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s/o Facebook - how many use it?

My Facebook utilization is....  

  1. 1. My Facebook utilization is....

    • I actively use it (let's say almost daily or daily) and love it
    • I use it periodically (let's say weekly)
    • I use it very rarely, but I have it (let's say monthly)
    • I have disabled my account and might go back to it someday
    • I have deleted my account
    • Never had it, never will
    • Other

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Just totally curious. I deleted my FB account two weeks ago after having deactivated it months ago -- it was due to my concern with privacy issues and also time-wasting (ha ha ha ha ha - wtm boards just as bad!!!)


ANYWAY.... See my poll. Thanks!


Have you gone back after the 14 days to make sure it was deleted? Was it? Just curious! I'm getting close to deleting mine. I don't have security concerns, for me it's a use of time thing. Our priest talked with me about this and I want to take his concern seriously. Anyway, for now I've hidden 98% of my friends so that my news feed isn't active, and deleted the vast majority of my info and pictures.

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Never did. Never will. I keep in current contact with those I want to in life and have no desire to find (or friend) those I knew 100 yrs. ago. I also don't need to network in such a forum. But there are few folks who seem to like FB;)

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It's my primary method of keeping in touch with relatives and friends all over the country (err, world) I can't imagine life without it. Just sent a b-day shout out to a friend from elementary/middle school...telling him that I'm glad the bruises on his chest eventually healed.


Everyone who was in our choir musical knows to what I'm referring -- and it floods the memory banks with good vibes, and a bit of nostalgia.


(I am using the term "friend" here to mean anyone I have been acquainted with during my wild young life of moving around... actual close, friends are pretty scarce)

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I love to read my friends' status updates and know what's going on in their lives. I'm getting to know people better just by seeing the things they post every day, and I feel more connected to them because of it. I've also been able to get in touch with several people I haven't seen in YEARS--old classmates, former students, even long-lost family members.

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Have you gone back after the 14 days to make sure it was deleted? Was it? Just curious! I'm getting close to deleting mine. I don't have security concerns, for me it's a use of time thing. Our priest talked with me about this and I want to take his concern seriously. Anyway, for now I've hidden 98% of my friends so that my news feed isn't active, and deleted the vast majority of my info and pictures.


Nope - haven't DARED to go back. I submitted the request on May 4th, so my 14 days is up, but I'm still afraid to do so!

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I resisted signing up until my sister moved to Kenya. Then it was the best way to keep tabs on what she was up to. Now she's back, but dh is working in another town and it's become a good way of keeping in touch with him, a bit.



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I love it!! I love keeping up with old classmates and distant family. I've actually become much closer with one side of dh's family because of it. I'm very active on it but find that it really takes very little time. I have it on my blackberry so its easy to post my flighty thoughts whenever and easy to follow the news feed. I catch up during those in-between time like waiting in the grocery line, drs offices, I use it as a way to clear my mind between work projects when I'm in the office. I rarely, if ever, sit down and facebook on the computer. I do see that some people get caught up in games and can see how that can be addictive.

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I love to read my friends' status updates and know what's going on in their lives. I'm getting to know people better just by seeing the things they post every day, and I feel more connected to them because of it. I've also been able to get in touch with several people I haven't seen in YEARS--old classmates, former students, even long-lost family members.



I joined so I could keep an eye on my teens but I do enjoy it. I don't update my status that often anymore but I do keep up with my friends and family daily. It's like checking my e-mail only more fun :)


The only thing I did not do was put in my maiden name. Anyone who does not know my married name is not someone I really need to keep up with...keeps my friend list manageable.

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It is the best and easiest way to keep in touch with loved ones who are dispersed all over the world.


I wish more of my family in Spain were in Facebook. I keep in touch with my sister, a couple of cousins and some friends in Spain that way. My in laws are in Sri Lanka, my sister in law in Australia, as some of our old friends from our time in England. I also keep in touch with friends from our time in Maryland, etc.


I find also it is a great way to get to know some of our oldest daughter's friends better.

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Nope - haven't DARED to go back. I submitted the request on May 4th, so my 14 days is up, but I'm still afraid to do so!


PM me your log in information and I'll check for you.


Just kidding! (Although I would do it for you and would be totally trustworthy in the endeavor; plus I could keep the results a secret from you.) I want to know if it works! I don't want to be able to go back if I delete.



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I voted "other" as I have not yet disabled my account, but I haven't used it in about 1.5 years. People still send me stuff via FB (and I get those notifications in my email), but I don't log in to respond - I just respond to them via email.


The only reason I've kept it is because I have this (totally irrational) sense that I somehow would be missing out on something if I shut it down. However, I'm in regular contact with both close friends and acquaintances via email and phone, and I have yet to miss something just because I don't do FB (even though most of my friends are on it). I think there have been 1-2 times where someone has said "Oh, did you hear about so-and-so? She posted that update on FB..." and I've had to admit that I hadn't heard. But it's never been a big deal...


The more I think about it, the more I think I'll be shutting it down soon... :)

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Part of my wishes I could like it so that I could keep up with my family better, but really, I cannot stand the format or layout or "bits and snippets" style. I had an account but it was shut down after my email account was hacked, and I'm happy just to let it die.

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I use it every day and love it :)


Our family (immediate and extended) are mostly all back east and it's the easiest way to keep in touch.


Plus, various groups/extra curricular activities/etc that we belong to have FB group pages and it's a simple & quick way to get information/photos/whatever to everyone.


ETA: I actually don't mind "old friends" turning up ~ I think it's pretty neat to see what friends from elementary school/etc are now doing!

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I used to love it, especially when it was just close friends, family, and church family. It's gotten so big now and I don't really know most of the people on my list. Meaning... I haven't seen her/him in years, and only saw then because we went to school together.


I have only been on once a week in the last two weeks and that was only to check if I had a particular message. There is no way I could spend the hours it would take to catch up on everything I missed in those two weeks. I left a message saying I wouldn't be on and that if anyone wanted to talk to me they could call, email, or visit.


I easily get sucked into time wasting activities on the internet, so best to stay off. I only come on here when I am looking for something specific, or buying or selling. Now how did I get into a discussion about Facebook. LOL! Chop, chop, back to work!:001_smile:

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Nope. I'm not a fan of social networking. I'm especially not a fan for kids/teens. Anyone I want to talk to (or who wants to talk to me) can call. Dh has one for his business, but he doesn't like it because "too many people are idiots." Judging from what I've seen pass through his account the few times I've looked at it, I tend to agree.


Wait. Does this forum count as that? Well, this is the only place I come - not really a forum junkie, either. Except for here...:leaving:

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The only thing I did not do was put in my maiden name. Anyone who does not know my married name is not someone I really need to keep up with...keeps my friend list manageable.


None of your family went to school with you? That is how all my old classmates found me. I would love to delete everyone except the few people who I really miss who don't live nearby. Would that be terribly rude?

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I use it daily. I resisted signing up until my dd did. My ds had signed up awhile ago and my dh signed up to keep an eye on him. So that is my reason for being on there. I do have a few games I enjoy from time to time. I would say that I am closer to my dh's family because of it. Before facebook we would not communicate between visits. Now we chat and see what's going on in each other's lifes. My kids are able to more easily participate in their grandparents' and aunts' lifes.

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I do actively use it every day, but I can't say I love it. I keep my friend list very small. I did delete a few "friends" that I have nothing against, but just don't feel close enough to that I want them reading the family type things I tend to post. My friends are my local church family and friends, a few extended family members (not many are on fb), and a few close friends from the past. I am "phone shy"--I'm not going to just pick up the phone and call someone. FB helps me stay a bit connected to the outside world.

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I deleted mine. It feels to invasive to me and I was wasting time on there. Not that I don't find other places to waste time. ;) It also feels really weird to have my DMIL telling me about other family members FB postings. :confused:

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None of your family went to school with you? That is how all my old classmates found me. I would love to delete everyone except the few people who I really miss who don't live nearby. Would that be terribly rude?


Actually, I went to a different high school than my siblings. I do have some *friends* from different churches I used to attend (back when I was 15-21 or so) that found me via my siblings/cousins but that has actually been kind of nice. They don't pester me and they all know my husband from those days!


Old acquaintances from high school are a different story. I am still in touch with a few but they all know my my married name - and I have not had a request from any so I guess they are not on FB! I have never searched FB to find friends as I wanted to keep it manageable. And I chose to use only my married name just to keep myself under control when I first joined, kwim?


Rude...hmmmmm. Probably but I would do it anyway! And if any of them are the sort with lots of *friends* they may not even notice. I have one or two annoying relatives and I have hidden most of their stuff (Mafia Wars, Farmville, etc.) so I can see less of them. Good luck!!

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I'm an Other.


I don't have a FB account... yet. Personally, I would be satisfied to never have one. However, I will be setting one up in the near future.


The reason? My kids want to get on FB. And they are old enough to do so. I want to be able to (1) monitor their activities, (2) help them learn appropriate levels of involvement and safety practices in social media, and (3) engage them in the medium/technology of their generation. Gotta learn the ropes before they move away to college!


It's something they are excited about and because they are, I will choose to be as well. (What's that quote, There they go and I must follow, for I am their leader...?) But deep down I'd prefer to not get an account of my own.

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I have grown to love it. I resisted at first, until my dad suffered a major heart attack last summer. After the stress of the emergency and sitting at the hospital all day, I brought my mom home to get what she needed to go back and spend the night. I anticipated spending a couple of hours on the phone calling family. Nope. My mother logged into FB and posted ONE message. We made ONE phonecall, grabbed her stuff and went back to Dad. Later, I couldn't believe all the response. I had NO IDEA all my relatives were on FB! THat is when I gave in. LOL!


It has really been nice because I married a man from Europe and we have moved a lot. We have friends and family all over the world that we now keep in MUCH better touch with.


I'm picky about friend requests and security...so no issues yet.

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I have had one for about 4 or 5 years and I love it! It is so easy for me to contact people when I need to let them know something without having to call them and let them know. It also lets me see pictures from friends who have moved away, gotten married, had kids, etc. I think about 99% of my friends are on the site. Some of the games and stuff are stupid, but you can hide those from your feed. I haven't had any problems with the account, and don't put anything up there I wouldn't mind people seeing, so privacy really doesn't concern me.

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I love Facebook. But I love the people I'm friends with. They make me laugh. None of us ever post anything so private that it would be bad if anyone else saw it. My name is in the phone book and it's on my account. But my address and phone number aren't. I do understand the fear of cyberstalkers. I don't make light of the possibility, but I also think about the possibilities of being in that type of situation IRL away from my computer. It is what it is. Neither here nor on Facebook, do I ever ever post anything I wouldn't tell a stranger at the park.


And, more importantly than anything else. I'm addicted to the games. Farmville is my absolute favorite. Absolutely.

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I deleted my account. My husband has one though & is on it daily. He loves it, and it's a great tool for many of my family and friends. It's too time consuming & overwhelming for me though. I had an account with close to 200 friends, lol. I mean seriously, I don't have 200 friends & I don't feel compelled to share my "status" with that many acquaintances. I had cousins I've never met, friends from middle school (and I'm 39!), people from church, and even my mom and MIL were on there! I'd have people request to be my friend, but I'd feel bad saying "no" since I actually knew them - so it just became rediculous & too much. I quit using it about 1 1/2 years ago & I've never regretted it.



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I've blocked all games, and I never respond to random flower, heart, etc. requests.



LOL. I forgot about that part of FB. I would have people throw snowballs at me and invite me to join in the battles they were fighting. It was so crazy all of the requests people would send!

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Nope - haven't DARED to go back. I submitted the request on May 4th, so my 14 days is up, but I'm still afraid to do so!


I deleted mine in March and used my DH's account to make sure it was gone. It was GONE GONE! Then, I re-activated it the end of April and purged all the "problem friends." The only people I have are family and very long distance friends that have truly been friends IRL for the last 20 years. There was a reason I didn't keep in touch with all those people from high school!:lol: I am not "friends" with anyone locally, because I see them and talk to them. I decided if people locally didn't want to call me or e-mail me anymore, that was their problem. FB shouldn't replace human contact.




PS have you seen the Southpark Facebook episode? LOVE IT!!!!!

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I have it and use it. I enjoy keeping in touch with my friends and family spread out across the country. That said, it is really hard to find me. I have things set so tight that many friends in my current church only found me b/c of my dh. I have it set up for my first name and last initial. People from the way past can't find me b/c they do not know my married name and I don't have it up fully anyway. Sometimes I feel bad that people have a hard time finding me, but I don't want a bunch of goofballs from high school that I didn't care enough about to attempt to keep in contact with then, finding me now. As it is, I feel as if all my worlds are colliding on fb. :tongue_smilie:

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I checked other. I use it every day, but I don't love it.


:iagree: I only have family and real life friends on it. I just pop in to see if anyone had anything interesting to say that day. Takes me 5-10 minutes. :) I hide all the games and such so they don't show up on my news feed.


ETA- I don't do the long lost classmate or anything like that. I actually try to keep my friends list small. I had a few of them for a while but most I wasn't really friends with back in the day and I found I didn't much care what was going on with them and we never said anything directly to each other so I de-friended them. I then took my school name off my page. There are just a couple select people from back in the day.

Edited by Happyhomemama
another thought
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I love it. I use it to keep in touch with family and a some friends that I would have otherwise lost track of entirely because I simply kill electronic devices :/ so even e-mail isn't surefire unless I have the address memorized...

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Since my friends/family are scattered all around the globe, I use it to keep in touch with people I care about, but rarely get to see. I have this "thing" that I don't like to talk on the phone (AT ALL), so I would never just pick up the phone and call someone. Sometimes I laugh at the inane things people post (including me), but mostly I'm happy to see photos and get a glimpse into the lives of these people.

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It's my primary method of keeping in touch with relatives and friends all over the country (err, world) I can't imagine life without it.


Me too! Love it! I had to move all the way across the country and still feel close to my friends from back home thanks to Facebook!

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I checked other. I use it every day, but I don't love it.


Same here.


I use it more to keep in touch with family (and found some distant relatives) that lives a long distance from me. I only be-friend family and a few very good friends.

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LOL. I forgot about that part of FB. I would have people throw snowballs at me and invite me to join in the battles they were fighting. It was so crazy all of the requests people would send!


I ignore all these. I just go to check on the news that my family posted. I never post much... just occassionally. I also don't play any of the games and such.

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I dont tend to waste much time on Facebook- I dont play games, Farmville or anything like that. Mostly, I am on it to keep an eye on my two teens, and also to stay in touch with lots of friends and relatives, especially via photos. I am not really hooked into the extras and I probably spend a max of 5 minutes a day on there, several days a week. SO, its not a time waster, and it fills in a useful function.

These boards however...I do find them addictive.

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