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Mothers of BOYS

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Never underestimate their creative play. A sheet can be used a parachute and the top bunk is viewed as a mountain to parachute off of. End result "Mom, I think I broke my foot!" (thankfully only a fractured a metatarsul(SP?))


Also, the louder they cry the less they're hurt, the quieter they are, time for a run to the ER.


The scampering sound across the roof is not a huge rat or a cat or a possum etc. :w00t:

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LOL, I've had 'em so long, I can't now remember what life would be like without 'em!


I can't now imagine what life would be like doing arts and crafts projects, shopping with any sort of regularity, or doing other things I used to think of as typically girly.


My house is not frilly, either. Lots of denim for durability!


Stuff is always everywhere. I can't count the number of times I've stepped on small, sharp Lego or other such pieces. (At least I guess it's good no one has ever had a bad spill on the stairs....)


There's always sports equipment underfoot or spilling out of my car.


There's an unusual sort of smell in my teen's room no matter how much I try to clean......


"Clean", itself, means something other than what it used to mean.


Drinking out of the container is de rigeur......


Rude sounds and smells often prevail.....


Dirt is relative.....


Critters often abound (I think there's a rescued cricket somewhere in my house right now....)


What are little boys made of, made of?

What are little boys made of?

Snails and shells and puppy dog tails

That's what little boys are made of.....

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Ah, yes! I remember how I and lots of other moms in the preschool of my oldest said "WE" would NEVER let our sons play guns, etc., etc. They did NOT watch things that involved weaponry, either!


Well, when they were TWO, they pointed their fingers at each other and said, "Pow, pow! I'm going to POW you!" They wanted to pick up sticks on the playground and point those, but the teachers struggled to prevent them doing that, so they just ran around pointing fingers at each other..... And there were other things, too.... We all pretty quickly came to understand that there's just something in that y gene that just seems to beg for such play.....


My guys are all military buffs of various eras (mostly ancients for my older, but the others like the Civil War stuff, etc.) They all play various video games that re-enact battles of these wars (I don't know their names).....

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Ah, yes! I remember how I and lots of other moms in the preschool of my oldest said "WE" would NEVER let our sons play guns, etc., etc. They did NOT watch things that involved weaponry, either!


Well, when they were TWO, they pointed their fingers at each other and said, "Pow, pow! I'm going to POW you!" They wanted to pick up sticks on the playground and point those, but the teachers struggled to prevent them doing that, so they just ran around pointing fingers at each other..... And there were other things, too.... We all pretty quickly came to understand that there's just something in that y gene that just seems to beg for such play.....


My guys are all military buffs of various eras (mostly ancients for my older, but the others like the Civil War stuff, etc.) They all play various video games that re-enact battles of these wars (I don't know their names).....


:lol:, I love that part of little boys. One day ds and his friends were playing war complete with sounds, baby girl ran outside in her beautiful Belle dress pointing her wand saying "point, point, point" instead of "POW, BANG, KABOOM". I guess girls don't get it.

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I was one of those "no weapons" moms. The Kentucky piece of the puzzle map was the first thing (I think) that got turned into a gun. Since then everything that they get their hands on, becomes a weapon. My sweet little chef Benjamin just put oven mitts on his hands pretending to be a boxer.

Smells-ugh. Even boys who bathe regularly stink. Their rooms stink.

Bodily function jokes. Nothing is off limits. Even if you tell them it off limits. They love to tell others about their own (or worse, mom and dad) bathrooms habits etc.

The food they consume. Two of my sons are skinny boys. The other is average. The skinny kids eat more than you would think possible (my oldest eats more than me) and NEVER gain weight. My youngest has for a year now wanted to weigh 50 pounds. That meant he needed to gain 10 pounds. He has gained ONE.

They think fighting is fun.

Climbing. My youngest had to move into a toddler bed at age one because he climbed out of his crib.


eta: sounds. There are never quiet moments. Someone is singing, drumming, humming or clicking their tongues or snapping......

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What a great thread:) My boys are still very little, but apparently very normal!! My boys (1 1/2 and 3 1/2) just can NOT stop themselves from sticking their hands into any cup of water or other liquid! The baby, yeah, I can understand... but does the boy who's almost 4 still have to put his whole hand plus a toy into his cup of juice? And get water all over the sink, his shirt, and his pants EVERY TIME he washes his hands??


Apparently so:)

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I didn't read all the posts.....but my boy....sticks. He loves sticks of all shapes and sizes.

If the dog or a neighbor kid takes or breaks one of his sticks...he will dissolve into a heaping puddle of tears.


And rocks. He loves rocks, he collects rocks, he gives rocks as gifts. Oddly though when we went to the AR diamond mine he was all finished digging for rocks (I mean er diamonds) in about an hour and spent the rest of the day visiting with the strangers he met. Especially those with dogs. He was walking dogs all over the mud pit park.


Sound effects. He can play for hours 'alone' in the back yard. He makes lots of noise. In many voices.


LOVES his momma. Loves me so much....its awesome!

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Oh yes, I forgot sticks. And arguing over sticks. :lol: We have LOTS of woods behind our house. I used to say, "There's more. Just go get another stick." I know better now, of course.:D


And I have to add: chasing each other, wielding a stick in the air, and screaming like heathens.


On a side note, we have a huge boulder a ways up the hill. One day a repair man came to the house and the boys were up there making boy sounds. (Yelling, whooping, etc.). So the repair man said, " Is that the lost boys up there?" Um, yeah.......That's one of those times that you don't proudly add, "We homeschool."

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I got a boy after 6 years of girl. What a shock! She was/is very outgoing, independent, adventurous, but it pales besides him!


1) He cannot learn "No" by hearing it - the number of times I had to remove the soggy mop from the toilet before we resolved that one. And the number of unrolled toilet rolls!

2) A toilet obsession? Putting things in, washing hands in, flushing repeatedly...

3) Finds pee-ing fascinating - in the garden, toilet, shower, bath, kitchen bowls, ice-cube tray, plant pot, we've seen it all.

4) Much more blood and injuries.

5) He learned to make himself burp very early, and thinks it's hilarious.

6) He never puts something down if he can throw it.

7) He never sees a stick without wanting to hit something with it.

8) He never sees a stone without wanting to throw it.

9) LOVES trains and cars and buses and trucks. Loves playing in my car. Everytime I get in the car I have to switch off hazards, indicators, wiper

10) I have to add - he has to be involved in any fixing that takes place in the house - screwdrivers are like magnets to him. AND he thinks I (all women?) am incompetent in this area - I do it, Mommy".


I love having a boy!


Nikki, Mom to dd9 & ds2(nearly 3)

Edited by nd293
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Before having sons, I would have been shocked and appalled to have a toddler stand at the top of the stairs and say, "Mama, look! There's more penis under there!" while retracting his foreskin. Now I just say, "If you need to do that, go to your room," and continue drinking my coffee.

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Before having sons, I would have been shocked and appalled to have a toddler stand at the top of the stairs and say, "Mama, look! There's more penis under there!" while retracting his foreskin. Now I just say, "If you need to do that, go to your room," and continue drinking my coffee.


Ok, now this is funny, I don't care who ya are!

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This thread is hysterical! I was just having the conversation with my mom today as to why my boys are SO loud! Perfectly normal it appears! I'm one of 3 girls, so I had NO preparation for this...


Good to know it's all normal and I'm not alone! :lol:


I still cannot get the rambunctiousness though... whew!

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All these are hysterical! And true!


What I wasn't prepared for (after 2 girls) was having to move furniture so the son wouldn't climb and jump off.


The amount of tape, esp duct tape, the child uses.


His complete awe and amazement when we clean his room!


Oh, and how he can walk through the lingerie dept and poke *every* bra cup.:lol:

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I come from a family of 3 girls. My DH had 4 boys and comes from a family of 2 boys.


I was also a "no weapon" AND it's "all cultural conditioning" Mom. :lol:


The boys' constant need to um, "adjust" and I guess check to see if he is still there!


And I know more about my boys' (even the big one I'm married to) bathroom situations than they will EVER know about me or mine.


Sometimes, just to prove a (moot) point, I say something like "last time, with my tampon........." and they walk away as if it's not quid pro quo.

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Please list everything that you now consider NORMAL that you would have thought CRAZY before you had boys!


I need a perspective adjustment. Maybe this will help.


ER has always been fascinated by fire. I've noticed that males in general (in my family, anyway) seem to love to watch something burn -- fireplace, trash pile, lawn clippings, etc. Fire is scary to me, but dh & ER seems to love it.

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I'll just bet rookie is feeling better with each post we make. ;)


Once I was in the kitchen crying. I don't mean the silent tear kind of crying--I mean really crying--and all three males in my household wandered into the kitchen and wandered out again without noticing. I don't cry very often--maybe once a year--so you think they would have a clue.


My youngish 3 year old daughter walked in and noticed immediately.

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Glad to know my son is "normal". On a daily basis I get to witness every new ninja move he came up with. These usually involve jumping off a piece of furniture, nearly trampling his sisters, sounds effects, and "unique" moves that look far to similar to break dancing to me.

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:lol:, I love that part of little boys. One day ds and his friends were playing war complete with sounds, baby girl ran outside in her beautiful Belle dress pointing her wand saying "point, point, point" instead of "POW, BANG, KABOOM". I guess girls don't get it.


They do if you train 'em right. Not only can Miss 2 swing a greatsword, but she can charge with it too!




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I set a lot of stuff on fire as a kid. I was just experimenting. Once I burnt a big hole in the carpet at my Dad's work. He was so nice about it. He said that sometimes a kid just has to destroy something:Sweet man.


Hehehe. I set the toaster on fire once. I went in to tell Mum, who was still asleep and all she did was roll over to enquire if I'd turned it off and pulled the plug out. She didn't even bother to ask why!


Dh set fire to a bucket of petrol, a plastic bucket, mind you, in the garage right behind his mum's car. Then freaked out about how fast it burned and kicked it under the car. Lucky for him, that was the end of the story!




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Agreeing with so much of what's been already said...the weapons, the constant battles, the competiveness, the ability to find humor in a fart every single time, the energy, the fidgetiness and true inability to sit still, the love of sticks, the surprising sensitivity, the fierceness of their love for me, their gentleness with their new baby sister, the inability for a shirt to stay tucked in longer than it takes to actually leave the house, the NOISE.


I always saw myself more as a Mom to boys and love all their boyish ways but toward the end of this last pregnancy the constant fighting was getting on my nerves. Not that they were fighting in a mean way but just the constant battles that they both loved and usually I'm fine with. One night we were upstairs after their bath and they were beating each other with stuffed animals (and loving it) and I just looked at them and said "Couldn't you please just have a tea party of something". They both looked at me, looked at each other with a look that said "Mom is losing it," shrugged and continued to beat each other. My dh then came in and told me to go to bed. :)

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All these are hysterical! And true!




The amount of tape, esp duct tape, the child uses.


I once heard of someone putting rolls of tape into their kids' Christmas stockings. This year I'm planning to put together a basket as one of their Christmas presents. I'll put in duct tape, masking tape, rope, string,.....and um, I'm not sure what else. Should I put in empty toilet paper tubes for good measure?

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apparently I am the meanest mom in the world since my son says that I am "torturing" him now that I insist that he take a shower "twice" a week instead of his usual once (he is 12 and sometimes I have to hold my nose around him)


I have to always remind him to not put dirty clothes on after his bi-weekly shower and he thinks that it is insane to change socks and underwear every day (still plenty of good use in those socks and underwear, why put them in the hamper)!


he has aways had to take apart everything that he owns, often as soon as he received a gift, it needs to be "taken apart"


he is sweet and still loves to hug and hug HARD


in the car, he will say "hey look at those hot babes", I will ask him where he got that expression from, he will say "from Dad" and dh will swear it is not from him. Yeah, right.


he loves to torture his older sister, especially with gross noises


when I tell him to stop doing something, especially gross, he just has to do it one more time before stopping.

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Bendable wire!

Used corrugated election signs (when painted or covered they make really great shields)


If you're feeling really brave and live in a warm climate you can include spray paint. I have one guy whose artistic expression for all of last summer was painting soda and Gatorade containers. He'd paint them then turn them upside down on sticks in the garden to dry. Came up with some really neat color combinations too.


I needed to cull down the box of model rocket paints anyway.;)

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This year I'm planning to put together a basket as one of their Christmas presents. I'll put in duct tape, masking tape, rope, string,.....and um, I'm not sure what else. Should I put in empty toilet paper tubes for good measure?

They like PVC pipes better than toilet paper tubes.

Edited by Sue in St Pete
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I would've thought it crazy to accept mess, dirt, noise, combat (hand to hand as well as guns - paintball and airsoft), noise, milk coming from the nose from laughing, Legos everywhere, noise, dressing in costumes to go to the grocery store, the hysteria of potty humor, and noise as the norm.


I'm so glad that I have 3 boys; I don't think I could handle girls well. I'm still surprised, though, by the reactions of other mothers who have only girls or several girls and only one boy. Boys and girls are different - duh! Boys can be trained to be civilized creatures, they just need permission to be boys. They can't be that bad, right? After all, we each married one, didn't we?! :001_smile:

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Reading this thread is so much fun. My ds wont let us throw any wrapping paper tubes into the recycle can until he's finished with them. (There is plenty of noise involved;).


My ds has always had two speeds fast and sound asleep.


And he is ALWAYS STARVING!!!!!!!!!!

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I really thought, before I had boys, that I would curb violent play (sword play, even gun play) but I don't.


This is me. Guns were a no-no for toys as my oldest was born around the time the school shootings seemed to be a trend. But without any violent influences whatsoever, my sweet 2 year old was building guns out of duplos and even chewing his sandwiches into the shape of a gun and shooting his carrot sticks.


Something I never thought I'd say:


Yesterday, an aunt was expressing concern over my youngest son who was shot in the back with an air-soft gun. I told her that when a body picks up an air-soft gun and agrees to play it is with the understanding that they WILL be hurt. They are agreeing to pain when they agreed to play. It's part of the package.


While I stand by it, part of my brain was saying "Who ARE you???" as it listened to me speak. My opinion on guns has definitely evolved through the years.

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1) He cannot learn "No" by hearing it -


This. Words- repeated ad nauseum- have no affect on learning *not* to do something forbidden but so much fun. Such as whacking mom or sister on the backside over and over. But it only takes relinquishing 25cents exactly 2 times to learn said lesson.

Actions speak much MUCH louder than words.

I love my boy.



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I love that they are born with sound effects. I saw several others mention it, so I know mine aren't alone. They even share their sound effects with me as I drive....plenty of screeching and crashing sounds. I love that they even hum their own theme songs and mood music for whatever situation they are creating with their toys.


One I'm not seeing, and I'm wondering if it's weird....does anyone else find socks ...everywhere? I find them under the kitchen table, on the coffee table, in the hallway, on my counter, in the van! and last week....I found one in my towel drawer. I'm beginning to think they may be messing with my head now.

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One I'm not seeing, and I'm wondering if it's weird....does anyone else find socks ...everywhere? I find them under the kitchen table, on the coffee table, in the hallway, on my counter, in the van! and last week....I found one in my towel drawer. I'm beginning to think they may be messing with my head now.


Yes...under the sofa, under the radiator, on the kitchen table :ack2:, I've even found them outside!?! :smilielol5:

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Awesome thread!


For years we would have toy soldiers, aka green army men, lying in wait all over the house ready to ambush--and I do mean all over the house. I would find them in the fridge, on the back of the toilet, under my pillow,on every horizontal surface. One time, there was this awful smell coming out of the toaster, and I finally discovered the source of it: melted remains of a toy soldier who "couldn't take the heat." Unfortunately, that not only did in the soldier, but my toaster, as well.


Boys, you gotta love 'em! :001_smile:

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This thread is so awesome! I haven't laughed this hard all day! I come from an all girl family but some how how I ended up with two boys and I love it!

My boys:


1. Love to take things apart I don't care what it is.

2. Love mixing things together for experiments

3. I agree they go through rolls of all types of tape

4. Would cry if they see me throwing out cardboard from the toliet/paper towel rolls

5 Love to wrestle and jump on and off things

6. Can eat all day long if I let them

7. My youngest love to burp!

8. Love rocks, sticks and bugs!!

9. My youngest can not keep his hands from down his pants especially when he is sleeping. I guess he is having dreams that it disappeared some how!

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I had to add this little anecdote: My neighbor has 3 boys (all grown up) and when they were little, she and her husband wanted to show how open-minded they were, so they bought the boys each a Cabbage Patch doll. THe next day she went outside and all three dolls were tied to the tree with their heads chopped off.:glare:

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One I'm not seeing, and I'm wondering if it's weird....does anyone else find socks ...everywhere? I find them under the kitchen table, on the coffee table, in the hallway, on my counter, in the van! and last week....I found one in my towel drawer. I'm beginning to think they may be messing with my head now.


Be glad it's just socks. When one of my guys was little he used to leave his glasses everywhere like this. The floor (crunch!), the garden, inside the microwave...

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I had to add this little anecdote: My neighbor has 3 boys (all grown up) and when they were little, she and her husband wanted to show how open-minded they were, so they bought the boys each a Cabbage Patch doll. THe next day she went outside and all three dolls were tied to the tree with their heads chopped off.:glare:



All the sound effects posts reminds me of all the noise they make. I can remember ds following me at the grocery store while the 2 lego men he had brought with him battled to the death complete with sound effects. He was completely oblivious to others watching him. I passed an older woman who just looked at me and smiled...

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