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Amazon prime worth $79?

Is Amazon Prime worth $79 ?  

  1. 1. Is Amazon Prime worth $79 ?

    • Yes, I'd do it again~
    • Not a chance~

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I typically buy a ton of books, plus, I love the convenience of getting what I need when I need it rather than having to bunch up purchases. Even though I spend a fair penny with our local independent book store (which received some award for being a great independent book store), I still find my Amazon Prime worth the money.

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DH and I have Amazon prime membership and we are both glad to have it. Books ship in two days (and often within one day where we are!) so it's usually even more convenient than going to the bookstore. Also, lots of other things besides books ship free-electronics, kitchen items, toys, etc. We end up saving a bunch in shipping on Christmas and birthday gifts.


One downside it that we are tempted to buy more books because we can get (almost) instant gratification. :D It was easier to put off buying books knowing we'd have to wait two weeks for them.


Anyway, I LOVE having Amazon prime and will continue to pay for it.

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While I would love to spend the extra bucks for the convenience, I don't. I almost always purchase a min. of $25 for the free shipping. If I ever need a filler, I've got over 9 pages worth of stuff I want on my wishlist, so I'll just grab from there if I need extra.


So I think it's worth it if you have extra cash for convenience, but not for saving money (for me at least).

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I did the free sample awhile ago and loved it. However, for my purposes I don't think it's worth $79.


I do order from amazon frequently but I always make the $25 free shipping minimum (sometimes I do have to wait to bunch up an order but it's never been too inconvenient).

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I did the free sample awhile ago and loved it. However, for my purposes I don't think it's worth $79.


I do order from amazon frequently but I always make the $25 free shipping minimum (sometimes I do have to wait to bunch up an order but it's never been too inconvenient).



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Last year, I actually tracked how much I spent in shipping at amazon for 6 months (including Christmas). I figured if it was anywhere near $40 at the 6 month mark, then it might be worth getting prime. Honestly, it was no where near that. I did take advantage of the $25 free shipping a fair amount. But, even when I had to pay for shipping, I never came close to $40. So, I didn't think I would get my money's worth from prime.


I also use bn.com educator's discount online and take advantage of their free 3 day shipping on orders over $25.


If your shipping costs are $80/year from amazon, then it would be a great for you.

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I do love Amazon Prime. The free two-day shipping makes me so happy!


:iagree: A benefit for me was the two day shipping comes UPS not USPS. My poor mailman was driving up our long driveway almost 2-3 times a week for a while (blush). Not that I would pay 79.00 to convenience the post office. I do like being able to order many things with 2 day shipping, not just books. Also most of my curriculum items come via amazon, their prices are cheaper than our local bookstore (ours is a chain, not locally owned) even with my educator's discount. I wasn't sure I would feel it was worth it, but it is to me and I plan to renew.

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I did the free sample awhile ago and loved it. However, for my purposes I don't think it's worth $79.


I do order from amazon frequently but I always make the $25 free shipping minimum (sometimes I do have to wait to bunch up an order but it's never been too inconvenient).


:iagree: too.

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We have moved to a place with pathetic homeschool material availability and lousy local bookstore selection, so I've found myself ordering from Amazon, A LOT.

That is, after I try to buy it used off of these boards...... ;)

We've started buying a lot of dvds and fun books through Amazon recently because they are so much less than local store prices, though I HATE waiting the 1.5 to 2 weeks to get my books.

I AM afraid that if I DO get prime, I will order even more~ :D

I have a book issue.

I'm okay with that~ :lol:

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It's absolutely worth it for me. I save at least $79/yr on not making trips to the store that I'd otherwise make. And I probably save ANOTHER $79/yr on not trying to find filler items to make a $25 order.


I buy lots of stuff other than books. Personal care items, grocery items, electronics, household items, flip-flops. I always check Amazon for stuff I need. Today I was at the store and thought about getting something for ds. I used the iPhone Amazon app to look it up, and, sure enough, I can get it from Amazon for less and it will be at my house on Friday.


Mine just renewed for year 3...loving it.

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Yes, worth it for our family.


Agreed with pp's that I enjoy the freedom to simply buy what I need instead of having to scrounge around for something to meet the minimum. While I have a wish list, its just that- a wish list, and I don't like buying more than I need simply to have free shipping. So in a round about way, we break even in that I am saving money by buying only what I need. ;)

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Do you all know about the "subscribe and save" feature on Amazon? There are a lot of grocery/household items that you can subscribe to and they ship them automatically every month, two months, etc. You get 15% off their prices and free shipping on everything you subscribe to!


I always, always use the free shipping option so I don't think the benefits of opening a prime account would be enough to justify the cost for me.

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I did the free sample awhile ago and loved it. However, for my purposes I don't think it's worth $79.


I do order from amazon frequently but I always make the $25 free shipping minimum (sometimes I do have to wait to bunch up an order but it's never been too inconvenient).



I loved having it, but I think I ordered way more stuff from Amazon knowing that I could just order what I want and not have to pay shipping.

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I love, love, love my Amazon Prime. I've had it almost as long as they've had it available. I hate waiting for things to get here - once I decide I want it, I want it NOW! So two day shipping is great. And to have overnight shipping for only $3.99! I very rarely use overnight, but there are usually 2-3 instances a year when I really want/need something the next day, so just that right there almost makes up the cost.

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While I would love to spend the extra bucks for the convenience, I don't. I almost always purchase a min. of $25 for the free shipping. If I ever need a filler, I've got over 9 pages worth of stuff I want on my wishlist, so I'll just grab from there if I need extra.


So I think it's worth it if you have extra cash for convenience, but not for saving money (for me at least).


:iagree: It definitely wouldn't save me any money at all. I would love to get all my books in only two days, but I can't pay $79 for that alone. I have never paid any shipping charges from Amazon, because I always order more than $25.

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I LOVE Amazon Prime and have done it every year for a while now. Something to keep in mind is you can also add family members--so between me and my family (my sister etc), you'd better believe we make the money back in a heartbeat.


And as everyone else has said, it's awfully luxurious, even decadent, getting everything I order within two days.


I was thinking about it the other day. What did people do back when they couldn't instantly find answers on Google or get books they'd ordered in their mailbox the next day?! They had to actually look through catalogs, talk to people on the phone, and even DRIVE TO STORES! Now that's roughing it, eh?? :lol:

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I have been very happy with Amazon Prime. Suits my procrastinating/ forgetful personality. Plus, I order what I need. Period. I don't have to add items to equal $25 (which always ended up costing me more like $35 or more) and going way over budget. We just pay for our Prime membership with Christmas money and call it a gift and that's that.

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No way. I order from amazon at least 20 times a year, and always choose the slowest free shipping. (If there is an item I want that is not "In Stock", I am sure to order it separately from anything I want soon!!). I routinely get things within 3-4 days of ordering. I just couldn't justify paying more to get faster shipping when the cheapest shipping is so great. If there was something I HAD to have fast (rare!!!!!!!!!), I'd just pay extra for that one shipment.

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I love it! I am going on year 3. I was skeptical at first, tried the 3 months..didn't renew it, and hten about 4 months later rejoined. I have never regretted it. And yes, it is about convienence, not saving money. We have their subscibe and save program though for some of our groceries, but mostly..books and toys. If I need an item here tomorrow I pay $3.99 and it is here tomorrow..


I get money every Chritmas and every year, $80 of it is going to Amazon...:001_smile:

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No way. I order from amazon at least 20 times a year, and always choose the slowest free shipping. (If there is an item I want that is not "In Stock", I am sure to order it separately from anything I want soon!!). I routinely get things within 3-4 days of ordering. I just couldn't justify paying more to get faster shipping when the cheapest shipping is so great. If there was something I HAD to have fast (rare!!!!!!!!!), I'd just pay extra for that one shipment.


That must be nice. The regular shipping to my house takes a week and a half at the earliest~

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I can see where - if you were a planner and never needed something last minute, and could always wait for the slower free shipping and you always could fill a $25 order without adding unnecessary items to make $25 -that perhaps prime wouldn't be worth it.


I am not that person. :D


I can't count how many times I've saved a trip to the store because I knew I could order an item I needed on amazon and have it here in 1-2 days. It's been WELL worth the $79 to me. And many times amazon's price is cheaper than local AND no sales tax. And....I love that I can get one book (or one whatever...) without adding stuff up to make $25. That in and of itself saves me money.

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I LOVE it! I'm in my third year, I think. I use it for all sorts of things, not just books. Just about anything sold directly by Amazon is eligible for free two-day shipping. My latest free shipping item was a shaped cake plate. Last month, I got an electric can opener at a great price, with free shipping. I love being able to order just one book without having to worry about buying a bunch to make it worth the shipping cost. I just order the book, and two days later, it shows up on my doorstep. I especially appreciate this because we live in the country, and I don't a chance to go to brick and mortar stores very often.


I will definitely keep my Amazon Prime membership. It pays for itself several times over, especially at Christmas time!

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Now this I could see doing and being worth it. Hmmmm....


OH yeah I use it for lots of non-book stuff. All small kitchen appliances, gifts, legos, toys, occasionally diapers or wipes when I see we are close to out and I know getting to the store will be a problem, occasionally grocery stuff....it goes on and on.

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We have moved to a place with pathetic homeschool material availability and lousy local bookstore selection, so I've found myself ordering from Amazon, A LOT.

That is, after I try to buy it used off of these boards...... ;)

We've started buying a lot of dvds and fun books through Amazon recently because they are so much less than local store prices, though I HATE waiting the 1.5 to 2 weeks to get my books.

I AM afraid that if I DO get prime, I will order even more~ :D

I have a book issue.

I'm okay with that~ :lol:


We live about 30 miles from anything, and what is available after driving those 30 miles is a YAWN and is more expensive about 98% of the time. Soo, I order ALOT from Amazon.


But for a long time I was like a lot of other posters in that I had *no* trouble reaching the $25 free shipping threshold within a week or two (I have something like 9 pages of wishlists too!), so Prime seemed like a waste of money.


Since I've started homeschooling however, I have *needed* Amazon more and began paying closer attention to (and caring about) how long it took for some things to reach me. From order to arrival, it is often taking 2+ weeks with the "super saver shipping". So Prime has looked more and more appealing to me for the last 6 months at least.


So being that is is Christmas time (and I order ALOT of gifts on Amazon) I did the 30 day trial starting yesterday. I will put them to the test at their busiest time of year! :)


I think I will love having that "instant gratification" because once I decide I want/need something, I don't want to wait if I don't have to. I don't think I will spend more because I am pretty careful about really putting some good thought and research into things before I purchase. (although I will admit that on a few occasions, I took a few things out of my cart that had been sitting there waiting for the $25 threshold that I decided I didn't need any longer)


For now, I think the pros will outweight the cons for me, but I'll decide for sure in 29 days ;)

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Same here. The free shipping is close to 2 weeks.



Yep, here too. Although it wouldn't KILL me to wait 2 weeks, it does get frustrating with some things.


I agree about the sharing the membership too - if I end up staying with Prime, I plan to ask some family members if they want to contribute and just share the cost.

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I can see where - if you were a planner and never needed something last minute, and could always wait for the slower free shipping and you always could fill a $25 order without adding unnecessary items to make $25 -that perhaps prime wouldn't be worth it.


I used to be that person......until recently - so I think Prime may be a good-for-me-for-a-season type thing. We'll see.

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I did the free sample awhile ago and loved it. However, for my purposes I don't think it's worth $79.


I do order from amazon frequently but I always make the $25 free shipping minimum (sometimes I do have to wait to bunch up an order but it's never been too inconvenient).



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OH yeah I use it for lots of non-book stuff. All small kitchen appliances, gifts, legos, toys, occasionally diapers or wipes when I see we are close to out and I know getting to the store will be a problem, occasionally grocery stuff....it goes on and on.


Toys are almost ALWAYS cheaper than even Target and Walmart - I got DS the Star Wars dual action light saber for $27 at Amazon - it was $40 at Target (plus TAX, plus a trip to Target)


Also, for gifts it's great - I always forget gifts until the week or so before I need them and I just pop on Amazon, pick something out and it's here! No special trip to the store just for that. And being that we live so far out of town, one trip to the store will definitely cost me more than $6.58/mo, especially b/c I will buy more stuff just by being AT the store!.


Also for out of town gifts, you can buy something and have it shipped straight to them - and since I wait until the last minute for gifts, 2 day shipping should be a real dream for me!

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