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Do tell--Do 'ya "get the creeps" when you're home alone at night?

Do you get creeped out when you're home alone at night?  

  1. 1. Do you get creeped out when you're home alone at night?

    • Yep, I'm a coward, just like you, Julie!
    • Nope! I haven't thought about that since I was, like, 10 years old!
    • {The always present} Other!

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Just curious. Dh is at Bible study with all of the kids. I thought I'd stay home to have a bit of peace and quiet, and a tiny bit of time to myself. Now I'm just sitting here with all the drapes drawn and the blinds closed, trying to ward off the creeps! Sheesh! you'd think I was 12 years old...:glare:

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My husband works a swing shift, so 7 nights a month he is gone to work. Some nights I hear strange noises. We live out in the country (which normal people think of as safer) so it creeps me out thinking if someone broke in, no neighbors would be nearby to notice. Also, since it is hunting season, we hear lots of gun shots in the wee small hours. That is pretty creepy.

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I always sleep with 2 dogs, but if Dh is out of town, I make a kid sleep with me too, to keep me safe.


I don't know that I have ever been home alone without Dh or any kids at all. That sounds a little too scary to even attempt.


Thats funny. When dh is not home and my oldest hears me up, she wakes up and we watch TV until we fall asleep together on the couch.

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I always sleep with 2 dogs, but if Dh is out of town, I make a kid sleep with me too, to keep me safe.


Lol, Amy! I think that's funny--I feel so much safer when even my 11yo dd is with me! What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to feel safer when a little kid is with me? :tongue_smilie:

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Just curious. Dh is at Bible study with all of the kids. I thought I'd stay home to have a bit of peace and quiet, and a tiny bit of time to myself. Now I'm just sitting here with all the drapes drawn and the blinds closed, trying to ward off the creeps! Sheesh! you'd think I was 12 years old...:glare:


You always need a big dog when you live "out in the middle of nowhere."


I LOVE my dog!

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my dh used to travel all the time, so I would be home alone for days or weeks at a time. All alone before kids, then with whatever infant, toddler, child was with me as the years progressed. now he does shift work so is often gone all night. I feel confident and competent. Except when thunderstorms happen. I'm not a Midwest native, so I am FREAKED out about tornados. When dh is gone in the spring during the big storms, I sleep in the basement (with all 3 kids).

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Some houses yes, others no. One early house we lived in was the worst, and dh had a 4 nights each week travel schedule. I swear I didn't sleep for a year.


Some homes I've had an alarm system that I use when he travels, but then I am more afraid that it will go off in the middle of the night by accident and give me a heart attack!


I think the older I get, the less I worry. I just really need my sleep these days!

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Any time dh has had to be gone overnight, I have either had my parents come & stay over, or we have gone there! I cannot stand to be alone at night once it's time for bed.


I sometimes wonder if that's part of the reason I got married much younger than most expected from me - guaranteed warm body to freak out with! ;)

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I can't say I haven't thought about it since I was 10 years old...although, I guess I just did on the poll :001_huh:. DH is gone frequently and for up to 2 weeks at a time. With dog and five kids in the house, I'm not really alone and rarely get creeped.

I'm fine when a variety of my 5 kids are home, it's just when I'm *really alone* that I have a hard time!

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Bears in your garbage can.

Coyotes in your chicken yard.

Silly teens throwing firecrackers which incite you to go out in your flannel pjs and snow boots and tell them to "cut that out and go home" - I jumped when I heard it u ntil I realized what it was. They started a brush fire a block away this summer with those things.

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Like the time I watched Deliverance while dh was out of town and I had all the windows open.



I did something silly like that once, too...I watched The Panic Room while dh was out of town. It was years ago, but to this day when he travels and I have to go potty in the middle of the night...I won't flush. Flushing in the middle of the night can get you killed; just ask Jodie Foster!

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I guess I'm lucky. I have no chicken house for opossums or coyotes to get into, no bears here in town, and no teens anywhere near here (that I've ever seen, anyway). The worst thing I ever hear around here is my next door neighbor's motorcycle in the middle of the night or train whistles (not creepy, but can be annoying at 4 am).

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I voted yes, but only because it happens sometimes. I normally love having the house to myself, even at night...but sometimes I will get the creeps.

Once dh was away (about an hour away) and came home to get the portable air con..but he did it in the middle of the night and forgot his house key. So he threw things at my window to try and wake me up (my room is on the 1st floor). It freaked me out so much- I thought someone was trying to come in my window- I called the police and hid in a cupboard! Eventually my very practical dd answered the front door (I cant hear it from my room) and let dh in. The police came and I had to apologise profusely to them, but they understood.

Edited by Peela
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I love the sound of a train, even at 4 am. One goes through a town about 15 miles from here, and if everything is just right I can hear it.


The sound of the train is fine; the whistle it blows is not. :lol:


This train is literally 5 houses down from me.


Funny story: The train was going by, blowing it's infernal whistle and it woke me. Only I thought it was a trumpet blowing and for a nanosecond, thought I'd missed the rapture!:lol:

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You know, I am really horrible about this. I do not like being home without dh in the hours between midnight and 5-6 am, or so. Every once in awhile (thankfully not often) he has to leave in the middle of the night. I absolutely CANNOT sleep while he is gone. Every little noise freaks me out. I am scared witless. I keep my cell phone in my hand, ready to summon help :001_rolleyes:. It's crazy, actually. We have an alarm system, we live in a heavily patrolled area, we even have a dog, for pete's sake.


I kinda blame my inordinate fears on the creepy movies my mom allowed me to watch as a young child: Joan Crawford movies (think "I Saw What You Did," "Berserk," etc. ), Creature Feature,and various other horror flicks. What WAS she thinking?!? To this day, I detest horror films and do not allow my kids to watch them either. One paranoid baby in the house is enough.

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True story: When DH and I were younger, we lived on a large estate in the middle of nowhere. There was a main house several acres back and our "caretaker's" house up close to the long, long gravel road. There was not another house along that road for 1/2 mile. My DH worked 3rd shift and I had 2 babies.


One morning I woke up to a police car at the end of my driveway. I walked down to talk to him and spotted several other police cars down the road and officers in the brush. I say, "What happened, someone find a dead body?" (of course I'm just joking around!) He says, "Well, yeah. Please go back in your house."


Ackk!!!! It turned out someone from Chicago ( about 1 hour away) was a victim of a drug murder and my lonely gravel road was the dumping spot. Yikes! I got a dog after that.


Once again, we live in the middle of no where and at this point in my life, I am not afraid. I even go down to the barn ( long block from the house) myself at night, no worries.

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Yes, I get a little spooked. Yes, I change my routine a little bit: Normally I think nothing of going out to the barn at midnight. I don't do that when I'm home alone.


BUT I love being home alone. I love having the evening to myself. I love staying up REALLY late. I love having the bed to myself.


So, my love of the evening alone offsets my getting spooked.

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The only time it bugs me is if I hear noises I can't explain. Something falling in the attic or garage will get me wondering if someone is hiding in there. I do better when the kids are home, because I can dismiss unusual sounds as them fluttering around.


Due to his job, a lot of people know when dh is out of town and that bothers me more. I ask him to not tell everyone he is going to be gone, just 'not available', but I don't think he does.


The house we stay at in the mountains is in a neighborhood of acre sized lots. There are houses going up the side of a mountain. There are no curtains on Huge windows, so anyone can see inside and know exactly who is there, but you can't see out due to reflections. Last time I was there, I got a bit freaked out, don't know what set it off but I definitely lost sleep peering into the darkness.


All in all, I would say 1/15 nights he is gone, I get spooked, but not more than that.

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I do get a little bit creeped out when dh isn't home, but not too bad. I have my dogs. One is fierce, and the other is loud. One or the other should do the trick.


The worst night I ever had was when dd was a baby. Her dad was out of town on business and I sat to watch Stephen King movie very late at night. I don't remember which one it was, but I was freaked out. Finally, the movie was over and I used my remote to turn off the tv -- and guess what? The thing turned right back on!!!!:eek::eek::eek:


Soooo... I picked up the remote, turned it back off and started to walk backwards out of the room (no way I was turning my back on that thing). And it turned back on! I don't know how I didn't have a heart attack. Finally, I walked up to the tv set, pulled the plug out of the wall and sat there waiting for it to turn back on. The plan was, if the thing went back on unplugged, I was going to grab my baby, and run out of my house screaming in my t-shirt and underpants -- no way I was going upstairs to get clothes.


Fortunately, it didn't turn back on. The next day dh returned and I told him the story. He took the remote to Circuit City (remember them?) and they told him they'd been having trouble with the remotes picking up airplane signals. I was living right by the airport. They gave him a new one and it never happened again. I still have gray hairs from that night.

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I don't get creeped out *inside, but I do get creeped out if I have to go outside without the dogs at night. I actually flick my key fob a few times to give me some extra light and a little noise from my car!


We have wild animals and we have teen vandals and thieves (as well as the random adult thief). I do worry about "sneaking up on" one or the other!


Inside, I have locks on my doors and windows. I have two large, scary looking, loud dogs. I don't mind being alone in the house with them.


Once in a while, I do get edgy thinking about wrangling 4 kids in a major emergency like a fire, or 4 kids and 4 pets if I have enough time to go for the animals, so I do run through emergency plans frequently.

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I can't say I haven't thought about it since I was 10 years old...although, I guess I just did on the poll :001_huh:. DH is gone frequently and for up to 2 weeks at a time. With dog and five kids in the house, I'm not really alone and rarely get creeped.


Same here. My husband doesn't travel that often or for that long but he has so many late night meetings that I just learned to deal with it. Now that the kids are older I get the creeps but when they were younger the thought that was most apt to keep me awake was how I would handle getting them all out of the house in an emergency.

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This is funny as I do NOT like to be home alone, meaning ALL alone. With the kids here, I am fine.


One night about 3 years ago my husband and son were out of state at a wedding. My girls were at my brother's over night so I could attend a ladies' activity at church--a bonfire at one of my friend's house (her dh was in Alaska and her daughter was at a sleep over). Well, I stayed and helped her clean up and we watched a movie and then she asked if I wanted to just crash at her house for the night.


Well, I REALLY wanted to but we were newer friends and I did NOT want to let her know that I was a sissy so I braved it and went home. Only to ALMOST call her back and say I was coming with my bag. I did survive the night---complete with the doors locked and mag lite by my side.


We now laugh at it and I think she would have liked the company as well.

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