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Who is sick of 'Jon and Kate plus 8' craziness?

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Jon has just lost his mind. Kate may not be much better, but at least she's not so visible. I heard that Jon is no longer on the show and it's going to be called 'Kate Plus 8'. Ugh.


We used to love to watch that show, but it really changed once they moved to that big house. Then, when the split became public, we quit watching. I do not care to watch a family self-destruct for entertainment purposes. Blech.


Those poor kids.

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NOt only is Jon no longer on the show, I read that he's not allowing the kids to be filmed.


Well then, maybe he's the got the most sense of the two after all.


I also cannot STAND how TLC is rolling all their reality shows into one--- Let's watch Kate and the kids decorate cupcakes at Charm City Cakes! OOOH! Let's watch Michelle Duggar buy a wedding dress at Kleinfeldts!





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I have never watched the show, and I am terribly sick of hearing about people I wasn't interested in watching in the first place. The same goes for Michael Jackson. Why is a news network like CNN spending so much time on these topics? (Off topic perhaps, but that is my main complaint, as I do watch CNN regularly.)

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i agree it's all got to stop, along with all the stuff about Michael Jackson, Patrick Swaze (sp?), Martin Luther King jr. kids, and all that other crap, if they are dead leave them in peace, if not dead just leave them alone no wonder Brittney Spears had issues, I would too if I had everyone up in my business

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NOt only is Jon no longer on the show, I read that he's not allowing the kids to be filmed.




I was glad someone finally took that stand. It needed to be done. I'm not crazy about him, but she's just lost her desire to do the best for the kids, and it seems someone in that family has needed to step in for them. I quit watching it when the drama started.

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Well then, maybe he's the got the most sense of the two after all.


I also cannot STAND how TLC is rolling all their reality shows into one--- Let's watch Kate and the kids decorate cupcakes at Charm City Cakes! OOOH! Let's watch Michelle Duggar buy a wedding dress at Kleinfeldts!






True!! The Duggar episode just didn't work. That is just not a store for her. It was just weird! I'm not knocking her and I'm not knocking that store. It's just two different point of views coming together, and the fact that they didn't mesh was evident, IMO.


Don't forget that Jon & Kate built their own motorcycle & had the major chef on their show. None of it worked either. Every episode liked that seemed to prove more and more what a spiteful woman she is.

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I don't know. She was on the Today show this morning talking about Jon taking $230,000 out of their joint account and leaving her with $1000. She is no saint but I'm starting to think she really is trying to provide for her children knowing that her ex is a deadbeat. Any man who hangs out with the creator of "Girls Gone Wild" has serious moral issues and shouldn't be allowed alone with children.

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Well then, maybe he's the got the most sense of the two after all.


I also cannot STAND how TLC is rolling all their reality shows into one--- Let's watch Kate and the kids decorate cupcakes at Charm City Cakes! OOOH! Let's watch Michelle Duggar buy a wedding dress at Kleinfeldts!






I don't watch these, so I didn't know they were doing that, but it makes good marketing sense to promo one product with another. But, then... I think that if they are going to orchestrate so much of the "reality" shows, they need to step away from calling them "reality" shows.

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NOt only is Jon no longer on the show, I read that he's not allowing the kids to be filmed.


Curiouser and curiouser. And, sadder and sadder for the kids.


You know, I would love to attribute this change to an epiphany, but it was really retaliation for him getting cut out of the show. Then him stealing over $200,000 from their joint checking account? I used to feel sorry for him, living with a shrew like Kate, but he is showing himself to be a self-centered moron.

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I don't know. She was on the Today show this morning talking about Jon taking $230,000 out of their joint account and leaving her with $1000. She is no saint but I'm starting to think she really is trying to provide for her children knowing that her ex is a deadbeat. Any man who hangs out with the creator of "Girls Gone Wild" has serious moral issues and shouldn't be allowed alone with children.

Isn't it just so creepy and weird that she would go on national tv and share that? I'm afraid it's hard for me to feel sorry for people with this kind of money and advantages to put themselves in this pickle. I am working to help a mom of 2 who left her husband because of physical abuse, and she would love to have $1000. Or better yet, $5000 so she could retain a decent attorney instead of the deadbeat pro-bono one she has. She lives on $608 a month in child support and can't get a job that will pay for rent, daycare, bills, etc.


The Gosselins have made this bed, I wish they would just stop talking about it! I guess it's the public eating it all up that causes the magazines and talk shows to keep on putting it out there. Maybe the news will die down soon...like Octomom.

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Unfortunately it seems as though they've lived a lifestyle that now needs that much money to support it. I mean, when she said she set aside $100,000 earlier because she was afraid that he would empty the account and she'd have nothing to use to feed her kids and pay her bills, I thought to myself, "Wow. You have THAT many bills?" I mean, even if it were over the course of several months, $100,000 is a lot of money.


It seems to me he's less interested in protecting his kids than sticking it to Kate whenever he can. (Not that she's all that innocent either)


The whole thing is just terribly sad.

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I'm sick of them.


On a related note, DH posed the question the other day, "Aren't they ever going to run out of reality shows?" He's pretty sick of them in general. Not 5 minutes later, a commercial came on TLC for a program called, My Monkey Baby which is about people who own monkeys and dress them up and treat them like children :lol: I told DH that the answer to his question is, "Apparently not."

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I'm sick of them.


Not 5 minutes later, a commercial came on TLC for a program called, My Monkey Baby which is about people who own monkeys and dress them up and treat them like children




Not sure who has too much time on their hands....the people who thought this up, the people who would watch this, or the people who dress their monkeys up like children. Too funny!

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I'm sick of them.


On a related note, DH posed the question the other day, "Aren't they ever going to run out of reality shows?" He's pretty sick of them in general. Not 5 minutes later, a commercial came on TLC for a program called, My Monkey Baby which is about people who own monkeys and dress them up and treat them like children :lol: I told DH that the answer to his question is, "Apparently not."


Oh my! DH and I were flipping channels and saw part of that one last night, and I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Not the point I guess! ;)


I don't know what to think about the whole JK8 thing. I watched the original shows on them before it became a series, and even then, it was a little creepy. The problem is that now, they are celebrities, like it or not. they were really struggling financially, and the show paid their bills. Now they have to provide security and private schools and all sorts of things for basic safety reasons, on top of the costs of raising the 8 kids. And Jon never once complained as long as his check kept coming. Now he is taking money out of the account and trying to stall the divorce out fo greed. It hasn't been about the kids in a long time.


But really, how are these two going to support themselves and the kids at this point without the show? It is a sick thing.

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Oh my! DH and I were flipping channels and saw part of that one last night, and I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. Not the point I guess! ;)


I don't know what to think about the whole JK8 thing. I watched the original shows on them before it became a series, and even then, it was a little creepy. The problem is that now, they are celebrities, like it or not. they were really struggling financially, and the show paid their bills. Now they have to provide security and private schools and all sorts of things for basic safety reasons, on top of the costs of raising the 8 kids. And Jon never once complained as long as his check kept coming. Now he is taking money out of the account and trying to stall the divorce out fo greed. It hasn't been about the kids in a long time.


But really, how are these two going to support themselves and the kids at this point without the show? It is a sick thing.


I was thinking this same thing. It isn't like Kate could just go back to being a nurse as a single mom. Or likely that Jon is going to come off his high horse and go back to writing computer code or whatever it was he did. I think they are stuck in the celebrity life. At least Kate has other relatively dignified things going on like her book and maybe talk show hosting or some such. She may have made a mistake, along with with Jon in the very beginnning doing the show, but now that she is in it she realizes she has to make a living for those 8 kids.


I think he is an incredibly selfish and immature creep. I never did like his manner. Now he is even worse.

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I think he is an incredibly selfish and immature creep. I never did like his manner. Now he is even worse.


Did he always appear like a spokesmodel for lip gloss?


I've never watched the shows, but on all the magazine covers, no matter how he is made up, he always resembles that guy on SNL who used to say "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough , and ________ people like me!"

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I think he is an incredibly selfish and immature creep. I never did like his manner. Now he is even worse.


:iagree: I think she only came across as shrewish because he never stepped up to do anything without being told. JMO from watching the show. I haven't watched since the split. I really wish she would have canceled the series at that point.

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Isn't it just so creepy and weird that she would go on national tv and share that? I'm afraid it's hard for me to feel sorry for people with this kind of money and advantages to put themselves in this pickle. I am working to help a mom of 2 who left her husband because of physical abuse, and she would love to have $1000. Or better yet, $5000 so she could retain a decent attorney instead of the deadbeat pro-bono one she has. She lives on $608 a month in child support and can't get a job that will pay for rent, daycare, bills, etc.


The Gosselins have made this bed, I wish they would just stop talking about it! I guess it's the public eating it all up that causes the magazines and talk shows to keep on putting it out there. Maybe the news will die down soon...like Octomom.



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She was blubbering on Today about how she NEVER wanted to go back to how it was before the show. And how they had no money to raise those kids ....maybe she should have thought about that before implanting all those embryos..... She did the show 'for her kids'......yea right.

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Unfortunately it seems as though they've lived a lifestyle that now needs that much money to support it. I mean, when she said she set aside $100,000 earlier because she was afraid that he would empty the account and she'd have nothing to use to feed her kids and pay her bills, I thought to myself, "Wow. You have THAT many bills?" I mean, even if it were over the course of several months, $100,000 is a lot of money.




Apparently, they have 2 homes -- the old one in Elizabethtown never sold and the $1.1 million dollar mansion. Bodyguards, nannies, and private chefs have to be paid. Reports a few months ago had Kate coming out of Kinko's with a paper showing a monthly expenditure list of bills close to six figures. Guess it had to be shown to the arbitraitor? Dunno how they have that much bills per month? Jon months ago said Kate has 11 different accounts. She pays the bills and is in charge of the $$$. I figure she has her earnings from books and speaking engagements (and the View) in those different accounts. I would love for this show to be cancelled. :glare:

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She was blubbering on Today about how she NEVER wanted to go back to how it was before the show. And how they had no money to raise those kids ....maybe she should have thought about that before implanting all those embryos..... She did the show 'for her kids'......yea right.
And that just comes off as so dismissive of all the families who do make it work with little money.


The show has always made me feel uncomfortable. I felt like I was peeking into something that was none of my business watching.

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She was blubbering on Today about how she NEVER wanted to go back to how it was before the show. And how they had no money to raise those kids ....maybe she should have thought about that before implanting all those embryos..... She did the show 'for her kids'......yea right.


I know... she is so out of touch with current economic times. Many people are losing their homes to foreclosure and on food stamps. And she has been reported to be complaining in the past of money issues? Now one account (out of 11) is missing money. They both are very selfish and media wh*res.

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My daughter had the show on Tivo but I banned it over a year ago.


Its so abnormal to have your children on television like that.


She chose to use whatever fertility methods she could and was fully aware of the risks.


They knew it would be hard financially with 8 children to feed/clothe.


I think she should go back to work, he should go back to work and they should both stay off the television.


She is not the first women with many children to be single. I know someone who was raised by their mother after their father left them. Five children to be raised by their mother. And they were dirt poor.


Suck it up. Move out of your million dollar home. Cancel the fancy vacations paid for by TLC. Shop at second hand stores.


Welcome to reality.

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I haven't actually seen the shows, just the promos that show Emeril cooking with the kids, Duff Goldman, the consultants at Kleinfeldts, etc. I was kinda too skeeved out by the promos to watch the actual episodes.


I also feel bad for those two German Shepherd puppies they bought--like Kate could stand dog hair and muddy pawprints-- THAT had disaster written all over it!




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My daughter had the show on Tivo but I banned it over a year ago.


Its so abnormal to have your children on television like that.


She chose to use whatever fertility methods she could and was fully aware of the risks.


They knew it would be hard financially with 8 children to feed/clothe.


I think she should go back to work, he should go back to work and they should both stay off the television.


She is not the first women with many children to be single. I know someone who was raised by their mother after their father left them. Five children to be raised by their mother. And they were dirt poor.


Suck it up. Move out of your million dollar home. Cancel the fancy vacations paid for by TLC. Shop at second hand stores.


Welcome to reality.

Kate? Shop second hand? :svengo:Isn't this the same woman that refused things from her church because they were bought at Walmart or weren't coordinated?


I watched the show once. I've caught bits and pieces of info here and there online. The one I caught was when the kids were given gum by her sister I think it was. Kate was totally unhinged, threatening to throw out one of the kids 'lovey' while the poor child screamed.


I think she's a horrid individual. I can't understand why anyone would want to listen to her talk or read a book she had someone else write for her (and then take full credit for).

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Let's watch Michelle Duggar buy a wedding dress at Kleinfeldts!




Oh, I missed this. Don't tell me they did that kind of junk with the Duggars! I'm disappointed. That's what started really putting me off the whole J&K thing, all the endless promos and stuff. And then reading about some of Kate's behavior just after the 6 were born....

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NOt only is Jon no longer on the show, I read that he's not allowing the kids to be filmed.


Curiouser and curiouser. And, sadder and sadder for the kids.



Rather curious that he suddenly has his "epiphany" (his word not mine) about the danger to the kids the exact same week that TLC announces his name isn't in the title of the show any more.


And wow...it scares me to think that reports last year when all the scandal started were that they were being paid $70,000+ an episode (this was reported back when the brother and SIL were asking to be paid and Kate allegedly refused to let TLC and kicked them off the show). So 70k a show and all they have available in bank accounts is $221,000, so that when Jon allegedly took $220,000 out of this account Kate had to run to morning news shows wailing that she couldn't pay bills or feed her children? Wow....wonder where all the money has gone, especially since the show isn't even their only source of income (books, speeches, Jon's clothing line advance, Kate's next book advance).


I can't say I understand their need to call the media with a press release for every nasty thing, or go on all these news/talk shows to talk more about it. Didn't they say in the very beginning that they were asking the media to respect their rights to privacy? Why don't they take their own request!


I don't get cable so we could only watch the DVDs from the library, but I won't be borrowing this last season when it comes out....I am tired enough of having to sit through the news about their life so that I can hear the important news....I don't want to purposely watch this train wreck.


I feel sorry for the kids....it's tough enough on a kid to watch their parents act like idiots in private, but to have their every move on news/gossip shows. And the sad part is that even if they are protecting their kids from all the news shows and such, it's going to be public fodder forever, so as adults these kids will have access to it.


I wish TLC would pull the plug permanently....I thought it so classy of them to say they were suspending filming to give the family time to have privacy to work through all this....looks like that classy is over, lol.


Personally though, I hope Jon wins and the kids aren't allowed to be on film anymore....that ends "whoever + 8" and hopefully Kate and Jon will slip into obscurity after that. And the kids can try to return to a normal life. Otherwise I see Mary Kate & Ashley x 4.

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I think she's a horrid individual. I can't understand why anyone would want to listen to her talk or read a book she had someone else write for her (and then take full credit for).


It was the one where she took the children to a 'decorate a cupcake' day for their fourth birthday. She took them in their church clothes, fussed constantly about their getting messy, said they couldn't have their cupcakes until after supper (even though it would take over an hour to get home) then refused to give the cupcakes to some of the children because they hadn't finished their supper.


It was their birthday! I'm Mrs Rigid, but even I have limits!



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" She was on the Today show this morning talking about Jon taking $230,000 out of their joint account and leaving her with $1000."



Why, oh why would ANYONE want to share this information with the public?? I don't even think I would share this info with my closest friend! ACKKK!! I don't know why this family thinks we care about every single problem they have??! If he did this and she did that then they need to deal with each other--not go on tv and tell everyone??!! I just don't understand their thinking process??:confused:

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The one I caught was when the kids were given gum by her sister I think it was. Kate was totally unhinged, threatening to throw out one of the kids 'lovey' while the poor child screamed.


Yup, folks who dislike Kate call this the "gumgate" episode.


It was the one where she took the children to a 'decorate a cupcake' day for their fourth birthday. She took them in their church clothes, fussed constantly about their getting messy, said they couldn't have their cupcakes until after supper (even though it would take over an hour to get home) then refused to give the cupcakes to some of the children because they hadn't finished their supper.


And this was labeled "cupcake-gate" episode. :D




Seriously, I saw the episode where she went ballistic on limp noodle-head Jon when he went to Lowes or Home Depot for a shower head in their new home. He forgot to give her the receipt. In front of the cameras, she demasculated him verbally with such horrid behavior... it was shocking. Over less than $25. What a trip. Me thinks Kate has some serious issues that need medication. Yikes.

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I'm sick of them.


On a related note, DH posed the question the other day, "Aren't they ever going to run out of reality shows?" He's pretty sick of them in general. Not 5 minutes later, a commercial came on TLC for a program called, My Monkey Baby which is about people who own monkeys and dress them up and treat them like children :lol: I told DH that the answer to his question is, "Apparently not."


OH MY GOODNESS! This had me laughing out loud all day, and I had to come back on here and yell THANK YOU! for posting that!

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Yup, folks who dislike Kate call this the "gumgate" episode.




And this was labeled "cupcake-gate" episode. :D


Seriously, I saw the episode where she went ballistic on limp noodle-head Jon when he went to Lowes or Home Depot for a shower head in their new home. He forgot to give her the receipt. In front of the cameras, she demasculated him verbally with such horrid behavior... it was shocking. Over less than $25. What a trip. Me thinks Kate has some serious issues that need medication. Yikes.


I saw both those episodes and they did make me cringe. Mostly because I can see myself doing the exact same thing---on a bad day---not necessariy all of the time. Maybe that is why my stbx starting sleeping with a 23 year old. Shrug.


I think Kate has recognized her tendencies to obess and I think Jon has used the public's distain of her to justify his actions. I think she has been much better of late. I hate to see their pubic problems played out in the media....but they are IN the media, and she knows it will be leaked eventually anyway....so why not get her side of it out there.


As you can see I'm not a Kate Hater. But I can't stand to watch the show anymore. Makes me sick and sad to see families destroyed for whatever reason.

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I saw an article today about more of their problems. Really, it did not need to be public. Something about his taking $250,000 an only leaving her $1000. something about $1000 could not buy groceries??? Ok if I had $1000 for groceries it would go a long way, and yes I could feed myself and 8 kids with $1000. I find it difficult to believe all the money they have in the world is $251,000. It is none of my business how much money they have, and what they do with it. On the other hand if she is going public saying she can not buy groceries with that, I believe there is someone who could give some great advice on how to stretch $1000 to feed the family. Or then again it could just be a stunt to get sympathy.

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Definitely sick of the show...sick of the drama. I liked it at the beginning. Kate was annoying and over the top, but they seemed to be working together. Then, I think they just got waaaay too big for their britches. Everything had to match for the kids, big trips, then the big house, etc. Just too much.


The kids need to be off camera... Jon & Kate need to get out of the spotlight. They BOTH need to think about their kids and the fact that their divorce is being played out in the headlines.... I'm sure someone has already (or will soon) say something to the kids at school. UGH!



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Thank-you for posting this. I am so tired of people being put on a pedistal. It's amazing how people were so drawn into their family, reading their books etc. like they were the perfect family when all you had to do is take off the rosy colored glasses to see how the whole thing was completely disfunctional. I agree with a lot of these posts that she had serious issues, and the way she stripped her husband was terrible. I really feel bad for these kids. When the marriage started failing they should have stopped taping and spent some serious time together and gone through counselling. Keeping the family together should have been the priority,not the paycheck. There are a lot of big families on this board who do amazingly well with the kind of income they used to have. It's terrible that she makes it out like you need a huge amount of money to make a big family work. :rant: Thanks for letting me rant!

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I hate that I ever watched the show and allowed my kids to too! Somehow I fell into "caring" and then after the break-up, praying. And now, gee whiz it's insane. But I think a lot of biblical truth being played out too. Lesson for me- don't waste my time watching other lives on tv. Too much great life happening right here!

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