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So what are you asking for for Christmas?

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So far I'm asking for:


1. Silpat http://www.silpat.com/index.html

2.Simply in Season cookbook


3. Clean Eating magazine


4. immersion blender

5. Probably a pizza stone


I want to think of some other ideas besides just cooking stuff but I'm coming up blank-so I hope you'll share your ideas!

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I already got part of mine. We were at Costco and I saw a Crock-pot and told dh I wanted that for Christmas. The next time we were there they were starting to get low on them so he decided we better get it now if that's what I wanted. :001_smile: I also want a bread machine.


For a family gift, we are getting either a blue-ray player or a PS3. We have held off on getting a game machine, but since that play's blue-ray as well we are kicking the idea around.

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I keep a running list all year and add to it as I think of things:


The PBS reality shows about different time periods: Victorian House, 1900's House, Frontier House, etc. I'm hoping to use them to teach a small class of homeschoolers.


A fence for my backyard! The kids are finally old enough to play outside by themselves, if we had a fence.


The Well-Trained Mind. I've had the library's copy for about 9 weeks now (I keep renewing it) but I want my own copy to highlight and write in the margins.

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A 12" non-stick jumbo skillet with a cover

A couple of cookbooks for frugal cooking/living

A nice covered casserole dish

Dishcloths for my kitchen

Books, although I'm still sorting through which titles I want (my list of books can be never-ending!)... one of them will be The Help.

Pajamas and a pair of slippers

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I'd like our house to sell.


I'd like dh to find a job.


I'd like to know where we are going to live.


I'd like to know we will have medical insurance.


I'd like to know we will have food on the table without resorting to credit cards.


:grouphug: May you get all you desire and more.

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I asked for and have already received a portable fire pit for the back yard. Dh knew I wanted to use it during the nice fall weather. Sigh...cozy little fire and some marshmellows or a cozy fire, blanket and star-gazing. Very nice.


As a family we may get a Wii Fit system.


Our son and his wife will give us our first grand-daughter just before Christmas, so that will trump anything else we could ask or wish for.

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Analytical Grammar.


There's a few other things I'd like, but that's the only one I'll get. I'd like a solar cooker and my tabletweaving loom fixed, but buying something is easier.


Mostly I'm with Michelle, though. I'd like dh to find a job so I can figure out where we are going to live and how long we will stay there.



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I just had this conversation with my husband this morning. For the money that would be spent on my gfit, I would like to donate that to getting some toy storage and shelves from IKEA to redesign our playroom/school room. Even though we have a school room with 4 desks, we never use them, and end up at the kitchen table or on the couch. So I'd like remove the school room, and making it all one playroom. Here is a link to what I'd like to copy: http://babycheapskate.blogspot.com/2009/08/toy-storage-solution-photo-contest.html

I like both the winner and second place's designs, and would like to incorporate both.


This is so important to me for a couple reasons. 1. See my post on Top Ten Toy List from a few weeks ago. My girls and I have narrowed down what they really want to keep and their wish list, and I want them to have an organized space to play with it. 2. We are foster parents and can have up to 4 foster children ages 6 and younger. Our current play room and storage system encourages dumping everything out and there is little room to actually play.



Then, as my gift, I'd like for my husband and me to follow the Cleaning Grand Plan at www.organizedhome.com. It's designed as a 13 week plan where you clean and organize your home, room by room, in a very focused what. I think a better goal for us is a 52 week plan. Because we are homeschooling and foster parents, we have limited time to devote to such a big project.




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The not-so-important things I would like for Christmas:

--Beverly Lewis' newest book

--For dh to transfer some of my religious records (as in 33 rpm) to audio cassette tapes so I can listen to them when taking ds back and forth for chemo


The REALLY important things I want are not in any one's ability to do, give, or make happen (except in a couple cases where it would require changes in heart and/or thinking by people who see no need).


The important things I want include the burden and strain of our financial/employment situation to be lifted.

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our upstairs bathroom and our small guest bathroom---floors redone....the carpet(yes, carpet in a bathroom!! YUCK!) needs to be pulled up and I would like ceramic tile in place of it. My mother-in-law and parents always give us money for Christmas so I will try to put it towards that.


Other than that...I am not picky at Christmas as I have always been given wonderful gifts(more than plenty from a wonderful mother-in-law, sister-in-law, nieces and my mom) My husband gives me gifts throughout the year so I always say don't worry about a gift on a particular day as he does it year round.


I would really like for Christmas plans/schedule with my parents and in-laws be easily solved. I dread this time of year every year as I know that it is going to be an issue and one that is not easily resolved.

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Guest janainaz

I never ask for or really get anything for Christmas. I focus on my kids and that means dh and I don't shop for each other. However, I mentioned to my dad when he was visiting here from OKC that I really loved those big plasma screen TVs and he told me he was getting us one for Christmas. :001_tt1: I'm not an electronics/technology person, but I always stop and look at those TVs and think about how great animal planet would look being so clear. I'm letting myself be excited about it. :D

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I will ask for the same thing I ask for every year - for my kids and my dh not to buy me anything. All I really want is for them to DO something nice for me. Its free. It does require thought and most likely minimal effort.


I buy the stuff I want all year long, so by Christmas, I have nothing material to ask for.

Edited by LauraGB
big bummer of an original response after re-reading it!
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LOL, I'm considering asking for a lot of different things, that will actually be useful to me/us.


One of the things I'm considering asking family for is paper plates/disposable cups/bowls/utensils.

It would be great to have a good stock of those supplies for the times that things get chaotic (which seems to be often lately).


Another thing I'm considering asking for is a donation to put in savings to apply toward school items for the kids- including classes and supplies.


But that's not really for 'me'.


I'd really like: a soda maker; a B&N gift card; a Starbucks giftcard; Cuddleduds: flannel sheets; silverware (I can't seem to wash forks and spoons fast enough around here and we already have more than one set); a George Foreman type grill so that we don't have to use propane EVERY time I want to 'grill' something; towels- I could ALWAYS use more towels/washcloths/dishcloths; Nourishing Traditions; the More with Less cookbook; some specific supplements; a giftcard to our healthfood store. I am constantly changing my mind about more 'frivolous' things, so I'm refraining from asking for such things. Oh, and I'm only asking those who ask me or DH what I want. I'm making a list for DH to give to his relatives. :D

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So far... just for my mom to read my French version of the 1st HP book out loud and record it so I don't have to pay through the nose for it :lol: Otherwise I'll make a little list from RR. That's about it. We don't need a bunch of plastic toys or weird decor items and our families usually actually ask us or just donate money to the cause, lol. They know we're a little odd in our preferences, compared to the rest of the family.

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My dad is getting us a flat screen TV and a bunch of educational DVDs and my best girl friend wants to buy us a Wii.


I asked for the Big Green Egg pizza stone. I think my dad is also getting me a Cuisinart ice cream maker. He said he would bring his over for me to try, and if I like it, he'll get one for me.


I just want the nursery painted, the baby safely born, and the WHOLE house clean.

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I would love to receive a GPS so my youngest son and I could go Geocaching.


I received binoculars for my birthday in August from DH and kids, but they were returned cause they didn't work --- the credit card refund just didn't get re-spent on a replacement binocular since I was deciding. I would love to actually receive the binoculars...


But then DS broke his leg and tore cartilage in his knee 2 weeks ago. He'll be starting PT next week and will have more medical bills coming in.... Any funds we might have had for Christmas will go to pay his medical bills. This year we'll be enjoying each other's company and be thankful that DS only has a broken leg and torn cartilage.



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I'd like our house to sell.


I'd like dh to find a job.


I'd like to know where we are going to live.


I'd like to know we will have medical insurance.


I'd like to know we will have food on the table without resorting to credit cards.


:iagree: (Except the medical insurance. We're in Canada. Although I'd like extended benefits.)

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I'd like our house to sell.


I'd like dh to find a job.


I'd like to know where we are going to live.


I'd like to know we will have medical insurance.


I'd like to know we will have food on the table without resorting to credit cards.



It's a tiny amount, really, but dh donates plasma twice a week sometimes. Is that an option? And food stamps and all that stuff? :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I hope you get your wishes, all of them.

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I want a pretty bookmark that doesn't fall apart or fall out of my books.


I also want one of those cool "embosser" things that says "From the Library of Asta" in a pretty script.


I is dork.


(oh, and jammies are a perennial favorite...)




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I'd like our house to sell.


I'd like dh to find a job.


I'd like to know where we are going to live.


I'd like to know we will have medical insurance.


I'd like to know we will have food on the table without resorting to credit cards.


I'm hoping for jobs for the primary breadwinners in families of two friends and one brother-in-law, homes for three families who've been crammed in with grandparents for too long, and vehicles that must continue to run and not need repairs. I'm praying for the grandparents who don't understand why their grown and competent children can't find jobs and who are sometimes harsher than necessary with their grandchildren. And prayers for you too, Michele. May you have all that you need and much more.

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What I want for Christmas will come on January 1st. My husband will be home for 14 glorious days of R&R. I can't wait!! My daughter will come home at the end of January or beginning of February..it will seem like and extended Christmas. :D I'm so excited I can hardly wait.

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I really want everyone to pick up after themselves, but they stressed that it needed to be something they can buy and not a life long commitment. Sigh.


So I'd like new wood blinds on the back window (ordered, bought, picked up, and installed, please) and a movie gift card so I can take the kids to a movie and not feel horrified at the price (min. $7 here per ticket).

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Socks and cloth napkins.


Socks, too! I am forever looking for socks that meet my *expectations*!

Cloth napkins I already have - found oodles and oodles of them at a yard sale in an upscale neighborhood - laundered them thoroughly (with clorox added) a couple times. It should be awhile before I need anymore.:D

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I know two things I'm getting that I would not have thought to ask for.


Dh is taking FOUR WEEKS off of work over the holidays. I doubt we have had that big of a block of time together in 17 years of marriage.


I'm also grateful for my dad's continued good response to Chemo. I was so sad when I found out I was pregnant this time because I would never have believed my dad would live long enough to see her born, yet here he is making plans for both the birth and for Christmas.

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I have been wanting a digital SLR camera for some time. DH is looking into this and it would be a joint present for us with Christmas and both our birthdays combined. DH is also wanting an inexpensive small digital camera to take with him on his trips.


Other things I want my kids/brother/or hubby to get me are a new blender, additional utensils (they keep losing), new steak knives, and new measuring cups/spoons.

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Hard anodized large skillet/saute pan and saucepan


New crock pot

Cannisters for flour/sugar

Smartwool socks (I really really want to try these!)

Wii Fit Plus (I already have Wii Fit)

Time to sit and scrapbook with my MIL without kids interrupting


And I always want a Kitchen Aid stand mixer...but alas they are so expensive.

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I would like a new cell phone, but I will have to wait till Jan. 1st because of our contract. Other than that, I am thinking Wii Fit Plus to go with my Wii fit. I have also been wanting a nice beanbag chair for my living room so I can lounge by my fireplace. I just don't want a vinyl, cheesy one. I want a grown up bean bag chair! LOL!

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