dead". Some people can be so stern with 0 sense of humor.


It did make me laugh. Everyone knows how she is. She's the great aunt that all children know to stay away from and all adults dread running into. Lol.

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