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How many times do you hit the snooze button?

How many times do you hit the snooze button?  

  1. 1. How many times do you hit the snooze button?

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I cannot wake up in the morning without the snooze button. I *have* to hit it twice. I actually have been known to set my alarm a bit earlier so I can get my snooze time in, which sounds (and probably is) ridiculous, but it's how I roll :D


DH thinks I'm completely crazy, but I think I'm normal. He doesn't use the snooze at all but also tends to go back to sleep after his alarm goes off, which I think is another version of crazy since he is sometimes awakened by the phone ringing and a coworker calling (he is based out of the house for work).


What sayeth the Hive? Am I normal, or do I dare admit he might be right? ;)

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I only use an alarm clock if I have to have to be up and then I get up when I hear it(I often set it 30 minutes early because I have a habit of sleeping right through it). Otherwise no alarm clocks here, I get up when the kids do, and I leave them to sleep as long as they need.

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When I used an alarm clock I never used the snooze button. I read somewhere many moons ago that the snooze button was bad for your normal rhythms.




ETA: I did a search to see if the long ago article had been digitalized. I did not find that particular one, but did find lots of articles about how the snooze button is bad for your sleep rhythms.

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I cannot wake up in the morning without the snooze button. I *have* to hit it twice. I actually have been known to set my alarm a bit earlier so I can get my snooze time in, which sounds (and probably is) ridiculous, but it's how I roll :D


DH thinks I'm completely crazy, but I think I'm normal.


This sounds exactly like our house (except I sometimes hit the snooze more than twice). Yes, my clock is often set to earlier than I need to get up just so I can use the snooze button. (Dh is a really early riser so my hitting the snooze doesn't bother him as he's not usually still in bed then anyway. He just naturally wakes up early & very rarely uses an alarm. When he does, he never uses the snooze button.)


Of course, I'll agree w/ you & say we're normal & the dhs aren't. ;)

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I decided one of the perks of homeschooling was the absence of an alarm clock.:D Dh is an early riser by nature and is usually up before his goes off (on his phone).


I did have to get up early, like 3:15am early, to get to the airport this weekend, decided to set the alarm for that. Besides that I haven't used an alarm in at least a couple of years.

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14yo has a class in town at 6:30am. For a night owl like me to get up at 5:30am is frightening. I'm so afraid of falling asleep again that I use a timer instead of an alarm clock. There is no chance to snooze. You push the button once and get up. Since September I have overslept once.

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.


Same scenario here. DH can hit his snooze half a dozen times. And still get up earlier than me.


That said, I *do* use an alarm clock, it's just a simple kitchen timer that has no snooze button. It does wake me up. I think I could easily abuse a snooze button.


Any of you ever heard that old Steven Wright comedy routine pondering...."What if snooze buttons had random time increments... you never know if it's gonna be 10 more minutes or something else..."?

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.


Me too!!! Except, I don't sleep later than he does unless he's getting up particularly early for some reason.

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.



It drives me nuts. We don't use an alarm clock anymore (that's what my early to rise kids are for now), but I've never liked the existence of the snooze button. I just can never understand how someone can go back to sleep knowing they will be woken up again in just a few minutes. I'm a really light sleeper. (I always envied deep sleepers.) Dh always had to hit the snooze button over and over, and would just lay there wishing he would just get up already so I could go back to sleep.


I had a roommate in college who would hit her snooze button repeatedly for over an hour. I moved out of that room and started sleeping in a vacant room down the hall. Not being able to lock the door was more of a nonissue to me then listening to that *^&%$! alarm clock!

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.


Dang it! I was going to post that, but you beat me to it.


My number one daydream is of sleeping at a hotel, alone, every night.


Between the cats (she meows exactly 20 minutes after I get into bed. Every.single.night. Exactly 20 minutes.)


The kids (bad dream, wet the bed.)


And DH (snoring, coming to bed after me and waking me up, snoozing and waking me up)


I don't get any sleep. It almost drives me to tears, but I can't cry easily, so they don't come out.

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I never use an alarm clock. I don't need one. Somehow I have an internal clock. If I need to get up at 2am, I naturally wake up at 1:57am or so. This works for any time I want to get up. Usually I'm up at 5:30am (when I usually need to be up if I work). If I'm not working I can sleep in till 6am or so. I physically can't sleep later than that unless I'm sick. I'm a morning person.

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I can just tell myself what time I want to get up, and my body will comply, within 15 minutes or so.

I can also pretty much tell you what time it is without a watch.


These are my only super powers, and like all super powers, must only be used for good, never for evil.:D

:iagree: I am exactly the same way. Even if dh has to get up at 4:00am for a flight, I can wake my self up within 10 min. of that time.

I've never needed an alarm clock.

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.



:iagree: I can't stand that dumb button.

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How do you get up in the morning? :sleep:


My body tells me when it's had enough sleep and I wake up.


I only use an alarm clock on Wed. nights. My dd has to be at speech therapy by 910, so I set it for 8am. We're not morning people so this is hard for us, but I hate the sound of any alarm clock so no snooze button for me ever. When my dh is home he uses the alarm on his watch and by the second note of the chime if he's not up he claims he's elbowed or kicked. :tongue_smilie:

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I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.


:iagree:The snooze button should be removed. My dh hits it for an hour before getting up. It is torture for me too.

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I figure if I need an alarm to wake up at all, I am not getting enough sleep. Sleep is important. I love sleep :001_smile:. Therefore, I generally go to bed early enough to wake up naturally in plenty of time- usually before everyone else. And if I sleep in, well, it doesnt really matter around here, and its not common.

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I *detest* the snooze idea. Just like I rip off bandaids fast, I jump out of bed instantly the alarm goes off. No point prolonging the pain :lol: Similarly, if I wake up and there's less than half an hour to go, I'll rise early in preference to dozing and waiting to be 'alarmed'.


I read that the problem with people who find it difficult to wake up could be related to the stages of the sleep cycle not fitting with the desired waking time. It's easier to wake from a certain point in the cycle. There is an alarm you can get where you attach it to you, it reads where you are in your sleep cycle, and it wakes you up at an easy to waken from point as close as possible before your nominated latest wake up time. Sounds great, except I don't know how many people could sleep comfortably with something attached to their heads?

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I used to be HORRENDOUS about the snooze. I would hit it over, and over, and over, and over again for up to an hour!


I am not a morning person. I hate mornings with a passion. And no matter how early I get up in the morning, I am wide awake at night and have a really hard time falling asleep.


But anyways. Somehow over the past couple months my body has turned into a human alarm clock, and although I still set the alarm clock (and all three alarms on my phone, because I'm paranoid about not getting up in time for class! lol), I'm usually awake 3-5 minutes before the alarm goes off. Which is weird, because I don't wake up at the same time everyday.

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I'm terrible about the snooze button - I set two alarms each morning - one for 5:20 & one for 5:30. I hit snooze on each of them until 7. I had to do the math just now, but that makes a total of 12 times that I'm up & down hitting buttons, LOL. Somehow though I totally sleep through most of this (despite the fact that my alarms are at two opposite corners of the bedroom, as far from the bed as possible). My husband hates the snooze button & when he's in town, will just shut my alarms off, which makes me crazy! (Though I guess I can't blame him either.)

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My best friend used to set her alarm earlier so she could sleep longer :)


Now, while I do believe this is somewhat faulty logic, I like to set my alarm just a bit earlier than necessary so that I don't have to jump out of bed the instant it goes off. I like the slow wake-up. I snooze 2-3 times.


ETA: I do wake up the second the alarm starts though! I actually hear the click of it turning on. My husband doesn't hit snooze for, like, 10 whole seconds, and it makes me crazy! :D

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Unfortunately, almost-5 DS doesn't have a snooze button. Sometimes I wish he did, though.


As for the alarm clock, I don't even bother to set it anymore.


This is usually me. My kids get up quite early though I would love nothing more than for them to sleep in. We usually don't need to get up early for anything, but the kids do anyway.


I LOATHE the existence of the snooze button. Dh uses it repeatedly, I don't sleep as well as he does at night so I sleep later than him in the morning. I HATE being tortured every 7 minutes by that da*n button.


This is me if for some reason we need to get up at a certain time and set an alarm. Usually it is either me or my husband who needs an alarm for some reason. I absolutely HATE the sound of an alarm clock. It makes me want to drill a hole through my head. I wouln't even consider listening to it go off more than once; I'd rather just get up. My husband, on the other hand, likes to let it go off a few times before he gets up. I tell him over and over again that this is not fair. He has to get up, not me, so I should not be tortured with *his* alarm. I should hear it briefly and then go back to sleep. This issue has not been resolved.


I hit it again and again and again....


I am very surprised by the polls results! I'm surprised at the percentage of people who do not use an alarm clock.


How do you get up in the morning? :sleep:


I get up in the morning without an alarm because my children got up and/or because the sun is in my eyes. I need thicker curtains and later sleepers.

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