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Do you buy new or used currc.?


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Do you normally buy new or used curriculum?

If you buy used, where and what do you look for?

If you only buy new... why, what is your reasoning?


I've been trying to save money buying used, but recently got "burned" by an amazon seller... it was missing many many parts... we are trying to work out the details and get refunded by amazon... but I am really doubtful I'll buy used again... am I just doing it wrong?

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Depends on what it is. I tend to buy new because I know that if I have a problem with something I can contact the company to work out the issue. You don't have that if you buy used. I buy some books used (textbook type books that we use as a support/supplement to our courses as these are usually upwards of $100 or so, I mostly buy these from Better World Books). Once in a while, if I come across a good deal, I will buy used, but it seems like those deals are harder to come by.


Also, by buying new, I know what I am getting. I don't have to worry about writing in the book that wasn't mentioned or the pages being loose from the binding, etc. Even when people describe their stuff it isn't always what is expected. I also find that I do more impulse purchases of used items because I feel like I am getting a deal (sometimes). Most of the time these purchases are not items I am really in need of, but things that sound interesting that I come across while I am looking for the things I need. :)


I am sorry if I sound a bit negative about used stuff, but if I am only saving a small amount I would rather buy new if I can afford it.

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Amazon Marketplace is not what it once was IMHO. If you buy used there, you can't count on the condition being accurate, and there seems to be more fraud than ever among both buyers and sellers. I've been happier with Better World Books that way. I also buy from other parents online, at local sales, and then I shop around for new when all else fails. I'm already buying for 2010-2011, so I have time to watch for things and I know when there are true deals.

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Also, by buying new, I know what I am getting. I don't have to worry about writing in the book that wasn't mentioned or the pages being loose from the binding, etc. Even when people describe their stuff it isn't always what is expected.



We look at the curriculum as an investment in our son's education. We are fortunate to be in a position to buy new each year, even for an only. I try to pay it forward though, by giving away the things we finish each year. I've tried selling it, but honestly, people want to give you so little for it, it's hardly worth it. Also, I don't have to worry about marking in the books, or making copies of worksheets, etc.

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Check out the rating/feedback of the seller if you're unsure. I've sold TONS of books on these boards! :001_smile:


:iagree: The ratings give me added security when buying used.


I buy new when I can't find it on the boards and usually find the best prices at cbd.com, amazon, and Rainbow.


For exclusives, I buy direct from Queen, Heart of Dakota, PHP, Sonlight etc.... I like to support the homeschool community and small business when I can.

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I definitely try to buy used whenever I can. I have never bought used online. So, I have no clue about that experience. I buy used from other fellow homeschoolers in my support group. I have gotten books like Henle for $3 or Story of the World for $4. You just cannot beat that. No shipping cost just hand it to the next person. I also support my state's homeschool convention. I try to get used materials there too. There is nothing like talking to someone.


I have purchase new curriculum too. For example, not a lot of people in my local support group use Classical Writing. So, I have to go new with that expensive program. Yuck! I purchase Primary Mathematics new. It is a good price new so it is no big deal. I use mostly the library and online for a lot of my books and material. I hardly go new with stuff anymore. It is not worth it and I can figure things out with out spending a fortune.





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The things that I know that I want to keep for our home library or use for my younger son, I try to buy new. But I like to find nice copies of used books, too.


A GREAT place for used curriculum is the HSLDA Marketplace.


You don't have to be a member to purchase books, but you do need to be a member to sell on their site. I've bought and sold there with no problems at all. I like knowing that it's pretty much homeschoolers selling books to other homeschoolers.

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whenever I can save a significant amount of money and get a like new product. I have bought used from the sale boards here with great success. I also have a friend who works in a used book store that sells curriculum locally. I can give her a list of anything I need and she'll keep an eye out for me and pull it if it comes in. She sells everything at 50% of retail.


A couple of my best buys this year were a 1 year old Sonlight IG for 1/2 price here and a brand new Bob Jones science set for 1/2 price from my friend!


Buying used has really stretched my homeschooling dollars.

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My first year I bought some used. It was not a great investment. Odd smells, writing in books, etc... If I had a support group where I could see what I am getting ahead of time, maybe. I will say this, I have three kids and plan to keep using certain things over with the youngers.

It makes sense to buy new to make sure my teacher books do not fall apart.

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I nearly always buy used. It is a system like anything else, and once you understand it, you can work it to save lots of money.


I will never buy a used book labeled "acceptable" or "fair", and I generally only buy those labeled "very good" or "like new" (unless the book is rare or out of print). I only buy from used sites with return policies (except for websites like this from other homeschoolers), and if something arrives in a condition I don't like, I send it back. I've gotten some books free with refund because I noted to the seller that the condition was not as stated. Amazon also has an overstock/irregular section that I use which is new books at a significant discount. My favorite used book source is www.bookfinder.com, which searches over 150 million used books at every used book source on the internet.


Buying used saves so much money, I could never contemplate homeschooling with the expensive curriculums I use otherwise.

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I tend to buy new for most subjects. Many of items I use don't show up regularly on the used market and when they do I don't always have the money available. I prefer new but do try to find my lit selections used. I've had great success with paperbackswap and thrift stores.

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So this is our first year...and boy did I get a learnin' in how to buy books. I started out wanting to buy as much as I could used to save money, knowing I had to buy for 4 dc. Well, as said before, sometimes you don't get what you think your getting. My quick flip through a test/quizes book lead me to believe it had never been used, but then found out later that they did several of the tests but left all the quizzes and speed drills, grrr. So make sure that you look through it THOROUGHLY. Also, if you have several kids, it doesn't make much sense to buy new if you won't get to reuse it with the others. So we bought mostly new, some used for dd11, had to buy all new for dd9 because the curriculum we chose for this year had just revised that grade and that means if we bought used, none of the future workbooks would be compatible. That is a good question to ask when you buy new, is there a revision planned for the near future? Most companies do that every so many years. Well, not sure how much of the new stuff we will keep anyway because we are now finding that there are probably other cirriculums out there that will be a better fit for our family. That's another thing to consider, are you sure you really love it so much to buy it new? I got my best deals on used books at used curriculum fairs in my area. Check around with local co-ops or yahoo groups in your area that might do the same thing, usually in the spring. Hope this was helpful.

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I almost always buy new. I only have one dd. I have in the past bought used and I wasn't happy with the condition so I won't buy from a private seller. Also too many horror stories. Sometimes it's not worth the extra shipping either. It's not worth it to me to save $10.


I usually go to Second Harvest if I buy anything used and there I can pick my condition. I'll buy from a private seller if I'm thinking of buying it, but I'm not sure if I'll like it and I'll buy the worst copy I can find just to peruse it. Then if I like it, I'll buy it new.

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I buy used at a couple local curriculum sales every year in the spring. Usually the prices are really good. I will usually take $100-200 and come away with almost everything I need to start the following year.


We also have a great consignment store that has everything. They ship too, so I can email or call them to see if they have what I need in stock.


After that, if I still need something I'll send out an email to my co-op to see if anyone has what I'm looking for. Often someone does and hasn't gotten around to selling it yet.


After THAT :), I'll check Amazon or Rainbow Resource. I always look there pretty early on, actually--often it's not that much more to buy new, and then I don't have to think about it anymore.

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Unless I can find it here from a seller I "know" then I buy new. Also when I buy new, I try to buy direct from the publisher if I can especially if they are a small business.


I've been burned to many times on ebay and amazon. I've found that my version of 'excellent used condition' and someone else's can be radically different.

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I buy new when I can't get it used for 75% off or more. I buy used ONLY from this website or homeschoolclassifieds.com. No ebay, no Amazon. I find that ebay and Amazon are booksellers, not homeschool moms who care about their reputation and other moms.




Edited by coffeefreak
whoops! Wrong website listed :)
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I buy new when buying curriculum. Just prevents the frustration of having odors, markings, missing pages, etc. However, since we use a ton of literature, I go to every used book sale I possibly can. If a reader has an odor it is not as big a deal as it isn't a book you have to smell all year! LOL Our homeschool group has free book exchanges and I don't mind taking a used curriculum there b/c I am not out anything if I have to turn around and order it due to damage or something else.

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I buy used unless an exhaustive search has turned up nothing, or unless it is a workbook (such as ETC). I want to save money and reduce waste.


I wouldn't let one bad experience with buying used turn you off. There are bad experiences buying new, too, as countless threads here at WTM show.



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I buy used as much as possible. I go to two curriculum sales each spring/summer and I buy used here. I've only had one bad experience buying from these boards, and it was years ago. Someone didn't mention they smoke and the book was so smokey-smelling, my eyes burned. Other than that, items have been as described and I've been pleased.


I won't buy used consummables unless there is absolutely no writing in it.

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Check out the rating/feedback of the seller if you're unsure. I've sold TONS of books on these boards! :001_smile:




I buy nearly everything used. I only buy new at convention and then it's for consumables and/or enrichment items that I don't find around here.

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I also find that I do more impulse purchases of used items because I feel like I am getting a deal (sometimes). Most of the time these purchases are not items I am really in need of, but things that sound interesting that I come across while I am looking for the things I need


Ain't that the truth! I need to really watch myself with this. I do much better if I can see something in person, so I try to limit my spending until I can do that. It's so hard!!

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Do you normally buy new or used curriculum?

If you buy used, where and what do you look for?

If you only buy new... why, what is your reasoning?


I've been trying to save money buying used, but recently got "burned" by an amazon seller... it was missing many many parts... we are trying to work out the details and get refunded by amazon... but I am really doubtful I'll buy used again... am I just doing it wrong?


I buy used much of the time. I have really had good experiences, but once in a while I do get burned. I have to date always gotten my money back.


That said I have noticed I am not as willing to do it with the small items I used to, like $8 math books.




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I buy used if I can get it for 75% off or more (condition doesn't really bother me as long as it's usable) or if it's oop. I do buy used online and have never had a problem, but I miss the used homeschool bookstore that used to be across the street from my Mom's house. I still think they could have made it if they would have sold on the internet as well as in their storefront. They had excellent prices and a huge variety.


If I can't get something for at least 75% off I'll usually buy new. For instance, I've never found MFW at a price where I would be interested in buying it used. But I found an entire SL core once for $20...that was definitely worth it!


We have a pretty big homeschooling budget compared to others...mostly because we give up a lot of other things to do so, but I know that's not possible for everyone. It allows me to buy using a combination of new/used and get most of what I want.

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I haven't started homeschooling yet, but have collected a few things. I buy new, mostly, because it is easier. There aren't many homeschoolers around here who use the stuff I want to use, so there's not really anyone to buy used from. If I'm going to pay international postage, I might as well get new things that will last the distance.



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Guest Cindie2dds

Both, new and used. I would like to buy used to save money if I *knew* it was what I was looking for or if I thought I could turn around and sell it again without too much of a loss. Unfortunately, a lot of the things I want to buy have an extremely high resale value; so I would rather have the newest edition, rather than a four-year old version with only a 25% discount.

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Sorry - I am not going to be much help -- it really does seem to be detemined on a case by case basis. I buy used here and on ebay -- I ask very specific questions and I always keep in mind (regarding ebay) that the seller's idea of 'almost new' and mine are probably different. Also, I always check that it is a non-smoking home. I do my research on the website of the 'curric' to know the components, ask specifically if pages have been completed (regarding used)......and after all of that, unless it is really inexpensive and has all the parts I need, I usually buy new. The best used curric I have found is here on WTM or from sellers I am familiar with on ebay....also, my yahoo group, LCC, has good buys.

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I buy used for almost everything or use paperback swap. I always keep 200 items on my wish list at paperback swap and load it with anything I may be interested in looking at.


The only place so far I have been burned at is Paperback swap and I have gotten my credit back for that.


I have had good luck with ebay, homeschool classifieds and here. I am make sure to ask questions though and look at feedback.


The only stuff I buy new is workbooks locally, something I can't find used or something that I really can't get that much of a discount on if I buy used.

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It depends on what it is. Whether it is a single book or a whole curriculum makes a difference. Fortunately I used to buy almost everything used. I very rarely got burned. I bought either through these boards, homeschoolclassifieds, and a few other sources. The reason I say fortunately is that I bought a lot and have changed direction/mind quite a few times. Now I feel very focused and clear headed in our direction. I do not need to buy curriculum,only books. Those I am buying mostly new, with a few used thrown in.



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I try to buy almost everything used. However, sometimes it is easier (and often cost effective) to buy sets of books new. It is sometimes harder to piece together things that come in groups (saxon, LLATL). I have done it but you have to be careful your getting the correct edition/year book.


I am actually suprised at how many people buy new exclusively.

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