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OK Fess up. Who got a Snuggie for Christmas?

Did you receive a Snuggie for Christmas?  

  1. 1. Did you receive a Snuggie for Christmas?

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I bought a pink one for my 9yo DD who is aways cold. She loves it. There were plenty of blue ones but it took me forever to find a kid's one in pink. I must have searched every store within miles of our apartment before I found one and only one. My 12 yo old and I don't care for snuggies but I bought myself a heated throw as an early Christmas present. My throw is wonderful and worth its weight in gold on cold mornings. I have it covering my lap now even though it's not that cold this afternoon.



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I voted other. Before Christmas, Amazon was having a sale on snuggie look a likes. So I got 4 snuggie look a likes for $30. I didn't care if they were the name brand or not. I gave them to the kids before Christmas. We cyberschool so they spend some morning time in front of the computer. They always complain about being cold so I got the snuggie things for them.

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Ok, I just watched the ad on the website and had to laugh. It talks about being cold and how the snuggie keeps you comfy and warm, with your hands free so you can snuggle with your baby, who's not in the snuggie. Really! How mean can you be? If you are so cold that you need a snuggie, what about poor baby?

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ah know, them is fightin' words...


Seriously though, I felt of a Snuggie at Macy's and forebad my boys to buy one for their sister. The fabric of those particular ones felt like airline blankets--YUK!


Instead they pooled their resource and bought a *very nice* snuggie clone from Brookstone. The fabric is heavenly...soft and plush. I can't seem to make a link work.


She's been wearing it for several days, while watching her Chalkdust SAT review videos. :D

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I voted other because I didn't even rate a real snuggie in my MILs book. I got a dime store knock off called a "Cozy UP" I didn't want one at all, but she thought it was a good gift because I complained I was cold when we visited over Thanksgiving. (I complained because the thermostat said it was 62 degrees inside the house and it was 27 outside, we all complained that we were cold)

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I did - but I am taking it back...very disappointing. It is very thin and tooo long in the arms and at the bottom! I am always freezing, so I thought it would be nice. Not so much!! I told my mom I would take it back to put towards a new shower curtain for my bathroom!!! :D


My sil made us (well...it's mine now though!) a very warm fleece D-Backs blanket with the ties. I love it!!

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I voted Other. There is one at my mom's place (that we have less than a week to clear out) and we have been arguing over who gets it. One of us was supposed to have wrapped it up for Christmas and drawn a name to give it to:). I have often used the original snuggie (a robe worn backwards) when watching TV or reading in bed.

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No Snuggie here, but DH got me a heated plush throw blanket that is absolutely wooonnnnddderrrfullll.....:hurray: It's like a small, thicker version of an electric blanket.


We talked about getting one for each of our moms, so when DH went to buy them at Costco he bought one for me, too. I am always cold in the evenings and when I'm cold my fibro pain flairs up more, so this is a real blessing!

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I'm glad you included an 'other'. ;)


I gave my younger son a snuggie for Christmas and he loves it. Until just a week ago, it was the only think he had asked for.




As you know, that was the first thing on my guys' Christmas lists this year. They've been walking around in these.


I'm telling you, they're gonna be the new denim jumper of homeschooling :lol:.

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Wait, they open in the back??? Don't you feel like you're wearing a hospital gown? I had thought it was like a housecoat-type thing where it went on over your head.


We got one (to give) for the gift exchange at DHs company Christmas party...it was one of 3. DD9 really wants one...she'll have to make do with her robe for now.


I'm telling you, they're gonna be the new denim jumper of homeschooling :lol:.



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I voted no. I didn't get one. I'm watching for the electric blankets to go on clearance. I want to get a twin one for my recliner.


And, I'm making them for the family for next Christmas. I found a simple pattern online last fall. I just didn't get my sewing room together in time for THIS Christmas. I do believe that they will be a BIG hit with the girls.

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Ok, I just watched the ad on the website and had to laugh. It talks about being cold and how the snuggie keeps you comfy and warm, with your hands free so you can snuggle with your baby, who's not in the snuggie. Really! How mean can you be? If you are so cold that you need a snuggie, what about poor baby?



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Where do u get a Cookie Monster snuggie? I only see plain color ones or a leopard one.


It's just a bright, brilliant blue. My kids say I look like cookie monster when I use it. We all fight over it, which is hilarious!


I bet you could make one very easily. I'm sure there will be all sorts of patterns so you can use your own fleece within a month!


Everyone is right, it's very long, it's a backwards bathrobe, the sleeves are long. . .But I have decided I LOVE it!:001_wub:


Sigh, who know a cheap piece of novelty fleece would be so worth it?

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