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So I have this hair...

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My daughter went away with some of our friends on the weekend and came back with her hair cut and highlighted ~ and she's been trying to convince me to do the same.


I've not had a real hair cut in... ???


I had a couple of inches trimmed off the bottom, a few years ago....



This is my hair right now. My daughter measured it - 36" part to bottom when it's straight and wet.





I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at a salon.




Yeah umm. Kinda nervous. :willy_nilly:


It's scary because...well...this is me. I'm "the one with the long hair" ... know what I mean? Longer hair than every female in my family and all my female friends - the one member of my extended family whose hair is closest to mine in length is a male cousin. His is shorter though, by about ten inches. :laugh:


It's just.. it's me! Wow, who'd have thought that HAIR could be so tangled up in a person's identity eh? But it is. :001_huh:



I'm not telling my husband. It's a surprise. ;)




edit: after photo in this post :)

Edited by fivetails
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I used to be super-long hair girl too but never the length that you got! Impressive. Let me say that the day I broke down and got it cut and styled I felt like a new woman. I felt chic and stylish. I also got a million compliments about how everyone loved my new look. It will be a change but I suspect that you will be blown away by how much you like a change.


Also, you'll cut your shower time in half. That's a lot of hair to wash.


Please take lots of before pics for the before and after post you are required to do!

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I had hair just like yours!!! I had to stand on chairs so they could trim it. And I chopped it up to my ears, stacked the back and angled the sides. I gave the hair to Locks of Love and I felt 20 years younger. Sassy and bouncy. Of course I'm growing it back in now (I've had various short cuts for @ 3 years) , but at least I'm not afraid of cutting it anymore.

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I say cut it! Go for it! You will look WAY better. Not that I don't like really long hair, but at a certain point, It just gets.....um....odd for a woman of a certain age. JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION! Don't get all mad, anyone. I'm just saying that when I see a woman of say, over 30 with really long hair, I think it is not the best way for her to present herself. Then when they get their hair cut, even THEY realize how much better they look. You will look FANTASTIC!


I'm not talking about short hair - I LIKE long hair. Just not THAT long!


BTW: Your hair IS beautiful, but does it help YOU to LOOK your overall best. That's the question I would ask. I really don't think extra long hair does that. When I see anyone with super long hair, I do say, "Oh, your hair is so beautiful!" But I do NOT mean that I think they look particularly beautiful with that hair style! Again, JMHO. :001_smile:

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Wow! That is some REALLY long hair! It must have taken a long time to grow it out. I can see why you waited so long to do it. I bet you're going to LOVE it!! I remember my first short cut - it was in college and I was scared to death. But, it really framed my face better.


I've toyed with growing it occasionally and I always go back to the shorter style. Long hair makes my face look older. After I get my hair cut, I look like I've had a facelift. I can't see your face, but I bet the stylist will be able to recommend a cut that will flatter your face.


Are you going for color too?


We definitely need pictures!

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Could you cut only a foot or so? That would leave you lots of beautiful long hair and it won't be such a shock.


She grows her hair for a couple of years, then gets about a foot cut off, and repeats. She has donated 4 ponytails to Locks of Love, beginning when she was 8yo.

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I love my short style. It's quick and easy and makes me feel younger. Of course, my hair won't grow as long as yours. :( I second pp's rec. that you just trim a foot and see if you want to go shorter. Plus, it won't be such a shocker! I'm all for shock value though. Please post after pics!

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You know, my friend had really long hair like that and had it cut to slightly below her shoulders last month. She cannot BELIEVE how much better she feels, physically. She was getting headaches that she didn't even realize were from holding up all that hair-- now they're gone. Honestly-- I think you'll feel better if you get it cut. Go for it! And then post pictures!



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I wouldn't worry about donating it. From what I read the only hair they can use is the hair in really good condition and much of it is sold not given to clients. So go to the hairdresser you want to go to, have fun and enjoy your new look! I cut mine when I looked in the mirror one day and felt like an aged folk singer. :D Everyone seems to like it better. But dh still wants to pretend I'm 30 and misses the long locks.

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I don't know about anything major, but you may consider having it "shaped" around the back so that it lays more smoothly. Long hair always looks nicest when it looks like it has been trimmed every few months.




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Donating to Locks of Love might make it less hard to let go of all that hair, but if you REALLY LOVE your hair then don't do it, if you KNOW it's time for a change...GO FOR IT!


We donated our dd's beautiful long hair to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths program. We know a woman who has actually received a free wig from them. It helped my heart tremendously to know her locks were not going in the trash.

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You know, my friend had really long hair like that and had it cut to slightly below her shoulders last month. She cannot BELIEVE how much better she feels, physically. She was getting headaches that she didn't even realize were from holding up all that hair-- now they're gone. Honestly-- I think you'll feel better if you get it cut. Go for it! And then post pictures!



I've heard this a few times from different hairdressers over the years.

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I had to stay away from this thread last night, because my husband was home from work and he could see my laptop screen from his sprawling place on the couch. :laugh:


It's 7am here, so I have seven hours. Eeeeep. :willy_nilly:


Yes, I'm planning to get some "highlights" as well - not an entire head full of them like my daughter got [hers are all through her hair], but a few.


..and bangs. I haven't had bangs since I was a teenager...



dd13 says to get it done like this:




I think it's pretty ~ although I don't think I can pull off that sultry, take-me-to-bed-now kinda look that the model has going on there. :tongue_smilie:


This is gonna be soooooo weird.


Hairwashing ~ Yes, it takes a long time and my husband has growled at me more than once when he's had to fish massive hair monsters out of the bathtub drain when it quit working. Oops.


Styles ~ I do nothing but braids right now. Usually one down my back, sometimes a few. Every now and then on each side. I rarely wear it down because ds11 hates it when he feels it [sensory stuff] and it gets caught in stuff. Like car doors.


I'm this weird combination of scared and excited. ha, maybe they're really the same emotion at the core. :w00t:

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:D I'm sure it'll be great! Just remember not to squirm ;) Oh, and try not to toss your head around too much once it's over. The desire will be there.


The best hair cuts are the drastic ones. I chop my locks once a year to once every two years and love the light headedness of dropping a foot of growth.

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I had to stay away from this thread last night, because my husband was home from work and he could see my laptop screen from his sprawling place on the couch. :laugh:


It's 7am here, so I have seven hours. Eeeeep. :willy_nilly:


Yes, I'm planning to get some "highlights" as well - not an entire head full of them like my daughter got [hers are all through her hair], but a few.


..and bangs. I haven't had bangs since I was a teenager...



dd13 says to get it done like this:




I think it's pretty ~ although I don't think I can pull off that sultry, take-me-to-bed-now kinda look that the model has going on there. :tongue_smilie:


This is gonna be soooooo weird.


Hairwashing ~ Yes, it takes a long time and my husband has growled at me more than once when he's had to fish massive hair monsters out of the bathtub drain when it quit working. Oops.


Styles ~ I do nothing but braids right now. Usually one down my back, sometimes a few. Every now and then on each side. I rarely wear it down because ds11 hates it when he feels it [sensory stuff] and it gets caught in stuff. Like car doors.


I'm this weird combination of scared and excited. ha, maybe they're really the same emotion at the core. :w00t:


OMG...that is an awesome hairstyle!!! Go for it!! Throw on some red lip stick and go give your hubby that sultry "come hither" look!!! I can't wait to see how it looks.

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That will look awesome on you! Young, flirty, and you can still do a braid if you want something easy and out of the way. I wish I could go with you because it'll be such a fun transformation when it's done. Uh, hope that doesn't sound strange - I mean it in a non-internet stalker type way. :001_smile:

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I'd wait on the bangs. Cut the length, get used to it and then decide on bangs. I love the look of blunt heavy bangs on the younger girls but on me it was just goofy. I think a side part with sideswept bangs are a different story .

I think with your natural waves a side part with longer than shoulder length hair would be beautiful. I'm so envious!

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Okay...here's the after!


she straightened it, with one of those funky things that look like a crimper but don't have wiggles across them, and we did some serious highlights. It's kinda like, waaaaay different - but I LIKE IT! :D


Most of the time, it'll prolly be wavy - although, my friend has one of those unwiggly crimpers and said I can have it, so maybe I'll do this a lot... i REALLY like it straight!


and I love the bangs!! :w00t:



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Okay...here's the after!


she straightened it, with one of those funky things that look like a crimper but don't have wiggles across them, and we did some serious highlights. It's kinda like, waaaaay different - but I LIKE IT! :D


Most of the time, it'll prolly be wavy - although, my friend has one of those unwiggly crimpers and said I can have it, so maybe I'll do this a lot... i REALLY like it straight!


and I love the bangs!! :w00t:




WOW!!! Look at you! You're a hot mama :D Your new 'do looks lovely--so sleek and sophisticated. Congratulations!

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Okay...here's the after!


she straightened it, with one of those funky things that look like a crimper but don't have wiggles across them, and we did some serious highlights. It's kinda like, waaaaay different - but I LIKE IT! :D


Most of the time, it'll prolly be wavy - although, my friend has one of those unwiggly crimpers and said I can have it, so maybe I'll do this a lot... i REALLY like it straight!


and I love the bangs!! :w00t:




What did your dh say????? You said it was a suprise right?? Well, was he SUPRISED????????????:D

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What a beautiful cut! The bangs aren't "heavy", and the shaping is just right. I love that length - you can wear it down, put it in a french braid, or do a pony if you're in a rush. It will look lovely wavy as well.




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Okay...here's the after!


she straightened it, with one of those funky things that look like a crimper but don't have wiggles across them, and we did some serious highlights. It's kinda like, waaaaay different - but I LIKE IT! :D


Most of the time, it'll prolly be wavy - although, my friend has one of those unwiggly crimpers and said I can have it, so maybe I'll do this a lot... i REALLY like it straight!


and I love the bangs!! :w00t:




CUTE!!!! That is H.A.W.T.!!!! You look great. Bangs look lovely on you. Fabulous!

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