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Do you personally know of a hs'er who has gotten into a big name University?

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This topic came up recently with some neighbors and we were all wondering how successful hs'ing is in regards to being accepted into the big universities. I know I've read about a hs'er going to some place like Harvard, but I have not known any IRL.


Basically our conversation was about how our local PS puts out successful teens that get into Duke, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford....etc. Then they asked if hs'ing can do that. My response: :confused::confused::confused:


Good question.


Anyone here personally know of any..... besides the one or two that we've read about? Keep in mind that I'm referring only to the big ones, not state universities.



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Me!:) I was accepted onto Harvard ( 20 years ago even) and had a scholarship but didn't end up going. They judged me by my test scores and were happy with my transcript.


I have been making phone calls to colleges lately to see what my ds will need to do to get into a quality university and they were more than happy to talk to me and let me know that they welcomed hs students. I spoke to MIT, Stanford and then a few Christian colleges and was very pleased.

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This topic came up recently with some neighbors and we were all wondering how successful hs'ing is in regards to being accepted into the big universities. I know I've read about a hs'er going to some place like Harvard, but I have not known any IRL.


Basically our conversation was about how our local PS puts out successful teens that get into Duke, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford....etc. Then they asked if hs'ing can do that. My response: :confused::confused::confused:


Good question.


Anyone here personally know of any..... besides the one or two that we've read about? Keep in mind that I'm referring only to the big ones, not state universities.




I know two homeschoolers who have graduated and gone to Duke. I also personally know one who has gone to West Point and one who has gone to the Naval Academy.


My cousin was homeschooled and won a national merit scholarship. Although she chose to attend a state university, she is there on a full scholarship in the honors program. She says the majority of the kids in the honors program were homeschooled.

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I don't know the hs'er personally, but I met a Chemistry professor from Caltech (which is an excellent science and engineering school) who has a hs'er working in his lab who is attending Caltech (I don't remember if he is a grad or undergrad student).


I'm a Chemistry grad student at an Ivy League school and I know of at least one grad student here who was home schooled.

Edited by JillZ
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Me!:) I was accepted onto Harvard ( 20 years ago even) and had a scholarship but didn't end up going. They judged me by my test scores and were happy with my transcript..


That's really neat..... and encouraging!


I have been making phone calls to colleges lately to see what my ds will need to do to get into a quality university and they were more than happy to talk to me and let me know that they welcomed hs students. I spoke to MIT, Stanford and then a few Christian colleges and was very pleased.


What a great idea!!!

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I'm VERY impressed and apparently I need to get out more!! :lol: Seriously though, can you tell that I'm not as plugged into the hs community as I should be? Too bad I didn't have some of you standing next to me during this conversation.

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Yep, me. I've had 5 homeschool grads so far and of the five 3 went to BYU, one to another less known school, and our son went through the Border Patrol Academy and graduated at the top of his class. The other kids all held, or holding at this time nearly a 4.0 gpa. Does this help?

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The one HS girl I knew growing up went to Harvard. She was in my Girl Scout troop and was super-nice. I'm ashamed now that I thought she & her family were odd. They were a bit hippie-ish but I shouldn't have let that get in the way of becoming better friends with her. :blushing:

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Oh, and statistically, your chances at an Ivy League school is pretty good. For example, in 2005 or 2006 (don't remember which), a homeschoolers chance of getting into Stanford was MUCH better than a Public or Private school'd student's chance. They accepted 27% of homeschoolers while only 13% of the regular pool.

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If I may brag. I'm not sure if you would call them big name schools but my daughter was accepted by all five schools to which she applied. Her emphasis was on small, great book style, liberal arts.

She was accepted at Shimer in Chicago (100 students),New College in Florida (State Honors school with 700 students),and Scripps in California. Considering the small number the first two accept each year, I was impressed.


She choose New College. New College is listed in Colleges That Change Lives and is usually in the top five public liberal arts schools in U.S. News.


When she started high school I took her to several college fairs and let her see the variety of places out there. We spoke to recruiters and admissions staff to find out what they wanted to see from homeschoolers and they were all very willing to talk to us.

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My son was accepted at The Citadel, Patrick Henry, Uninted States Coast Guard Academy and Liberty University (whose law students outdebated both Harvard and Yale last year). He was accepted at 2 other minor colleges. He only applied to 6. Harvard told me that he would be accepted if I sent in his transcript and SAT's. But we didn't because of it's reputation of how the Professors treated Christians.

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I know a homeschooler who goes to Vandy. I know homeschoolers who have gone to Tulane. I know homeschoolers who are at Centre now. These are all considered "good" schools on many different lists. If you mean strictly Ivies, then I don't know any personally, but know about homeschoolers who have gone to many of the Ivies (friends of friends, etc.).

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This is an older book but the parents homeschooled several of their children and they got into Harvard.



Does it count if I had lunch next to the Colfaxes? :-)


Three of their four sons were accepted to Harvard: Grant (who became a doctor), Drew, and Reed. Garth, the youngest, last I heard had decided not to go, but that could have changed.


Didn't one of Mary Harrington's (co-author of Latin in the Chrisitan Trivium) sons go to the Air Force Academy? We used to be in the same support group; my older dd was in one of her dd's weddings.

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Isn't there is a board member who has a dd at Wellesley? Osmosis mom? (I think).


And there is a boy from here who got recruited to Columbia? I don't remember her user name.


So yes. :D



I don;t know any IRL.


I do know a boat of kids at name schools, but they were not homeschooled. My oldest child has high school & grammar school friends at Stanford, MIT, Berkeley, Yale, West Point (2), Brown, Harvard, Wellesley, Middlebury, and others. These convos will come up, and it's best just to nod and smile. Just nod and smile. There are many more schoolers than homschoolers, so they are going to represent more schools.


A lot of hsing families, too, are not hsing to get their children into name schools. Most hsers are thinking outside the box. Could be Yale, could be something else entirely.

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No, but all the home schoolers I know are conservative Christians whose children would never have applied at a big name, secular, universities anyway.


But, I do know many hs kids who've gone on to college: Cedarville University in OH; The Master's College in CA; several different Bible colleges; Augustana, Olivet Nazarene.

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My oldest was accepted to Stanford, Cal Tech, and BYU. He attends BYU. My second was accepted at UC Santa Cruz and BYU. He attends Santa Cruz. These were the only colleges to which they applied. For all but the UC, homeschooling probably was an advantage. They were National Merit scholars and had AP and community college and online university credits to support the homeschool transcript. I have a high school junior at home now. He is still considering his options.

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My son only applied to in-state schools. He was accepted at UVA and William & Mary, but chose Virginia Tech due to brainwashing by his Hokie father, grandfather,brother, sister-in-law, uncles, cousins, etc. He has homeschooled friends at UVA, Emory University, William & Mary, and Georgetown. The friend at Georgetown got a 2 yr. community college degree first.

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Well, there's always SWB! She's been to a ton of schools! Did you all know her educational backround? From this website:


Susan’s parents taught her at home for most of elementary and middle school, and all of high school; she entered college at seventeen as a Presidential Scholar and National Merit finalist, and finished her B.A. in five semesters with a major in English, a minor in Greek and a summer spent studying twentieth century theology as a Visiting Student at Oxford. She went on to earn a Master of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, where she added Hebrew and Aramaic to her languages. In 1994, she also completed the M.A. in English language and literature at the College of William and Mary in Virginia; her concentrations were in translation theory, seventeenth-century devotional poetry, and Psalm paraphrase in the Tudor period. Since 1994, Susan has taught writing and American literature at William & Mary, where she also received her Ph.D. in American Studies, with a major field in the history of American religion.


Oops, I see you said Personally--well, I FEEL as if I know her! lol


Virginia Commonwealth University is not a really well-known school, but it's the largest public u in VA, and its art school is tops in the nation--Ds got in there.

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