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    wife for 15 years
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  1. Thanks for the ideas. How would you go about finding people who need houses to clean, or animals to watch/walk? Not sure I can run errands for others we are going to be short a vehicle soon.
  2. In our area you have to have a daycare license to baby sit for anything over 10 hours a week. And I am not able to jump through all those hoops right now. Plus in our subdivision I'm pretty sure it's against our HOA rules.
  3. A little back story to help with advice. Up until October I was Homeschooling my 5 dc and working part time in the evening while my husband did day shift mon-fri. Needless to say it wasn't working it put a huge strain on our marriage and homeschooling suffered greatly! So after 3 years of this crazy schedule we came to the difficult decision to put our children in public school after 15 years of Homeschooling. And I was able to switch my schedule to day shift mon-thurs 9a-3p. We thought this would work perfectly! To make a long story short since October I have only been able to work my scheduled work shift a few weeks. Between illness, school closings, doctors appointments and snow closings I have to keep calling in. My oldest are able to watch the youngest some of the time but I don't think that should be a permanent situation. Then of course the summer is coming soon and there is no way we can afford daycare for the 3 younger boys. So what kind of things could I do from home to make some extra money? I am crafty, and can paint and draw a little, but not sure if I can make much doing it. I have no degree and was a stay at home for a long time. I've only been at this job for 3 1/2 years, I build electronic components. Thanks for any suggestions.
  4. We are going to try schooling a little in the summer, just not sure how it will work. She is required to do 75 hours of community service to graduate and she has to pay for her own drivers education ($400) so she wants to work over summer too. We do have to report yearly but to a homeschool umbrella not the state which I usually don't do until late July or August. So we can squeeze it into her transcript I think.
  5. Thank you everyone for all your input! I'm feeling quite a bit better about this year. I know she is "behind" whatever that's supposed to mean. I am a firm believer that everyone learns at different ways and rates and that learning doesn't stop after formal education! :) Also the literature study will include vocab and Apologia Physical Science is considered 8th or lite 9th and doesn't have much algebra in it from what I have read. She will probably have Biology, Chemistry and maybe Physics later with the labs in later years.
  6. I wish we lived near there! We are all way on the eastern shore of Maryland. But she loves the idea of getting a college degree and not being in tons of debt(me too). I wish there was a college closer like the Ozarks!
  7. Thanks Debbie, I know what you mean about looking like a good 8th grade plan. I would like to call this a gap year, but I'm afraid it would kill her self esteem. She plans on attending local cc then hopefully transferring somewhere for culinary arts degree. She's dreaming about College of Ozarks, but too early for me to get excited about it. I will definitely stick with MUS then. Thanks again :)
  8. I'm a little nervous about teaching high school for some reason! A little background just so you understand some of my choices. My dd is 14 and has overcome most of her learning disabilities (dyslexia and dysgraphia) She still struggles with handwriting, but her reading is finally up to par. So we are playing catch up in some areas. She has not done much formal writing and has not done pre-algebra. English: Christian novels study guide to Hobbit and Lord of the Rings series, Writer's Inc She finished Easy Grammar Plus last year so I will be concentrating on writing this year. History: Notgrass Exploring World History I plan to break it up doing book 1 and most of the Literature that goes with it this year and 2nd book next year. So that she can concentrate most of her time to writing and math. Math: Math u see finish zeta and pre-algebra I also have SOS pre-algebra that we might try but I'm hesitant because MUS is workingworking, she's finally getting it. Science: Apologia Physical Science through virtual homeschool. I was going to do Earth Science but she requested this and it is offered at our local high schools so I'm going for it :) Foriegn Language: Rosetta Stone Spanish She will also be taking part in a homeschool choir and Physical Education at our local college. She has a passion for baking so I will be looking into some cake decorating classes and will assign her cookies to bake at least once a month as well. I feel like I am missing something but can't figure out what. Also, I'm trying not to overwhelm her. KWIM Thanks in advance.
  9. This what I am trying to do right now. I just have to accept that the children and household responsibilities are all on me. My husband works hard and he is doing what he can to support us. He has good intensions but he has no energy to nag kids after working all day. I think that's why he wants to get another job and bring me back home. While I understand because I spend all day with them I don't see how in the world he would be able to sustain a 2nd job! My dds both help out some but really need to do more! The now 14 yo cleans the kitchen every night and helps dh with bedtime routine for 7yos. 12 dd helps with dinner and does breakfast most mornings. 10 yo takes care of trash and dining room clean up most days. But it takes a lot of nagging! I have had the TALK several times with dh and dc about adding chores and them doing more but it works for a short time then things go back to the old ways. I am currently working on new chore charts. The 14 yo does most of her schoolwork independently as long as lesson plans are done. 12 can do somethings by herself. 10 yo has LDs so I have to sit with him most of the time, 7yo still need me too they are still learning to read. Financially we are still struggling every time I think we are getting closer to the goal of being debt free something goes wrong DW goes up, van repairs, medical expenses, dd needs clothes or health ins goes up. We qualify for food stamps but my husband won't swallow his pride and let me apply for them. Not sure if we would be able to get medical assistance. Maybe for the kids but not for us. I am trying in my spare time to make up a budget and have a goal in mind. So that I have an idea of how much longer I have to work. KWIM. Unfortunately, even after debt is paid off I will probably still have to do something because everything keeps going up. And we are going to have a newer van soon :(
  10. I currently am working in the evenings 5:30-10:30 with 30 minute drive both ways. I make pretty good money for the area we live in, but the only reason I started working was so that we could pay down debt. We have not been able to pay off as much as I would have liked. But I don't think I can keep this up. My children are still awake when I get home and are not getting to bed till midnight or later. So I don't get to sleep till maybe 1-2am. We are never ready to start school before noon which wouldn't be a huge problem if I still had 5 hours to do school, but I have to stop around 3:30 to make dinner and get ready for work. Not to mention I am not able to do extra curricular activities for any of the kids because I am not home at night. Or any of the many afternoon homeschooling activities in the area. My husband is gone from 7:30-5:00 M-F and is not very helpful around the house or with kids. He is having some health issues as well. So asking him to do anymore is out of the question right now. I told him that I will be quiting my job by August no matter what. I am not doing homeschooling very well and my oldest dd at home is starting highschool in the fall and I am determined to do better! If I quit we will not be able to pay our debt off and we will need additional income just to pay normal expenses. So dh said he is willing to get 2nd job, but would like me to find a way to make a little extra from home. I have no skills or higher education so not sure how I will do that. Plus my dh health is not well and he has said the same thing in the past but never got another job. I am at my last nerve trying to figure this out. My children have to be my first priority. Public schools in the area is NOT an option! I have been contemplating bankruptcy,food stamps, cashing in 401k if that's possible. Or even finding a job working only weekends, but it would be huge pay cut ($5) because I could only make min wage. To what extent do I go to, to take care of my kids and not lose my mind in the process. All of the debt is credit cards. So our credit would be ruined but we would still be able to keep the home and our vehicles which are paid for but have over 200,000 milles on them! Sorry this is so long but I am seriously stressed out and needs some advice. Thanks
  11. This is my tentative schedule for my dd who will be entering 9th in the fall. She has some learning disabilities so we are still playing catch up on some subjects. Bible:She will be covering a lot of the Old Testament with history. History: Notgrass World History which I will schedule out over 2years. She will be doing some of the lit that is suggested but I will be adding more historical fiction and videos to round out the subject. English: Literature with history and Excellence in Literature, but I am not sure how she will do because there is not that much instruction. I have also thought about doing something through Easy Peasy or homeschool highschool for free. Math: MUS pre-algebra and Life of Fred Science: Environmental science through homeschool high school or earth science through ck-12. PE: our local college has a program for homeschoolers and training for a 5k She will also like to take some classes on cake decorating. And I am looking into a book club in the area. I would also like her to take a basic computer course.
  12. Thank you for all who have made suggestions. I did not mean to stir up trouble just wanted some advise from those that have BTDT. My dd will be doing math over the next 2 summers so that by 10th she will be back on "level". She has dyslexia and dysgraphia which has taken her a long time to overcome which is why she is behind. She didn't start reading on level till summer between 6th and 7th grade. I thought about having her do a gap year but she would rather do extra work over summer. I am going to check out the options for Earth or Environmental Science. Thanks again!
  13. I am trying to plan put 9th grade for my dd but she is behind in math. She will be taking pre-algebra in 9th grade. So I need a science that does not have much math but it is still high school level. We are Christians so bible content is fine as long as it is subtle not in your face. We study Bible separately so I don't need a second subject that is mostly theology. KWIM Thanks Oh I also would like something that is not going to make go into sticker shock. Also, if I could use it again with other kids that would be great. My dd is finishing up Aplogia General Science but did not enjoy it. She thought it dry and boring. Thanks!
  14. I have looked at this program before and it interests me. I like the books selected. I am not sure that it has enough writing instruction. I do have a copy of Writer's Inc. So I guess that helps with the writing instruction? Do you need any other books other than the literature? I also own most of the books and most of them are free online which my dd can download onto her tablet. As well as off their site.
  15. Thank you for the info Unfortunately, there is no way I could ever afford to sign my dd up for any of those classes. Does anyone else have any other suggestions.
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