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So, if you're participating in the decluttering challenge, what did you get rid of?

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Today I actually got rid of more than one thing because I was getting together with my family and I had a box of board books/preschool books that my dc had outgrown, some videos/cds that they had outgrown, and a few other items to pass on to my sister's kids. These were things I cleaned out of our armoire in the family room and our bookshelf in the hallway. I think I might look in the old toys in the basement next.

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A potty chair that sits on top of the toilet but doesn't fit our toilet and a partial bag of Depends undies from Madelynn's birth.


Plus, I cleaned the whole, disgusting bathroom. (having guest for dinner and birthday party tomorrow so it had to be done)

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As I mentioned in the other thread, we're moving, so I got rid of a ton today. Took down Christmas and got rid of some of it that I don't put up. Loaded the back of my van for donation/sale: 2 outgrown kids bikes, 2 old printers, one old scanner, one old fax machine, a bag of shoes, and an old monitor.


Then the backyard has at least 10 trashbags full of stuff: old letterhead, old pieces from DHs portfolio, old paperwork, junk-junk-junk.


We feel like we accomplished a LOT today!:D

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beginner's scissors

dusty warped art paper

those Australian scene placemats

a scratched up little white board

the socks that always fall down

yet another set of dominos

many stubby pencils

elefun game (I know many dislike it, but kiddo liked it, but now he is too old for it)

2 pilled unmatched ravelly flannel topsheets

...and still going strong

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ok, I'm happy for all of you show-offs who got rid of far more than one thing. I feel such pressure to do more than one item.


I got rid of the chop-chop thingie that was breaking since I got a large and small one on my de-stress weekend a few weeks back. That's the ONE thing I got rid of.



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ok, I'm happy for all of you show-offs who got rid of far more than one thing. I feel such pressure to do more than one item.



Slow and steady wins the race! :001_smile:


I got rid of a coat that I have hated since my parents bought it for me 4 years ago. It made me look like a big lime green sheep. I finally got a nice unobtrusive brown one and that awful coat went BYE BYE! :lol:

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ok, I'm happy for all of you show-offs who got rid of far more than one thing. I feel such pressure to do more than one item.


I got rid of the chop-chop thingie that was breaking since I got a large and small one on my de-stress weekend a few weeks back. That's the ONE thing I got rid of.





Sorry, Denise! I am in full panic mode about moving, so this is much more about survival than showing off. And even then, I can't possible make the progress I need to. You go at whatever pace you are comfortable with and that you can keep up with.

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Sorry, Denise! I am in full panic mode about moving, so this is much more about survival than showing off. And even then, I can't possible make the progress I need to. You go at whatever pace you are comfortable with and that you can keep up with.


oh, I do hope you know that was my sarcastic humor rearing it's ugly head!!! I'm truly happy for all of you who did more, and do feel a little pressure..... but nah......... I threw that chopper away. I'm done! :D

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I decluttered my kitchen island and got rid of a lot of old mail and junky bits and odds and ends that had proliferated on it. I also cleaned out the dress up closet in our basement, which I am not kidding, had junk heaped waist high! Got rid of torn, outgrown costumes, junky bits of toys, old cardboard boxes my kids had been playing with, lots of mismatched playing cards and a bunch of old, stained pillows! How they ended up in that closet I'll never know! But it felt goooood. Dh is cleaning off his workbench which has been the garage dumping grounds for a couple of years! He is sick of it. He'd really like to do some carpentry but can't because of all the mess!


As a bonus my college aged daughter cleaned out my top desk drawer and now it actually closes! LOL!

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Enough stuff to fill 2 trashbags! Can't seem to remember anything specific that went into them - how pathetic is that!?! Obviously I have too much stuff:tongue_smilie:


I did fill 3 boxes of books/craft stuff/games to take to the next homeschool swap. So all in all it's been a good declutter day.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I got rid of a lot of expired stuff in the medicine cabinet, some used birthday candles, a very old jar of pickles, some very old croutons, an expired bottle of ranch dressing, a couple of ancient maps of Virginia, some empty plastic spice bottles, some old Christmas stuff, and I gathered a bag of girlish books to take to a young lady at church.

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One batch of nice hand-me-downs to share with a sweet toddler at church (22 items). Sniff, sniff, my baby is growing up.


One batch of clothes that no longer fit, to Goodwill (7 items).


I am saving that one old pair of earrings in the drawer for the day I struggle to get to around to something else. Those and a couple of freaky-shaped cookie cutters I've never used... on those uber-busy days one of those will be an easy toss!


Good work, everyone, this is going to be fun and productive.

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Yesterday - Bag of toy prizes from SSRW, a phonics curriculum that I have not used in many years. This went in the garbage!


Today - Packed a small bag for the Salvation Army with 2 pairs of boots and a pair of jeans that my son has outgrown. This bag will go in the car and, when I have enough stuff together, to the SA.

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I haven't been so much participating in the challenge but due to being weeks from having a baby and not having room for him ;) I have been sifting a lot this week. I'm not doing any baby steps or working on this shelf this day and that shelf tomorrow, etc. I just decided on Tuesday to lambast my home. :001_smile:


We have a big walk-in closet off of our master bath and another double closet in our bedroom with sliding glass doors. I emptied them completely and got rid of stacks of stuff. We threw away unnecessary paperwork, gave bags of clothes & shoes to goodwill. I also decluttered a piece of furniture in my room to put baby clothes and stuff in that will be right next to his cradle.


I have also culled some bookshelves and our games cabinet. We have an unbelievable amount of board games for the dc. I found the ones with missing pieces or the cheapy ones that no one likes and tossed them.


I've gone through our homeschool bookshelves and boxed up history/Bible curriculum for the last two years and put them in storage bins to reuse when we cycle back through. This made room for puzzles and toys in those shelves. A lot of this was reorganizing to fit Christmas toys in.


Today I'm going to sit with my Christmas ornaments/decorations and get rid of the stuff I don't use then organize and neatly store all of the stuff I do use.


I've not done something like this in a while. I do some type of reorganization/culling every 6 months or so, but not ever to this degree. It makes me happy!! :) Oh, and the plus side as well is that all of the trash that I had, rather than throw it in our dumpsters for the trash guys to get, dh put it all in our burn pile. :)

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We always tend to clear out at this time of year, so I'm not officially "doing the challenge", I guess, but I am proud to say that we're getting rid of more than usual this year.


I've been allowed to clear out quite a few toys that don't get played with any more. Last time I asked, they were still too sentimental about them to let go.


I've cleared some things from my closet, as well as that of my younger son.


My husband cleared out the cabinets under his bathroom sink.


We're taking a pile of stuff to Goodwill this next week to clear it out of our storage room.


We just cleaned up clutter from the back yard and threw away some things, refilled our bird feeders, etc. yesterday.


My older son got started looking for his lifeguard certifications last night and cleaned out his entire desk - yeah!

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Friday -- Sorted through a box of miscellaneous junk toys that had not been touched for ... only God knows how long ... put them in baggies by theme (ninja turtles, farm animals, etc.) and put them in the donation box.


Saturday -- threw away a thingie for holding scrubbies in the sink -- the suction cup doober broke and they don't sell those thingies any more and I really liked it ... sigh ... gone now.

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I finally tackled the two junk drawers in my kitchen, and the cabinet where all my trays and platters stand in racks. It was a no-man's land. Nothing was standing in racks anymore, it was just a mound of glass, ceramic, metal, and melamine. I took everything out, got rid of half of it, snapped the racks back in and organized it. The junk drawers are not organized neatly with note pads, pens, pencils, and all the little things that should be in the kitchen junk drawer.


If it wasn't for this thread getting me motivated, I'd still be wondering what was under the pile.

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I haven't been so much participating in the challenge but due to being weeks from having a baby and not having room for him ;) I have been sifting a lot this week. I'm not doing any baby steps or working on this shelf this day and that shelf tomorrow, etc. I just decided on Tuesday to lambast my home. :001_smile:




Somebody is in nesting mode! ;)

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Yesterday I threw out some scrap paper. Today I organized and washed out the inside of one of my kitchen cabinets. It was long overdue! One of the shelves had become a catch-all place. I found a bag of Twizzlers that was well over a year old :tongue_smilie: It was full of little cruddy things my kids had gotten from goodie bags at parties, old papers, and other assorted junk. Now it's full of cookbooks :D

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I am selling everything we're not really using on Amazon. So far I've made over $4000 and it paid for Christmas! $1000 of that was books alone.


Also went through all our puzzles and games and found any missing pieces. Anything that I couldn't find all the pieces (that would affect the gameplay) was thrown away/recycled.


It feels so good!

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Today was a second day of intensive decluttering. My 14 yo son did a huge job of organizing all our cds, dvds, and computer/video games. My dh decluttered the surfaces in our computer room plus one horrible corner where lots of junk had been thrown. My 19 yo dd did a wonderful job decluttering the counter that runs under our windows in the kitchen. And I supervised everything and pitched in to help all. The house looks so much better!

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I went through my linen closet and bagged up some old children's sheets. My boys haven't used these sheets in years. It is always hard for me to get rid of my children's things because I am so sentimental.


Ain't that the truth!


Dsis kids me that I save every scribble they ever made. Well, kind of....




Now that they're older, I do ask and they'll often times tell me not to keep things. Baby steps.

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Today I got rid of 2 green garbage bags and 34 white kitchen catcher bags filled with clothes and linens and a few bathroom items(soaps,lotions etc I have never opened), my dd's crappy sewing machine, 3 shelves, and a butterfly shaped bulletin board...and I only did the upstairs. We loaded it all into the van and dropped it off tonight after dinner, so it is officially gone.

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I re-filed my whole filing cabinet and all the paper I had been waiting to file... for the last how many every years...

I threw away way over a laundry basket of papers... burned documents that needed to be burned. Yay... a couple more hours and my office will be clean!! At least as clean as it's every gonna be!!



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Today I actually got rid of more than one thing because I was getting together with my family and I had a box of board books/preschool books that my dc had outgrown, some videos/cds that they had outgrown, and a few other items to pass on to my sister's kids. These were things I cleaned out of our armoire in the family room and our bookshelf in the hallway. I think I might look in the old toys in the basement next.




  • A TON of children's clothes. Any item the twins have outgrown went into the Goodwill boxes, including shoes, coats, boots, pajamas.The twins just turned 3 today, and we can't have any more children, so I figure we can just get rid of the little clothes.

  • A decent amount of children's books and toys -- again, what they have outgrown, such as some board books, little baby toys. Some of it went to the library and some went to our church's nursery room, and some went to Goodwill.

  • Pots and pans that have no purpose -- I have enough pots and pans for all my cooking, some of these pots/pans came from my mother with no lids, etc. Too many to make the cabinet space work, so OUT THEY GO!

  • Sippy cups, baby bottles, little spoons, pacifiers (we never used these), little kid plates -- OUT THE DOOR.

  • The toddler bed went down into the basement for the kids to use as a "sofa" and my oldest got a brand new twin "Big Girl Bed." Woohoo! Thanks to the grandparents for sending the money for Christmas -- that's what we did with it.

  • All the Christmas stuff is put away neatly. All the boxes and wrapping paper, etc. are stored away in the attic neatly. All the Christmas "trash" is out the door.

  • PLUS, I organized and cleaned the bathroom cabinets.

  • I organized all the children's toys and games into bins/areas. This has been a GREAT improvement in their play time & for clean up!

  • I organized (and decluttered) the girls' Costume Box and got rid of the costumes they've outgrown.

  • I organized my underwear and sock drawers (you really wanted to know).

  • I organized ALL the children's clothes and shoes -- closet, shelves, drawers -- all of it.

  • I organized my pantry and the food storage shelves in the basement.

  • I organized and cleaned all the drawers in the kitchen. What I want to know is how did we ever get 357 packets of soy sauce and 963 packets of Taco Bell hot sauce in that one drawer? I have an ice cream scoop? I didn't know. It was buried in hot sauce.


My next projects to declutter:

1. The filing cabinet. Bringing in a larger (4-drawer) cabinet from the garage, because the little 2-drawer just ain't cuttin' it any more, LOL.

2. The old car seats & strollers -- we don't use these much or at all any more, it's time to make some decisions. Our Goodwill won't take any carseats, so I might just pitch them. Not sure.

3. My bookshelves in the garage (yes, that's the ONLY place for them). In the spring, when it's not so cold out there, I need to sort through and organize all those books in the garage. I plan to cut them back by at least 1/3. So, for every three books, I'll KEEP two and PURGE one, at least.

4. My husband's "junk" boxes in the attic. Lord only knows what's in these.

5. My sentimental boxes in the attic. Sigh. I hate going through these. Too many memories in these.

6. My "container cabinet" needs a major overhaul. This really belongs at the top of the list.


I really belong in bed. Good night.

Edited by Sahamamama
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some glasses, plates, a pitcher and other miscellaneous ceramic stuff, 3 backpack carry-on bags, some weights and their bars and rack, and 3 fanny packs. I also met my garbage goal of filling one bag and gave a bunch of electronics books and parts to an avid little friend.


I have a LONG way to go with this!

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