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I think heaven will smell like...

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puppy breath and Fraser firs. What about you?







P.S. This is for fun!



If there is a heaven, I hope it doesn't smell like anything at all. I am a smell-o-phobe and no matter what it is, I always smell it and have to know what it is. I'd always be walking around going "what is that? from where is it coming? is it spoiled?! is it spoiled?! throw it out!!!!"


Of course, I'll probably end up in hell anyway where everything smells like flowers with an undertone of something spoiled that I'll never be able to figure out.... and it will be in a house in the suburbs.... and my neighbours will all be soccer moms with Hummers.

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If there is a heaven, I hope it doesn't smell like anything at all. I am a smell-o-phobe and no matter what it is, I always smell it and have to know what it is. I'd always be walking around going "what is that? from where is it coming? is it spoiled?! is it spoiled?! throw it out!!!!"


Of course, I'll probably end up in hell anyway where everything smells like flowers with an undertone of something spoiled that I'll never be able to figure out.... and it will be in a house in the suburbs.... and my neighbours will all be soccer moms with Hummers.


My middle dd is a smell-o-freak. She has the nose of a hound and can smell anything a mile away. Makes her nuts. :001_smile:


So I'm thinking your idea of hell smells like when someone poops in the bathroom and then sprays rose scented Glade or something. EEEWWW!!!

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that sweet spot on a baby's neck

little boys (yk, that sweat & dirt & a touch of baby soap?)

little girls (hair detangler, nail polish, cookie dough, lavender soap, fall leaves and markers)

old and new books


freshly opened pepsi

a heavy nights sleep of a man that sweats when it's above 60'

Faint trace of medical antiseptic

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While I do like babies....the smell of them....not so much. I can remember the smell you all reminisce about, the sweet, soft smell...but to me it brings back memories of exhaustion and stress (ds had health issues as a baby). It is funny to me how many people associate this smell with pleasure..


I like the smell right after it rains, after the lawn is mowed, or a damp pine forest (when you smell the pine, not the rotting earth).

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