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What movie endings make you cry every time?

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Ditto on a lot of the ones here. My biggest tearjerker ever would have to be Sophie's Choice.


I also cry a happy cry every time I watch the movie Baby Boom with Diane Keaton. When she returns home and her little one calls her Mama for what the audience hears is the first time -- gets me every time especially now that I have kids.

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It doesn't help that I first saw Terms of Endearment in the movie theater, about 6 months after my most beloved aunt had died of cancer. :(



OMH!!!!! Me, too! In fact, I waited to see the movie b/c close friends told me to wait.


One True Thing - :iagree:


Many of the movies mentioned here --and, I cried through most of UP (and had been warned that I probably would).

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ps - I *love* your picture that includes Mr. Guidry! :)


Thank you! He got groomed today so he is really a handsome boy tonight! :drool5::drool5: We went to PetSmart so he could visit with his former 'roomies' as it was Rescue Adoption Night at PetSmart -- he's exhausted!



and....:grouphug: to you too.

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"Steel Magnolias"

I start bawling at the scene where Sally Field's character is walking down that hospital hall, I sob hysterically when she's going hysterical in the cemetary and I dry up slightly at the end when they're all rushing off to the hospital to have the baby.



LOL! I wrote my comment right after you and didn't see yours! Good to know I am in good company.

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I cry at alot of the movies mentioned already. The movie Awakenings make me cry every single time. I'm actually misty just thinking about it. That's the movie when the catatonic patients briefly wake up, so to speak. The scene when the De Niro character dances with the girl knowing he'll never dance with her again. That scene shreds me everytime. I realized that it reminded me of my special needs son. He'll never be able to dance, have a girlfriend and so many things. I don't cry as easily as when I was younger. Whenever I NEED to cry, all I need is to watch that movie. It's like crying therapy.

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Not just the ending, but a few places in the middle, too: "The Lord of the Rings". It's funny, because we have watched these DVDs over and over, and I ALWAYS cry when Frodo sends Sam away, and when Sam thinks Frodo is dead. (Ds thinks I'm nuts: "Mom, he's NOT dead, you know!") Also when Arwen reveals herself to Aragorn at his coronation.


I do remember crying at:

"Terms of Endearment"

"Steel Magnolias"


"Babette's Feast"


"Empire of the Sun"



and many more.


The one movie that made me cry the hardest was "Sophie's Choice". I saw that with a friend in high school. We sat there all through the closing credits, while all the other patrons filed out, and were still frozen in our seats, crying, when the workers came in to clean up the theatre.



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Not just the ending, but a few places in the middle, too: "The Lord of the Rings". It's funny, because we have watched these DVDs over and over, and I ALWAYS cry when Frodo sends Sam away, and when Sam thinks Frodo is dead. (Ds thinks I'm nuts: "Mom, he's NOT dead, you know!") Also when Arwen reveals herself to Aragorn at his coronation.


I do remember crying at:

"Terms of Endearment"

"Steel Magnolias"


"Babette's Feast"


"Empire of the Sun"



and many more.


The one movie that made me cry the hardest was "Sophie's Choice". I saw that with a friend in high school. We sat there all through the closing credits, while all the other patrons filed out, and were still frozen in our seats, crying, when the workers came in to clean up the theatre.




I remember going to the theater when I was very young and bawling my eyeballs out at E.T. My mom thought she was doing a great thing taking us all to the movies and I couldn't quit sobbing. Poor mom!

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I cry at tons of movies, many that have been mentioned here.


But the one that really, really gets me is What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams. That's the one. I start crying pretty much around the time he yells: "I want to see my children!" to the Cuba Gooding Jr. character all the way to the end.



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I cry at tons of movies, many that have been mentioned here.


But the one that really, really gets me is What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams. That's the one. I start crying pretty much around the time he yells: "I want to see my children!" to the Cuba Gooding Jr. character all the way to the end.




ooh I forgot about that one! :iagree:

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I think it was Homeward Bound where there is a scene where one of the dogs in down at the bottom of a coal chute, maybe being buried (it has been a while since I saw the movie). Anyway, I had never seen the movie before and was watching it with dd, about age 5, and she got very upset, crying "Mama don't let the dog be dead, mama, tell me that he is not dead". Well, I did not know if the dog was dead or not, I just kept saying "that dog BETTER NOT be dead". Anyway, the ending did get me.


also, Born Free

Shenadoah (always loved Jimmy Stewart, but escecially in this movie).

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I've cried in all of the ones mentioned here that I've seen, but just the other day I was watching Armageddon on tv (with Bruce Willis--about the meteor coming to destroy earth) and I just bawled and bawled when the Bruce Willis character stayed behind on the meteor to manually push the button to blow up the meteor (and himself) to save the world.


I felt a little silly crying over that movie, but it just got to me. Esp. when his daughter was in mission control and then his screen when fuzzy when he pushed the button.

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Homeward Bound - when the old dog appears over the hill. "Shadow!"


I can crack my kids up -- if rolling their eyes and saying "MOM!" is considered cracking them up that is -- with a running commentary on the ending of this movie.


In tearful voice I say something like, "And the young dog comes (sniff, sniff) and the little boy is so happy. The family is all happy, it's so wonderful! He made it; he found them! And then, and then -- the cat! (sniff, sniff) Here comes the cat! She runs to her little girl. And they're all so happy! She's alive! She made it home! B-b-b-but, but -- what about Shadow? Is he going to come too? And they all look at the hill -- and he doesn't come (sniff, sniff). Shadow doesn't come and they're so sad! He was just too old. Poor Shadow. He couldn't make it. (sniff, sniff) And they all turn to go home. (Waaaah!) But then, but then -- what's that? Is that a bark? What is that? They turn back to look! And .... and .... there's Shadow! Shadow's alive! He made it! He's limping and tired, but he made it! (And I end with a full on fake sobbing).



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The one movie that made me cry the hardest was "Sophie's Choice". I saw that with a friend in high school. We sat there all through the closing credits, while all the other patrons filed out, and were still frozen in our seats, crying, when the workers came in to clean up the theatre.




The movie that did this to me in the theatre was Philadelphia with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington. I have never sobbed so hard in a theatre.

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